A Message from the Editor
Climatic changes already are estimated to cause over 150,000 deaths annually. Our silence and inaction to reduce this challenge could make us morally complicate in these deaths.
A Quote to Remember
“Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all who ever have” by Margaret Mead Special Prayer
A Prayer for our Earth
All-powerful God, you are present in the whole universe and in the smallest of your creatures. You embrace with your tenderness all that exists. Pour out upon us the power of your love, that we may protect life and beauty. Fill us with peace, that we may live as brothers and sisters, harming no one. O God of the poor, help us to rescue the abandoned and forgotten of this earth, so precious in your eyes. Bring healing to our lives, that we may protect the world and not prey on it, that we may sow beauty, not pollution and destruction. Touch the hearts of those who look only for gain at the expense of the poor and the earth. Teach us to discover the worth of each thing, to be filled with awe and contemplation, to recognize that we are profoundly united with every creature as we journey towards your infinite light. We thank you for being with us each day.| Encourage us, we pray, in our struggle for justice, love and peace. by Pope Francis
עַל־אֵלֶּה אֲנִי בוֹכִיָּה עֵינִי עֵינִי יֹרְדָה מַּיִם כִּי־רָחַק מִמֶּנִּי מְנַחֵם מֵשִׁיב נַפְשִׁי הָיוּ בָנַי שׁוֹמֵמִים כִּי גָבַר אוֹיֵב׃ (איכה
"For these things do I weep, My eyes flow with tears: Far from me is any comforter Who might revive my spirit; My children are forlorn, For the foe has prevailed." (Lamentations 1:16)
Our hearts are heavy after the tragic loss of 45 souls. Today is a national day of mourning in Israel and throughout the Jewish world for those who perished in the terrible disaster that occurred during the Lag BaOmer celebrations on Mt.Meron in Northern Israel. Our deep condolences go out to all the families whose lives are torn apart now, including children who are orphaned, and parents who lost children.
הַמָּקוֹם יְנַחֵם אתם בְּתוֹךְ שְׁאָר אֲבֵלֵי צִיּוֹן וִירוּשָׁלַיִם
May the Omnipresent comfort them among the rest of the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. by Rabbi Rick Jacobs , President of the Union for Reform Judaism.
A Prayer for the Schoolgirls Killed in Afghanistan
Oh Lord, we are anguished at the murder of young girls in Afghanistan.
Less than a week ago.
They lived in an impoverished area of Kabul,
members of the Hazara minority.
Even a local maternity hospital was attacked
just a year ago.
They are targeted both as a minority
and as young women seeking to become educated
and contribute to their society.
These murders are horrific and shameful.
And with U.S. and NATO troops scheduled to leave
by the historic date of September 11, 2021,
one can only suspect
that more killings of the young and innocent,
especially girls and women,
will take place.
We pray that the local authorities will be able to
stop these future killings before they take place.
And we pray for the innocent victims and their families
that they may find peach and solace
in an Afghanistan that can find its way out of the turmoils
of the present and future.
All humans are created in the image and likeness of God,
so we raise our hearts and souls in prayer, Oh Lord,
that a way to peace and prosperity for all
in Afghanistan can at long last be found.
by Dr. Eugene Fisher Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer for India
"The situation is very grim here. We are short of everything," said Dr. Aniket Sirohi, a municipal health official in south Delhi. "I want to say to the world, 'Help us, in any way you can.'"
“Who Will Be the Hands and Feet of the Good Samaritan?” (cf. Lk 10: 25-37)
One death, Lord, your dreadful death, on the outskirts of a city,
Between two criminals, one of whom turned to you in hope and was Welcomed, even before death, into paradise, helped to turn the end Into a beginning that spread by word of mouth and, when disciples, Women first then men after, became witnesses of the fact that you Had risen from the dead, Your death and resurrection began, slowly, Touching the world with a new beginning, turning sorrow into joy.
You knew, Lord, the slow and painful death by asphyxiation, Struggling to breathe while nailed to a cross, as you struggled Upwards only to slump downwards, heavily hanging on the nails.
Our cross, Lord, is the shortage of oxygen, the number of people
Suffering from infections, the overwhelming need for vaccinations, Help for our medical staff and the sheer scale of cremating the dead.
How few were Your friends and yet how many You had helped in Your short life, going around as You did, helping who was there, Whether they came specially, were brought or You came to them.
Our hospitals are now warehouses, our beds made of cardboard,
Our trains are already turned into travelling wards with equipment
And our burial grounds are fires in car parks and public places.
Accompany us, Lord, as we travel this rising road of a scale off the Scales of patients, throughout the country, whether in the city or the countryside, whether alone or with innumerable, tired other people.
Come and visit us, Lord, bring your friends, wherever they are to be Found, from whatever country, nationality, creed or walk of life, Bring them to us, from near or far, and multiply their helping hands.
Your resurrection, Lord, needs to seep through us all and become Ours, not ours alone but a yeast-full, youthful inheritance that Enables the young to have hope, the weary to be rested, the strong to Not fail, the widowed to be comforted, the orphan helped, our Resources increased, our strategies improved, poverty alleviated,
Economies resourced and rejuvenated and discoveries made that drive us into a new “moment” of advancing our common humanity.
