A Message from the Editor
Some have suggested that we may have a latent hate gene
that is activated by social media often as antisemitism. The
United States and many other countries have an epidemic of
As with all epidemics, we need prevention, treatment, and
hopefully a cure. Prevention of harmful hate must start with
social media companies that need to establish rules on prohibiting
all hate comments including antisemitism on its platforms.
We also need financial penalties for antisemitism. One possibility is
a national board for prevention of antisemitism empowered
to issue warnings and financial penalties for harmful antisemitic.
statements on social media.
Our Assistant Editor Lani Balaoro‘s Aunt Susan desperately needs
kidney surgery. I would deeply appreciate it if you could send a
donation in any amount via PayPal to Lani at lanibalaoro081114@gmail.com.
Because the exchange rate in The Philippines is so favorable a $5.00
or $10.00 donation (or the equivalent outside the United States)
would be very helpful.
A Quote to Remember
“Jews cannot fight antisemitism alone. The victim cannot cure the crime. The hated cannot cure the hate. It would be the greatest mistake for Jews to believe that they can fight it alone. The only people who can successfully combat antisemitism are those active in the cultures that harbour it.”
by Billy Graham
A prayer for those injured and dead from Antisemitism.
A Promise of the Lord is Forever
Your Covenant of old, Lord, is for a people of your choosing;
You chose a rainbow to encircle us all, their wellbeing falling
Under the sky’s embrace, and then you called Abram, calling
Him Abraham and you gave him a son, Isaac, a son of old age.
You planted a tree in heaven and its boughs bent low, trailing
Through time, altogether like a vine, pruned and flourishing in
The place you planted it, growing grapes for wine and wine for
Celebrating the gift of being son and a covenant in the flesh.
At the time of slavery, you made a sign of the lamb’s blood
Over the door, making ready to leave with unleavened bread,
Giving the lead to your servant, Moses, fashioning a memorial,
More than a memory, more like living the passing to freedom.
And you sent prophets to say that the wisdom of the Covenant
Lies within a circumcision of the heart, welcoming your love with
A broken heart, reaping your help to be free from falsehoods and
Ready to recall the great deeds of the Passover from slavery to life.
You promise, Lord, is from the very beginning and you fashioned
Your people from the weakest of nations, embroiled in captivity
And groaning, delivering them again and again from enemies,
Making them the everlasting heir of your promises and gifts.
So today, let us recall, again and again, that the Old Covenant of Old,
Lord, is forever new, ever to be recalled and lived afresh each day,
Never forgetting the great deeds now past, but hoping, always, in the
Significance of “today”: that your people are always and ever will be
An ever-present sign of your presence among the nations of the earth.
And now you have founded a New Covenant on your Son, beginning
A second stream, swelling up from the root of the first, rising ever
Rising to rain your mercy afresh upon the far-flung peoples of whole
World, watering reconciliation between the Old and the New growth.
And, if it seems for a while that injury and death comes upon them,
You know every hair on their head, every breath breathed, every sigh
Heard, every man, woman and child who sits, stands and walks in Your
Way, and every prayer, prayed, and multiplied in holy heaven.
But if, Lord, there are wounds, new and old, so your gift of new gifts,
Graces, now and onwards, bring together the Old and New Covenant,.
So, Lord, let your mercy refresh the people you love, old and young,
Ever in your company and the company of the Mother of your Son,
A Son and daughter of the people of Old, ever welcoming those who
Welcome you now, showing forth the meeting of mercy and justice
In the forgiveness of sins, passing through the Crucifixion, your only
Son’s outstretched, open arms, fixed in welcome, grant to all who ask,
As He asked, that you turn to the sinner who turns to you, pouring the
Resurrection from your Son’s abundant love to the very end of death.
Oh Most High, listen to your heavenly court, ever open to the company,
new and old, of your children, as they plead for the people Of your
promise, young and old, imploring afresh your Holy Spirit to
Guide and correct, chastise and encourage, all who are coming to you.
by Francis Etheredge, author of 17 books (13 published, 3 to be published
and 1 in progress): https://francisetheredge.online/.
A Prayer to Prevent Antisemitism
Lord God, through the covenant you established with the Jewish People, we Christians have been grafted into this covenantal tradition according to St. Paul. But very often throughout history, we have shown ourselves ungrateful for this gift given us through Jesus who imbued in his teachings this Jewish covenantal tradition through acts of antisemitism. We join with Popes St. John Paul II and Francis in confessing our sins of antisemitism past and present. Through this prayer, we commit ourselves to the elimination of any remaining anti-Semitic teachings in the Catholic community and pledge to add our public voice in denouncing any manifestations of antisemitism in contemporary society. We ask your blessing so that we may have the strength to fulfill this pledge we make in your presence. by John T. Pawlikowski, OSM, Profiles in Catholicism
Prayer for those in Libya and Mongolia
For all those in Libya and Mongolia pray. The startling death and devastation wreaked by Mediterranean storms pointed to the storms’ intensity, but also the vulnerability of a nation torn apart by chaos for more than a decade. Lord, help them to understand the goodness you send to all of us at different times. The, one in the east, the other in the west, and the result has been neglect of infrastructure in many areas We understand Lord, that we need to do our part to get the government of Libya and Mongolia we need your tremendous love and help.
