A Message from the Editor
A child dies every 10 seconds from poverty and hunger which are responsible for the death of 3.1 million children a year. That's nearly half of all deaths in children under the age of 5.
We need to address this horror by considering extreme child poverty as a ProLife challenge. One way of addressing this challenge is for churches, synagogues, and mosques to adopt and promote an organization that addresses extreme poverty and saves children’s lives and takes up an occasional collection for them. If we can afford an occasional donation to an organization that addresses extreme poverty, we can save some of these children’s lives. For example, one can feed a child in India for $10.00 a month. Please ask yourself if together we can honor Christ’s mandate of sanctity of ALL life.
Pope calls on world leaders to eradicate poverty, hunger. Unfortunately, world leaders have not done a great job in addressing this challenge. Together with Holy Father, we can eradicate child poverty and hunger throughout the world - together we can make a difference. Even small donations like $10 can reduce poverty and feed a child. It is up to us to protect human lives and especially the lives of children,
Here are three priests to whom we recommend sending donations.
Profiles in Catholicism are distributed to several thousand people in 68 countries. We rely on our readers for donations to continue and expand our mission. If you support our mission and find our publication of value, please make a tax-deductible donation.
A Quote to Remember
“The silent cry of so many poor men, women and children should find the people of God at the forefront, always and everywhere, in efforts to give them a voice, to protect and support them in the face of hypocrisy and so many unfulfilled promises, and to invite them to share in the life of the community.”
by Pope Francis
A Prayer to Reduce Extreme Global Poverty
Heavenly Father, We thank you and praise you for the gift of this life. Father at this moment we ask you to bless humanity and lead us to the light. In this world, people are suffering from various disorders. And ultimately the poverty came into existence and people are suffering in it, generations to generations.
Bless all the people those who are in utter poverty, and also bless all the rich people, so that they may help and bring up the poor. Dear lord in this world the problem is that lot of discrimination and also a lot of difference between the poor and the rich, always the poor becoming poorer whereas the rich becoming richest. Bless this world and all the people in it. So that all people can live a decent lifestyle, having the basic needs of food, clothing, and shelter. So fill us with your Holy Spirit to work for the eradication of the poverty; being guided by the Holy Spirit. We all work for the protection of all human values where we can dream of our world.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen
Prayer to End Violence
For all who live amidst bloodshed and violence: that the blood of those who have died may spur the living to work for peace and justice for all people
and an end to terrorism, we pray to the Lord.
A Prayer for Elizabeth McAlister
When Jesus saw the crowds, he went up the mountain, and after he had sat down, his disciples came to him. He began to teach them, saying:
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the land. Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the clean of heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of evil against you falsely because of me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven. Thus they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”
by Martha Hennessy Profiles in Catholicism
Prayer for Maria Ressa and Reynaldo Santos, Jr.
It is the truth that can set us free from the darkness of lies the deception of intrigue, the corruption of greed and evil, and those who take that stand for truth will truly suffer as you did Lord Jesus. Give strength and courage to Maria and Renaldo who fight for truth and justice.
Stand with them and us Lord Jesus, as we proclaim the truth in writing, in proclamation, in raising a prophetic voice for the poor and the oppressed, taking a stand with the wretched of the earth, the excluded, the abused and wrongly jailed for that is what you did, what you taught, lived and died for.
Give your love and the power of truth to sustain Maria Ressia our sister and Reynaldo Santos Jr. members of our family of writers, journalists, and all who are a voice of reason and justice.
You Lord suffered an unjust and shameful trial and were condemned by false witnesses, for speaking the truth, for doing good, striving to bring the Kingdom among us, and changing a corrupt society.
Sustain Maria and Reynaldo in their legal battle for justice may they see freedom from a corrupt system and may your love of justice inspire the judges and bring their appeal to a peaceful and just end. Amen
by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
Prayer for Andres Guardado and for Us All
Merciful and just Lord,
we pray for the soul of Andres Guardado
who was shot by a police officer
and died.
May he rest in your heavenly Peace.
