Pope discusses changing Church teaching on contraception by CathNews New Zealand
General Information
Sex is ‘divine’: How Pope Francis is recasting Catholic Church’s views on intimacy by Claire Giangravé Religion News Service
Pope Francis’ Top Doctrine Cop Echoes Occultists Aleister Crowley and Margaret Sanger on the ‘Mystical’ Power of Sex by John Zmirak The Stream/Daily Caller Foundation
NCR's Newsmaker of 2023: Jeannine Gramick, tireless advocate for LGBTQ Catholics by National Catholic Reporter
Louisiana priest removed from position after homophobic remarks, years-old abuse claims by Emily Topping GulfLive
Clash erupts among Vatican officials over sexual morality by CathNews New Zealand
Fired STM teacher arrested, facing charges of enticing a minor to produce porn by Ashley White Acadiana Advocate
Children Of Abuse: Celibacy And Sex Scandals In The Catholic Church by Seema Guha Outlook India
What happens when unconditional Divine Mercy meets our sexual wounds by Andrew Comiskey Our Sunday Visitor
Tracking priests on dating apps: Why an effort to stop clergy sexual misconduct is causing ethical concerns by Gina Christian OSV News/America
Cardinal McElroy: Sex and sin need a new framework in the church by America
Jean Vanier Began L’arche to Cover Abusive "Mystical-Sexual" Practices, Finds Report by Mitchell Atencio Sojourners
Cardinal McElroy’s Attack on Church Teachings on Sexuality Is a Pastoral Disaster by Father Raymond J. de Souza National Catholic Register
German Catholic bishops’ leader calls for change to Catechism on sexuality by Catholic News Agency
Reproductive Abuse in the Context of Clergy Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church by Doris Reisinger MDPI
Catholic Church calls Scottish govt’s guidelines on underage sex ‘morally bankrupt’ by Charles Collins Crux
German Catholic bishops welcome initiative seeking change in Church teaching on sexuality by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Sexual atoms and molecules by Father Tadeusz Pacholczyk The Pilot
Ruth Institute’s ‘Survivor’s Summit’ to Explore Rotten Fruit of Sexual Revolution by Kathy Schiffer National Catholic Register
New ‘benchmarks’ released to help seminaries deal with sexual misconduct by John Lavenburg Crux
How one Catholic university is trying to create a culture of consent by Jim McDermott America
Harvard sex week: Catholic spin explained by CathNews New Zealand
What does Catholic social teaching tell us about sexual harassment? by Brianne Jacobs America
Sanctissima: Meditations on a Dark Assumption Day by Mary Pezzulo Patheos
Sex in the News: How Can we Change the Headlines? by Rachel Leininger Life Teen Community
Bishops want Trump to end order on gender, sexual identity by Catholic News Service/ Crux
Disorder in the Order of Malta Last month’s dismissal of the order’s grand chancellor by its grand master, over the order’s involvement in the distribution of artificial contraceptives, has precipitated a serious rift with the Holy See. by Edward Pentin National Catholic Register
Human Sexuality Policies for Catholic Schools Cardinal Newman Society Staff
Marital Sexuality United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Love and Sexuality United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Book Reviews and Commentaries
From the Depths of Our Hearts: Priesthood, Celibacy and the Crisis of the Catholic Church by Pope Benedict XVI and Robert Cardinal Sarah Reviewed by Steven R. McEvoy Book Reviews and More
Swiss bishops’ president calls for end of priestly celibacy by CathNews New Zealand
Pope Francis says he might lift celibacy requirements for priests by The Jerusalem Post
German Synodal Way approves same-sex blessings, lay preaching, and reexamination of priestly celibacy by Jonathan Liedl Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Cardinal Grech: The synod ‘needs time’ on the question of married priests by Gerard O’Connell America
Celibacy rule deprives Church of excellent priests says French bishop by CathNews New Zealand
Will demand grow to end celibacy, as Pope signals zero tolerance on abuse? by Catholic Herald
The Catholic Church should scrap the requirement for priestly celibacy by The Economist
For celibacy to be a gift, it must be grounded in reality by Matt Kappadakunnel U.S. Catholic
Germany's Cardinal Marx backs loosening of priestly celibacy by The Associated Press/National Catholic Reporter
Celibacy not 'divine law' for priests, but promotes holiness, speakers say by Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service/The Pilot
Pope calls priestly celibacy ‘a gift,’ says friendship can make it easier by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Top European cardinals want changes on homosexuality, priestly celibacy by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Reason for Celibacy by Father Kenneth Doyle The Boston Pilot
Beyond priestly celibacy by Isabelle de Gaulmyn La Croix International
What Priestly Celibacy Means by Fr. Gerald E. Murray The Catholic Thing
Cardinal’s book on celibacy barely acknowledges Eastern Catholic tradition of married priests by Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service/America
Understanding add to the debate about celibacy by Greg Erlandson Echoes
Understanding the Debate about Celibacy by Greg Erlandson The Pilot
Benedict is defending celibacy from the media, not from Francis by Charles Collins Crux
“The Catholic Priesthood”: Benedict XVI on priestly celibacy by Benedict XVI From the Depths of Our Hearts: Priesthood, Celibacy, and the Crisis of the Catholic Church/The Catholic World Report
Cardinal denies he manipulated retired pope on celibacy book by Nicole Winfield Associated Press
Retired pope wants his name removed as co-author of book on celibacy by Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service/Angelus
Benedict is defending celibacy from the media, not from Francis by Charles Collins Crux
Human sexuality education in Aotearoa. A new framing document by CathNews
The Amazon synod and priestly celibacy by Russell Shaw The Catholic World Report
The Synod and Celibacy by Rusell Shaw Echoes/The Pilot
The priesthood is being crucified on the cross of celibacy by Fr. Peter Daly The National Catholic Reporter
Why Catholic bishops need a year of abstinence on preaching about sexuality by John Gehring Religion News Service
What's the path to true dialogue about gender in the church? by Daniel P. Horan National Catholic Reporter
Celibacy -- A Personal Apologia by Father Ron Rolheiser Echoes
German cardinal urges change in tradition ahead of celibacy discussion by Zita Ballinger Fletcher Catholic News Service/National Catholic Reporter
Church Documents
The Sixth Commandment Catechism of the Catholic Church The Vatican
Book Reviews and Commentaries
I Can’t Date Jesus: Love, Sex, Family, Race, and Other Reasons I've Put My Faith in Beyoncé by Michael Arceneaux Commentary by Tre'vell Anderson
Sex Abuse
Cardinal McCarrick, seminarians and abuse: how could this happen? by James Martin, S.J. America
The Catholic Church should not be shocked by the McCarrick case—it should be ashamed. by The Editors America
The Problem with the Bishop Scandals by Dr. Gregory Bottaro Catholic Psych Institute