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Updated: Feb 5, 2024

A prayer for the protection of the health and life of migrant children

Body Broken for You”

A child cries: Lord, they took my hand!

Forgiveness does not bring back my hand.

The Lord replies: Now my hands are nailed.

Oh Lord, give us hands that help.

A child cries: Lord, they took my foot!

Forgiveness does not bring back my foot.

The Lord replies: Now my feet are nailed.

Oh Lord, give us feet that help.

A child cries: Lord, they took my kidney!

Forgiveness does not bring back my kidney.

The Lord replies: Now my side is pierced.

Oh Lord, give us openness to others

.A child cries: Lord, they took my family!

Forgiveness does not bring back my family.

The Lord replies: Now my friends are dying.

Oh Lord, give us an extended family.

A child cries: Lord, they took my home!

Forgiveness does not return my home.

The Lord replies: I died with arms open.

Oh Lord, give us opening doors.

A child dies: Lord, they took my life

Be the forgiveness in me!

The Lord replies: Now live, eternally!

Oh Lord, give us a change of heart!

by Francis Etheredge Profiles in Catholicism 

Prayer for the Deceased Mexican Immigrants

Dear Merciful God

We mourn the lives of the 39 immigrants who died after fire broke out at the Mexican immigration center. Receive in your loving hands their souls and bring comfort to their families and love ones. We ask you to heal those who are injured and are still struggling to survive. Give them the means to find a safe home and a dignified way to make a living. Make our hearts more like yours, so we can welcome migrants and refugees with joy and generosity. Give us the grace to look at their needs and to respond graciously to them. Help us to realize that whatever we do to one of them, we do it directly to you. We thank you, we praise you, we love you. Amen! by Margarita Carreon Profiles in Catholicism

by Margarita Carreon Profiles in Catholicism

Querido Dios Misericordioso

Lamentamos la vida de los 39 immigrants que fallecieron tras el incendio en el centro de inmigración mexicano. Recibe en tus manos amorosas sus almas y trae consuelo a sus familias y seres queridos. Te pedimos que cures a los que están heridos y todavía luchan por sobrevivir. Dales los medios para encontrar un hogar seguro y una forma digna de ganarse la vida. Haz que nuestros corazones se parezcan más al tuyo, para que podamos acoger a los migrantes y refugiados con alegría y generosidad. Danos la gracia de mirar a sus necesidades y responder con gracia a ellas. Ayúdanos a darnos cuenta de que cualquier cosa que hagamos a uno de ellos, lo hacemos directamente a ti. Te agradecemos, te alabamos, te amamos. ¡Amén!

por Margarita Carreon Profiles in Catholicism

Prayer for the protection of Migrants


You, St. Joseph, led Mary on a donkey with the child Jesus,

Stealing away in the dead of night, seeking sanctuary.

How many of us sleep in our own beds – but how many flee!

Lord, help us to remember and to help those who have to leave!

You, Mary, had to look after the child Jesus, while you travelled

A long way, looking for a place to live and to make a new home.

How many of us live in our own homes – but how many flee!

Lord, help us to remember and to help those who have to leave!

You, Jesus, were a small child when you had to travel in the night

And find a new place to grow, a new home and new friends.

How many of us live in the same place – but how many flee!

Lord, help us to remember and to help those who have to leave!

Oh Holy Family, how you left with a few, bundled belongings,

Leaving what could not be carried, travelling light and quick.

How many of us have many possessions – but how many flee!

Lord, help us to remember and to help those who have to leave!

You, Jesus, were scarcely old enough to notice more than bumping

Up and down on the donkey, wrapped in swaddling clothes and warm.

How many of us have too many clothes – but how many flee!

Lord, help us to remember and to help those who have to leave!

You Mary, had to made do with a few belongings, a drink and milk

To feed your child, praying for the next meal for all and blessing God.

How many of us have food to waste – but how many flee!

Lord, help us to remember and to help those who have to leave!

You, Joseph, carried a few small tools and found a place to work,

Settling Mary and Jesus where you could and mending it too.

How many of us have more tools than we need – but how many flee!

Lord, help us to remember and to help those who have to leave!


by Francis Etheredge Profiles in Catholicism

A Prayer for Migrants

We bring our tragedy to you, dear Father, for help and direction. While much of the world focuses on the coronavirus pandemic, many migrants continue to die on the Mediterranean Sea while trying to reach Italy. In the latest incident, authorities say that the bodies of 46 people have been recovered

off the coast of Tunisia. The tragedy happened after their boat capsized near the city of Sfax at the weekend. Hold them in your embrace loving Father as we pray for their souls. Bless the rescue workers, many wearing masks because of the coronavirus pandemic, dealt with another crisis. Bless the officials

who suggested that that the death toll from a ship packed with African migrants that sank off the Tunisian coast here rose to scores of people.

Help their loved ones and all those affected by this incident. With most bodies from this latest tragedy in the Mediterranean Sea now being recovered,

there seemed no hope that any one of the 53 people on board survived. The accident, near the Tunisian city of Sfax, ended the dreams of migrants who wanted to make the crossing to Italy start a new life in Europe. Bless their desire Lord for a new life. Help them to rest in your heavenly home now and

forever.  by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism

A Prayer for Jakelin Caal Maquin

O Lord, mighty God, at times in history your little children have been treated badly.  They were drowned by Pharaoh (Ex) and massacred by Herod(Mt).  Still you Son, your loving Son reminded his disciple and us, to treat the little children gently and allow they to approach (Mk). Today the story is played out once again as we see your little child Jakelin mistreated yet now called to the side of your Son for eternity. Help us to remember always “People were bringing little children to him, for him to touch  them The disciples scolded them, 14 but when Jesus saw this he was indignant and said to them, ‘Let the  little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such  as these that the kingdom of God belongs. 15 In truth I tell you, anyone who does not welcome the   kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.’ 16 Then he embraced them, laid his hands on them and gave them his blessing. (The New Jerusalem Bible. (1985)    (Mk 10:13–16

by Father David Brown, O.S.M. Profiles in Catholicism

Prayer for Migrants

For all those who see “home” and all it means Disappear behind them; For all those who cannot see a home In the days ahead of them; For all those who dwell in Daily insecurity; For all those who are weary and Without a safe place to rest their heads; For all families in migration we pray. May the image of the Holy Family Fleeing oppression stay with us as we enter a New Year, And stay with us each night as we are blessed With returning to a home. May we also be blessed With compassion for those Still weary, still seeking, Still with so far to go.

by Jane Deren, 2007

Prayer for migrants and refugees

There are many refugees, migrants, overseas workers exploited, abused, treated as slaves around the world Lord. You and your parents were refugees in Egypt, inspire your followers to speak out for the migrants and refugees and demand their human rights, may we do all we can to help them. Inspire us to help strangers in need. Amen

by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism


"Forced like Jesus Christ to Flee"

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