[1][1] Lauren Frayer and Sushmita Pathak, “India Is Counting Thousands Of Daily COVID Deaths. How Many Is It Missing?”:
by Francis Etheredge, author of, Within Reach of You: A Book of Prose and Prayers – forthcoming from En Route Books and Media, June 2021.
A Prayer for Those Who Died in the Hospital Fire in India
Good and gracious God,
We ask you to assist India in their fight against the virus. The recent outbreak in India has been disastrous. 18 people died by fire in a hospital that was serving them for the virus. The fire was a devastating blow to the people who were not there for those dying in this most painful manner. Assist their families in the healing process and allow those who died to enter the kingdom of heaven with you. We ask you this through Jesus Christ your Son, Our Lord. Amen by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Environment and Climate Change Interviews
Non-Environment/Climate Change Interviews
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Environment and Climate Change Articles/Commentaries
Restore Our Earth so We Can Live by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
Saving the Forests is Saving the Planet by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
Global Warming Can be Stopped by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
Greenland is melting, Islands have disappeared by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
Top Ten Takeaways from ‘Laudato Si’’ by James Martin. S.J.. America
Pope’s climate warning to oil-gas executives: ‘There is no time to lose’ by Tony Magliano The Association of U.S. Catholic Priests
Record wildfires, hurricanes, droughts – we need the ‘Season of Creation’ by Tony Magliano Acting Franciscan
Biden administration's climate agenda reflects spirit of Laudato Si' by Daniel P. Horan Earthbeat
Fires and our Faith by Father Joseph Chamblain, O.S.M. Profiles in Catholicism
Catholics and Buddhists -- solidarity on climate change by Father Thomas Ryan, C.S.P. The Pilot
Global Warning Pope Francis's Environmental Encyclical by Massimo FaggioliCommonweal
Scuba diving rabbi adopts the ocean as his part of the world to repair. Scubi Jew, a marine conservation group inspired by the Jewish concept of repairing the world, turns saving the oceans into a religious experience. by Christine Luby Religion News Service
At Earth Day climate summit, Biden promises 50% reduction in US greenhouse emissions by Deirdre Shesgreen USA TODAY
A Climate Dystopia in Northern California by Naomi Klein The Intercept
Pope Francis, in Earth Day messages, warns 'we are at the edge' on climate change by Brian Roewe EarthBeat
China, Russia join US vowing emission cuts at climate summit by Ellen Knickmeyer and Aamer Madhani The Associated Press
Congregations 'walk the talk' of Earth Day with ongoing care for creation by Chris Herlinge Global Sisters Report
Burning down our common home by Ana María Siufi Global Sisters Report
Earth Day 2021: Global Healing Initiative by Virginia Bell Independent Catholic News
EU reaches major climate deal ahead of Biden climate summit by Raf Casert The Associated Press
As Earth Day approaches, US bishops call Catholics to do their part by Brian Roewe EarthBeat
This Earth Day, Jane Goodall continues to shape the narrative by Anne Gardner EarthBeat
US must halve emissions to galvanize global climate action — UN chief by Valerie Volcovici and Kate Abnett Reuters/EarthBeat
Why Oak Flat in Arizona is a sacred space for the Apache and other Native Americans by Alejandra Molina, Emily McFarlan Miller Religion News Service/National Catholic Reporter
A Climate-Conscious Lent: World's freshwater supplies are shrinking by Fr. Emmet Farrell Global Sisters Report
US, China agree to cooperate on climate crisis with urgency by Hyung-Jin Kim The Associated Press
Climate change: Consumer pose 'growing threat' to tropical forests by Matt McGrath BBC News
Church offers guidelines for response to climate migration by Christopher Wells Vatican News
Are federal disaster policies making the harmful impacts of climate change even worse? by Sadie Frank. Eric Gesick, and David Victor Brookings
Illegal mining destroyed 500 football fields worth of Brazilian indigenous land in 2020 by Elouise Hobbs Independent Catholic News
US Catholic church is failing to respond to climate emergency, theologian says by Brian Roewe EarthBeat
Green-fingered South Korean nuns toil to safeguard creation/ Little Servants of the Holy Family nuns consider their participation in a growing 'seed war' part of their apostolic mission by Rock Ronald Rozario UCA News
Indigenous, environmental groups celebrate Haaland's Cabinet confirmation by Brian Roewe EarthBeat
How the United States can return to credible climate leadership by Nathan Hultman and Samantha Gross Brookings
US-China tensions threaten global climate change efforts by Christina Larson and Ellen Knickmeyer The Associated Press
The need for a federal Climate Planning Unit by Joseph W. Kane, Jenny Schuetz, Shalini Vajjhala, and Adie Tomer Brookings
Climate change puts numerous Catholic schools at risk by CathNews New Zealand
Back in Paris accord, US vows no more sidelining of climate by Seth Borenstrein and Ellen Knickmeyer The Associated Press
UN: Huge changes in society needed to keep nature, Earth OK by Seth Borenstein The Associated Press
Ecumenical and Interreligious Guidenook: Care for Our Common Home by Brian Roewe EarthBeat
Global Catholic Climate Movement: Raise your voice on behalf of our common home by Francesca Merlo & Linda Bordoni Vatican News
Hot again: 2020 sets yet another global temperature record by Seth Borenstein The Associated Press
Study: Warming already baked in will blow past climate goals by Seth Borenstein The Associated Press
Faith groups have a key role to play in reducing climate-linked violence by Brian Roewe EarthBeat