Outside help could not reach /hem immediately.. Help us to find our way into the depths of your heart and know that your love continues in both good and bad times. Let us help both in prayer and good works as the Libyans need your help. We ask you this through Jesus Christ, Our Lord, in union with the Father and the Holy Spirit. by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Antisemitism Interviews
General Interviews
General Antisemitism Articles and Commentaries
Biden expands Civil Rights Act protections at 8 cabinet departments to include antisemitism by Ron Kampeas Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Antisemitism on Elon Musk’s X is surging and dredging up many ancient, defamatory themes of blaming Jews by Pamela S. Nadell The Conversation
Antisemitism Yesterday and Today by Dr. John Alonzo Dick Another Voice
Gov. Hochul unveils new plan to combat antisemitism in New York by Julia Gergely Jewish Telegraphic Agency
New UN ‘Commission of Inquiry’ Report Slammed for ‘Slander’ and ‘Lies’ Against Israel by Combat Antisemitism Movement
Through May, CAM Tracks Daily Average of 5.0 Antisemitic Incidents in 2023 Ten Most Shocking Antisemitic Incidents of July 2023 by Combat Antisemitism
Will Jewish Community Panic If Antisemitism Ever Goes Down? by David Suissa Jewish Journal
ADL and major Jewish groups in 7 countries team up to fight antisemitism together by Ben Sale Jewish Telegraphic Agency
A scholar sees a common root for antisemitism and racism: ‘Christian supremacy’ by Andrew Silow-Carrol Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Anti-Jewish readings of Scripture are not just a Holy Week problem by Phillip A. Cunningham National Catholic Reporter
What's Legitimate Criticism of Israel Vs. Antisemitism? by Jorge Gonzalez-Gallarza Newsweek
Following St. John Paul II in fighting antisemitism by Patrick Novecosky The Catholic World Report
Arnold Schwarzenegger warns those on a "path of hate" and antisemitism, they could end up a "loser" like his Nazi father by Li Cohen CBS News
Old-school Christian nationalism’s avatar of racism, antisemitism and conspiracies by Bob Smietana Religion News Service
Combating antisemitism in the era of Twitter and TikTok by Alan Marcus Religion News Service UN chief decries antisemitism, urges stand against hatred by The Associated Press/Euronews
Is this antisemitism, or something else? by Jeffrey Salkin Religion News Service
Radical beliefs on Right and Left contributed to rise in antisemitism in 2021 by Zvika Klein The Jerusalem Post
Antisemitism isn’t just ‘Jew-hatred’ – it’s anti-Jewish racism by Dov Waxman The Conversation
Antisemitic incidents surged in 2021 as Israel-Gaza fighting escalated, report finds by Erik Ortiz NBC News
The Deadly Power of Antisemitic Conspiracy Theories by United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
The Loneliest Hatred, Why anti-Semitism and conspiratorial theories claiming that ‘Black people are the “real Jews”’ thrive in a time of racial reckoning by John Paul Pagano The Tablet
Is antisemitism still the third rail of prejudice? by Mark Silk Religion News Service
The antisemitic conspiracy behind the anti-porn movement by Mira Fox The Forward
What will the Church do about the re-emergence of anti-Semitism? The treatment of Jews by Christians is the oldest, most persistent and most treasonous of our sins by William J Grimm UCA News
Antisemitic and anti-Muslim content is flourishing on TikTok, report finds by Alejandra Molina Religion News Service
"The Remnant" Winks at Anti-Semitic Hatred by Dave Armstrong Patheos
JewBelong goes digital — and hot pink — in campaign to sound alarm on antisemitism by Yonat Shimron and Renée Roden Religion News Service
Report: Team’s antisemitic language goes back years by The Associated Press
We need to decolonise our understanding of antisemitism by Ronert A. Cohen Patheos
120-plus groups call on Facebook to put in place policy curbing anti-Semitism by Jewish News Syndicate
When Is a Nazi Salute Not a Nazi Salute? by Matt Seaton NYR Daily
Auschwitz survivors warn of rising anti-Semitism 75 years later by Vanessa Gera Associated Press/America
Rooting Out Antisemitism by Henry Karlson Patheos
Pope Francis: “I will never grow tired of condemning every form of anti-Semitism” by Gerard O’Connell America
7 Reminders from the Popes that Catholics Must Oppose Anti-Semitism by Brendan Gottschall, SJ The Jesuit Post
Christians Must Fight Strongly Against Modern Antisemitism by Henry Karlson Patheos
What church and civic leaders can and must do to fight anti-Semitism by The Editors America
Surge in Anti-Semitic Attacks Has Caused a 'Sense of Emergency' Among Jews Worldwide, New Report Says by Madeline Roache Time
Jesus, Judaism, and Anti-Semitism by Herb Montgomery Patheos
Three Charms for Hitler by Yuval Harari Tablet
Horn of Africa: Millions suffering due to prolonged drought by Will Baxter Aljazeera/Angelus
The Multicultural Myth, Anti-Semitism, and Misogyny by William Kilpatrick The Catholic World Report
The cancer of anti-Semitism must be excised from the Left by Michael Sean Winters National; Catholic Reporter
Pope Condemns Spread of Anti-Semitic Attacks in Various Countries by Deborah Casellano Luvov Zenit
How to mobilize Christians against anti-Semitism? by Anne-Marie Pelletier La Croix International
Catholics have a moral duty to fight anti-Semitism by The Editors America
f you hate Jews, you hate Jesus by Deacon Greg Kendra Patheos
Francis warns: 75 years after Holocaust, guard against 'any whiff' of anti-Semitism by Joshus J. McElwee National Catholic Reporter
