Profiles in Catholicism

Jun 28, 20186 min

Police Protection/Challenges

Updated: Dec 23, 2022



Prayer for Officer Ella French

Dear God,
Please keep Officer Ella French into your infinite love and care, help her family and friends grieve, hold her in their memory, and serve a model of compassion and care for everyone.
by Sarah Lyon Profiles in Catholicism

Prayer for William ‘Billy’ Evans

Oh Lord, William ‘Billy’ Evans,
an 18-year veteran of the Capitol Police force,
was murdered while defending our Capitol.
The murderer drove a car into him while he stood,
doing his duty to protect our democracy.
All Americans honor his valor and bravery,
and mourn his loss.

Our hearts and prayers to out to his family,
to his fellow officers of the Capitol Police
who risk their lives to protect our freedom
and diverse ways of life.

We join with Rep. Nancy Pelosi, who speaks for all of usK
“America’s heart has been broken by the tragic and heroic death.”
But though heartbroken and in national, communal grief,
we pray that his death will not have been in vain,
and that our representative Congress and Senate
will, as he hoped and for which he gave his life,
join hands across the aisle to honor his memory
by working together for the benefit of all Americans,
for whom he died.

May he rest in the peace of the Lord.
And may his memory be for a blessing.
by Dr. Eugene Fisher Profiles in Catholicism

A Prayer for Denis Mullaney


In your infinite compassion for those affected with mental health challenges, please welcome Denis Mullaney into your infinite loving embrace and confort
his family and colleagues
by Gordon Nary Profiles in Catholicism

A Prayer for Brian Sicknick

God of mercy,

we commend into your loving hands

Brian Sicknick

who served and protected your people

and who died fulfilling his responsibilities in the Capitol.

We thank you for the countless men and women

who serve and protect us each day,

often risking their own lives for our safety.

Watch over all of them, and

keep us always mindful of them and grateful for their service. Amen
by Father Louis Cameli Profiles in Catholicism

A Prayer for Two Police Officers Shot in California

God of all peoples and all places,
We know that life is full of risks.
Getting out of bed is a risk.
Walking across the street is a risk.
Loving others as you love us is a risk.
With COVID-19, even breathing has become a risk.
Some of us have jobs or professions that put us at greater risk.
That includes those in law enforcement.
Lord, we decry the senseless attack on two Los Angeles County deputies,
A man and a woman sitting in their patrol car near a subway station.
We pray for their full recovery.
We also pray for our nation and for our world.
While violence may seem like an appropriate outlet for our anger,
A justified response to oppression,
Your gift to us is “peace”.
You asked us to learn to forgive one another,
As you have forgiven us.
by Father Joseph Chamblain, O.S.M. Profiles in Catholicism

Prayer for all police and firefighters with Covid-19 and who have died from Covid-19

Good and Gracious God,

You place each one of us in your loving embrace. We want to live this journey with You, Lord. Our firefighters: Edward Singleton and Mario Araujo have given their skills to you dear Lord and now rest with you.  Help all those left behind to remember the joy and gift you were to them. Our police officers: Marco DiGranco, Joseph Cappello, and Clifford Martin have given You their best.  They now, too, rest in your loving arms. All of us Lord, are grateful for the skills that they brought in service to You and in love of us.  The sacrifice is unbridled and unbelievable. They took part in all that is difficult about the pandemic. The messiness, the ugliness and the horror of this disease was something all the firefighters and police officers were willing to do for us.  Help us to be grateful to them and to all who are working in this field. We ask you this through Christ our Lord, in union with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism

Book Reviews and Commentaries

Film Reviews and Commentaries



NYPD Memorial Mass Remembers Officers Lost to COVID

Father Dan Brandt Thanks The CPD For Their Service

by CBS News