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A prayer to end Islamophobia.

“Abraham’s Children”

Oh God Almighty, you love to create and you love all you created,

Look upon us with pity as we, children of Abraham, long for thee!

In the three great faiths that spring from the loins of Abraham, you

Have shown your faithful love, loving each and all in a unique way.

Oh God Almighty, untangle our differences and difficulties and Open to us the grace of dialogue, discovering anew the faith of each.

Let us set out afresh on the journey of Abraham’s faith, following The God who speaks a real word in the daily events of our life.

Oh Almighty God, let us leave behind our false hopes and trails,

Awaiting your answer to our prayer and the signs of your presence.

Let your Holy Spirit grace our words, go before us, take what is Yours and share it among us, so that all can find a word from you.

Oh God Almighty, you know the many ways we have offended you, In offending each other, let the past not be a provocation but a start.

When we remember injustice, torment and travail, let us remember The suffering of the other too, re-founding a common love today.

Oh God Almighty, you are the author of all good works, go before Us as we come together to meet beyond being anonymously silent.

You know the path of everyday meetings, shopping and working,

Open up the friendly exchange of the seasoning of the season’s gifts.

Oh God Almighty, you see from all eternity the bright path of faith

Through this darkened universe, ablaze with the wisdom of the stars.

Let us find anew the wonder of creation’s gifts, given to all, given to

Each of us, to trace that path of light from the sun to the Son.

Oh God Almighty, let us take each step that is possible, from each

Possible starting point, unto you making the impossible possible.

You know the traces of your divine presence among us, expressed in Every culture, every truth, every true turning to your Holy Holiness.

Oh God Almighty, you have made us for yourself, founding us in the beginning to be-in-relationship to you, to each other and to all.

Guide us in the secret places of our hearts that we will be able to

Announce to all the mystery of God: the common inheritance of all.

Oh Almighty God, the children of Abraham are gathering around Mary, we hope and beg you bring all, old and new, to everlasting life.

Let us board the ship from all eternity that sails through space, ahead Of time, leading us through the Holy Spirit to your son, Jesus Christ.

Oh Almighty God, let us take up the life of Abraham, finding our own

Steps in his and hoping against hope in the help you can give us.

Let us look anew to the new horizon, taking up what is good in what All have done, seeking forgiveness and reconciliation as we travel.

by Francis Etheredge Profiles in Catholicism

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