Pope advises UN Climate Summit: 'Now is time to change direction' by Independent Catholic News
5 years after Paris: How countries’ climate policies match up to their promises, and who’s aiming for net zero emissions by Morgan Bazilian and Dolf Gielen The Conversation
Links: Going big on climate change, going bonkers on Trump by Michael Sean Winter National Catholic Reporter
Climate crisis, COVID-19 demand interfaith action, say religious leaders by Brian Roewe EarthBeat
Cities are pledging to confront climate change, but are their actions working by David G. Victor and Mark Muro Brookings
Cardinal says Pope’s new encyclical is a warning: The world is ‘on the brink by Inés San Martín Crux
Climate warming is altering animals’ gut microbes, which are critical to their health and survival by Sasha Greenspan The Conversation
Tracking energy use in the Chicago Archdiocese, one meter at a time. Benchmarking program helps address efficiency, local greenhouse gas emissions by Brian Roewe EarthBeat
After Trying To Protect Water Sources, These Hondurans Have Been Held Without Bail For More Than A Year. Over the past two years, 31 people from the municipality of Tocoa, on the lush north shore of Honduras, have faced criminal prosecution as a result of their opposition to an iron ore mining project in the Botaderos Mount “|Carlos Escaleras” National Park. by Jackie McVicar America
Climate Action in the time of COVID-19 by Voices of Youth
Floating gardeners battle climate change in Bangladesh Caritas promotes alternative farming methods that help villagers make a living in low-lying areas by Stephan Uttom Rozario UCA News
Can conservation measures save sea turtles from climate change? by Gail DeGeorge EarthBeat
The role of climate education in the COVID-19 recovery by Christina Kwauk Brookings
UK development agency’s climate change plan ‘not fit for purpose,’ CAFOD says by Charles Collins Crux
Environment, other issues beyond abortion are critical in voting, bishop says by Brian Roewe EarthBeat
Philippine diocese, activists oppose coal power plants by Robin Gomes Vatican News
Pope to European Forum: Ecological conversion of economy needed for better future by Vatican News
Bringing climate change to the forefront of public and government consciousness by Phil Kingston Independent Catholic News
18 Things to know about Howey Ou, China's only teenage climate striker by Sally Ho and Green Queen EarthBeat
Why Senate Republicans and the White House can’t agree on badly-needed COVID aid by Mollte .l Reynolds Brookings
Pope Francis discusses climate crisis with well-known Italian journalist by Gerard O’Connell America
Anglicans on the front line of the climate emergency by Dr Elizabeth Perry Anglican Communion News Service
UN appoints Indian Archana Soreng to Youth Advisory Group on Climate Change by Sr Bernadette Mary Reis, fsp Vatican News
Theologian praises Ireland's green new deal but questions: Will it happen? by Sarah Mac Donald EarthBeat
Environmental scientist roots work in sanctity of life: A conversation with Sylvia Hood Washington by Jesse Remedios Global Sisters Report
Revisiting integral ecology amid the heat wave and surging coronavirus by Bill Mitchell Global Sisters Report
A Catholic Case for Carbon Tax by Daniel Mascarenhas, SJ The Jesuit Post
Faith leaders rebuke Trump's rollback of major environmental law by Brian Roewe Global Sisters Report
Amid biting drought, sisters in Zambia fend off hunger with organic farming by Doreen Ajiambo Global Sisters Report
Philippine bishop has ax to grind over tree felling' Unacceptable' cutting of 54 pine trees by developer sparks uproar among church and local authorities by Joseph Peter Calleja UCA News
How the University of Dayton divested from fossil fuels — and what happened to its bottom line by Brian Roewe EarthBeat
Major CoE fund exits from fossil fuel investments by Independent Catholic News
How to close the gap between public opinion and public policy on the climate crisis? by Bill Mitchell EarthBeat
How to care for our common home by Samantha Panchèvre EarthBeat
New organization Dayenu seeks to mobilize US Jews for climate action by Jesse Remedios EarthBeat
’Laudato Si’ gets more attention in Church than child protection, expert says by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Threat multiplier: The impacts of climate change on refugees by Jesse Remedios Leaders EarthBeat
For indigenous protesters, defending the environment can be fatal by Rachel Ramirez EarthBeat
Threat multiplier: The impacts of climate change on refugees by Jesse Remedios Leaders EarthBeat
New Vatican document outlines city-state's environmental efforts. 226-page report includes suggestions for Catholic institutions, including divestment by Joshua J. McElwee EarthBeat
Marking World Environment Day, pope says: Don't look the other way by Carol Glatz Catholic News Service/Angelus
‘Laudato Si’’ was not enough. The Vatican needs to prioritize climate change by Mark Graham America
Catholic leaders warn of humanitarian, environmental tragedy in Amazon by Barbara J. Fraser Catholic News Service/Angelus
The pandemic and our ecological sins by Rock Ronald Rozario UCANews
Clergy: Urgency in pandemic response can apply to addressing climate change by Dennis Sadowski Catholic News Service/EarthBeat
Climate Compact to help combat climate change by Christopher White Cruz
Trump's assault on the environment tramples years of progress by NCR Editorial Staff EarthBeat
Tackle coronavirus and climate crisis together, says Greta Thunberg by Reuters/EarthBeat
Prize-winning photos from opposite sides of the globe tell grim stories of climate crisis by The Guardian/EarhBeat
On Earth Day's 50th anniversary, bees buzz with hope for California sisters by Melanie Lidman Global Sisters Report
Conservation easement makes land 'Our Common Home' by Rosemarie Greco Global Sisters Report
