A Prayer for Unborn Children and Their Mothers
Dear God:
Today there are many people who deny the existence and value of your children in the wombs of their mothers. As has happened to so many groups of humans before, this denial makes it possible to provide legal and cultural sanctions to the brutal ending of these innocent lives and denies us all the opportunity to witness their beauty. We pray today for the wisdom to discover how to open the hearts and minds of every American to unborn children at risk of being aborted. We also pray for the parents of all unborn children, that they may have the grace and strength to care for the glorious gift of life you have given them.
by Denise Mackura Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer on the Challenge of Abortions
The headlines stream about thousands of abortions.
The news is disheartening.
More, it is heart saddening.
Truly sad.
Not for the infants. They are with the Lord
But consider the sorrow and pain of mothers and fathers who are driven to such ends.
How their hearts must ache. How their hearts must bleed.
Lord, look with pity on them. Touch them. Heal them. Forgive them.
Please. Please forgive them. Heal their pain. by Father David O. Brown, O.S.M. Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe,
Virgin of Guadalupe, Patroness of unborn children,
we implore your intercession for every child at risk of abortion.
Help expectant parents to welcome from God
the priceless gift of their child’s life.
Console parents who have lost that gift through abortion,
and lead them to forgiveness and healing
through the Divine Mercy of your Son.
Teach us to cherish
and to care for family and friends until God calls them home.
Help us never to see others as burdens.
Guide our public officials
to defend each and every human life through just laws.
Inspire us all to bring our faith into public life,
to speak for those who have no voice.
We ask this in the name of your Son,
Jesus Christ, who is Love and Mercy itself.
Submitted by Wayne Smith
Book Reviews
Sharing the Heart of Christ; for Clergy, Counselors and Laity in Post Abortion Ministry by Kevin Burke. with Theresa Burke Ph.D., Fr. Frank Pavone Reviewed by David O. Brown, O.S.M.
Film Reviews
Never Rarely Sometimes Always Reviewed by Simcha Fisher America
Unplanned Reviewed by John Burger Aleteia
Never Look Away Reviewed by John J. Conley America
Television Reviews
AKA Jane Roe Commentary by Jack JenkinsReligion News Service
Never Rarely Sometimes Always Reviewed by Simcha FisherAmerica
Good Omens Reviewed by Lauren Enk Mann The Catholic World Report
After abortion legalization, Argentine church searches for a new path by Eduardo Campos Lima National Catholic Reporter
New Orleans Priest Says Biden More Pro-Life Than Trump by Brian Kelly Catholicism
Gun brandishing incident at Delaware abortion clinic won’t deter pro-life outreach by Alice Camille U.S. Catholic
Navigating Abortion Politics as a Catholic and an American by Guest Writer Patheos
Skewed media coverage of abortion at the Republican convention reveals a gap no one wants to bridge by Sam Sawyer, S.J.. America
Catholic Church: Abortion statistics in Scotland ‘deeply depressing’ by Charles Collins Crux
After Priest Supports Right to Choose, Boston Cardinal Says Life is Preeminent Catholics, said Cardinal Sean O’Malley, should play an “active role” in public life, and “fulfill the basic obligation of a democracy, to vote.” by Christine Rousselle CNA/National Catholic Register
Is Your Prolife Stance Really Pro-Life? by Karl J. ForehandPatheos
Legalization of abortion produced ‘identity crisis’ for pro-life Irish Catholics by Charles C. Camosy Crux
Missouri Cannot Block Medicaid Funding from Planned Parenthood, High Court Says by Catholic News Agency/National Catholic Register
Mississippi bans abortion on sex, race, genetic disability byCNA Daily News/The Catholic World Report
What the SCOTUS Decision on Anti-Trafficking Rules Means for Pro-Life Policies by Catholic News Agency/National Catholic Register
Bishop warns against extreme abortion legislation byIndependent Catholic News
China is forcibly aborting, sterilizing hundreds of thousands in Xinjiang byIndependent Catholic News
Analysis: Justice Roberts has some pro-lifers rethinking strategy by Michelle La Rosa for CNA/The Catholic World Report
”How the SCOTUS abortion ruling could affect upcoming Senate races by CNA Daily News/The Catholic World Report
More than 6k abortions performed in first year of legalization in Ireland by IrishCentral Staff IrishCentral
US Bishops' Pro-Life Archbishop says Supreme Court's Decision Continues "Cruel Precedent" and “Abortion violently ends the life of a child..." by Jesus Caritas Est Catholic News World
