Prayer for a Pandemic that has affected the elderly
We put our lives O Lord in your loving hands. At the time of this pandemic to break may we who have no risk factors remember others suffering from illnesses. May we who have the luxury of time spend it in prayer for hospital workers and grocery workers who provide us with what we need. Help us to take care of our health through social distancing and washing our hands. May we who have the flexibility to care for others remember those who have no options. May we who have to cancel our trips remember those who have no safe place to go. May we who are losing our margin money in the tumult of the economic market remember those who have no margin at all. May those of us who can quarantine at home remember those who have no home. As fear grips our country, let us choose love. During this time when we cannot physically wrap our arms around each other, let us yet find ways to be loving embrace of God to our neighbors. Amen
by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Book Reviews and Commentaries
Aging Upstream: Memoirs and Mirth of the Silver Years by Kevin Banet Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Wake Up With Purpose! What I’ve Learned in My First Hundred Years by Sister Jean Dolores with Seth Davis Reviewed by Kirkus Reviews
Allelujah Reviewed by Kristina Cooper Independent Catholic News
Via Negativa by Daniel Hornsby Reviewed by Connor Turque National Catholic Reporter
Sharing the Wisdom of Time by Pope Francis Commentary by Catholic News Agency
The Gift of Years Growing Older Gracefully Reviewed by Father David O. Brown, O.S.M
Tips and Strategies for Senior Players to Improve Their Game
Dementia and Driving by Warner Law Offices
Seven Suggestions for Supporting Loved Ones Enduring Chronic Illness
The Ultimate Guide to How Grandparents Can Support Homeschooling
Senior Sex Guide: Maintaining Sexuality and Intimacy After 60
What Are the Social Security Benefits for Survivors and Dependents?
Protect Seniors during COVID-19 with Remote Patient Monitoring
Medical Journal Articles
Hispanic and Latino professionals feel overlooked and underrepresented in corporate America, new study finds by Jeanne SahadiÂ
Introducing the sisters who are rescuing victims of human trafficking in Nigeria by Valentine Benjamin Our Sunday VisitorÂ
Survey taken 5 months into the Gaza war finds most American Jews felt close to Israel, but not its government by Ron Kampeas Jewish Telegraphic AgencyÂ
How this Catholic Sister Used Art to Prepare for Taking Vows by Sr. Bethany J. Welch, PhD, SSJ Jesuit Media LabÂ
Cardinal Ambongo expresses worry over increasing violence in eastern DRC by Vatican NewsÂ
Estrogen-Only Hormone Therapy and Dementia by Sarah Glynne, MBBS, MSc JAMA April 18, 2024Â
Estrogen-Only Hormone Therapy and Dementia by Madeline Wood Alexander, BA, Gillian Einstein, PhD, and ; Jennifer S. Rabin, PhD, CPsych JAMA April 18, 2025
Loneliness Tied to Worse Physical, Mental Health Among Older Adults by Emily Harris JAMA April 19, 2024
Driving Impairment Among Older Adults by Rebecca A. Voelker, MSJ JAMA December 18. 2023
Addressing Eldercare to Promote Gender Equity in Academic Medicine by Julie Ann Sosa, MD, MA and Christina Mangurian, MD, MAS JAMA November 20, 2023
Many Older People With Cognitive Impairment Continue Driving by Emily Harris JAMA August 2, 2023
HHS Report Focuses on Physical Activity Interventions for Older People by Emily Harris JAMA July 5, 2023
Trends in Deaths From Falls Among Adults Aged 65 Years or Older in the US, 1999-2020 by Alexis R. Santos-Lozada, PhD JAMA May 9, 2023
General Articles and Commentaries
Church open to charge of elder abuse by Fr Martin Delaney Irish Catholic
The Top Tips for Seniors to Stay Safe Online and Avoid Scams by Celebrate Senior Living
Pope grants indulgences for world day of elderly, grandparents by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Ageism is making it impossible to fairly judge Joe Biden by Lynn Casteel Harper America
‘Mass of a Lifetime’ reminds elderly ‘their community has not forgotten them’ by Francesca Pollio Fenton Catholic News Agency
Dementia and Driving by Warner Law Offices, PLLC
Beirut organization cares for elderly in need by Doreen Abi Raad OSV News
Elderly people symbolize the transmission of faith from age to age by Edoardo Giribaldi Vatican News
Five Home Repairs Seniors Should Avoid Doing When They Are Alone by Expert Easy
Inside Japan’s long experiment in automating elder care. The country wanted robots to help care for the elderly. What happened? by James Wright Technology Review
Overdose deaths among seniors soar over past 2 decades, UCLA study finds by Clyde Hughes UPI
Ukraine's elderly often remain behind; here's how they've survived a year of war by Elissa Nadworny and Claire Harbage NPR WBEZ Chicago
Older Black Men Have Higher Mortality After Elective Surgery by Emily Harris JAMA March 8, 2023
Most COVID-19 Deaths Worldwide Were Among Older People by Emily Harris JAMA February 15, 2023
Why spending time with elderly relatives has been so good for me by Theresa Civantos Barber Aleteia
New Research Shows Cost of Sickness is 25% Higher for Elders of Color than for White Americans by The Skanner
Elders, grandparents have mission to encourage young people in the Faith – Bishop Nulty by Ruadhan Jones The Irish Catholic
