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Catholic Leaders

Updated: Aug 26, 2020

A Project of Profiles in Catholicism


Print Interviews in English

Print Interviews in Czech

  • Jaká teologie stojí za zneužíváním? by Father Hanz Zollner S.J Katolický týdeník / 06-09. – 15. června 2020

Print Interviews in German

  • Sexueller Missbrauch  Minderjahriger in der katholischen Kirche Father Hanz Zollner S.J veröffentlicht Februar 2020

  • Pravention von Missbrauch von Minderjahrigen und Schutzbefohlenen in der katolischen Kirche Hans Zollner S.J

Print Interviews in Spanish

  • La atencion a las victimas de abuso Father Hanz Zollner S.J 37 [85] VR Febrero 2020

  • El abuso u su encubrimento: undesafio para la Iglesia u la vida consagrada Father Hanz Zollner S.J 37 [85] VR Enero 2019

  • Formación de Sacerdotes: Evaluar el pasado, reflexionar sobre el presente, imaginar el futuro  Father Hanz Zollner S.J Pontificia Universidad Gregoriana (Roma) Recibido: 10 de septiembre de 2019 Aceptado: 3 de octubre de 2019

Print Interviews in Portuguese

  • AMAR E ENSUNAR A AMAR: A formación de afectividade nos candidatos ao sacerdocio Father Hanz Zollner S.J Francisco Javier Insa Gomez, 2019

Video Interviews

Interview with Fr. Hans Zollner SJ at Forum for Child Dignity in the Digital World

Interview with Fr Hans Zollner SJ - A global perspective on child safeguarding in the Catholic Church

Articles about Father Zollner

Articles by Father Zollner

Reviews of Books by Father Zollner


Fr Hans Zollner SJ

Fr Hans Zollner SJ from the Pontifical Gregorian University in JESAM

Hans Zollner: Two keys for priests to avoid sexual abuse

Hans Zollner shares about his visit to Paderborn, Lima, New York, Philadelphia and Washington.

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