What does climate change demand of Catholic education? by Jesse Remedios EarthBeat
Five exciting ways Catholic schools are teaching climate change by Jesse Remedios EarthBeat
How can I get involved in virtual climate activism? by Jesse Remedios EarthBeat
A sermon on COVID-19 and Climate Change by Mark Silk Religion News Service’
Coronavirus compels climate activists to shift from streets to screen by Brian Roewe EarthBeat
Missionaries describe impact of climate change in Turkana by Jo Siedlecka Independent Catholic News
West Virginia bishop requires new protocols for safe environment program by Colleen Rowan Catholic News Service/National Catholic Reporter
People of Faith Declare a Climate Emergency by Green Faith
How does coronavirus connect to climate change? by Jesse Remedios EarthBeat
West Virginia bishop requires new protocols for safe environment program by Colleen Rowan Catholic News Service/National Catholic Reporter
Jesuits join calls for Bank of England to lead on climate change by Independent Catholic News
Climate change hits women hardest, report finds by Sarah Mac Donald EarthBeat
We Cannot Save the Planet Without Changing How We Eat by Brenna DavisEarthBeat
Bishop of Salford reaffirms call for parishes to continue taking action on climate change by Independent Catholic News
From Climate Change to Omnicide by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee Tablet
After ‘Laudato Si’,’ Catholic Climate Project seeks to foster prayerful climate action by Dennis Sadowski Catholic News Service/America
The eco-friendly project that provides solar power to Catholic institutions - at no cost by Kevin Christopher Robles America
Honor Your Climate Changers by Greg Kennedy, SJ igNation
Asking a Bishop: How is Climate Change Deadlier Than Abortion? by John Horvat II Return to Order
'Querida Amazonia' provides reflection on ecological sin by Meghan Clark EarthBeat
In 'Querida Amazonia,' Francis defends vital ecosystem with stern indictment of its defilers by Brian Roewe EarthBeat
In Australia's burning forests, signs we've passed a global warming tipping point by Bob Berwyn EarthBeat
Vatican speaker tells NJPN: 'this must be the decade for action, inspired by Laudato Si' by Ellen Teague Impendent Catholic News
Running Red Hot, and Scientists Don’t Know Why by Eric Boston Bloomberg Green
Sabbath in an Era of Climate Change,An ancient Jewish practice may help save us all by Jonathan Schorsch Tablet
Here are the companies most responsible for global warming: Study by Alice Tidey euronews
C of E Pension Board launches London Stock Exchange index to monitor climate change progress by Staff Writer Anglican Communion News Service
Friar warns that Brazilian ecological problems can lead to food crisis by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux
The role of ICC arbitration in resolving climate change disputes by Kirsten Odynski, Michael Polkinghorne, Mark Clarke, and Elizabeth Oger-Gross White & Case
What is environmental justice? by Brian Roewe EarthBeat
Ecological Sin — It Makes Sense … and Controversy by Jack Harties Patheos
Philippine archdiocese's action on climate emergency by Robin Gomes Vatican News
As climate change worsens, so does our grief and distress by Jamie Manson Earthbeat
Catholic actor arrested at Washington climate protest by Ellen Teague Independent Catholic News
Australian fires underline pope's focus on biodiversity in Laudato Si' by Jesse Remedios EarthBeat
New group helps congregations step up response to climate change by Independent Catholic News
Climate action requires unity not division. 'We need to find new ways of moving forward that transcends the divisions in the Australian polity' by Chris Middleton La Croix International
Francis criticizes world's 'very weak' response to climate change in address to diplomats by Joshua J. McElwee EarthBeat
The 'ecological sin' debate by Jean François Channon Denwo La Croix International (with CatholicNews Service)
Floods and Landslides in Indonesia cause 26 Deaths and Displace 62,000 People by Jesus Caritas Est Catholic News World
Catholic agencies intervene in Zimbabwe climate change crisis by Tawanda Karombo National Catholic Register
Catholic climate groups vow to maintain pressure after COP25 failures by Catholic News Service/The Pilot
As COP25 ends, huge work needed to make next climate summit a success by Independent Catholic News
Vatican calls Greta Thunberg ‘great witness’ of Church’s environmental teaching by Elise Harris Angelus
Hallam: Students say 'Don't let climate change threaten our future' by Anna Marshall Independent Catholic News
In 'Endangered Earth' exhibit, artists confront climate change by Leo J. O'Donovan EarthBeat/National Catholic Register
Climate crisis: the window of opportunity is closing rapidly by Fr Sean McDonagh Independent Catholic News
Passionists sign up to Church with ecological and servant face by Independent Catholic News
Synod Cardinals call for urgent action on climate by Independent Catholic News
Filipino youth light lanterns to call for climate justice by Joe Torres UCANews
Pope Francis on Climate Change "...safeguard the conditions of a life worthy of humanity on a “healthy” planet for today and tomorrow.." by Jesus Caritas Est Catholic News World
The Effects of Climate Change by NASA Global Climate Change
WCC Statement on climate change emergency by Independent Catholic News
Student activists speaking up for the planet, then and now by Bill Mitchell EarthBeat/National Catholic Reporter
Irish priest addresses climate crisis in Pakistan by Sarah Mac Donald National Catholic Reporter
Croydon Fayre inspires climate action by Elouise Hobbs Independent Catholic News
Pope praises Montreal Protocol to protect ozone layer by Independent Catholic News
Meet the young Catholic suing the government over climate change by Brian Roewe Earthbeast National Catholic Reporter
