A Message from the Editor
I was fortunate to have visited Belfast many years ago and I still remember
Kelly's Cellars where I had the best time of my life. It is the best bar that I have ever been to, and the people were the friendliest people that I have ever met. I miss Belfast and hope that I may have an opportunity to visit there again.
A Quote to Remember
“He touched on the spirit of gratitude and hard work.” by Pope Francis
St. Patrick’s Prayer
May the Strength of God pilot us.
May the Power of God preserve us.
May the Wisdom of God instruct us.
May the Hand of God protect us.
May the Way of God direct us.
May the Shield of God defend us.
May the Host of God guard us
Against the snares of the evil ones,
Against temptations of the world.
May Christ be with us!
May Christ be before us!
May Christ be in us,
Christ be over all!
May Thy Salvation, Lord,
Always be ours, This day, O Lord, and evermore.
Prayer for a Murdered Dominican Priest
Good and Gracious God, It is with heartful sadness, we ask you to bless the family of Father young Dominican priest, Father Ngoc Thanh, who was devoted to serving ethnic groups in Vietnam’s Central Highlands has been killed in a knife attack. An informed source from Kontum Diocese said Dominican Father Joseph Tran Ngoc Thanh, who provided pastoral care for Sa Loong Sub parish in Kon Tum province, was stabbed many times while he was hearing confessions in the church on Jan. 29. The violence of this act, we bring to you, dear Lord, to beg all that suffer from this tragedy may be healed. Help us to heal from the wounds of violence inflicted on a priest of God. The source said Father Thanh died hours after being hospitalized He was 40 years old. by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Prayer for the murdered Anglican Priest Father William Siraj
Lord God,
Please console the family and friends of Father William Siraj,
and keep him in your eternal blessed embrace, Please help bring his murderer to Justice.
by Sarah Lyon Profiles in Catholicism
Prayer for the Children of Nigeria
Oh Lord, the children in Nigeria are starving to death.
We join together with all Catholics, with all Christians,
with all people of faith.
Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists.
All who pray to you. The One God,
Lord of all humanity.
We pray that these innocent children
will have the sustenance, food, medicine, care
so that they may grow and flourish and help their communities
and all whom they may see who also will need the help that they need now.
We pray that the religious peoples of the world may come together to provide food
for these children,
and that the nations of the world may unite to send them what they need
to survive
and thrive.
And together we pray Amen. Let it be so!
by Dr. Eugene Fisher Profiles in Catholicism
Remembering Bahram Dehqan
We remember Bahram Dehqani-Tafti who died on 6 May 1980, at the age of just 24, the only son of the first ethnic Iranian Anglican bishop; he was ambushed as he drove home from work, and shot dead.
O God, we remember Bahram, and give thanks for his life.
We also think of all who are intent on violence and murder, knowing that the dimension of hatred and the measure of sinfulness can be found in human nature.
Enlarge our love of others, that love divine which has no bounds, so that we may be set free from hatred towards our persecutors.
May your love bring patience, forbearance, courage, loyalty, humility, generosity and gentleness of heart; may your love in Jesus Christ teach us how to prepare ourselves to face our own day of death.
by Harvey Richardson Profiles in Catholicism
Prayer for Rayan Oram
Dear God, Please welcome Rayan Oram
into Your eternal loving embrace
and console his family.
Also bless al those who worked so diligently to free him from the well,
by Gordon Nary Profiles in Catholicism
A prayer for those suffering from leprosy
“From Isolation to Community”
In the history of salvation, Lord, there were moments when illness Signified your displeasure – but there were moments, too, when an Illness was an opportunity for people of faith to ask for your help, Freely given, giving rise to thanksgiving and praise and the Knowledge that Israel was where your presence was signposted, Magnified and announced to the nations of the world, just as you Chose a heart under which to be conceived, making, literally, a holy Woman a place to begin again the beginning of entering our history.
As you walked among us, Lord, coming out of the family life in which You grew and saw and understood our needs and how to speak to us, Grasping the words and signs, the signs that opened upon the words And the words which opened up the signs – you healed, time and Time again, all who came to you asking, again and again, to help our Helplessness that prompts you to take us beyond the frontier of our Own efforts to the door of eternal life, drawing us into faith through Love of loving to heal us beyond the ills which bring us to our knees.