Pope: Indifference a virus that is contagious in our time by Vatican News
General Articles and Commentaries
Catholic orders in Rome sheltered more than 3,000 Jews during Holocaust, rediscovered document shows by Colleen Dulle America Link to The Holocaust
Pope Francis 'deeply saddened' for loss of life, destruction in Libya by Deborah Castellano Lubov Vatican News
AP PHOTOS: Satellite images show flood devastation that killed more than 11,000 in Libya by Yousef Mourad Yahoo
Libya floods: The bodies left unrecognisable by disaster by Anna Foster BBC
Pope calls for prayers for people of Morocco after earthquake by Christopher Wells Vatican News
Archbishop Caccia recalls harm done by nuclear energy by Francesca Merlo Vatican News Link to Nuclear Challenges
Pope Francis concludes his Apostolic Journey to Mongolia by David Watkins Vatican News
Pope: The choice to migrate or stay is a fundamental human right by Independent Catholic News Link to General Immigration Challenges
Pope condemns ‘body shaming,’ plastic surgery in talk with Asian youth by Elise Ann Allen Crux Link to Youth Challenges and Leadership
What you need to know about the Synod on Synodality by Courtney Mares Catholic News Agency/Catholic World Report
Pope Francis warns Bill Clinton of ‘wind of war that blows throughout the world’ by Claire Giangravé Religion News Service’
Pope Francis: Forgiveness is the cure that heals ‘the poisons of resentment’ by Courtney Mares Catholic News Agency/Catholic World Report Link to Forgiveness
Pittsburgh’s spiritual leaders question how and who to forgive by Adam Reinherz The Jewish Chronicle
U.S. priest brings more than 1,000 prayer intentions to Ulma family beatification by Jonah McKeown Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Rubio and 7 Senate Colleagues Press Wray for Answers on FBI’s Anti-Catholic Memo by Catholic Vote
How ‘Had Gadya’ inspired famed Catholic painter Frank Stella, a leader of the Minimalist art movement by Shira Li Bartov Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Suspended UMC Latina bishop accused of financial malfeasance and retaliation by Yonat Shimron Religion News Service Link to Financial Crimes and Improprieties
Alex Murdaugh pleads guilty to financial crimes — the first time he’s admitted blame to a judge by James Pollard and Jeffrey Collens The Associated Press
WATCH: “We are confronting extreme climate events” by Alan Rosenbaum The Jerusalem Post Link to Environment and Climate Challenges, Advocacy, and Response
Still fighting for the unborn in one of Europe’s last pro-life sanctuaries by Dr. Miriam Sciberras The Catholic World Report Link to Abortion
Woman arrested for silent prayer at abortion clinics gets police apology by Kevin J. Jones Catholic News Agency
CatholicVote’s Brian Burch Responds to Trump Calling Heartbeat Law a ‘Mistake’ by Catholic Vote
Blue State AG Sues Pregnancy Centers For Offering Abortion Reversal Pill by Daily Caller
Mexico’s Supreme Court removes abortion restrictions on a national level by David Agren Our Sunday Visitor
More pro-lifers guilty on FACE Act charges, face up to 11 years in prison by Tyler Arnold Catholic News Agency Link to Other ProLife Challenges
6-year-old fighting for life after Texas man bashed his head with baseball bat by Carl Samson Yahoo
A Black student was suspended for his hairstyle. Now his family is suing Texas officials by Juan A. Lozano The Associated Press Link to Racial Challenges and Leadership
National Association of Evangelicals launches test to assess, foster racial justice by Religion News Service
Supreme Court rejects Alabama’s attempt to avoid creating a second Black majority congressional district by Ariane de Vogue and Fredreka Schouten CNN
Decades-Old Trove of DNA Evidence, Collected by a Maryland Doctor, Leads to a Serial Rape Arrest by Catherine Rentz ProPublica Link to Sexual Relations with and Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls
High Blood Pressure Is a ‘Silent Killer’ That Affects One in Three People, WHO Say by Margaret Osborne Smithsonian Magazine Link to Hypertension
Ukraine-Russia war – live: Putin’s forces suffer ‘significant losses’ as Kyiv vows more drone strikes by Andy Gregory The Independent Link to War’
Why is the Ukraine war more Jewish than the Iranian uprising? A year after Mahsa Amini’s death, that should change. by Loolwa Khazoom Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Biden administration announces $600M to produce COVID tests and will reopen website to order them
by Will Weissert The Associated Press Link to Covid New and Noteworthy
A new program addresses a growing opioid crisis in the Bukharian community by Julia Gergely Jewish Telegraphic Agency Link to Addiction
A Texas judge rules coverage of anti-HIV medicine violates religious freedom by NPR/WBTZ Chicago Link to HIV/AIDS
My heart was filled with jealousy, not envy by Mark Davis Pickup HumanLifeMatters
No matter what, life is always worth living by Tony Magliano Western New York Catholic
Tracing the History of Jewish Immigrants and Their Impact on New York City by Tanisia Morris Fordham News Link to Migrants, Refugees, and Immigrants
Mexico makes agreement with US to deport migrants from its border cities as one mayor warns his city is at ‘a breaking point’ by Rosa Flores, Sara Weisfeldt, Emma Tucker and Macie Goldfarb CNN/Yahoo
The US is allowing hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans in the country to work legally by Rebecca Santana and Elliot Spagat The Associated Press
Making Sense of Levitating Saints by Carlos Eire Commonweal
Census Report: Poverty Up For First Time in 13 Years by Catholic Vote Link to Poverty