May his family be consoled in their grief
and by all in his community.
May all ethnicities, races and religions
in his community and throughout the nation
join together to pray for him.
And for justice for him
and for all Americans.
Lord, help out nation come together
to work together for justice and peace.
We pray, together, that need reforms
in our police departments
be worked out
by citizens, public officials, and police departments
working together to create a society
with affirms and respects the lives of all,
citizens and police alike and equally.
by Dr. Eugene Fisher Profiles in Catholicism
Let’s just relax a bit.
Perhaps close our eyes.
Let our mind’s eye remember Jesus and his disciples.
They have finished preparation for the Passover Supper.
The Passover – this takes us back to the time of Moses and the suffering of
our ancestors in faith experienced in Egypt. They had it so bad.
But back to Jesus and his disciples.
Jesus reminds them/us:
“I have eagerly desired to eat the Passover with you before I suffer.”
Jesus says to them/us: Take this cup and share it.”
Jesus tells them/us: we are to suffer with him, yes with him.
Jesus then blesses the bread reminding them/us” This is my body.”
Jesus continues, reminding them/us:
“The one who is to betray me is at hand.”
The disciples ask: Does he mean me? They are upset.
How is this possible?
Who is responsible?
Lord, grant that I will be faithful.
Jesus assures them/us.
He shows them a different way.
He tells us: “I am with you as one our serves.”
Whether I lie helpless in my bed needing help,
Or leaning over a bed as one who serves,
Jesus assures us:
“I am with you.”
“I am with you as one who serves.”
(Luke 20)
by Father David O. Brown, O.S.M.. Profiles in Catholicism
Prayer for the drowned Tunisian migrants and their families
Loving Father,
We bring our tragedy to you, dear Father, for help and direction. While much of the world focuses on the coronavirus pandemic, many migrants continue to die on the Mediterranean Sea while trying to reach Italy. In the latest incident, authorities say that the bodies of 46 people have been recovered off the coast of Tunisia. The tragedy happened after their boat capsized near the city of Sfax at the weekend. Hold them in your embrace loving Father as we pray for their souls. Bless the rescue workers, many wearing masks because of the coronavirus pandemic, dealt with another crisis. Bless the officials who suggested that that the death toll from a ship packed with African migrants that sank off the Tunisian coast here rose to scores of people.
Help their loved ones and all those affected by this incident. With most bodies from this latest tragedy in the Mediterranean Sea now being recovered,
there seemed no hope that any one of the 53 people on board survived. The accident, near the Tunisian city of Sfax, ended the dreams of migrants who wanted to make the crossing to Italy start a new life in Europe. Bless their desire Lord for a new life. Help them to rest in your heavenly home now and forever. by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Prayer for Archbishop Moses Costa, of Bangladesh, Chattogram, suffering from the coronavirus[1]
Moses the Shepherd
Dear Father of your Shepherd-Son,
You witnessed His suffering
And He rose from the dead
And, as one, you sent us the Holy Spirit.
You witness, too, the suffering of a Chief Shepherd,
Once isolated and now, like many others, hospitalized.
His flock, few, amidst many whose income has dropped,
He is like a sign of our need for your providential care.
Dear Shepherd, Son of your Almighty Father,
You know the terrible immobility of the cross,
The circumstances that overwhelm us with difficulties
And hold us fast in the struggle to survive.
Be close to who cannot escape the thorns and nails
That drives the reality of people’s lives into our hearts
And bless us with fresh hope, help and the inspiration
To rise again, like your Shepherd-Son.
Dear Holy Spirit, Gift of the Father and the Son,
Breathe a-fresh your animating breath into this,
Your Chief Shepherd, his flock and the many others
Who share in our everyday problems and opportunities.
Oh Holy Family, as you passed through many trials yourself,
You know the needs of fathers, mothers and their children,
Those orphaned, abandoned, exploited and vulnerable,
Widowed, weakened, discouraged, and debilitated:
Visit each with the grace for all and build us up a-new!