Now we know, Lord, more and more of us than ever before, the Loneliness and isolation of illness, blighting family life, friendships, Company, work and the willingness and ability to go out to others, Challenging us to draw upon you in new ways, to be present, to be in Contact, to be in the presence of each other, drawing back into life Those drawn to death, abandoned, alone, unspeakably treated, left in Silence and still, still we need to hear the cry that arises out of the Reports, telling of all the people pinned, mercilessly, to greedy gains.
Oh how deeply, Lord, you understand how the heart is hidden and has To be opened by a surgical word, a word unlike any other word, a Word, or a word-event, speaking to us from the past’s account of your Passing and, like an opening crack, bringing more light than can be Contained by one life and spilling, ever so liberally, upon one and Countless more, calling us out of our own shelters to see and to act, With you, for others, innumerable others, bringing your healing Again and again, to this generation’s diseases and contagious silence.
Bring us, Lord, again and again, into the company of your Church, Again and again, to show us, again and again, the face of your Father’s love, so obscured by disfiguring sins that often we cannot See where you are or who can make you present – but we believe that the Church is for the undoing of sinners, turning us into saints, saving Us from our self-seeking and that you are bringing a new beginning Of openness and honesty, healing and hope and that her witness is Welcome, hope, wonder and joy over the God who loves loving us!
Inspire us, Lord, in all the ways that your grace can run through the Natural world, connecting and leaping, rising up and suffusing us and, Through us, throughout all the amazing gifts you give to bring Inventiveness, imagination, creativity, to all whom we care for, to all That we do, to all that we seek to bring about for the good of all, Especially for the good of the poor, the disabled, the disadvantaged, The stranded, the stuck, the sinking, those lost in camps or hidden in Dumps and dreadful pits, that the light of the your love be with us all.
by Francis Etheredge author of 11 books – go through the portal to a world of writing: https://www.hprweb.com/author/francis-etheredge/
Prayer for the healers of the sick
They are the carers and the healers that are dedicated to help the sick, they are the compassionate with the love that eases pain, hey Lord bring comfort and they cure the afflicted, and the wounded, they are the Good Samaritans that save the strangers by the wayside they are the parents that love their children and are by their side Lord making you present with acts of care and love, they and millions more that restore to health and cure the sick as You did Lord of life and goodness. You are love that never ends. by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
Ireland Interviews
General Interviews
Ireland Articles/Commentaries
Irish military chaplain stabbed multiple times by teenager outside barracks
by Charles Collins Crux
Sinead O’Connor says she will never perform again after son’s death by Evening Standard
Lynn Buckle wins Barbellion Prize; Irish authors and bookshops on several prize lists by Martin Doyle Irish Times
US Ambassador vows to defend and protect Good Friday Agreement. by IrishCentral
Widening split in Catholic Church laid bare by response to report on Emeritus Pope Benedict by Derek Scally Irish Times
Pope Francis appoints bishop to lead two Irish Catholic dioceses by Catholic News Agency
EXCLUSIVE: Irish group steps up with offer to save Ireland's Great Hunger Museum by Debbie McGoldrick IrishCentral
Remarkable film of Magdalene laundry women and nuns by Frances Mulraney IrishCentral
Mental health services sharply criticised for responses to children in care by Shauna Bowers The Irish Times
As Ursulines shift presence in Ireland and Kenya, their links and legacy endure by Sarah Mac Donald Global Sisters Report
Calls for change as violence against women continues post-Ashling Murphy murder by Shane O'Brien IrishCentral
Sex abuse charges against priest discontinued by The Irish News Link to Catholic Sexual Violence Against Minors