Boy Playing in Sandbox Finds 1,800-Year-Old Roman Coin by Christopher Parker Smithsonian Magazine
Beloved N.C. Baptist charity leader steps down over alleged misuse of $89,000 in donations by Bob Smietana Religion News Service Link to Financial Crimes and Improprieties
Exorcist priest warns against ‘satanic’ rosaries by Minnie Agdeppa CBCP News Link to Exorcism and Satanism
From exorcist to monster: How Hollywood has recast Catholicism by Tyler Huckabee Religion News Service
Pope Francis and the Death Penalty by Luis E. Lugo The Catholic Thing Link to Death Penalty
Eight Things You Need to Know About the Navy’s Failed Multibillion-Dollar Littoral Combat Ship Program by Joaquin Sapien ProPublica
NASA’s first asteroid samples land on Earth after release from spacecraft by Marcia Dunn The Associated Press
Israeli teens arrive in Pittsburgh to strengthen Diaspora relations by Adam Reinherz Pittsburg Jewish Chronicle Link to Youth Challenges and Leadership
Proud Boys’ Enrique Tarrio gets record 22 years in prison for Jan. 6 seditious conspiracy by Michael Kunzelman, Lindsay Whitehurst, and Alanna Durkin Richer The Associated Press Link to Domestic Terrorism/Insurrection/Sedition
5 police officers involved in deadly beating of Tyre Nichols indicted on federal charges by Hannah Rabinowitz and Josh Campbell CNN Link to Police Brutality and Misconduct
The Church’s costly failures in handling clergy abuse by Fr. Shay Cullen Union of Catholic Asian News Link to The Crisis
Filipino priest expelled due to alleged sexual abuse by Claire Bernadette Mondares Manila Times
Four things the SBC Executive Committee should do right now to address clergy sex abuse by Christa Brown Baptist News Global
The Boy Scouts’ Sexual Abuse Scandal No Longer Lives in the Shadows by Savannah Walsh Vanity Fair
The History of Relations between the Holy See and China by Federico Lombardi, SJ La Civiltà Cattolica Link to Catholicism and China
Wildfire risk is soaring for low-income, elderly and other vulnerable populations in California, Washington and Oregon by The Conversation
Top US bishop calls failure to replace priest on Air Force base ‘incomprehensible’ by John Lavenburg Cruz
Judge dismisses criminal abuse charges against former cardinal Theodore McCarrick by Damien Fisher Our Sunday Visitor Link to Catholic Sexual Violence Against Minors and to Mental Health/Illness
Grandmother and Family Tortured and Murdered 12-Year-Old Boy by InterNewsGroup Link to Murdered Children and Teens
Former Megachurch Pastor Imprisoned for Drug Smuggling Back in Pulpit by Josh Shepherd The Royce Report
Jets QB Aaron Rodgers has torn left Achilles tendon, AP source says. He’s likely to miss the season by Dennis Wazek Jr.The Associated Press Link to Sports
England’s storied Chelsea soccer team launches Jewish fan group by Jacob Gurvis Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Cyberattackers Target Episcopal Diocese of Virginia in $400,000 Theft by David Paulsen The Royce Report Link to Cybersecurity Challenges
Rosary an interactive prayer method with our senses, and the world beyond our souls by Father Jeffrey F. Kirby Cruz Link to The Rosary
Democrat Leader ARRESTED For Fentanyl Possession by Freedom Insider Link to United States Politics
Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Issues Sweeping Anti-LGBTQ Policies at Schools, Churches. Guidance includes outing trans students to parents, banning pride flats and preferred pronouns that don't match sex assigned at birth by Maria Elena Scott Scene Link to LGBTQ Challenges
Dominican nun speaks in favor of homosexuals being able to marry in the Church by Nicolás de Cárdenas Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
California governor signs bills that would penalize schools that refuse to teach LGBT content by Tyler Arnold Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
German bishops in tug of war over blessing same-sex unions by AC Wimmer Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Kansas to no longer change transgender people’s birth certificates to reflect gender identities by John Hanna The Associated Press
New Research Reveals How the Nazis Targeted Transgender People by Laurie Marhoefer The Conversation/Smithsonian Magazine
Exorcist priest warns against ‘satanic’ rosaries by Minnie Agdeppa CBCP News Link to Exorcism and Satanism
Louisiana High School Shooting: One Dead, Two Injured by InterNewsGroup
Making-a-Difference: Small-Arms-Cause-Enormous- Suffering by Tony Magliano Indian Catholic Matters Link to Gun Violence
News Alert: Person detained in connection with the ambush killing of Los Angeles sheriff’s deputy by David K. Li NBC News Link to Murdered Police Officers
Teen Gives Birth and Leaves Dead Baby in Hospital Bathroom by InterNewsGroup
Scientists Search for Near-Death Experiences of Cardiac Arrest Patients by Will Sullivan Smithsonian Magazine Link to Cardiac Disorders
When It Comes to Preventing Abuse, Are All Churches Equal? by Kathryn Post The Roys Report Link to Child and Teen Sexual Abuse General Reports
Itinerant Tennessee Pastor Charged with Child Rape; Wife Charged with Facilitating Abuse by Josh Shepherdt The Roys Report Link to Protestant Sexual Violence Against Minors
Democrats grapple with ‘shocking’ bribery allegations by Mary Cark Jalonick and Jake Offenhartz The Associated Press
Bishops celebrate National Migration Week, highlight overlooked ‘right to remain’ by Tyler Arnold Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
As migrant numbers swell, El Paso institute and diocese ready to boost capacity by John Lavenburg Crux
