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The Word in Your Heart: Mary, Youth and Mental Health

Francis Etheredge is a prolific writer! This text is a  collection of articles, prayers, and an experience of a pilgrimage. In the section “What is this Book about?? Etheredge states: Mary emerges from a lived pilgrimage as a Mother immersed in our lives, attracting us to her Son.  Young people today live in the midst of a myriad of social difficulties and carry many wounds. Often the help of the word of God to uncover what is deeply hidden and to heal it, is not considered as a visible option to, or in conjunction with, modern medicine. This book is an invitation to join a healing pilgrimage with Our Lady that offers new insights on who we are, where hope is to be found, and how to encounter the meeting place of life and love where wounds can be healed. 


The author has written “a very important and timely book on a crucial subject for our times. The cultural pressures and stress that are on our young people these days are unprecedented. The message of this book should land in the hearts of young people in Western societies and truly be helpful.”

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