Clean ocean win shows it's worth dreaming big by Cristy Clark La Croix International
Youth Standing Up to Climate Change: Reflections from the Strikes by ISN Staff Ignatian Spirituality Network
Father Paul Moonjely, executive Director of Caritas India, told Vatican News how through its partners at the local diocesan level, they are trying to reach out to people hit by floods and landslides caused by heavy monsoon rains. by Robin Gomes Vatican News
Philippine bishops issue pastoral letter on 'climate emergency' by Independent Catholic News
Bangladesh grapples with millions of climate refugees by Stephan Uttom UCANews
The Pentagon’s Outsized Part in the Climate Fight by Bill McKibben NYR Daily
California’s bishops call for ecological conversion on ‘Laudato si’ milestone by Christopher White Crux
Pope to oil execs: We don’t ‘have the luxury’ to wait to fight climate change by Inés San Martín Crux
United Nations hears of Anglican Communion Churches’ active role in tackling climate change by Anglican Communion News Service
"Climate Change and New Evidence from Science, Engineering and Policy”Meeting with Finance Ministers from Various Nations by Address if His Holiness Pope Francis Casina Pio IV
'Laudato Si' Generation rallies Catholic youth for climate strikes by Brian Roewe National Catholic Reporter
12 excuses for climate inaction and how to refute them. Using moral clarity to counter defeatism around the climate crisis. by Eliza Barclay and Jag Bhalla Vox
Bishops issue resolution on world's 'unprecedented ecological crisis' by Independent Catholic News
Churches urged to declare climate emergency by Independent Catholic News
Taking On Our Greatest Threat -Climate Change by Beto O'Routke Beto for America
Two generations, one prophetic call for climate justice by Tomás Insua National Catholic Reporter
Climate mural emerges after London protests; Is it Banksy? by Yje Associated Press
Mozambique paying the price of climate change by Linda Bordoni Vatican News
Poems from children on the frontlines of climate change by Veronica Gaylie America
Climate change affecting poorer communities disproportionately, panel finds by John Burger Aleteia
Congo bishops commit to the environment by Lucie Sarr and Marie Malzac La Croix International
Faith activists urge UN Environment Assembly to address human side of climate change by Fredrick Nzwilii National Catholic Reporter
Address of His Holiness Pope Francis at the Conference on the Sustainable Goals (SDGS):"Listening to the Cry of the Earth and the Poor" by Pope Francis The Holy See
Expert ‘preaches’ to Vatican on geoengineering to combat climate change by Inés San Martín Crux
Catholic Teach-in & Climate Action by Michael Specht Franciscan Action Network
The theology of the Green New Deal by Michael Warren Davis The Catholic Herald
Religious call for radical action to stop global warming by Ellen Teague Independent Catholic News
Extinction Rebellion actions in London by Phil Kingston Independent Catholic News
At Home in the World in the Era of Climate Change (Petrarch) by Tim Duffy Patheos
The environment: Conservative government reckless on climate policy by Darren Grindrod The Age
Ecological conversion: Greening the Christian heart by Brother William Ng OFM UCANews.
Locals reap benefits of priest's environmental crusade by Ryan Dagur UCANews
Environmental questions we ought to (but rarely) ask by Thomas M. Doran The Catholic World Report
Holy See dissatisfied Poland climate summit downplayed human rights by Hannah Brockhaus Catholic News Agency/Angelus
'Tomorrow is today': Vatican COP24 delegation urges climate solidari by Brian Roewe National Catholic Reporter
Tackle climate or face financial crash, say world's biggest investors by Damian Carrington The Guardian
Vatican calls for ‘new solidarity agreement’ at UN climate change conference by CAFOD
Christian Aid condemns 'climate villains' Saudi Arabia, Russia, USA 'that imperil the world' by Independent Catholic News
EU Bishops restate Catholic teaching on migration at UN by Independent Catholic News
Address by Cardinal Parolin to COP-24 climate conference by Independent Catholic News
Bishops' Conference calls for ambitious action on climate change, implementation of Paris Agreement by Independent Catholic News
Climate Change is man-made, says Cardinal Parolin by L:a Croix International
California bishop leads Episcopal delegation to UN climate change conference by Lynette Wilson Episcopal News Service/Anglican Communion News Service
Biblical plain talk about climate change by Donna Schaper National Catholic Reporter
In response to global warming, the idea of personal sacrifice resurfaces by Dennis Sadowski Catholic News Service/National Catholic Reporter
European churches call for urgent action on climate change by Independent Catholic News
Ordinary people are waking up about climate change by Independent Catholic News
Thirty CAFOD campaigners head to Poland to call for action on climate change by Independent Catholic News
UN Says Climate Genocide Is Coming. It’s Actually Worse Than That. by David Wallace-Wells Intelligencer
In global climate, see the forest and trees by Joan Brown Global Sisters Report
Pope to scientists: Help protect health of planet and its people by Carol Glatz Catholic News Service/National Catholic Reporter
Bishops sign document calling for action against climate change by Junno Arocho Esteves Catholic News Service/Angelus
Anglicans respond to climate crisis by Anglican Communion News Service
Climate scientists are struggling to find the right words for very bad news by Chris Mooney and Brady Dennis The Washington Post
Indigenous peoples threatened by climate change and indifference by Francesca Merlo Vatican News
Fiji archbishop: Our island is disappearing because of climate change by Murcadha O Flaherty and John Pontifex Independent Catholic News
Pakistan cardinal leads 'Green Pakistan' campaign by UCANews.