How can Seniors avoid Fraud and What Can You Do About It? by: EliteElderly Team
Covid: the Elderly and 'the Right to Frailty' by Vatican News
Home for elderly woman celebrates golden jubilee in Mumbai by Nirmala Carvalho Crux
At 75, Sara Paretsky, the pioneering Chicago crime writer, has changed — but she doesn’t plan to stop by Christopher Borrelli Chicago Tribune/The Day
Here’s what Pope Francis said on the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
What Are the Social Security Benefits for Survivors and Dependents? by True Tamplin, BSc, CEPF® Finance Strategists
Report finds financial abuse of elders often not recognised by CathNews
Doctors warn telehealth cut puts elderly at risk by CathNews
Catholic charity launches campaign to protect elderly during hot summer by Inés San MartÃn Crux
Pope’s July prayer intention: ‘For the elderly’ by Devin Watkins Vatican News
Elder abuse on the rise in New Zealand by CathNews New Zealand
Matthew McConaughey meets Biden, makes passionate plea for gun reform at White House press briefing by Libby Cathey ABC News
God Responds to Tragedy by Sending the Spirit by Christian Verghese, SJ The Jesuit Post
Pope praises wrinkles, criticizes obsession with looking ‘forever young’ by Carol Glatz Catholic News Service/Crux
Pope at Audience: The elderly show us the tenderness of God by Deborah Castellano Lubov Vatican News
Pope at Audience: The elderly can inspire a more just and humane society by Thaddeus Jones Vatican News
This Old Man. Life in the nineties. by Roger Angell The New Yorker
Pope at Audience: The elderly teach us to persevere in faith by Vatican News
Pope calls on elderly to lead ‘revolution of tenderness’ by Inés San MartÃn Crux
Pope at Audience: Elderly must be loved and honoured by Benedict Mayaki, SJ Vatican News
Hard Truths and Healing: Elder-in-Residence Program Piloted at Carleton by Erica Helgerud Carleton College
Pope at Audience: Elderly are irreplaceable in passing on the faith by Vatican News
Elders, grandparents have mission to encourage young people in the Faith – Bishop Nulty by Ruadhan JonesThe Irish Catholic
Francis begins series of talks on old age by CathNews
Featured Report 4 Ways to Bond with Fellow Seniors at Church by Mary Shannon Profiles in Catholicism
Aging in Place: A Guide to Growing Older at Home by Rachel Christian Retire Guide
Summit on aging in men's religious orders to examine grief, hope by Elizabeth Eisensradt Evens National; Catholic Reporter
Delhi High Court says elderly have ‘lived their life’ in call to prioritize youth in COVID fight by Nirmala Carvalho Crux
Senior Living: The Growing Worries That Come With Age by Mary ShannonProfiles in Catholicism
We must not cast aside the elderly: UN nuncio by CathNews
Elderly religious overlooked in Belgium’s early COVID-19 vaccination programs by Catholic News Agency
Vatican laments ‘massacre of elderly’ due to COVID by Inés San MartÃn Crux
Missing Mass: Social isolation keeps elders safe but lonely by Administrator Catholic News Service
Pope Francis thanks elderly and sick priests for their faithful witness by Vatican News
Campaign condemns Dutch bill to extend euthanasia to elderly by Independent Catholic News
Pope Francis Asks Young People: ‘Send a Hug’ to the Elderly by Courtney Mares CNA/National Catholic Register
Caring for Kenyan elderly during pandemic requires extraordinary steps by Doreen AjiamboCatholic News Service/Crux
Eradicating elder abuse by Leela Ramdeen Independent Catholic News
Eradicating elder abuse by Leela Ramdeen Independent Catholic News
A look at a home for the elderly in Kenya during pandemic by Doreen Ajiamb Global Sisters Report
Cardinal Turkson urges not to ignore the elderly in pandemic by Vatican News
Virus reveals elderly as victims of a ‘throwaway culture,’ Vatican official says by Elise Ann AllenCrux
Bishops: Elderly and Disabled Have Same Right to Treatment as Others Amid Coronavirus byCatholic News Agency/National Catholic Register
Pope prays for elderly fearful of dying alone by Junno Arocho Esteves Catholic News Service/National Catholic Reporter
Older Catholics reflect on pandemic’s effect on faith life, how they cope by Ed Langlois Catholic News Service/Crux
We must have special concern for the elderly, says Cardinal in new Coronavirus message by Independent Catholic News
A Light Shines From ‘GOLD’: Order Cares for the Elderly by K.V. Turley National Catholic Register
Vatican conference highlights importance of elderly in the church by Junno Arocho Esteves Catholic News Service/Angelus
Bishop: New Jersey assisted suicide law will cause ‘undue pressure’ on elderly by Christopher White Crux
Holy See urges promotion of human rights of the elderly by Independent Catholic News
Archbishop Auza at UN Stresses Need to Include the Elderly. Older Persons Disproportionately Impacted by Many Burdens by Zenit Staff Zenit
Reporting Elder Abuse by Archdiocese of Atlanta
Human Dignity and Respect for the Elderly by Professor Luke Gormally CNA
Elders face unique spiritual challenges by Ed Langlois Catholic Sentinel
A Spiritual Role for the Elderly by Martha Holstein, Ph.D. CHA
A Time to Reap: Pastoral Letter on Aging by Most Reverend Harry J. Flynn, D.D. Archdiocese of St. Paul/Minneapolis
by Michelle Martin Chicago Catholic
An Age for Justice: Confronting Elder Abuse in America