We Need a New Conversation on Health Disparities & Prescription Drug Costs by Thomas R/ Johnson The Skanner
Speakers outline medical, societal trends threatening Catholic health care by Kurt Jensen Catholic News Service'/The Catholic World Report
After a serious scare, three thoughts on Catholic health care by John L. Allen Jr. Crux
Catholic doctor seeks to help patients better recover from ICU by Charles C. Camosy Crux
In message for World Sick Day, Pope Francis calls for health care for all by Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service/Chicago Catholic
Without the ACA, my son — and other kids with preexisting conditions — could die by Tasha Nelson National Catholic Reporter
Double Blessings: Separation of Conjoined Twins in Hospital Reaffirms Value of Life. The successful surgery on two girls conjoined at the back of the head was made possible thanks to the Bambino Gesù Hospital’s commitment in favor of the dignity of every human life. by Solène Tadié National Catholic Register
Cardinal Tagle urges leaders to ensure healthcare for all in coronavirus crisis by CNA Daily News/The Catholic World Report
We already ration healthcare. It's time to talk about how it's done. by Michael Rozier, S.J. America
AIDS, Discrimination, and Access to Health Care by Clay J. Cockerell and Gordon Nary Aids Patient Care
Book Reviews/Commentaries/Excerpts
Our Malady: Lessons in Liberty from a Hospital Diary A Book Excerpt titled What Ails America A Book Excerpt by Timothy Snyder NYR Daily