Visit our society and give us cooperation beyond
What we are capable of, enrich our imaginations
With a glorious hope in the Church and the help of others.
by Francis Etheredge Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer the Child Who Lost Hope
Heavenly Father,
Please welcome this troubled boy from The Philippines into your loving embrace where he will know your infinite love for eternity. Also, grant all of us more sensitive to our children's mental health and help them in their time of need.
by Gordon Nary Profiles in Catholicism
Prayer for Dismantling Racism
Dear God, in our efforts to dismantle racism, we understand that we struggle not merely against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities – those institutions and systems that keep racism alive by perpetuating the lie that some members of the family are inferior and others superior.
Create in us a new mind and heart that will enable us to see brothers and sisters in the faces of those divided by racial categories.
Give us the grace and strength to rid ourselves of racial stereotypes that oppress some of us while providing entitlements to others.
Help us to create a Church and nation that embraces the hopes and fears of oppressed People of Color where we live, as well as those around the world.
Heal your family God, and make us one with you, in union with our brother Jesus, and empowered by your Holy Spirit.
A Prayer in the Time of Plague
Avinu Malkeinu, Dear God in Heaven, protect our families, our friends, and our neighbors as we negotiate these troubled seas in which we find ourselves afloat. Ever mindful of the fact that we are all Your creatures, we turn to You for guidance and for strength as we pray that the public officials charged with bringing us through this crisis be granted wisdom, intelligence, and insight born of compassion and charity. And we pray too that the physicians, nurses, and hospital employees who are on the front lines be spared all distress and disease as they care for the stricken, for the elderly, and for the infirm. Most of all, we pray that You look with kindness and generosity on us all, and particularly on those already infected for whose recovery we this day ardently pray, as is written in Your holy Torah, “For I, the Almighty, am the source of Your healing.” Amen, may such be Your will
General Articles/Commentaries
Pope to CHARIS: May we bring an end to the pandemic of poverty by Vatican News Link to Poverty
Pope says pandemic recovery impossible if we forget the poor by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Pope calls on world leaders to eradicate poverty, hunger by Junno Arocho Esteves Catholic News Service/National Catholic Reporter
Living on the edge: China's hidden poor by Michael Sainsbury UCA News
Catholic charities praise English soccer star’s food voucher win by Charles Collins Crux
‘Feel the pain,’ Lebanese cardinal urges government as poverty increases by Catholic News Service/Crux
COVID-19 could push 100 million people into extreme poverty, says World Bank by Daniel Gerszon Mahler, Christoph Lakner, R. Andreas Castaneda, and Haoyu Wu World Economic Forum
For Appalachia pastors, reopening means walking with the poor and vulnerable by Don Clemmer National Catholic Reporter
Pope attacks hypocrisy of politicians who 'discuss hunger but manufacture weapons' by Independent Catholic News
Nuns in Africa risk hunger during coronavirus epidemic, panel hears by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Five things you should know about social protection for children. Nearly two thirds of children around the world are not protected from the lifelong consequences of poverty. by Enkhzul Altangerel UNICEF
Poor People's Campaign stages massive online demonstration by Jack Jenkins Religion News Service
Massachusetts man charged with attempted arson at Jewish nursing home by Associated Press/Religion News Service Link to Antisemitism
Leo Melamed Describes Life as a Refugee by US Holocaust Memorial Museum
Near-Death Experience Impels French Film Director to Show Christ to the World by Solène Tadié National Catholic Register
Bill Gates Funds Pharmaceutical Companies Using Aborted Baby Parts to Make Coronavirus Vaccines by Mat StaverLifeSiteNews Link to Abortion
