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Writer's picture: Profiles in CatholicismProfiles in Catholicism

A Message from the Editor

Some have suggested that we may have a latent hate gene

that is activated by social media often as antisemitism. The

United States and many other countries have an epidemic of


As with all epidemics, we need prevention, treatment, and

hopefully a cure. Prevention of harmful hate must start with

social media companies that need to establish rules on prohibiting

all hate comments including antisemitism on its platforms.

We also need financial penalties for antisemitism. One possibility is

a national board for prevention of antisemitism empowered

to issue warnings and financial penalties for harmful antisemitic.

statements on social media.

Our Assistant Editor Lani Balaoro‘s Aunt Susan desperately needs

kidney surgery. I would deeply appreciate it if you could send a

donation in any amount via PayPal to Lani at

Because the exchange rate in The Philippines is so favorable a $5.00

or $10.00 donation (or the equivalent outside the United States)

would be very helpful.

A Quote to Remember

“Jews cannot fight antisemitism alone. The victim cannot cure the crime. The hated cannot cure the hate. It would be the greatest mistake for Jews to believe that they can fight it alone. The only people who can successfully combat antisemitism are those active in the cultures that harbour it.”

by Billy Graham


A prayer for those injured and dead from Antisemitism.

A Promise of the Lord is Forever

Your Covenant of old, Lord, is for a people of your choosing;

You chose a rainbow to encircle us all, their wellbeing falling

Under the sky’s embrace, and then you called Abram, calling

Him Abraham and you gave him a son, Isaac, a son of old age.

You planted a tree in heaven and its boughs bent low, trailing

Through time, altogether like a vine, pruned and flourishing in

The place you planted it, growing grapes for wine and wine for

Celebrating the gift of being son and a covenant in the flesh.

At the time of slavery, you made a sign of the lamb’s blood

Over the door, making ready to leave with unleavened bread,

Giving the lead to your servant, Moses, fashioning a memorial,

More than a memory, more like living the passing to freedom.

And you sent prophets to say that the wisdom of the Covenant

Lies within a circumcision of the heart, welcoming your love with

A broken heart, reaping your help to be free from falsehoods and

Ready to recall the great deeds of the Passover from slavery to life.

You promise, Lord, is from the very beginning and you fashioned

Your people from the weakest of nations, embroiled in captivity

And groaning, delivering them again and again from enemies,

Making them the everlasting heir of your promises and gifts.

So today, let us recall, again and again, that the Old Covenant of Old,

Lord, is forever new, ever to be recalled and lived afresh each day,

Never forgetting the great deeds now past, but hoping, always, in the

Significance of “today”: that your people are always and ever will be

An ever-present sign of your presence among the nations of the earth.

And now you have founded a New Covenant on your Son, beginning

A second stream, swelling up from the root of the first, rising ever

Rising to rain your mercy afresh upon the far-flung peoples of whole

World, watering reconciliation between the Old and the New growth.

And, if it seems for a while that injury and death comes upon them,

You know every hair on their head, every breath breathed, every sigh

Heard, every man, woman and child who sits, stands and walks in Your

Way, and every prayer, prayed, and multiplied in holy heaven.

But if, Lord, there are wounds, new and old, so your gift of new gifts,

Graces, now and onwards, bring together the Old and New Covenant,.

So, Lord, let your mercy refresh the people you love, old and young,

Ever in your company and the company of the Mother of your Son,

A Son and daughter of the people of Old, ever welcoming those who

Welcome you now, showing forth the meeting of mercy and justice

In the forgiveness of sins, passing through the Crucifixion, your only

Son’s outstretched, open arms, fixed in welcome, grant to all who ask,

As He asked, that you turn to the sinner who turns to you, pouring the

Resurrection from your Son’s abundant love to the very end of death.