Promote life by protecting, sharing clean water, pope says by Cindy Wooden CNS
Caring for the environment is a moral issue by Patrick Carolan Franciscan Action Network
The Ecological Crisis: A Common Responsibility by Pope John Paul II featured on Action Institute
Renewing The Earth by USCCB
Al Gore: Pope Francis a ‘moral force’ for solving climate crisis by Alessandro Gisotti Vatican News
General Articles/Commentaries
Featured Report
Matisse and the Chapel of the Rosary by Father John O'Brien, OFM Profiles in Catholicism Link to Spirituality and Art
Featured Report
Bill raising age of consent must be passed soon by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
The Scourge of Covid-19 and Malaria by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism Link to Covid-19 and to Malaria
How is a COVID-19 patient cured? by Ray Schilling Quora
Coronavirus Vaccine Ethics by Heather Zeiger The Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity Link to Ethics and Ethical Challenges in Healthcare
UNICEF says Covid-19 hitting children hard in South Asia. The UN’s children fund says the first wave of Covid-19 cost the lives of 228,000 children and 11,000 mothers in the region. by Robon Gorna Vatican News
Catholic doctor weighs in on COVID-19 vaccines for children by Katie Scott Catholic News Service
Vatican conference features Fauci, Francis — and Aerosmith by Nicole Winfield The Associated Press/National Catholic Register
Vatican creates group to study separating mafia from the Catholic Church by Hannah Brockhaus Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
New Vatican working group aims to excommunicate mafia members by Vatican News
LifeSiteNews removed from Facebook for violating COVID-19 misinformation policies by Jack Jenkins Religion News Service/National Catholic Reporter
US backs waiving intellectual property rules on vaccines by Jamey Keasten and Zeke Miller The Associated Press
Pope prays for mothers, Afghan terror attack victims by UCA News
Philippine priest aims broadside at 'liar' Duterte. President accused of selling the country out to Beijing and breaking a promise to uphold Filipino claims in the South China Sea by Joseph Peter Calleja UCA News
Sex attack on Christian child triggers protest in Pakistan by UCA News
Sisters of Mercy orphanage in Honduras nurtures children living with HIV by Gregg Brekke Global Sisters Report Link to HIV/AIDS
Preparing for a World of Holocaust Deepfakes. Combating the mother lode of misinformation—Holocaust denial—reveals that the problem is not simply detecting lies, but figuring out what’s true by Claire Liebowitz Tablet Link to The Holocaust
‘They Own The Media’: New Van Morrison song amplifies antisemitic trope by Louis Keene The Forward Link to Antisemitism
Antisemitic Attacks Spike in NYC as COVID-19 Fades by Armin Rosen The Tablet
Pew’s new study of American Jews reveals widening divides, worries over antisemitism by Arno Rosenfeld The Forward
Germany commemorates icon of resistance to Nazism by The Associated Press
Israeli police, Palestinians clash at Jerusalem holy site by Ilan Ben Zion and Joseph Krauss The Associated Press
EXPLAINER: What’s behind the clashes in Jerusalem? by Joseph Krauss The Associated Press
Clashes break out between Israeli police, Arab protesters as slain man is laid to rest by Haaretz/The Forward
Gaza militants, children among 26 dead as Israel hits Hamas by Faras Akram and Karin Laub The Associated Press
Six arrested in burglary of an Arkansas Buddhist temple, in what may be a nationwide spree by Yonat Shimron Religion News Service Link to Hate Crimes
Fundamentalists suspected in vandalism of Catholic church in Brazil by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux
School shooting in Russia kills 9 people; suspect arrested by Daria Litvinova The Associated Press
Milwaukee archdiocese sues over pandemic prison ministry prohibition by Autumn Jones Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report Link to Prison Challenges
Safeguarding expert: Guidelines are ‘in vain’ if not upheld by Church powers by Hannah Brockhaus Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report Link to Catholic Sexual Violence Against Minors
Pope Francis' process for investigating accused Catholic bishops clearly requires reform by NCR Editorial Staff National Catholic Reporter
Conference will examine sexual abuse of young deaf Catholics by Joyce Duriga Catholic News Service
San Francisco archbishop examines abortion, Communion in pastoral letter by Catholic News Service/Angelus Link to Abortion
Father Weinandy: Pro-abortion rights Catholic politicians abuse, politicize sacraments. “What should most concern the Church is that such Catholic politicians do not simply hold many things that are in opposition to the Catholic faith, but they also actively attack, through the laws they propose and enact, the Catholic Church, the very church to which they claim devotion…” by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Catholic bioethicist laments HHS removal of restrictions on fetal tissue research by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report Link to Bioethics
Court to hear challenge to UK’s Down syndrome abortion law in July by Catholic News Agency/Angelus Link to Down Syndrome