Guernsey legislature rejects efforts to prevent disability discrimination in abortion by Catholic News Agency/Angelus
Abortion opponents protest COVID-19 vaccines’ use of fetal cells by Meredith Wadman Science
US Bishops applaud protections for doctors objecting to abortion by Devin Watkins Vatican News
When The Light Shines Again by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism Link to Priestly Reflections
Her pregnancy was already high risk. Then she gave birth on a ventilator by Samantha Schmidt The Washington Post Link to Coronavirus
In Togo, a Catholic nun fights coronavirus for the sake of her AIDS patients by Clément Girardot Religion News Service/America Link to HIV/AIDS
Mutation in new coronavirus increases chance of infection: study by Manas Mishra Reuters
COVID-19 worsens danger, hardships that people face in conflict zones by Chris Herlinger Global Sisters Report
Peru archbishop fills cathedral with portraits of Covid-19 victims by Associated Press/The Guardian
On the phone from miles away, sister doctors in India counsel on COVID-19 by Saji Thomas Global Sisters Report
COVID-19 pandemic fuels conspiracy theories – in the world and the Church by Charles C. Camosy Crux
Study finds Hydroxychloroquine no better than placebo by Chris Rutkowski University of Manitoba News
US sends Brazil 2 million doses of drug to treat coronavirus despite link to deaths by Jon Sharman Independent
COVID-19 to slash global economic output by $8.5 trillion over next two years by United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
I had Covid-19. Ballet renewed my faith in the human body. by Elyse Durham America
Poland's nuns join rap video challenge to help health care workers by Jonathan Luxmoore Catholic News Service/National Catholic Reporter
A New Project Attempts to Tell the Story Behind Every COVID Victim in New York City by Chloe Schama Vogue
Is India losing its battle against Covid-19? by Nirendra Dev UCA News
COVID-19 Public Health Restrictions Shouldn’t Mean Dying Alone by Barbara Pesut Epoch Times Link to End of Life Challenges
Ukrainian president again asks pope to help with citizens’ release by Carol Glatz Crux
Dozens arrested in Belarus amid unusual signs of political unrest by Patrick Reevell ABC News
U.S. government condemns persecution of Catholic Church in Nicaragua by Inés San Martín Crux
Facebook removes Trump ads with symbols once used by Nazis by Associated Press/PBS News Hour Link to United States Politics, Immoral Political Practices, White Supremacy and to Social Media
Trump pleaded with China's president to buy US agricultural products to help him win the 2020 election, John Bolton's new book says by Sonam Sheth Business Insider
John Bolton’s Book Claims Trump’s Foreign Policy Consists of Mostly Cheap Gifts and Supporting Concentration Camps by Luke Darny GQ
Ice Cube Slams Donald Trump With A Brutal Comparison by Berk Uykucuogl FROMTHESTAGE
Religion scholars turn activist in the shadow of Trump by Lauren Markoe Religion News Service
As Putin’s Regime Stifles the State, the Pandemic Shows the Cost by Nathaniel Reynolds Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
The American Soviet Mentality by Izabella Tabarovsky Tablet
Hero: Priest Donates Kidney to Help Young Mother by Deacon Greg Kandra The Deacon’s Bench
Filipino boy kills himself over online learning by Joseph Peter Calleja UCA News Link to Suicide/Assisted Suicide/Euthanasia
The Lure of Blood Money by Alexander Muller Carnegie Middle East Center
Catholic Medical Professionals Can Be Punished for Following Their Consciences by Mary Rose Short National Catholic Register Link to Ethics and Ethical Challenges in Healthcare
U.S. states accuse 26 drugmakers of generic drug price fixing in sweeping lawsuit by Diane Bartz and Jonathan Stempel Reuters
Mexican bishops pledge to help southern Oaxaca after quake by David Agren Catholic News Service/Angelus
A Hospital’s Secret Coronavirus Policy Separated Native American Mothers From Their Newborns by Bryant Furlow New Mexico In Depth/ProPublica Link to Coronavirus and to Fear, Hate, Prejudice, and Discrimination against Others