Bishop tells Catholics they’re ‘compelled to respond with charity’ to migrants, refugees by John Lavenburg Crux
Pope: 'Greater literacy promotes sustainable and peaceful societies by Deborah Castellano Lubov Vatican News
Pope Francis 'deeply saddened' for loss of life, destruction in Libya by Vatican News
Biden says antisemitism has 'risen to record levels,' takes a dig at Trump by Kanishka Singh Reuters Link to Antisemitism
Five Americans detained in Iran walk free, released in deal for frozen Iranian assets by Jon Gambrell, LugjainJo, and Matthew Lee The Associated Press
Vatican, China discuss reboot of grain deal as part of path to peace for Ukraine by Crux
Chinese priest convicted of ‘fraud’ for refusal to recognize state-sanctioned Church by Matthew Santucci Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report Link to China and Hong Kong Challenges
Boston College exhibit showcases Catholic faith in rural China by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Amazon sued by FTC and 17 states over allegations it inflates online prices and overcharges sellers by Haleluya Hadero The Associated Press
Pursuing Your Dreams: The Heart of One Piece by Sean Barry, SJ The Jesuit Post Link to The Jesuits
Jesuit agency head in UK blasts call to scrap UN refugee convention as ‘appalling’ by Charles Collins Crux Link to United kingdom Immigration Challenges
New York judge finds Donald Trump liable for fraud by Kara Scannell CNN Link to United States Politics- Part Two
The Boy Scouts’ Sexual Abuse Scandal No Longer Lives in the Shadows by Savannah Walsh Vanity Fair
Father Felix Varela: Cause for Canonization Gains Momentum by Jessica Easthope The Tablet
A new program addresses a growing opioid crisis in the Bukharian community by Julia Gerge Jewish Telegraphic Agency Link to Addiction
God’s challenging call – are you up for it? by Tony Magliano Clarion Herald
The Bipolar Priesthood by Father Jerry J. Pokorsky The Catholic World Report
Rolling Stone magazine cofounder axed from Rock hall of fame board by Agence France-Presse/Raw Story
Catholic leaders press for tax credit expansions to combat spike in child poverty by John Lavenburg Crux Link to Poverty
Long Beach-based priest charged with possessing more than 600 images of child pornography by Sid Garcia KGO-TV ABC-7 Link to Pornography Challenges
Pope condemns child pornography: 'Criminality available to everyone' by The Pilot
How Not to Defend Liberalism by Alexander Stern Commonweal
Biden and Netanyahu meet for the first time this year, signaling friendship amid disagreements by Ron Kampeas Jewish Telegraphic Agency
‘I Cannot Believe This Has Happened Again’ by Rob Holbert Lagniappe
Attorney General Merrick Garland reacts to accusation of DOJ’s anti-Catholic bias by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report\
Albany diocese set to argue against probe of $3.75B Fidelis sale by Brendan J. Lyons Times Union
Justice Department Awards $58.8 Million in Grants to Provide Legal Services and Improve Court Responses to Domestic and Sexual Violence by The U.S. Department of Justice
Scandal engulfing Mobile Catholic high school expands; SNAP urges the faithful to demand accountability by SNAP Link to General Reports of Religious Sexual Abuse of Minors
Trump steamrolls NBC host with abortion lie: Democrats 'kill the baby after birth' by David Edwards Raw Story Link to Media
Former Chi Alpha Pastor & His ‘Spiritual Mentor’ Indicted for Alleged Child Sex Abuse by Josh Shepherd The Roys Report Link to Protestant Sexual Violence Against Minors
Brooklyn Teen’s Road to Sainthood Gains Momentum by The Tablet Link to Youth Challenges and Leadership
Allegations against Tim Ballard, inspiration behind ‘Sound of Freedom,’ explain rebuke by LDS Church by Jana Riess Religion News Service
Canada bishops address ongoing search for Indigenous graves amid calls for greater accuracy by Kevin J. Jones Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report Link to Indigenous People
Bishop Poisson: Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples advancing in Canada by Lisa Zengarini Vatican Newt
Canada expels Indian diplomat as it investigates India’s possible link to Sikh activist’s slaying by Rob Gilles The Associated Press
Ottawa teacher jail-bound after sexual assault, exploitation of students by Avanthika Anand CBC
Who was Hardeep Singh Nijjar, the Sikh activist whose killing has divided Canada and India? by Krutika Pathi, and David Cohen Religion News Service
Former B.C. doctor to pay US$10.4M, sell waterfront home after stock fraud admission by Graeme Wood Alaska Highway
Top Canadian lawmaker resigns after inviting former Nazi soldier to Zelensky speech by David Lazarus Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Canada health authority criticized for offering medical assistance in dying to pensioners by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Reporter Link to Euthanasia
U.S. Nurse and Her Child Freed by Abductors in Haiti by The Tablet
Police in Argentina raid and close Nazi publisher following investigation spurred by Jewish group by Juan Melamed Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Cardinal Parolin: May Europe unite in face of Mediterranean challenges by Massimiliano Menichetti Vatican News
Sexual abuse: Catholic Church under fire for keeping data of ‘de-baptised’ people by Maïthé Chini Brussels Time
Paris’s Catholic Foreign Missions Society under fire over alleged sexual abuse by Agence France-Presse/ Raw Story
Investigation launched after alleged rape of Irish rugby fan in France by Gerard Donaghy The Irish Post Link to Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls
Pope in Marseille: Migration must be addressed with humanity, solidarity by Lisa Zengarini Vatican News
New synagogue in Dresden plans to operate outside of Germany’s Jewish mainstream by Toby Axelrod Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Sex abuse allegations against a deceased cardinal add to the German church’s troubles by Geir Moulson The Associated Press
Bishop of Tyler points to exodus in German church in warnings ahead of Vatican conference by Lane Luc KLTV
In emotional ceremony, heirs to ‘Cabaret’ inspiration Fritz Grünbaum take back 7 Egon Schiele works stolen by the Nazis by Jackie Hajdenberg Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Top European prelate slams France, Germany on migration ahead of Pope’s trip to Marseille by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Irish wolfhounds set to return to historic castle in Ireland this week by The Irish Post Link to Animal Challenges
Man arrested over claim of responsibility for attempted murder of Detective John Caldwell by The Irish Post
Ten new memory support centres to be established across Ireland serving people with dementia by Fiona Audley The Irish Post
Why the National Zoo Is Saying Goodbye to Its Giant Pandas by Meilan Solly Smithsonian Magazine
Art for art’s sake in Ireland by Tony Clayton-Lea The Irish Post
Retired Dublin archbishop: Abuse scandal ‘badly damaged church’; synod won’t lead to radical change by Michael Kelly National Catholic Reporter
Elvis Costello provides music for Conor McPherson's stage adaptation of Oscar-nominated romance Cold War by Fiona Audley The Irish Post
Two men charged with murder of 20-year-old Bradley Hutchins by The Irish Post
Man who subjected child victims to 12-year campaign of ‘horrific’ sexual abuse jailed by The Irish Post
Man arrested over claim of responsibility for attempted murder of Detective John Caldwell by The Irish Post
Ireland records 16-year immigration high – with 140k people arriving in the country by Fiona Audley The Irish Post Link to Ireland Immigration Challenges
Ten new memory support centres to be established across Ireland serving people with dementia by Fiona Audley The Irish Post Link to Dementia
Tributes following death of 'beautiful’ boy killed in car accident on Irish road by Fiona Audley The Irish Post
Man arrested over claim of responsibility for attempted murder of Detective John Caldwell by The Irish Post
Heroin smuggler sentenced to 15 months in prison by Fiona Audley The Irish Post
A young Catholic phenomenon – Hakuna movement by CathNews New Zealand Link to Youth Challenges and Leadership
Vatican-Diary Are-the-Jesuits-Taking-over-the-Vatican? by Loup Besmond de Senneville La Croix International
The stalwart media guardians of this Pope’s legacy by Phil Lawler Catholic Culture
Spain’s attorney general suggests prosecuting Catholic leadership for allegedly covering up child abuse by Alyssa McMurtry Anadolu Agency
Pictured: Malaga Priest, 34, Who ‘Drugged and Sexually Assaulted Four Unconscious Women While Recording the Attacks on His Mobile Phone’ by Laurence Dollimore The Olive Press Link to Sexual Relations with and Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls
Just talk about Christ' - Meet Hakuna, Spain's 'pringado' Catholic youth movement Link to Youth Challenges and Leadership
Swiss abbot says he is target in sexual abuse investigation by Swissinfo
Swiss bishops’ president calls for end of priestly celibacy by CathNews New Zealand Link to Sex, Sexuality, and Celibacy
Switzerland: Hundreds of sex abuse cases ‘tip of the iceberg’, say researchers by Kathryn Armstrong BBC
American XL bully dogs to be banned in UK following spate of ‘horror’ attacks, says Rishi Sunak by Kate Devlin The Independent
Architects of the climate emergency' plaques presented to Shell and BP by Independent Catholic News\
Russell Brand news – latest: Comedian accused of rape as ‘In Plain Sight’ Dispatches documentary airs by Holly Evans The Independent
Holy See appeals for adhesion to Convention on Cluster Munitions by Vatican News Link to Human Rights and Human Rights Violations
Anglican Church denies sacking St Paul’s principal Paul Browning over child sex abuse compensation disagreement by Kenji Sato Australian Broadcasting Corporation - Link to Anglicanism
Doctors voice concern as conference refuses debate on assisted dying by Independent Catholic News
Cardinal Zuppi to visit China as part of Ukraine peace mission. by Devin Watkins Vatican News
Vietnam: Human rights defender freed from prison by Independent Catholic News
Reflection on academisation of Catholic school by Independent Catholic News Link to Catholic Schools
Survivors in Britain urged to share views on national tribute to Ireland’s mother and baby home victims by: Fiona Audley The Irish Post
Lithuania president honors those who saved Jewish artifacts during and post-Holocaust by Andrew Silow-Carroll The Times of Israel
30,000 attend beatification of Ulma family in Poland by The Catholic Herald
Broome bishop facing abuse claims once told inquiry of ‘massive failure’ in how church deals with allegations by Tory Shepherd The Guardian
African bishops warn coups could make continent a proxy in a new Cold War by Ngala Killian Chimtom Cruz
African churches urge US Congress to reauthorize PEPFAR by Fredrick Nzwili Religion News Service Link to HIV/AIDS
Pope prays for victims of tragic fire in Benin by Linda Bordoni Vatican News
Alternative Catholic synod to push case for ordination of women priests by Joanna Moorhead The Guardian Link to Women Challenges and Leadership
