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Prayer for When I Feel Rejected

Loving God,

you made me who I am.

I praise you and I love you, for I am wonderfully made,

in your own image.

But when people make fun of me,

I feel hurt and embarrassed and even ashamed.

So please, God, help me remember my own goodness,

which lies in you.

Help me remember my dignity,

which you gave me when I was conceived.

Help me remember that I can live a life of love,

because you created my heart.

Be with me when people make me feel "less than,"

and help me to respond the way you would want me to,

with a love that respects the other, but also respects me.

Help me find friends who love me for who I am.

Help me, most of all, to be a loving person.

And, God, help me remember that Jesus loves me.

For he too was seen as an outcast.

He too was misunderstood.

He too was beaten and spat upon.

Jesus understands me and loves me with a special love,

because of the way you made me.

And when I am feeling lonely,

help me remember that Jesus welcomed everyone as a friend.

Jesus reminded everyone that God loved them.

Jesus encouraged everyone to embrace their dignity,

even when others were blind to that dignity.

Jesus loved everyone with the love that you gave him.

And he loves me too.

One more thing, God:

Help me remember that nothing is impossible with you,

that you have a way of making things better,

that you can find a way of love for me,

even if I can't see it right now.

Help me remember all these things in the heart you created,

loving God.


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