Church Militant, a conservative Catholic group supportive of Trump, denounced for video calling black archbishop ‘African Queen’ by Jack Jenkins Religion News Service Link to Racial Challenges
Black Catholics: Words not enough as church decries racism by David Crary Associated Press
On Chesterton, sin, and why racism is never a thing of the past by Lauren Enk Mann The Catholic World Report
Metuchen Catholic Bishop: Racism is an Evil ‘More Dangerous’ Than Coronavirus by Catholic News Agency/National Catholic Register
Oakland priest calls bishop a 'liar' and a 'racist' by Peter Feuerherd National Catholic Reporter
FBI Investigating Noose Left In NASCAR Stall Of Black Driver by Jenna Fryer Black News Channel
A Presumption of Guilt. In too many situations, black men are considered offenders incapable of being victims themselves. by Bryan Stevenson The New York Review of Books
Racism in pollution and policing: A conversation with Robert Bullard, father of environmental justice by Brian Roewe EarthBeat
Kandhamal mourns Catholic soldier killed in border clash by Bijay Kumar Minj UCA News
It's what I think' Mississippi official makes racist comments after confederate statue vote by Sarah Fowler Mississippi Clarion Ledger
Trevor Noah Tries to Make Sense of Rayshard Brooks Killing by Christopher Rosen Vanity Fair Link to Murder and to Police Brutality
18-Year-Old Andres Guardado's Death Prompts More Police Brutality Protests in Los Angeles by Lucy Diavolo Teen Vogue
Covid-19 and racism key issues discussed at Irish Bishops meeting by Vatican News
Canadian archbishop: Fight against racism needs ‘personal change of heart’ by Michael Swan Crux
The Holy Family, Celibacy, and Marriage: A Reflection on the “Passage” from the Jewish Rite of Marriage to the Sacrament of Marriage by Francis Etheredge Homiletic & Pastoral Review
The church must make reparation for its role in slavery, segregation by Shannen Dee Williams National Catholic Reporter
We need to embody a blues hope. Embracing a blues hope means making a decision to stand with and for every black and brown person in America. by Alex Mikulich National Catholic Reporter
American Racist. A Q&A with Kevin MacDonald, the country’s most influential white identitarian ideologue by David Samuels Tablet Link to White Supremacy
Meet the pioneers who cleared the path for today‘s Catholic activists by Kaya Oake U.S. Catholic Link to Catholic Activism
St. John Henry Newman’s Apologia revisited by Edward Short The Catholic World Report
Bishops renew justice call for murdered Filipino priest. Philippine diocese marks two years since Father Richmond Nilo was gunned down while preparing for Mass by Joseph Peter Calleja UCA News Link to Murdered Priests and Seminarians
More than 7,000 killed in the Philippines in six months, as president encourages murder by Amnesty International Link to Murder
Polish bishop lashes out at archbishop for reporting abuse cover-up to Vatican by Paulina Guzik Crux Link to Clerical Sexual Violence Against Minors
Local priest says Bishop changed the locks on his churches and residence by Santiago Melli-Huber WFXR
Safeguarding children online, Fr Hans Zollner explores online risks for children and offers tips for their online safety. by Sr Bernadette Mary Reis, fsp Vatican News Link to Children Challenges/ Outreach/Protection
Pope’s appeal – protect children from exploitation by CathNews
Save the Children: spike in violence against women and children in Venezuela lockdown by Vatican News
Weeks After PTSD Settlement, Facebook Moderators Ordered To Spend More Time Viewing Online Child Abuse by Sam Biddle The Intercept Link to Social Media
Church must act over online child sex abuse by Michael Sainsbury UCA News
US Bishops add 4 members to safeguarding review board by Vatican News
Out of sight, people suffer from rise in violence in eastern Burkina Faso by Abdallah Hussein, MSF head of mission in Burkina Faso Médecins Sans Frontières Link to African Challenges
A priest's memoir of a Muslim parent. by Kamran Chaudhry UCA News
US, European Bishops offer prayers ahead of nuclear arms control meeting by Vatican News Link to Nuclear Challenges
Syrian archbishop condemns new US sanctions against Syrian people by Robin Gomes Vatican News