Man jailed after 'Wild West rampage' in County Donegal by BBC
Irish man reunited with family after being detained in China for almost 3 years by IrishCentral
Public holiday marking St Brigid's feast established in Ireland by Catholic News Agency/Angelus
Powerful Prayers to St. Brigid of Ireland - Novena to St. Brigid and Litany to the Patron of Babies; Children of Unwed Parents; Fugitives; Ireland; Midwives; Poets by Catholic News World
The Irish Times view on clerical abuse: Benedict has questions to answer by Irish Times
Irish Chaplaincy Blog: Transformational Friendship by Eddie Gilmore Independent Catholic News
Irish archbishop: Bloody Sunday families denied truth ‘for too long’ by Charles Collins Crux
50 years after Northern Ireland's 'Bloody Sunday,' survivors still seek justice by Sahm Venter National Catholic Reporter
An Open Letter to RTE On St. Brigid by Catholic Arena
Irish woman accused of murdering her three children can be named publically again by Shane O'Brien IrishCentral Link to Murdered Children
Young people want a say on bonfire traditions by Network for Youth
Link to Youth Challenges and Leadership
The Irish Times view on domestic violence: zero tolerance would be a start by Irish Times Link to Domestic Violence
Irish adoptees to get right of access to birth certificates by BBC
Irish Men's New Year's Day Rosary Rally by Catholic Arena Link to The Rosary
3,000 Native Irish Catholics Buried in Mass Grave by Irish government Catholic Arena
Ireland: Nine new students begin studies for priesthood by Independent Catholic News
Priest apologises for sexually assaulting sisters in their own home in the Midlands by Liam Cosgrove Offaly Express Link to Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls
Closure of Ireland's Great Hunger Museum is a scandal beyond belief by Cahir O'Dohert IrishCentral
Irish Olympian attacked and beaten by mob in Dublin by Shane O'Brien IrishCentral
Dublin’s Catholic archbishop pays tribute to priest who ‘sacrificed himself to save his secretary’ by Catholic News Agency
Report shows Irish teachers' concern over bullying of practicing Catholic students by Christine Rousselle Catholic News Agency Link to Cyberbullying, School Bullying, and Hazing
Irish Jesuits admit failure on abuser fuelled trauma by Sarah MacDonald The Tablet Link to The Jesuits
Number of homeless people in Ireland rises above 8,000 by Jade Wilson Irish Times Link to Homeless
Hitler's secret plans for Nazis to invade Ireland sells at auction for $1.3k by Shane O'Brien IrishCentral
Irish politician apologizes for likening vaccine "segregation" to Rosa Parks by Shane O'Brien IrishCentral
Ireland's Abortion Rate Increases (Again) by Catholic Arena Link to Abortion
Belfast woman who raised £10k for cancer research appeals for help after diagnosis by IrishCentral Link to Cancer
Ireland: The Organization Has Helped 7,000 Victims of Abuse over the Past 25 Years by Scout Mitchell Swords Today
Ireland’s postal service unveils special Irish language stamp for Pride month by IrishCentral Link to LGBTQ Challenges
Dublin: Nineteen arrests after second night of trouble in Dublin by BBC
Brave Irish teen saves mother and daughter from drowning in Co Carlow by IrishCentral
“Irish Joseph Fritzl” - Irish woman held captive and raped by stepfather over 20 years by Shane O'BrienIrishCentral Link to Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls
13-year-old crushed by tractor in "tragic death", inquest hears by Shane O'Brien IrishCentral
Horror as girl pushed under Dublin train by pack of thugs by Shane O'Brien IrishCentral
Rioters ignore pleas for calm as violence flares in Belfast by Peter Morrison and Danika Kirka The Associated Press
Belfast bishop urges politicians to avoid inciting more violence by Catholic News Service
Loyalists petrol-bomb Belfast bus as violence continues in NI.Loyalist violence has been ongoing in Northern Ireland over the past six days with 41 police officers injured across the region by Shane O'Brien IrishCentral
Irish priest fined for celebrating Mass in front of 40 people, refuses to pay by Shane O'Brien IrishCentral