Canadian Bishops Issue Catholic Voting Guide saying "The principles of respect for life from conception to natural death and of the dignity of the human person should influence how Christians..." by Jesus Caritas Est Catholic News World
Supreme Court Strikes Down Louisiana Abortion Restrictions by Helen Alvaré National Catholic Register
Georgetown bans ‘Papaya Workshop’ abortion demonstration on campus by Michael Gryboski Christian Post
Undercover Journalist David Daleiden Sues Planned Parenthood, Kamala Harris, and Xavier Becerra by Thomas More Society
It’s Time to Move Past the Pro-Life / Pro-Choice Dividing Line by Rebecca Bratten Weiss Patheos
Friends of Saint Benedict decry church funding of abortion enabling groups by The Friends of Saint Benedict Center
Missouri's last abortion clinic receives license by Catholic News Agency/Angelus
Few U.S. sermons mention abortion, though discussion varies by religious affiliation and congregation size by Dennis Quin Pew Research Center
Pro-life laws advance in Iowa, Mississippi, Tennessee by CNA Staff Catholic News Agency
In final vote, UK Parliament approves N Ireland legal abortion rules by CNA Staff Catholic News Agency
Record abortion figures in England and Wales ‘a national tragedy’ by CNA Staff Catholic News Agency
US Bishops applaud protections for doctors objecting to abortion by Devin Watkins Vatican News
Bill Gates Funds Pharmaceutical Companies Using Aborted Baby Parts to Make Coronavirus Vaccines by Mat Staver LifeSiteNews
Abortion opponents protest COVID-19 vaccines’ use of fetal cells by Meredith Wadman Science
Coronavirus Lockdown Sees Abortion Rate Drop in Mexico City by Catholic News Agency/National Catholic Register
Is Coronavirus Increasing Abortion Rates? by Michael J. New National Catholic Register
We Must Be Vigilant — Abortion Advocates Never Waste a Crisis. The abortion movement during the COVID-19 pandemic has continued its push — even at the expense of the victims of the coronavirus and those caring for them by Michael Warsaw National Catholic Register
UK government doubles down on N Ireland abortion regulations by CNA Daily News/The Catholic World Report
El Salvador pro-life groups decry ‘misleading’ CBS report amid abortion fight by CNA Daily News/The Catholic World Report
Bishops join woman with Down syndrome in call to change N Ireland abortion law by Courtney Mares Catholic News Agency/Angelus
Pro-Life Groups Want Mothers to Choose Life as COVID-19 Baby Boom Looms by Currents News/Net
In two Mexican states, lawmakers vote down bills to legalize abortion by David AgrenCatholic News Service/Crux
WHO, UNFPA Use Coronavirus Pandemic to Promote Abortion by Lauretta Brown National Catholic Register
Federal Judge Says State Can Require COVID-19 Tests Before Abortions by Catholic News Service/National Catholic Register
Brazilian bishops praise court ruling against abortion for women with Zika by Lise Alves Crux
During Pandemic, More Abortion Drugs Dispensed Via Telemedicine by Kevin J. JonesCNA/The National Catholic Register
Bioethicists urge COVID-19 vaccine research avoid abortion cell lines by Charles Collins Crux
Brazil’s Supreme Court rejects effort to legalize abortion in Zika cases by CNA/The Catholic World Report
FDA to Lift Restrictions on Chemical Abortions by Lauretta Brown National Catholic Register
Scotland: Bishops protest government home abortion scheme by Independent Catholic News
Bishops call on Northern Ireland assembly to modify abortion law by Charles Collins Crux
The Virus, Abortion, and the Ethic of Isolation by Monica Migliorino Miller The Catholic World Report
Pro-life leaders call for coronavirus vaccine without abortion ties byCNA Daily News/The Catholic World Report
‘Robustly enforce’ chemical abortion regulations, Congressmen tell FDA by CNA Daily News/The Catholic World Report
Out-of-state travel to Arkansas abortion clinic continues, despite coronavirus concerns by CNA Daily News/The Catholic World Report
Poland lawmakers defer final vote on divisive abortion bill by Monika Scislowska The Associated Press/National Catholic Reporter
Judge rules abortion access outweighs efforts to fight coronavirus by CNA Daily News/The Catholic World Report
Virginia bishops condemn Good Friday signing of abortion bill by CNA Daily News/Catholic World Report
Sinn Féin leader in N Ireland calls for at-home medical abortions by Catholic News Agency/Angelus
Courts Uphold Stay on Ohio Elective Abortion Ban, Block Oklahoma Restrictions by Catholic News Agency/National Catholic Register
Court allows Abbott’s temporary ban on elective abortion for time being by Catholic News Service/Crux
Bishops dismayed at decision to allow home abortion by Simon Caldwell CNS/The Tablet
