Book Reviews
Becoming a Pastoral Parish Council by Patricia Carroll Reviewed by Independent Catholic News
Becoming a Parish of Intentional Disciples edited by Sherry Weddell Reviewed by Eric Gallagher.
Articles and Commentaries
New Ebook Helps Parishes Reach More People by Pushpay/Crux
Rozanski’s call: St. Louis archbishop to decide fate of dozens of Catholic parishes by Jesse Bogan St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Can laypeople lead a parish? Look to Louisville for a thriving example by Jospeh Martos National Catholic Reporter
Two years into pandemic, some Catholic parishes stretching their dollars by Brian Fraga National Catholic Reporter
Italian bishop suspends priest who campaigns against vaccine mandate by Breitbart
Priest Resigns After Two Decades of Performing 'Invalid' Baptisms by Nick Mordowanec U.S.News
Chicago Catholic parishes facing steep hardships during pandemic, but leaders remain hopeful by Karen Ann Cullotta The Chicago Tribune
The Pandemic Has Hit Catholic Parishes Hard, Also Taking a Toll on Priests by Luke Coppen Catholic News Agency/National Catholic Register
Filling vital US ministry roles, foreign-born priests need deliberate support to thrive by Maria Benevento National Catholic Reporter
Cardinal Kasper Defends Vatican Instruction on Parishes by Catholic News Agency/National Catholic Register
Mississippi in Yiddish. The story of a hugely popular play about African Americans falsely accused of raping two white women in 1931 in Scottsboro, Alabama—that premiered in 1935 Warsaw by Alyssa Quint Tablet
Explainer: 5 takeaways from the Vatican’s new document on parish reform by Colleen Dulle America
Survey of bishops reveals how pandemic has shaken diocesan, parish life by Dennis Sadowski CatholicNews Service/National Catholic Reporter
Returning churchgoers greeted with new normal of distance and disinfectant by Peter FeuerherdNational Catholic Reporter
Catholic priests may be feeling ‘nonessential’ during the pandemic- here’s how you can help by CNA Daily News/The Catholic World Report
How parishes can tackle the U.S. church’s money crisis by Michael White and Tom Corcoran America
Notre Dame sisters mobilize to fend off child traffickers in Tanzania by Doreen Ajiamb Global Sisters Report
Gone: Pastor says half of his parishioners were seized in ICE raid by Deacon Greg Kandra Patheos
Large number of Dutch churches to close in near future by Michiel van de Kamp and Katholiek Nieuwsblad Crux
German bishop says only a new theology can save the Church, Heiner Wilmer of Hildesheim diocese says clerical abuse of power is destroying Catholicism by Christa Pongratz-Lippitt La Croix International
Pope Francis has been bombarded with insults after urging Catholics to pray for migrants. by CathNews
The parish is dead, long live the parish by Gauthier Vaillant La Croix International
Parents, citing pastor's hostility, plan to pull their kids from school by Dan Morris-Young National Catholic Reporter
Teenagers leaving Church at a higher rate – study by Colm Fitzpatrick The Irish Catholic