Just ‘do the next thing’: How one Colorado couple is raising four children with Down syndrome by Autumn Jones Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Vietnam nuns give tuberculosis patients fresh start in life by Joachim Pham Catholic News Service/UCA News Link to Tuberculosis
Dignity in dying by Maggie Fergusson The Tablet Link to End of Life Challenges
Killing Schoolgirls in Afghanistan.Attackers Target Girls Leaving Kabul High School by Heather Bar Human Rights Watch Link to Murdered Children
Mother and daughters work together in Catholic hospital by Gregory A. Shemitz Catholic News Service
True Examples of God’s Love by Jessica Franks Mission Doctors Association
A Crisis of Undiagnosed Cancers Is Emerging in the Pandemic’s Second Year by Duaa Eldeib ProPublica Link to Cancer
A worrisome side effect stalls a closely watched multiple myeloma drug by Ben Fidler BiophamaDive
FDA Approves 1L Pembrolizumab Combination in Locally Advanced Unresectable or Metastatic HER2+ Gastric/GEJ Cancers by Nichole Tucker Targeted Oncology
Being a hearing ally for the Deaf Community by Shell Roca Independent Catholic News Link to Blindness/Deafness
Biden raises refugee admissions cap to 62,500 by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report Link to General United States Immigration Challenges
Immigration delays lead to forced departure of priests by Father Pablo Migone Patheos
Georgetown panel discusses Jesuit response to slavery by Madeleine Davison National Catholic Reporter Link to Racial Challenges and Outreach
Chicago interfaith leaders decry violence against Asian Americans by Joyce Duriga Catholic News Service
Cybersecurity is too big a job for governments or business to handle alone (WEF) by Di Marco Emanuele The Global Eye Link to Cybersecurity
Cyberattack on US pipeline is linked to criminal gang by Mae Anserson and Frank Bajik The Associated Press
God's plan for animals is a hot topic in theology that we can all understand by Charles C. Camosy Religion News Service/National Catholic Reporter Link to Animal Challenges
Francis to create new official Catholic ministry of 'catechist' by Joshua J. McElwee National Catholic Reporter” Link to Catechesis
Is confession necessary? by Father Kenneth Doyle The Pilot Link to Catholicism
Why I Choose To Pray The Rosary by Rene Albert Patheos Link to The Rosary
Indian court takes up jailed Jesuit's bail pleaMaharashtra High Court seeks the response of the National Investigation Agency to Father Stan Swamy's application by Saji Thomas UCA News Link to The Jesuits
I never met Daniel Berrigan. But he showed me as a young Catholic a different way to live out my faith by Colleen Dulle America Link to Catholic Activism
Arizona bishops praise new hospital clergy visitation law by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Breaking the Israel-Palestine Status Quo by Zaha Hassan. Daniel Levi, Hallaamal Keir, and Marwan Muashe Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
British soldiers accused of crimes during Troubles to be given amnesty by Shane O'Brien IrishCentral Link to Ireland Issues and Challenges
My sinful trip to Northern Ireland as a Catholic schoolboy in the 1960s.Recounting my childhood "rite of passage" in Northern Ireland with schoolmate and fellow altar boy Eddie Holt some sixty years ago, before The Troubles. by Niall O'Dowd IrishCentral
The Shamrock Children: German refugees who found shelter in Ireland after WWII by Shane O'Brien Irish Central
Horror as girl pushed under Dublin train by pack of thugs by Shane O'Brien Irish Central
Trump Spawned a New Group of Mega-Donors Who Now Hold Sway Over the GOP’s Future by Isaac Arnsdorf ProPublica Link to United States Politics- Part Two
Sen. Warnock: Biden's infrastructure plan can help repair America's divisions by Brian Roewe National Catholic Reporter
Trump's Facebook Ban Won't Stop Conservative Disinformation by Steven Feldstein Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Link to Social Media
In Ethiopia camp, displaced Tigrayans live with hunger, fear by The Associated Press/Crux Link to African Challenges
Catholic bishops opposed a suicide prevention hotline. Why? by Marianne Duddy-Burke National Catholic Reporter Link to Suicide/Assisted Suicide/Euthanasia
Sisters near Goa beaches offer children of sex workers brighter options by Lissy Maruthanakuzhy National Catholic Reporter
Disobeying Rome: What are the consequences? by Michael Koder The Catholic World Report Link to Catholicism
Navalny Is in Prison, His Movement Is in Trouble. Putin’s biggest crackdown yet is depriving the Russian opposition of both its leader and its infrastructure by Vladislav Davidzon The Tablet Link to Russia Politics
US Embassy message sparks online anger in China by The Associated Press Link to China Challenges
China cuts Christian apps and online chat accounts by CathNews
Army of fake fans boosts China’s messaging on Twitter by Erika Kinetz The Associated Press Link to Social Media
Join Cardinal Bo in praying for China by Independent Catholic News Link to Catholicism and China
Woman from Mali gives birth to 9 babies in Morocco by Baba Ahmed and Tarik El Barakah The Associated Press Link to Pregnancy and Pregnancy Challenges
