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  • Writer's pictureProfiles in Catholicism

Library: Father Louis J. Cameli




  • Prayer for those who died, were injured, or suffered loss from Hurricane Irma Lord, we pray for all those who died or were injured or suffered loss because of hurricane Irma. . Accompany them in their struggles and suffering. Reassure them that life is not ended but changed and that you continue to draw them to yourself. Keep faith, hope, and love alive in all our hearts, especially when we feel tested beyond our strength. Hold in your loving and provident care all your sons and daughters who make their journey home to you now and forever. Amen


Reviews and Commentaries of Father Cameli's Books


Draw Near - A Video Guide to the Catholic Mass

Days of Mercy and Forgiveness

Bread of Life 

The Devil You Don't Know (Book Commentary)

The Archaeology of Faith (Book Commentary)

Catholic Teaching on Homosexuality (Book Commentary)

Evangelizing Young People


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