Profiles in Catholicism

Dec 16, 201914 min

December 1-15 2019 Profiles in Catholicism

A Message from the Editor

Is our failure to address climate change a sin of omission?
Pope Francis says destroying the environment is a sin and states that humans are turning planet into ‘wasteland full of debris, desolation and filth. We need to examine our conscious and address this challenge as a shared responsibility to protect the gift that God has given us.

Special Prayers

A Prayer to Protect our Environment

O God, your creative love brought forth our world,

Once a garden where humans could taste and see beauty and goodness.

But our eyes do not always see the sacredness of Creation.

We do not always remember that it is Gift

Given so that all humans may live and flourish.

Inattention can change the world.

Even mighty glaciers weep now.

Lifestyles create pollution that blot out the sun.

The very skies above us are threatened.

Seas rise and whole peoples lose their homes.

O God, we ask you to

Call us to renewal and to stewardship.

Call us to solidarity with the earth and all its creatures.

Give us new vision to see the fragile beauty that remains with us.

Give us new spiritual energy to become active in loving the world

through our daily lives,

Give us new voices to speak out for environmental solidarity.

Bless us with a love of your Creation

So that we may glimpse your Eden once again.

Adapted from a prayer by Jane Deren Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

A Prayer for Those Killed at US naval bases in Pensacola, Florida, and Pearl Harbor


O Lord our God,

You call all your children to serve You.

To serve with sincerity and fidelity.

To serve with generosity an honor.

And to some of your children,

You call them to serve You as they serve others.

To dedication their entire lives to the service of others

In serving their country.

We are so much better for their lives.

So now, it is so difficult for us

When some of your children

So serving

Are killed so wantonly.

We want to ask why? How?

For what reason?

Gently you remind us,

Questions have no place in our prayer.

Still even as we ask that you comfort us

In our sorrow and our sadness?

You remind us always,

Thy will be done.

Thy will be done.

by Father David O. Brown, O.S.M.. Profiles in Catholicism

A Prayer for the Protestors Killed in Iran

God, all-merciful and kind,

lead, guide, and direct the people of Iran

who struggle for justice.

Watch over, we pray, especially those who have been wounded and lost their lives.

Lift the hearts of all who grieve the loss of loved ones.

Give the people of Iran hope in their struggles. Amen

by Father Louis Cameli Profiles in Catholicism

A Prayer for the Six Children Who Died from Cystic Fibrosis

Good and gracious God, We ask you to bless our fellow journeyman, an Irishman from Co. Meath who lost six of his sons to Cystic Fibrosis. We ask you to hold this family in your loving arms and help them continue. The six sons were between the ages of 3 and 6 months born in the 1960's and 1970's.

He and has wife longed for the survival of each one of them. For the first one he bought a little statue to place on the mantel on behalf of his first son and subsequently on behalf of the others. Graciously, Lord, give them peace.

Your love for them is so embedded in their lives that you sent them 3 healthy children who have 8 wonderful grandchildren. May you continue to bless them with a long and wonderful life in which their children and grandchildren are getting to know you and love you better. We ask you this through Christ our Lord Amen

by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism

A Quote to Remember

The protection of our common home requires a growing global political consensus. Along these lines, I am gratified that in September 2015 the nations of the world adopted the Sustainable Development Goals, and that, in December 2015, they approved the Paris Agreement on climate change, which set the demanding yet fundamental goal of halting the rise of the global temperature. Now governments are obliged to honour the commitments they made, while businesses must also responsibly do their part. It is up to citizens to insist that this happen, and indeed to advocate for even more ambitious goals.

Changing course thus means 'keeping the original commandment to preserve creation from all harm, both for our sake and for the sake of our fellow human beings.' A single question can keep our eyes fixed on the goal: 'What kind of world do we want to leave to those who come after us, to children who are now growing up?
by Pope Francis


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Feasting with the Saints


A Prayer for Those Who Have Suffered Abuse by the Clergy

God, in your providential love you comfort those who are wounded and afflicted.

Hear our prayers for those who have suffered abuse by those in their families or by those entrusted with their care. In a special way, we pray for those who suffered abuse by clergy who betrayed a sacred trust and who were meant to stand for your loving presence in their lives. May those who have been hurt find support and encouragement in communities of faith, hope, and love. May they discover healing in genuinely loving and caring relationship. May they reclaim hope for themselves. May they be strengthened and confirmed in their resolve to set things aright. May they rest in you who make all things work for the good.
by Father Louis Cameli Profiles in Catholicism

I Am Becoming a Catholic

He called me...At first it was a tiny call and I said:

"Well I am listening" He called again and again I said:

"I am listening"

Sometimes His voice is strong and clear,

other times I can hardly hear Him,

Sometimes He calls me when I am looking at a beautiful sunset,

Sometimes He calls me when I am helping to serve the homeless,

sometimes He calls me when I am out to dinner with friends.

I am still listening

He wants me to follow Him now and always.

He wants me to follow Him in joy and solitude.

He wants me to follow Him when others are in need.

He wants me to follow Him when I have chosen to hurt Him

and then say I am sorry.

He is after me night and day.

He is after me at the dawn of a new day.

He is after me when daylight disappears.

His never ending loving call is for ME!

I want to belong to Him and His Church.

I want His presence to become stronger in my everyday life.

I want Him to love me now and forever.

I say YES and again YES.

He hugs me with a strong embrace.

He and I are together with the rest of His followers.

Now and forever.
by Holy Name RC(A Committee Profiles in Catholicism


A Prayer for Migrant Children

Good Lord, who said “Whoever receives one of these little ones, receives me,” bless the little ones who are caught in the struggle of migration, separation, and abuse. Give all those adults who are responsible for them and for their welfare the wisdom and courage to do the children justice and to protect them. Make our hearts more ,loving and willing to do the right thing by them. May we see in all people young and old your image and so reverence their great dignity. We make our prayer through you who came among us as a child and who was forced to flee the threat of violence Amen
by Father Louis Cameli Profiles in Catholicism

A Prayer to End Gun Violence

Lord Jesus, as you approached the city of Jerusalem,
Before your passion,
As your people waved palms in your honor,
You saw the city and wept over it because you
Loved it.

You knew of the violence and chaos you would suffer
In that beloved city
still you loved it and wept over it.
Lord Jesus, look upon our cities, weep over them,
Love them and protect them.
Weep over us and strengthen us as we suffer
Violence and chaos.
Weep over us and love us.
Lord Jesus, weep over us and love us. (See Lk 19)
by Father David O. Brown, O.S.M.. Profiles in Catholicism


Father George Coyne Interview (1/7) - Richard Dawkins

Grace, Guts & Glory ... Life of St Francis Xavier

Why did St. Padre Pio receive the Stigmata?

HE DIED AND MET GOD, AND HE WASN'T READY. The incredible near-death experience of Fr. Rick Wendell.