Articles and Commentaries
Why we’re seeing more sexual abuse survivors come forward by Jack Molmud WCSH NBC News Center Maine
New Law In Maryland Expected To Help Child Sex Abuse Victims by Kevin McManus WFMD-AM 930
Victim-Blaming is a Repetitive Defense Deployed by Perpetrators Accused of Abuse by Mike Reck Jeff Anderson and Associates
Interview: Nate’s Mission by WBAY News
Alabama Moves to State-Ordered Castration, new law for child sex offenders harkens back to a time when much less was known about human sexuality. by James Hamblin The Atlantic
The Explosion of Child Abuse Online by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
Ultra-Orthodox Shun Their Own for Reporting Child Sexual Abuse by Sharon Otterman and Ray Rivera The New York Times
Secrets and Lies. Sexual abuse in the world of Orthodox Judaism by Linda Stasi Harpers
A Single-Case Study of Rabbinic Sexual Abuse in the Orthodox Jewish Community by Amy Neustein and Michael Lesher Journal of Child Sexual Abuse. Volume 17, 2008 - Issue 3-4: Betrayal and Recovery: Understanding the Trauma of Clergy Sexual Abuse
Twice Silenced: The Underreporting of Child Sexual Abuse in Orthodox Jewish Communities by David Katzenstein and Lisa Aronson Fontes Journal of Child Sexual Abuse Volume 26, 2017 - Issue 6
Activists call for review into alleged child sex abuser’s evasion of extradition by Jewish News