Irish artist brings historical photographs to life with state-of-the-art technology. My Colorful Past is bringing historic photographs to life, quite literally, using animation technology by Shane O'Brien IrishCentral
Seminarian is at NCAA men’s basketball tourney as a team chaplain by Tom Dermody Catholic News Service
Pope elevates Ireland’s national Knock Shrine to international status by Sarah MacDonald Catholic News Service
The secret Jewish history of St. Patrick’s Day by Seth Rogovoy The Forward
Dublin Archbishop: Don’t put business before faith when lifting lockdown by Charles Collins Crux
How St. Patrick changed Ireland—and the church by Damien Costello U.S. Catholic
Irish Famine migrants lives explored in online exhibition/"Irish Famine Migrant Stories in Ontario" will tell the untold stories of the Irish Famine migrants who endured a typhus epidemic while emigrating to Canada by Shane O'Brien IrishCentral
Irish man held without charge in China appeals for immediate return home. Richard O'Halloran, a businessman from Dublin, has been held without charge in China for two years by Shane O'Brien IrishCentral Link to China Challenges
How a former heroin addict unearthed a book of Irish martyrs by Catholic News Agency
Rise in priest suicides prompts call for helpline in Ireland by Catholic News Agency Link to Suicide
Ireland’s bishops warn assisted suicide puts ‘vulnerable’ people at risk by Charles Collins Crux Link to Assisted Suicide
Irish bishops decry bill to legalize euthanasia by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report Link to Euthanasia
Irish woman Vicky Phelen’s cancer treatment in the US seeing positive results by Nick Bramhill IrishCentral
Report: The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on people living with dementia in Ireland by Niamh Hennelly and Suzanne Cahill International Long-Term Care Policy Network Link to Mental Health/Illness
Cork nuns broke Ireland's travel restrictions to attend exorcism of the Dáil by Shane O'Brien IrishCentral Link to Exorcism and Satanism
Irish couple calls for random acts of kindness in memory of their twins by IrishCentral
Former solicitors who created false identities in €400,000 fraud are jailed, Keith Flynn and his wife, Lyndsey Clarke, created 80 fake accounts by Barry Roche The Irish Times
Factbox: Reports into abuses in the Irish Catholic Church by Reuters
Millions of Euro worth of cocaine seized at Irish port by IrishCentral
Nuns in Dublin take on Jerusalem a dance challenge by Shane O'Brien IrishCentral
Priest fears Irish Catholic Church ‘largely irrelevant’ to most people. Institution likened to an old car that has gone off the road and ‘sunk into a bog and is stuck’ by Patsy McGarr Irish Times
Family of teen who mysteriously died in Belfast appeals to Irish government for help. 14-year-old Noah Donohoe, an Irish passport holder, died in Belfast last June. His family is now looking to the Irish government for help. by Kerry O'Shea Irish Central
General Articles/Commentaries
Dominican priest murdered while hearing confessions in Vietnam by UCA News Link to Murdered Priests and Seminarians
Pope prays for priest murdered in the DRC by Benedict Mayaki, SJ Vatican News
Vietnamese priest forgave his murderer by UCA News Link to Forgiveness
Anglican pastor shot dead in Pakistan on way home from church by Courtney Mares Catholic News Agency
‘Our future is in danger’: 1,000-year-old Order of Malta in turmoil amid crunch talks by Andrea Gagliarducci Catholic News Agency
Josephine Baker's life asks Catholics to imagine new ways to respect all — especially Black women by Patrick Saint-Jean, S.J. National Catholic Reporter
Prayers Answered as Kidnapped Catholic Priest Named Fr. Joseph Shekari is Released! by Catholic News World
Ministering to the Disabled on the Counsel of Trent Podcast by Matthew Schneider Patheos Link to Disabilities
Violence Against Children is an Obstacle to Peace by Shay Cullen ThePreda Foundation Link to Children Challenges
The Plastic that Kills by Shay Cullen The Preda Foundation
‘Manila boy’ becomes 5th Filipino apostolic nuncio by Dempsey Reyes Inquirer
Manila clergy to lead ‘penitential walk’ to pray for Filipino voters by Robin Gomez Vatican News