Oh Most High, listen to your heavenly court, ever open to the company,

new and old, of your children, as they plead for the people Of your

promise, young and old, imploring afresh your Holy Spirit to

Guide and correct, chastise and encourage, all who are coming to you.

by Francis Etheredge, author of 17 books (13 published, 3 to be published

A Prayer to Prevent Antisemitism

Lord God, through the covenant you established with the Jewish People, we Christians have been grafted into this covenantal tradition according to St. Paul. But very often throughout history, we have shown ourselves ungrateful for this gift given us through Jesus who imbued in his teachings this Jewish covenantal tradition through acts of antisemitism. We join with Popes St. John Paul II and Francis in confessing our sins of antisemitism past and present. Through this prayer, we commit ourselves to the elimination of any remaining anti-Semitic teachings in the Catholic community and pledge to add our public voice in denouncing any manifestations of antisemitism in contemporary society. We ask your blessing so that we may have the strength to fulfill this pledge we make in your presence. by John T. Pawlikowski, OSM, Profiles in Catholicism

Prayer for those in Libya and Mongolia

For all those in Libya and Mongolia pray. The startling death and devastation wreaked by Mediterranean storms pointed to the storms’ intensity, but also the vulnerability of a nation torn apart by chaos for more than a decade. Lord, help them to understand the goodness you send to all of us at different times. The, one in the east, the other in the west, and the result has been neglect of infrastructure in many areas We understand Lord, that we need to do our part to get the government of Libya and Mongolia we need your tremendous love and help.

Outside help could not reach /hem immediately.. Help us to find our way into the depths of your heart and know that your love continues in both good and bad times. Let us help both in prayer and good works as the Libyans need your help. We ask you this through Jesus Christ, Our Lord, in union with the Father and the Holy Spirit. by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism

Antisemitism Interviews

General Interviews

General Antisemitism Articles and Commentaries

General Articles and Commentaries

Medical Journal Articles/Commentaries


Book Reviews and Commentaries

Television Reviews and Commentaries

Film Reviews and Commentaries

Theater Reviews and Commentaries

Webinar Reviews and Commentaries


Projections of Life: Jewish Life before World War II

The kidnapping campaign of Nazi Germany

Who Was Anne Frank? | History

Tour of the Secret Annex

Anne Frank The Whole Story Ending

Best Practices in Combating Antisemitism Online, on Campus, and on Both Sides of the Aisle

"Antisemitism is not a Jewish problem, it's a problem for the world" - Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein

How Jews in Germany live with anti-Semitism | Focus on Europe

The Holocaust in Hungary: Victimhood and Memory, December 18, 2017

Antisemitism on the rise in Australia - even in our schoolchildren

Crossing the Line 2: The New Face of Anti-Semitism on Campus Official Full Film

Rabbi Lord Sacks - House of Lords debate on antisemitism

Crisis of Conscience: Anti-Semite Learns He's a Jew


Anti-Semitism in France | DW Documentary

Antisemitism Today

Former maid to Adolf Hitler interview

by KAN Digital

Father John Pawlikowski Reflects: Nostra Aetate and Arthur Szyk

by The Arthur Szyk Society  

Hate and Its Impact: Sowing the Seeds of Global Antisemitism

by United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Dramatic spike in anti-Semitic incidents in US

by CNN  

Antisemitism in Europe 

by DW Documentary  

"All My Mothers" -The Story of Yehudith Kleinman  .

by Yad Vashem  

Antisemitism is on the rise in Britain  .

by Channel 4 News  

Holocaust Survivors on the Rise of Anti-Semitism by Urus

How I Escaped The Holocaust

by Buzz Feed

How anti-semitism persists in the United States

by Washington Post

Anti-Defamation League CEO: 'Anti-Semitism Is Everyone's Problem'

by Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC

Antisemitism in France: 'It is the only country in Europe where Jews are being killed at the moment'

by France 24 now

Antisemitism | Anne Frank House | Explained

"The Diary of Anne Frank":  Meeting Otto Frank

What neo-Nazis have inherited from original Nazism | DW Documentary (neo-Nazi documentary)

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