DR Congo: Mining of cobalt and copper for rechargeable batteries is leading to grievous human rights abuses by Independent Catholic News
People don't expect Ethiopians to succeed in Israel' by Shmuel Munitz ynet
Mary’s Meals’ struggles to resume feeding kids in war-ravaged Ethiopia region by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux
Kenya: Archdiocese hosts Shalom peace-building workshops by Esther Kibe Independent Catholic News
10,000 people are missing and thousands are feared dead as eastern Libya is devastated by floods by Samy Magdy The Associated Press
Mozambique: At least 11 Christians massacred by IS by John Pontifex and Paulo Aido Independent Catholic News
Pope appoints new bishop for Nigeria’s Zaria Diocese by Sr. Titilayo Aduloju SSMA/ Vatican News
Nigeria: Kidnapped priest is set free by Independent Catholic News
Sudan on the Precipice by Rebecca Tinsley Independent Catholic News
Shun “culture of silence”: Kenyan Catholic Nun on Safeguarding in South Sudanese Dioceses by Kerbino Kuel Deng ACI Africa Association for Catholic Information in Africa
The ripening fruit of God’s love in Mongolia by Linda Bordoni Vatican News
Chinese priest convicted of ‘fraud’ for refusal to recognize state-sanctioned Church by Matthew Santucci Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report Link to China and Hong Kong Challenges
Reports dispute China’s closure of Uyghur detention camps claim by UCANews
Visit to Watershed project in Kaknewadi Village India Inspires Internet. by Franciscan Action Network Link to The Franciscans
It’s ‘business as usual’ for many synagogues as COVID resurges ahead of the High Holidays by Jacob Gurvi Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Police deployed across Israel as chief warns of terror threat by The Jerusalem Post Link to Terrorism
Israel’s Elites Revolt Against Democracy by Gadi Taub Tablet
Young man may remain in vegetative state after use of anabolic steroids by Ynet Kraus YNet News
Israel faces constitutional crisis in historic High Court hearing by The Jerusalem Pest
50 years after the Yom Kippur War, veterans see echoes in Israel’s current crisis by Ron Kampeas Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Prayer vs. Provocation: Why Israelis Fought on Yom Kippur by Shmuel Rosner Jewish Journal
Pinkwashing the Thought Police by James Kirchikk Tablet
Attempted stabbing thwarted near Jerusalem's Old City by The Jerusalem Post
Israeli arrested for torching statue of David Ben-Gurion in Tel Aviv by Jerusalem Post
Almost 40% of Israelis contemplating emigrating in judicial reform protest by Zvika Klein The Jerusalem Post
'People don't expect Ethiopians to succeed in Israel' by Shmuel Munitz Ynet News
Right calls for new military campaign as IDF searches for Huwara shooter by Tovah Lazaroff The Jerusalem Post
Fire rips through Iraqi wedding hall, killing around 100 in shock to Christian community by Farid Abdulwahed and Qassim Abdul-Zahara The Associated Press
Diocesan Pakistanis Pray for Homeland Peace by The Tablet
Pakistan supplied arms to Ukraine in return for IMF bailout with help of US - report
Pakistan supplied arms to Ukraine in return for IMF bailout with help of US - report by MEMO
Palestinians left without aid as Hamas, Qatar squabble over delays by The Jerusalem Post
Russia’s first lunar mission in decades crashes into the moon by Uliana Pavlova, Alex Stambaugh and Jackie Wattles CNN
Ukraine lashes Putin for saying West put a Jew in power to cloak country’s ‘Nazism’ by Lazar Berman The Times of Israel Link to Neo-Nazis
Papal almoner opens shelter for women and children in Ukraine by CathNews
Zelenskyy honors Catholic bishop serving Ukrainians in the US for ‘spiritual battle’ by John Lavenburg Crux
Medical Journal Articles/Commentaries
Canadian Wildfire Smoke and Asthma Syndrome Emergency Department Visits in New York City by Kai Chen, PhD, Yiqun Ma, MPhil, Michelle L. and Bell, PhD, et al.JAMA September 21, 2023 Link to Asthma
Adventures With Parasites, Metabolism, Inborn Errors, and Cancer. The 2023 Lasker-Koshland Special Achievement Award in Medical Science by Piet Borst, MD, PhD JAMA September 21, 2023 Link to Cancer
Frequency of Screening for Colorectal Cancer by Predicted Life Expectancy Among Adults 76-85 Years by W. James Deardorff, MD, Kaiwei Lu, MS, Bocheng Jing, MS, et al JAMA September 6, 2023
Receipt of BNT162b2 Vaccine and COVID-19 Ambulatory Visits in US Children Younger Than 5 Years by Sara Y. Tartof, PhD, MPH, Timothy B. Frankland, MA, and Jeff M Slezak, MSN JAMA September 15.202 Link to COVID-19
Protecting Medicare’s Discretion to Say No to Unproven Therapies by C. Joseph Ross Daval, JD, Liam Bendicksen, BA, and Aaron S. Kesselheim, MD, JD, MPH JAMA September 6. 2023 Link to Medicare
Doxycycline Postexposure Prophylaxis and Sexually Transmitted Infections by Kenneth H. Mayer, MD, Michael Traeger, PhD, and Julia L. Marcus, PhD JAMA September 22, 2023 Link to Sexually Transmitted Infections
RSV Infection in Older Adults by Kathleen A. Linder, MD, and Preeti N. Malani, MD, MSJ JAMA September 7, 2023 Link to Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Development of Islet Autoimmunity in Early Childhood by Marija Lugar, MSc, Anne Eugster, PhD; Peter Achenbach, MD, et al.JAMA September 6, 2023 Link to Sars
Health Information in 2023 (and Beyond): Confronting Emergent Realities With Health Communication Science by William M. P. Klein, PhD, Wen-Ying Sylvia Chou, PhD, and Robin C. Vanderpool, DrPH JAMA September 7, 2023
The Protein Structure Prediction Revolution and Its Implications for Medicine. 2023 Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award by John Jumper, PhD and Demis Hassabis, PhD JAMA September 21, 2023 Link to General Healthcare Challenges