A Pathway to Holiness: A Single Man’s Search for Vocation by Thomas J Salerno Busted Halo Link to Religious Vocations
Man accused of blasphemy stoned to death by mob in Pakistan by Asim Taveer The Associated Press/ABC News
This Colombian bishop in a drug trafficking zone receives death threats by Walter Sanchez Silva Catholic News Agency
Combat Human Trafficking and Make the Country a Better Place to Live! by Kevin Napier LinkedIn Link to Human Trafficking
Featured Report
The Prophetic Vision of Samuel Coleridge by Father John O'Brien, OFM Profiles in Catholicism
Featured Report
Mark, Bach or Tweet? Creative Artistry vs Technical Science by Harvey Richardson Profiles in Catholicism
We have a moral obligation to save Afghans from starving by Tony Magliano The Catholic Diocese of Lexington Link to Starvation
Bahamas archbishop laments ‘horrific tragedy’ of migrant drownings by John Lavenburg Crux
Canon lawyer ‘terrified’ by young conservative seminarians by Sarah Mac Donald The Tablet
UN relief chief urges immediate life-saving aid for Syrians by Robin Gomes Vatican News Link to War
Anti-Semitic graffiti found near Jewish Family Service of Seattle by King5 Link to Antisemitism
Two terrorists convicted of lynching Jew who was walking dog in Sheikh Jarrah by The Jerusalem Post
Pope Pius XII knew early about Holocaust and saved many Jews by Mario Galgan Vatican News Link to The Holocaust
The most important Jewish woman of medieval England recognized with new statue by Catherine Pepinster Religion News Service
Sydney swimmer dies after being attacked by 15-foot shark by WGN-TV
Mexican bishops pray for 13 pilgrims killed in road accident by Diego Lopez Marina Catholic News Agency
Mexican gang members found guilty of murdering U.S. consulate employee, two others by Fox2
Indiana teen sentenced to 100 years for killing 2 young siblings by Jessica Bates The Associated Press/ Fox8
Influences of Religion and Spirituality in Medicine and Addiction Treatment by Pacific Health Link to Addiction
The Death Marches: The Final Spasm of the Nazi Genocide by Mel Laytner Tablet Link Genocide
Accidental ministry opens world of refugees to Australian Dominican by Tracey Edstein Global Sisters Report Link to The Dominicans
The Catholic Thought of Fr. Matthew P. Schneider LC by Mark Wilson Patheos Link to Legionaires of Christ
A Reflection on the Intersection of Racism and Human Trafficking by Sister Maryann Mueller, CSSF Acting Franciscan Link to The Franciscans and Human Trafficking
At trial, Vatican prosecutors reindict defendants by Junno Arocho Esteves Catholic News Service/The Pilot Link to Financial Crimes
Catholic Social Teaching: An Account of Reality by Stephen P. White The Catholic Thing Link to Catholic Social Teaching
Cyberattacks increasingly hobble pandemic-weary US schools by Cedar Arranasto The Associated Press Link to Cybersecurity
A Thomist’s guide to lying by Joe Egerton Thinking Faith
Announcement Marco Lo Russo, Made in Italy in Mexico
Abuse campaigner says Australia’s prime minister apology not enough by Kirsty Needham; editing by Richard Pullin Reuters
Kentucky’s new archbishop has led the Catholic Church’s fight against racism by America
History will judge the church harshly for its treatment of LGBTQ persons by Daniel P Horan National Catholic Reporter
Justice for women religious within the Catholic Church. Roman Curia does not bother to listen to Pope, will they take cognizance of women’s voices in the synodal process by Virginia Saldanha UCA News Link to Women Challenges and Leadership
Investigation of nuns in ‘forced conversion’ suicide case continues in India by Nirmala Carvalh Crux
Sisters and soccer players get a kick out of unlikely friendship by CathNews Link to Sports and Spirituality
Leprosy Day: Silent Heroes, the work of Catholic Nuns by Independent Catholic News Link to Leprosy
Woman Apparently Cured Of HIV Using Umbilical Cord Blood Scientists Say by Forbes Link to HIV/AIDS
Juanita High School students create diagnostic test for tuberculosis by Chris Cashman King5 Link to Tuberculosis
Covid -19 and the Prophetic Business in Nigerian Church by Lawrence Abiona An African Journal of Arts and Humanities. Vol. 7. No. 2.