Argentina’s bishops condemn ‘illegal espionage’ of clerics by government by Inés San Martín Crux
Eradicating elder abuse by Leela Ramdeen Independent Catholic News Link to Elder Challenges/ Outreach/Protection
Supreme Court Rules Against Ending DACA Program by Carol Zimmermann The Tablet Link to DACA
Secret tales of an Irish boyhood long ago by Michael Whelan IrishCentral
Church group seeks probe into Indian nun's unnatural death by UCA News reporter UCA News
Lessons Learned from the Closing of the Memphis Jubilee Schools by Bernard Dumond Development Innovations 360 Link to Catholic Schools
Catholic schools and America’s future by Archbishop José H. Gomez Angelus
Philippine bishops issue Independence Day rallying cry. Prelates call on Filipinos never to give up freedom struggle in face of oppressive govt policies by Joseph Peter Calleja UCA News
Manila court convicts top journalist of libel. Bishops say convictions of Rappler founder Maria Ressa and a writer are another blow to press freedom in the Philippines by Joseph Peter Calleja UCA News Link to Media
Scottish man fined for calling an Irish man a leprechaun by Shane O'Brien Irish Central
Despite Vatican’s ruling, Virginia priest who blogs about clergy sex abuse remains defiant by Dean Mirshahi WRIC via WJHL
‘Secret deal’ between the Vatican and China ‘backfires’ on Chinese Catholics by CathNews New Zealand Link to Catholicism and China
Sinicization means a hostile takeover of China Church by Michael Sainsbury UCA News
A Scientist's Pink Cast Leads To Discovery About How The Brain Responds To Disability by Jon Hamilton National Public Radio Link to Disabilities
Struggling with pornography? Matt Fradd says prayer (and therapy) can help. by Sean Salai, S.J. America Link to Pornography Challenges
Vatican praises Philippine diocese for the first to adopt solar energy by Robin Gomes Vatican News
After Losing Dad and Mentor to COVID, Here’s How This Brooklyn Priest Is Ministering During Hardship by Currents News/New Evangelization Network
How the Church can evangelize by example on racial justice by John L. Allen Jr. Crux Now/Angelus Link to Evangelization
When a Jewish Physicist Becomes a Catholic by Bob Kurland Catholic Stand
Church and political leaders express concern over Israel’s West Bank annexation plans by Vatican News
Turkish Catholic bishops won’t contest plan to turn ancient cathedral into a mosque by CathNews
More than 1.5 million children experience homelessness in a year. by Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) Link to Homeless
Homelessness a looming threat as states lift coronavirus eviction moratoriums by Ryan Di Corpo America
UV lights, ozone cleaners, sanitizers help shelter keep homeless safe by Tom Tracy Catholic News Service/Angelus
Guided by Franciscan charism, shelter serves growing number of homeless by Michael Brown Catholic News Service/America
In a Bronx shelter, friars and homeless have weathered the coronavirus quarantine together by Zoe Chevalier Religion News Service
Pope Francis denounces ‘hypocrisy’ of politicians on BBC’s post-COVID radio series by Charles Collins Crux
God, Goddard, and Asteroid Dust: An Update On OSIRIS-REx And The Parker Solar Probe| by Fr. James Kurzynski Sacred Space Astronomy Link to Astronomy
Is India losing its battle against Covid-19? by Nirendra Dev UCA News
After Liberal Zionism, the One Hope for a Democratic Israel by Omri Boehm NYR Daily
Seeking Justice by Father Pablo Migone Labyrinthine Mind
Bolivian schoolteacher gives virtual classes as superhero by Carlos Valdez Crux
Interfaith leaders re-imagine Trump’s photo by CathNews New Zealand
From LDS Deacon to Catholic Deacon by Deacon Steve Clifford Coming Home Network
Dozens of migrants drown off coast of Tunisia by Stefan J. Bosby Vatican News
Caritas: refugees are victims of our unjust system by Independent Catholic News
Supreme Court Case Exposes Catholic Education’s Achilles’ Heel by Michael J. Van Hecke National Catholic Register Link to Catholic Education
60 years ago, a Pope met a Jewish icon and the world changed by John L. Allen Jr Crux Link to Catholic/Jewish Challenges
Pope Francis declares Catholic sister killed in Satanic ritual a martyr by Hannah Brockhaus for CNA The Catholic World Report