Optical Coherence Tomography—History, Evolution, and Future Prospects2023 Lasker-DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award by James G. Fujimoto, PhD ,; Eric A. Swanson, MS, and David Huang, MD, PhD JAMA September 21, 2023
EBook The Nazis, the Vatican, and the Jews of Rome by Patrick J. Gallo
Book Reviews and Commentaries
Anti-Semitism Here and Now by Deborah E. Lipstadt Reviewed by Eileen Quinn-Knight Profiles in Catholicism
A Marginal Jew: Rethinking the Historical Jesus by John P. Meier Reviewed by Eileen Quinn-Knight Profiles in Catholicism
The Island of Extraordinary Captives by Simon Parkin Reviewed by Amy Spiro The Times of Israel
One Hundred Saturdays: Stella Levi and the Search for a Lost World by Michael Frank Reviewed by Carol Ungar Tablet
Squirrel Hill: The Tree of Life Synagogue Shooting and the Soul of a Neighborhood by Mark Oppenheimer Reviewed by Yonat Shimron Religion News Service
Antisemitism Here and Now by Deborah E. Lipstadt Commentary by Dr. Eugene Fisher Profiles in Catholicism
The Misunderstood Jew by Amy-Jill Levine Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
The Holocaust and the Christian World: Reflections on the Past, Challenges for the Future by Carol Rittner, Stephen D. Smith, and Irena Steinfeldt, editors, Reviewed by Dr. Eugene Fisher Profiles in Catholicism
Confronting Hate: The Untold Story of the Rabbi Who Stood Up for Human Rights, Racial Justice by Deborah Hart Strober and Gerald S. Strober Reviewed by Dr. Eugene Fisher Profiles in Catholicism
The Eichmann Trial by Deborah E. Lipstadt Commentary by Dr. Eugene FisherProfiles in Catholicism
The War against the Jews by Lucy S. Dawidowicz, Reviewed by Dr. Eugene FisherProfiles in Catholicism
Learning from the Germans by Susan Neiman Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Everyday Hate: How Antisemitism Is Built Into Our World – and How You Can Change It by Dave Rich Reviewed by Natasha Walter The Guardian
Battle of the Sexes: Raising Sexual IQ to Lower Sexual Conflict and Empower Lasting Love by Malone and SarahAchelpohl Harris, MS, RDN Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Awake with Christ: Living the Catholic Holy Hour in Your Home by Annabelle Moseley Reviewed by Francis Etheredge Profiles in Catholicism
Conversione synodale. Incontri con protagonisti della Chiesa postconciliare (“Synodal Conversion: Encounters with protagonists of the post-conciliar Church”) Edited by Fr. Vito Magno Reviewed by Michele Raviart Vatican News
Television Reviews and Commentaries
You People Reviewed by Malina Saval Tablet
The Diary of Anne Frank Commentary by IMDb
Viral: Antisemitism in Four Mutations. The Story of the Hatred's Insidious Return. Reviewed by Dr. Eugene FisherProfiles in Catholicism
Knowing Emily: by Tim Powers Reviewed by Eleanor Bourg Nicholson The Catholic World Report
Film Reviews and Commentaries
J’Accuse Reviewed by Owen Gleiberman Variety
Gentleman's Agreement Reviewed by Peter Bradshaw The Guardian
Crossfire Reviewed by IMDB
The Diary of Anne Frank Reviewed by Sandie Angulo Chen Common Sense Media
Jojo Rabbit Reviewed by Father Vince Kuna Family Theater
American History X Reviewed by Jack Gooding The Film Magazine
Der Ewige Jude (Eternal Jew) Reviewed by Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team
Theater Reviews and Commentaries
Jews. In Their Own Words Reviewed by Kate Kellaway The Guardian
Out of the Apple Orchard Reviewed by Mikhal Weiner Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Webinar Reviews and Commentaries
Antisemitism in Poland Reviewed by John Pawlikowski, OFM Profiles in Catholicism
Projections of Life: Jewish Life before World War II
The kidnapping campaign of Nazi Germany
Who Was Anne Frank? | History
Tour of the Secret Annex
Anne Frank The Whole Story Ending
Best Practices in Combating Antisemitism Online, on Campus, and on Both Sides of the Aisle
"Antisemitism is not a Jewish problem, it's a problem for the world" - Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein
How Jews in Germany live with anti-Semitism | Focus on Europe
The Holocaust in Hungary: Victimhood and Memory, December 18, 2017
Antisemitism on the rise in Australia - even in our schoolchildren
Crossing the Line 2: The New Face of Anti-Semitism on Campus Official Full Film
Rabbi Lord Sacks - House of Lords debate on antisemitism
Crisis of Conscience: Anti-Semite Learns He's a Jew
Anti-Semitism in France | DW Documentary
Antisemitism Today
Former maid to Adolf Hitler interview
by KAN Digital
Father John Pawlikowski Reflects: Nostra Aetate and Arthur Szyk
by The Arthur Szyk Society
Hate and Its Impact: Sowing the Seeds of Global Antisemitism
by United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Dramatic spike in anti-Semitic incidents in US
by CNN
Antisemitism in Europe
by DW Documentary
"All My Mothers" -The Story of Yehudith Kleinman .
by Yad Vashem
Antisemitism is on the rise in Britain .
by Channel 4 News
Holocaust Survivors on the Rise of Anti-Semitism by Urus
How I Escaped The Holocaust
by Buzz Feed
How anti-semitism persists in the United States
by Washington Post
Anti-Defamation League CEO: 'Anti-Semitism Is Everyone's Problem'
by Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC
Antisemitism in France: 'It is the only country in Europe where Jews are being killed at the moment'
by France 24 now
Antisemitism | Anne Frank House | Explained
"The Diary of Anne Frank": Meeting Otto Frank
What neo-Nazis have inherited from original Nazism | DW Documentary (neo-Nazi documentary)