155 million faced acute food insecurity in 2020.The worst-affected countries last year were Burkina Faso, South Sudan and Yemen. Outside Africa, Yemen, Afghanistan, Syria and Haiti featured were among the 10 worst food crises last year. by Robin Gomes Vatican News
Catholic Church opens doors to Muslim diners during Ramadan by CathNews New Zealand Link to Catholic/Muslim Challenges
Food for thought as Indonesian Catholics serve Muslims at Ramadan Even Covid-19 cannot stop women's group from helping poor Muslims to break their fast by Konradus EpaKonradus UCA News
The Miracle of Fatima: A Visit by Mary—or Something Stranger? by Tom Rapsas Patheos Link to Mariology
Priest gave general absolution to Mexico City metro victims by David Ramos Catholic News Agency
When I came out as a gay Catholic, Saints Augustine and Monica helped me grow closer to my mom — and God by Alex Gruber America Link to LGBTQ Challenges
Domestic abuse surged under COVID-19. Clergy need better tools to help survivors. by Donna Kirshbaum Religion News Service Link to Domestic Violence
Britain's treatment of asylum seekers 'highly irresponsible' by Christopher Lamb The Tablet Link to Britain Immigration Challenges
What I learned about Israeli politics from Yair Lapid by Jodi Rudoren The Forward Link to Israel Politics
Sturgeon: Scotland independence vote matter of when, not if by Sylvia Hui The Associated Press Link to Scotland Politics
Vatican denounces UK laws regulating immigration, calls for ‘a wider we’ by Claire Giangravé Religion News Service Link to United kingdom Immigration Challenges
Catholic Church urges government to rethink immigration plan by Independent Catholic News
Catholic leaders condemn deadly raid in Rio de Janeiro by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux
Religion and Morality in Verdi's 'Otello' by Guest Writer Patheos
The Catholic artist and the challenge of evangelizing modern culture by Thomas M. Doran The Catholic World Report Link to Evangelization
Pope Francis, Jane Goodall speak on ‘what it means to be human’ at Vatican health conference by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Taking a ‘wait and see’ stance on Pope’s latest blow for accountability by John Allen Crux
Please support one of our organizations, colleagues, and friends who need help
Please send a donation to help save the life of my close friend Alwin Rex in India. Please read the article How do we love our neighbor as ourselves? and send a donation of $10.00 or more to help cover his healthcare costs to Father Thomas Ayyaneth, Syro Malankara Catholic Eparchial Chancery,1500 DePaul Street, Elmont, New York 11003, USA with a notation that the donation is for Alwin Rex. Father Thomas will process donations and send them to his pastor. Thank you Gordon Nary Editor, Profiles in Catholicism
Please help Francis Otieno care for children affected by HIV/AIDS in Africa. He desperately needs your donations. Thank you Gordon Nary
When Children are Set Free by Father Shay Cullen Preda Foundation
Book Reviews/Commentaries
Our Mother Earth: A Christian Reading of the Challenge of the Environment by Pope Francis with a preface by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal by Naomi Klein Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Tornado God: American Religion and Violent Weather by Peter J. Thuesen Reviewed by Melissa Jones National Catholic Reporter
Faith for Earth: A Call for Action by United Nations Environment Programme Commentary by Brian Roewe National Catholic Reporter
TerraFutura (Future Earth) by Carlo Petrini and and Pope Francis Commentary by Junno Arocho Esteves Crux
Climate Crisis: the Challenge to the Church by David Rhodes Reviewed by Anne O'Connor Independent Catholic News
Jesus: An Historical Approximation by Jose A. Pagola Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Counsels of the Holy Spirit: A Reading of Saint Ignatius’s Letters by Patrick C. Goujon, SJ Translated by Joseph Munitiz, SJ Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Ignatian Spirituality and Interreligious Dialogue: Reading Love’s Mystery by Michael Barnes, SJ Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
A Catechism of the Heart: A Jesuit Missioned to the Laity by Bejamin James Brenkert Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D.
American Catholics: A History by Leslie Woodcock Tentler Reviewed by Paul Lakeland National Catholic Reporter
Guard Your Heart by Sue Divin Reviewed by Charles Collins Crux
The Outsider: Pope Francis and His Battle to Reform the Church by Christopher Lamb Reviewed by Christopher White Crux/Chicago Catholic
Inside the Hospice by Fr Peter Michael Scot Reviewed by Marie Saba Independent Catholic News
Television Reviews/Commentaries
Journey of the Universe Commentary by Brian Roewe EarthBeat
Down to Earth Reviewed by Ellen Teague Independent Catholic News
Film Reviews/Commentaries
Exterminate All the Brutes Commentary by Jon Schwarz The Intercept
Benedict Men Commentary by National Catholic Reporter
Demon Slayer the Movie: Mugen Train Reviewed by Kurt Jensen Catholic News Service
Feasting with the Saints
Climate Change - We are the PROBLEM & the SOLUTION
Climate Change: The Science and Global Impact|SDGAcademyX
On Care for Our Common Home: Edward Foley, Capuchin
Climate Change Song (The Time is Now)