Young Japan priests try to breathe life into fading Buddhism by Malcolm Foster Religion News Service
The Virus of Violence by Jorge I. Dominguez-Lopez The Tablet Link to General Violence Challenges
For Sale: The Hair of the Virgin Mary by Mattia Ferraresi The New York Times
Vatican official visits Roma community, delivers supplies to volunteers by Junno Arocho Esteves Catholic News Service/America
Landscape: Sons of Fray Damaso by Gemma Cruz Araneta Manila Bulletin
Battle rages over India's first Catholic TV channel by UCA News reporter UCA News
The exceptional Catholic novelist behind the popular Downton Abbey by James Barese The Catholic World Report
In first land sale since bankruptcy, archdiocese eyes auction of old St. Elizabeth campus in Kenner by Times-Picayune and New Orleans Advocate
My Meeting With George Soros by Edward N Littwak Tablet
African priest hits a wall of prejudice in Thailand by UCA News reporter UCA News
Why cops attack racial justice protesters by Simran Jeet Singh Religion News Service Link to Police Brutality
US religious liberty commission recommends ‘binding agreement’ with Pakistan to halt abuses by CNA Daily News/The Catholic World Report
New Video Shows Prison Guards Laughed at Layleen Cubilette-Polanco While She Died by Nico Land Them Link to Prison Challenges
Rising violence against women in Latin America confirms fears of abuses in lockdowns by Christine Murray Thomson Reuters Foundation
Two recent documentaries, one of them streaming tonight, try to unpack the McCarthyite Trump-whisperer—progenitor of the postmodern political world we now inhabit by J. Hoberman Tablet
Critics denounce Attorney General Barr’s decision to set execution dates for death row inmates by Mark Pattison Catholic News Service/America
Charity offers vital lifeline to Sisters in DR Congo by John Newton Independent Catholic News
Latino immigrants ask family, parishes for help during crises, says panel by Norma Montenegro Flynn Catholic News Service/America Link to United States Immigration Challenges and Parish Challenges
From lofty dreams to brutal deaths. Slaughter of Bangladeshis seeking a better life highlights the scourge of human trafficking by Rock Ronald Rozario UCA News Link to Human Trafficking
Life in a Post-Totalitarian System by Randall Smith The Catholic Thing
Hacked to death for dating her cousinl Indonesia's first reported honor killing presents an unprecedented test for the country's judiciary by Luke Hunt UCA News
Miracle child’s Down syndrome is a ‘blessing for our family,’ says couple by Andy Telli Catholic News Service/Crux Link to Down Syndrome
Dominican sisters commit $46 million to seed new climate solutions funds by Brian Roewe National Catholic Reporter Link to Environment and Climate Challenges
For indigenous protesters, defending the environment can be fatal by Rachel Ramirez EarthBeat
New Vatican document outlines city-state's environmental efforts. 226-page report includes suggestions for Catholic institutions, including divestment by Joshua J. McElwee EarthBeat
Interfaith Network statement after Reading terror attack by Independent Catholic News Link to War/Acts of War /Terrorism/Genocide
Philippine official brands Catholic nun a 'terrorist.' Duterte spokesperson says red-tagging of Sister Mary John Mananzan is permitted under freedom of speech by Joseph Peter Calleja UCA News
The truth about so-called 'gender ideology' by Daniel P. Horan National Catholic Reporter
Nine Principles of a Successful Police Force by Sir Robert Peal Link to Police Protection
Asteroids Named for Jesuits: An Update by Robert Macke Sacred Space Astronomy
Where’s the Catholic voice on the Holy Land both sides could hear? by John L. Allen Jr Crux
Invitation to a Beheading by Vladislav Davidzon Tablet
A Special Poem
Prayerful Thought
"The future is full of promise, Holy Mystery,
if only because we discern your forces of
evolution at work everywhere.
Every opening daffodil, every growing child,
every glimmer of human enlightenment,
every bodily process of healing
tells us the future is not fearsome
but is full of potential.
Your face is hidden, your name unknown
still we turn to you in faith and confidence.