NI Bishops' express concern at new abortion legislation by Independent Catholic News
BreakingNews over 200,000 people at March for Life in Poland - Annual Pro-Life March in 130 Cities by Jesus Caritas Est Catholic World Report
Dan Lipinski, myth-buster by George Weigel Catholic World Report
Bishops shocked that U.K. to allow abortion pills at home during pandemic by Simon Caldwell Catholic News Service
Dan Lipinski, One of the Last Pro-Life Democrats, Discusses Abortion and His Party by Lauretta Brown Antiphonal Catholic Register
Human rights to water by Leela Ramdeen Independent Catholic News
Forest loss drives viruses as well as climate change, indigenous leaders warn by Covering Climate Now EarthBeat
Solidarity key to addressing both the climate crisis and the pandemic But where's the urgency? by Bill Mitchell EarthBeat
New Zealand passes landmark law to decriminalize abortion by Nick Perry Associated Press/ABC News
Ethicists: We Don't Need Aborted Fetal Tissue to Fight Coronavirus by Matt Hadro CNA/Crux
Dad & Young Son Watch as Hemorrhaging Mom is Rushed to Hospital from Riverside Planned Parenthood by Cheryl Sullenger Operation Rescue
Abortion law change does not change hearts and minds by CathNews New Zealand
European Court of Human Rights declines to hear cases of pro-life midwives by CNA Daily News/The Catholic World Report
Argentina and Abortion: Pro-Lifers Rally to Prevent Legalization by Sabrina Arena Ferrisi National Catholic Reporter
Slap on the Wrist for Pro-Abortion Thug by Joe Doyle
Historic implications of recent SCOTUS case stretch back to “Roe v. Wade” by Russell Shaw Catholic World Report
Archbishop Hebda ‘Confounded’ by ‘Abortion Providers Appreciation Day’ by JD Flynn CNA/National Catholic Register
Argentine Bishops Hold Pro-Life Mass as President Plans to Legalize Abortion by Catholic News Agency/National Catholic Reporter
Chief Argentine prelate comes out swinging against abortion on UN women’s day by Inés San Martín Crux
Ardern and Little champions of abortion by Ken Orr CathNews New Zealand
Who Really Wrote Roe v. Wade? by Sue Ellen Browder National Catholic Register
West Virginia passes bipartisan 'Born Alive' law by Catholic News Agency/Angelus
Wow Thousands on the Streets in the US and Canada forming Annual Life Chains for the Pro-Life Cause - #LifeChain by Jesus Caritas Est Catholic News World
Will pro-lifers change the future of feminism? by Sophia Martinson Angelus
Colombian court says it cannot rule on abortion proposal by Manuel Rueda Catholic News Service/Angelus
California Doubles Down on Rule Forcing Catholic Nuns to Pay For Abortion by Kevin J. Jones CNA./ National Catholic Register
New Zealand Bishops: Abortion Bill ‘Totally Unacceptable’ by Catholic News Agency/National Catholic Register
How California's Abortion Mandate Trampled on Catholic Nuns by Kevin J. Jones CNA/National Catholic Reporter
Obsession for Contraception and Abortion at The United Nations Population Fund by Edwin Benson Return to Order
‘Just Kill It’ Presidential Candidate Tells Pregnant Employee by Brian Kelly
After Priest Says Pedophilia ‘Doesn't Kill Anyone,’ Bishop Tobin Responds. Father Bucci’s remarks sparked heated controversy when, in an effort to explain his position, he made a comparison between abortion and pedophilia by Catholic News Agency National Catholic Register
Sen. Sasse reintroduces Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection bill by Matt Hadro and Christine Rousselle Catholic News Agency/Angelus
More Than 2,000 Aborted Children to be Buried in South Bend by Catholic News Agency/National Catholic Register
Bishop reacts to controversy over priest’s abortion comments by Associated Press/U.S.News
Argentina’s bishops call for prayer for life as government seeks to legalize abortion by Inés San Martín Crux
Four pro-life philosophers make the case against abortion by John J. Conley America
Defending the most defenseless by Tony Magliano Catholic Sentinel
Rhode Island priest denies communion to legislators who support abortion by Associated Press/Crux
The Superbowl and the Silencing of the Prolife Message by Tina Mayeux Patheos
While #GirlDad trends, US sex-selective abortion is on the rise by Courtney Mares Catholic News Agency/Angelus
Trump seals his Catholic deal. The selling of the church's moral authority is complete by Tom Robert National Catholic Reporter
Two Unexpected Things that Happened at the March for Life—and Why They’re Important by John Horvat II Return to Order
Federal government backs Ohio on Down syndrome abortion law by Julie Carr Smith Associated Press/ABC
Patriots’ tight end Benjamin Watson is producing an anti-abortion documentary by Zelda Caldwell Aleteia