Pope calls for end to discrimination against people with Hansen’s disease by Catholic News Service
Seven Things to Know About Covid-19 and Pregnancy by Emma Yasinski Smithsonian Link to Pregnancy and Pregnancy Challenges
Philippine bishops urge church finances to disconnect from fossil fuels by Brian Roewe National Catholic Reporter/EarthBeat Link to Environment and Climate Challenges
Dalit Catholics struggle for representation in Indian Church by Mary John UCA News
Angola bishops warn of ‘dark and nefarious’ atmosphere ahead of elections by Ngala Killian Crux
In Angola, migrants and minorities suffering abuse, hunger by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux
Bishops of Burkina Faso Issue Statement after Military Takeover of Country and Arrest of President "...we can only insistently invite prayer to ask God to enlighten us..." by Catholic News World
Seminary attack latest chapter in Burkina Faso’s rising wave of Islamist terror by Inés San Martín Crux
Cameroon shocked after stadium stampede leaves 8 dead at soccer tournament by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux
Bilingual school hopes to bridge linguistic divide in Cameroon by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux
Congolese archbishop expresses concern over increased attacks on civilians by Fredrick Nzwili Catholic News Service/Crux
"Egypt is the republic of fear:' New videos show torture of prisoners inside Katameya Prison by Amelia Smith Middle East Monitor Link to Prison Challenges
Failed coup puts spotlight back on Guinea-Bissau's role in cocaine trade by Aaron Ross Reuters
Dry spell persists in Ivory Coast, raising fears for cocoa crop by Loucoumane Coulibaly Reuters
As Ursulines shift presence in Ireland and Kenya, their links and legacy endure by Sarah Mac Donald Global Sisters Report
Liberia prisons: Where inmates are short of food, space and uniforms by BBC
Hunger crisis looms in Nigeria’s ‘food basket’ amid conflict by Chinedu Asadu The Associated Press
Expert urges attention to persecuted Christians as bishops decry Islamist violence in Nigeria by Jonah McKeown Catholic News Agency
Sudan activists slam UN over transition to democracy by Nathan Morley Vatican News
Adultery prosecution causes religious freedom concerns in Sudan by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux
Breaking the silence of human trafficking: Catholic sisters in Zambia speak out by Eucharia Madueke Global Sisters Report
In Latin America, Black Catholics often feel invisible and ignored by Inés San Martín Crux
‘Guardians’ protect Fort Worth churches in crisis situations by John Lavenburg Crux
Vatican selling London property at heart of fraud trial by Nicole Winfield The Associated Press
The synodal process and a story of a dying church and missing families by William Gomes The Tablet
Pope Francis: The dying need palliative care, not euthanasia or assisted suicide by Catholic News Agency Link to Palliative Care
Election Workers He Hopes Their Children Get Molested: DOJ by Katie Werms Newsweek Link to Immoral Political Practices
The ethics of pig-to-human organ transplants by Father Tadeusz Pacholczyk The Pilot Link to Organ Transplantation and to Bioethics
Rain-fed landslides kill at least 19 in southern Brazil by Debora Alware The Associated Press
Black Catholic leaders fear demise of quota law for Brazilian universities by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux
Why baseball writers were right to bar Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens from Hall of Fame by Brian Roewe National Catholic Reporter
Marc Chagall’s Jesus by Brad Miner The Catholic Thing Link to Spirituality and Art
Q & A with Sr. Anna Masawe, giving hope to Malawi's street children by Doreen Ajiambo National Catholic Reporter Link to Homeless
I Couldn’t Grieve My Mother at Home, So I Grieved Her in Rome by Matt Ortile Conde Nast Traveler
Pope Francis tells religious sisters to fight back when mistreated by 'men of the Church' by Courtney Mares Catholic News Agency
13 Wedding Guests Dead After Falling into Well During Ceremony by Gerard Kaonga Newsweek
Israel and the silent genocide of Palestinian children by Sayid Marcos Tenório Middle East Monitor Link to Children at Risk and to Genocide
17 Israelis detained for hate crimes against Palestinians in Huwara by Tovah Lazaroff The Jerusalem Post Link to Hate Crimes
War is not inevitable! by Tony Magliano Acting Franciscan Link to War