Creating Evolutionary Spirit,
we hear your comforting voice
in the steady music of the unfolding creation,
in harmonies and dissonances of
the world around us
into which we pour our humble efforts.
We give thanks to exist,
and to be in some way the joy of your heart.
Please support one of our organizations, colleagues, and friends who need help
Please send a donation for help save the life of my close friend AlwinRex in India.Please read the articleHow do we love our neighbor as ourselves?and send a donation of $10.00 or more to help cover his healthcare costs to PayPal link : https://www.paypal.me/AlwinRex Thank you Gordon Nary Editor, Profiles in Catholicism
Please help Francis Otieno care for children affected by HIV/AIDS in Africa who are also starving. He desperately needs your donations. Thank you Gordon Nary Editor, Profiles in Catholicism
When Children are Set Free by Father Shay Cullen Preda Foundation Father Shay Cullen established The Preda Foundation in Olongapo City in 1974 and has being rescuing enslaved children and women from sex slavery and children from jails. He has been nominated four times for the Nobel Peace Prize, and received other human rights awards.
Book Reviews/Commentaries
Invisible Americans: the cost of childhood poverty by Jeff Madrick Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D.Profiles in Catholicism
Dorothy Day: Dissenting Voice of American Century by John Loughery and Blythe Randolph| Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Learning from the Germans by Susan Neiman Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
The Prayerful Kiss by Francis Etheredge Reviewed by Kelly Jayne Lazell Good Reads
What is This Thing Called Faith by Hugh Duffy, Ph.D. Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
33 Days to Greater Glory by Michael E. Gaitley Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
The Wounded Healer by Henri M. Nouwen Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Sex and the Catholic Feminist: New Choices for a New Generation by Sue Ellen Browder Reviewed by Patti Armstrong National Catholic Register
I and Thou by Martin Buber Reviewed by Paul Mendes-Flohr Commonweal
Illness, Disability and Caring by Bernadette Meaden Reviewed by Jill Segger Independent Catholic News
This is Not Forever by Sofie Meehan Commentary by Emily Drooby Currents/Catholic Evangelization Network
Still Unhealed by Nuala Kenny, S.C. Reviewed by James F. Keenan America
To the Friend Who Did Not Save My Life by Hervé Guibe Reviewed by Andrew Durbin NYR Daily
Three Jesus Certitudes by Leonard J. Swidler Reviewed by John Mauger Reading Religion
The Vatican and Catholic Activism in Mexico and Chile by Stephen J. C. Andes Reviewed by Martin Lindhardt Wiley
Saints: Becoming an Image of Christ Every Day of the Year by Dawn Marie Beutner Reviewed by Paul Senz The Catholic World Report
Adverse Events: Race, Inequality, and the Testing of New Pharmaceuticals by Jill A. Fisher Reviewed by Carl Elliott The New York Review of Books
Film Reviews/Commentaries
Corpus Christ Reviewed by Judith Kelly National Catholic Reporter
Hope: Our Lady of Knock Reviewed by Sophia Martinson Angelus News
Joan of Arc Reviewed by Eve Tushnet America
The Last of the Mohicans Reviewed by Avellina Balestri Patheos
The King of Staten Island Reviewed by David Sim The Atlantic
Dads Reviewed by Ryan Di Corpo America
The Hunt Reviewed by Carl KozlowskiThe Catholic World Report
Television Reviews/Commentaries
Watchmen Commentary by Namwali Serpell The New York Review of Books
Spinning Out Reviewed by Pamela Hill Nettleton U.S. Catholic
Gentefied Reviewed by Antonio De Loera-Brust America
The Chosen Commentary by James Merrick, Ph.D. Angelus News
Feasting with the Saints
Closing Prayer
A Prayer for Those Who Have Made Donations to Profiles in Catholicism
God most kind,
Bless all those who have supported Profiles in Catholicism
with their donations and kind words of support.
Let their generosity bear much fruit.
Let those of us who benefit from this publication
be ever mindful of them and grateful for their gift. Amen
by Father Louis Cameli Profiles In Catholicism
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