January 1, St. Basil’s Feastday | January 06 Twelfth Night (Epiphany) | January 17 St. Anthony's Feastday| February 02 Candlemas Day | February 03 St. Blaise's Feastday | February 09 The Anniversary of Agnes Sorrel's Death | February 18 Mary I of England's Birthday |February 21 - Anniversary of Pope Benedict XIII's Death | February 23 Anniversary of the Crowning of Simon de Brion as Pope Martin IV |
March 01 St. David's Day | March 04 St. Casimir's Feastday | March 9 Anniversary of Jules Cardinal
Mazarin' s Death | March 17 St. Patrick's Feast Day | March 19 St. Joseph's Day (La Festa di San Giuseppe) April 10 Anniversary of the Death of Elizabeth Barton | April 25 St. Mark the Evangelist's Feastday |
May 15 St. Isidro Labrador's Feast Day| May 16 St. Honoré's Feastday | May 18 Saint Karol Jozef Wojtyla's Birthday | May 28 Anniversary of the Election of Pietro Orsini as Pope Benedict XIII\ | May 30 St. Joan of Arc's Feastday | June 03 Anniversary of the Death of Pope John XXIII | June 24 St. John the Baptist's Feastday Midsummer Day| June 29 St. Peter's Feastday | July 11 - St Benedict’s Feastday | July 25 St. James the Great's Feast Day | September 12 Feast of the Holy Name of Mary| September 19 St. Januarius' (Gennaro's) Feast Day September 27 Anniversary of the Founding of the Jesuits | September 29 St. Michael the Archangel's Feastday (Michaelmas) | October 01 St. Remi'sFeast Day | October 14 St Menehould's Feastday |
October 15 St Theresa of Avila's Feast Day |October 24 Feast of St. Raphael the Archangel|
November 01 All Saints Day|November 02 All Souls Day| November 11 St Martin's (of Tours) Day (Martinmas/Martinstag/Márton nap) Karneval/Fastnacht |November 18 St Elizabeth of Hungary's Feast Day |November 22 St. Cecelia's Feast Day | November 23 St. Clement's Feast Day | November 25 St. Catherine of Alexandria's Feastday |November 30 St. Andrew's Day |December 06 St. Nicholas Feast Day |
December 13 St. Lucy's Feast Day| December 24 Adam and Eve's Birthday/Christmas Eve |
December 26 St. Stephen's Feast Day|December 27 St. John the Evangelist Feast Day