Saudi opened its airspace to Israel in return for access to spyware by Middle East Monitor
Japan's suicide catcher has one word for lost souls by Cristian Martini Grimaldi UCA News Link to Suicide
London: The Exorcist at Farm Street Film Club by Independent Catholic News Link to Exorcism and Satanism
Panel: Native Americans' economic progress like a rigged Monopoly game by Mark Pattison Catholic News Service/National Catholic Reporter Link to Native Americans
Human rights activist: Diplomatic relations between Vatican and China would be ‘totally unacceptable’ by Catholic News Agency/Angelus Link to Catholicism and China
Pope calls priestly celibacy ‘a gift,’ says friendship can make it easier by Elise Ann Allen Crux Link to Sex, Sexuality, and Celibacy
12 people found frozen to death, sparking diplomatic row between Turkey and Greece by Isil Sariyuce and Joshua Berlinger CNN
Survivors Offer Their Take on Church Changes Regarding Abuse of Adults by Erin O'Donnell Awake Milwaukee
Questions Worth Considering by Mission Doctors Association
Prepare the Way by Mission Doctors Association
Marjorie Taylor Greene's Reaction to Suggestion To Bring Dynamite to Capitol Goes Viral
by Brendan Cole Newsweek Link to United States Politics- Part Two
Trump backer, 4 others charged with voter fraud in Wisconsin by Scott Bauer The Associated Press/ABC News
The MLB Lockout: Learning from the Presupposition by Sean Barry, SJ The Jesuit Post
In the Work for Racial Justice on Catholic Campuses, Leadership Matters by Donna M. Carroll Interfaith Youth Core. Interfaith America
A former Snoop Dogg backup dancer sues him for alleged sexual assault, sex trafficking by Christie D'Zurilla Los Angles Times
Austrian police find migrants in "horror box" under truck by The Associated Press/ABC News
Australian companies ‘failing’ to prevent modern slavery by CathNews
The Critical Necessity of Catholic Education by Lois Kerschen Patheos Link to Catholic Education
Card. Ranjith slams arrest of Sri Lankan Catholic activist by Robin Gomes Vatican News
TikTok emerges as venue to 'deconstruct' Catholic theology by Renée Roden National Catholic Reporter Link to Social Media
Priest Resigns After Two Decades of Performing 'Invalid' Baptisms by Nick Mordowanec U.S.News
Archbishop says clandestine graves in El Salvador is ‘worrying’ by Inés San Martín Crux
Nicaragua: death of ex-rebel leader in jail triggers calls for release of political prisoners - by James Blears Vatican News
Italian bishop suspends priest who campaigns against vaccine mandate by Breitbart
NRA Silent as Amir Locke Slain by Police for Having a Gun He Legally ovnes by The Intercept Link to Police Brutality and Misconduct
Washington Senate passes legislation to ban sale of high-capacity magazines in historic vote by Washington State Attorney General Link to Gun Violence
When You’d Rather Mute Someone, Let Your Heart Be Battered Instead by David Said, SJ The Jesuit Post
Are today’s seminarians tomorrow’s corporate leaders? by Kathryn Post Religion News Service
French Catholic nun turns 118, making her the second oldest person in the world by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Conservative group's lawsuit over Catholic border ministry draws criticism by Brian Fraga National Catholic Reporter
Amid Black exodus, young Catholics are pushing the church to address racism by Alejandra Molina Religion News Service
The Racist Joe Rogan by Zaid Jilani Tablet
Miami archbishop decries DeSantis' immigration comments by Catholic News Agency Link to United States Immigration Challenges
Restoring religious statues 'a labor of love' for self-taught artist. by Jacqueline Tetrault The Pilot Link to Art and Faith
Soul Seeing: Desmond Tutu showed me what a soul-centered Christian life could look like by Marybeth Christie Redmond National Catholic Reporter
Parent in college bribery scandal gets 15 months in prison by The Associated Press/MSN
Development Of Doctrine Concerning Slavery And The Death Penalty by Henry Karlson Patheos Link to End of Life Challenges and to Death Penalty
He Donated His Kidney and Received a $13,064 Bill in Return by Anjeanette Damon ProPublica Link to Organ Donation
Campaign launched to end bullfighting in Catholic countries by Independent Catholic News Link to Animal Challenges
Please support one of our organizations, colleagues, and friends who need help
Please help my friend Francis Otieno care for children affected by HIV/AIDS in Africa. He desperately needs your donations.
When Children are Set Free by Father Shay Cullen Preda Foundation
Book Reviews/Commentaries/Excerpts
Walk Ride Paddle by Tim Kaine Commentary by John W. Miller America
Braving the Thin Places: Celtic Wisdom to Create a Space for Grace by Julianne Stanz Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
The Darkness Shall Be the Light by Father John O'Brien Reviewed by Adrian Cusack Westmeath Independent
And Finally … A Journalist’s Life in 250 Stories by Paddy Murray Reviewed by John Horgan Dublin Reviews
The Rise and Fall of Christian Ireland by Crawford Gribben Reviewed by Rhillip Jesnkins Patheos
Guard Your Heart by Sue Divin Reviewed by Charles Collins Crux
The Troubles by Sue Divin Reviewed by Charles Collins Crux
The Irish Way - Edited - Studies in Irish Sanctity from St. Patrick to Matt Talbot by F.J. Sheed Reviewed by Steven R. McEvoy Book Reviews and More
Ballina & Area People by Terry Reilly Reviewed by Matt Moran UCA News
The Lenten Cookbook by Scott Hahn Reviewed by Joe Egerton Independent Catholic News
The Gay Christian Drinking Game by Eve Tushnet Commentary by Eve Tushnet Patheos
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley Commentary by Lois Kerschen Patheos
Fertile Ground: A Pilgrimage through Pregnancy by Laura S. Jansson Reviewed by Carrie Frederick Frost Commonweal
Radical Sufficiency: Work, Livelihood, and a U.S. Catholic Economic Ethic by Christine Firer Hinze Reviewed by Matt Mazewski Commonweal
Go Back to Where You Came From by Wajahat Ali Reviewed by Yonat Shimron Religion News Service
The Deep Places by Ross Douthat Reviewed by Susan McWilliams Barndt Commonweal
The Heavens Are Telling the Glory of God: An Emerging Chapter for Religious Life; Science, Theology, and Mission by Sr. Laurie Brink Reviewed by Soli Salgado National Catholic Reporter
All Things New: Breaking the Cycle and Raising a Joyful Family by Erin McCole Cupp Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
The Homeboy Way: A radical approach to business and life by Thomas Vozzo and Gregory Boyle SJ Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
The Monastic Heart: 50 Simple practices for a contemplative and Fulfilling Life by Joan Chittister Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Film Reviews/Commentaries
Belfast Reviewed by Peter Bradshaw The Guardian
Death on the Nile Reviewed by Peter W Sheehan Australian Catholics
Father Stu Commentary by Mark Whalberg Catholic News Agency
CODA Reviewed by Myles Kelley, SJ The Jesuit Post
Macbeth Reviewed by Hannah LongAngelus
Cyrano Reviewed by Kristina Cooper Independent Catholic News
The Power of the Dog Reviewed by Rand Richards Cooper Commonweal
Riveted Reviewed by Laird Borrelli-Persson Vogue
Television Reviews/Commentaries
Sister Boniface Mysteries Reviewed by Kate O’Hara Patheos
Don’t Look Up Commentary by José Dueño Gorbea, SJ The Jesuit Post
Procession Reviewed by Lindsey Bahr The Associated Press
Miles Davis: Birth of the Cool Reviewed by Chris Byrd National Catholic Reporter
Squid Game Commentary by Kevin P Considine U.S. Catholic
Conversations With Friends Reviewed by David Canfield Vanity Fair
The Book of Boba Fett Commentary by Eric Clayton National Catholic Reporter
All of Us Are Dead Reviewed by Proma Khosla Mashable
Ted Lasso Commentary by Pamela Hill Nettleton U.S. Catholic
Music Reviews, Commentaries, and Announcements
The Music Man Reviewed by Mark Kennedy The Associated Press
Feasting with the Saint
Tír na nÓg ft. Oonagh
The Irish Wedding Song
Lady of Knock
The Irish Blessing
Mo Ghile Mear
Hail Mary, Gentle Woman