If you’ve had an abortion, a message to you from John Paul II by Kathleen N. Hattrup Aleteia
The Constitution and the March for Life by Hadley Arkes The Catholic Thing
Abortion and Church Teaching by William Hemsworth Patheos
Trump Marches, Catholics Sell Out by Stephen G. Asubato Patheos
A Perspective On Abortion Regarding Bodily Autonomy by René Albert Patheos
On abortion, young Catholics express frustration with terms of the debate by Brian Roewe National Catholic Reporter
Trump’s Attendance At the March For Life Is Significant – But Not In the Way His Supporters Claim by Rebecca bratten Weiss Patheos
Federal government backs Ohio on Down syndrome abortion law by Julie Carr Smith Associated Press/ABC
Pro-Life is Pro-Woman’: The 2020 March for Life by Catholic News Agency Catholic News Agency/The Dispatch
Revision of Criminal Code could legalize abortion throughout Mexico by CNA/Angelus News
Patriots’ tight end Benjamin Watson is producing an anti-abortion documentary by Zelda Caldwell Aleteia
My mother was a pro-life activist. She showed me if you’re wounding people, you are doing it wrong by Simcha Fisher America
On abortion, young Catholics express frustration with terms of the debate by Brian Roewe National Catholic Reporter
Four pro-life philosophers make the case against abortion by John J. Conley America
Myanmar's genocide denial frustrates Rohingya refugees by Stephan Uttom and Rock Ronald Rozario
What the street tells me: Reflections in front of an abortion clinic by Richard McGuire The Catholic World Report’
Annual poll finds 70% of adults continue to support abortion restrictions by Dennis Sadowski Catholic News Service/Angelus
On both sides of abortion debate, Catholics largely fall short by Michael Sean Winters National Catholic Reporter
U.S. bishops' pro-life chairman asks Catholics to serve mothers in need by Catholic News Service/Angelus
Reconsidering Roe v. Wade: Louisiana Leads the Way to the Supreme Court by The Editors National Catholic Register
44 Faculty at ‘Catholic’ College Protest Screening of Pro-Life Film by Brian Kelly
Mom of twins says 'miracle' events led her to reject abortion, choose life by Dave Hrbacek The Pilot
Planned Parenthood Targets Latinos — and the Green Bay Packers Are Paying for It by Mary Rose Short National Catholic Register
Cardinal's Letter on Roe Act by Cardinal Sean P. O'Malley Echoes
9 Saints to inspire all the aspects of the pro-life movement by Meg Hunter-Kilmer Aleteia
Lila Rose of Live Action: ‘The Pro-Life Movement Is Growing’ by Mary Rose Short National Catholic Register
Lila Rose of Live Action: ‘The Pro-Life Movement Is Growing’ by Mary Rose Short National Catholic Register
Pro-Life Advocates Criticize Study Claiming Most Women Don’t Regret Their Abortions by Lauretta Brown National Catholic Register
Pope speaks to U.S. bishops about pro-life issues, transgender ideology by Catholic News Service/Crux
Young Catholic uses radio to press for climate action in Nigeria by Patrick Egwu Earthbeat
Twin inconvenient truths: nuclear arms and climate change by Charles Geisler Earthbeat
Francis criticizes world's 'very weak' response to climate change in address to diplomats by Joshua J. McElwee Earthbeat
The Measure of Being Pro-Life by Franciscan Action Network
It's time to change the abortion debate in America by Patrick Carolan and Brian McLaren National Catholic Reporter
Pro-Life Journalist's Car Set on Fire by Feminist Pro-Choice Group by Jesus Caritas Est Catholic News World
Standing for the Unborn, State by State: Where to Witness to Life Around Nation by Joseph Pronechen National Catholic Register
Ctholic Civil Rights League Awards 84-year-old Jesuit Pro-Life Priest Fr. Van Hee who Protested Abortion for over 30 years by Jesus Caritas Est Catholic News World
The defenders of human rights. by Father.Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
We need to protect the least among us: the unborn by Matt Malone, S.J. America
It's time to change the abortion debate in America by Patrick Carolan and Brian McLaren National Catholic Register
A major opportunity for the pro-life movement .Congressional Republicans think that the balance of the Supreme Court has tipped by C C Pecknold Catholic Herald
Aborting Queens’ perform in front of Mexican cathedral by Amy Guthrie Associated Press/Crux
LA Inserts Planned Parenthood Between Parents and Children The city’s plan to staff health centers on 50 high-school campuses with Planned Parenthood employees draws criticism. by Mary Rose Short National Catholic Register
Indiana AG: Aborted Babies at Doctor’s Home Cannot be Identified by Catholic News Agency/National Catholic Register
Over 200 Members of Congress Urge Supreme Court to Reconsider Roe v. Wade by Matt Hadro CNA/National Catholic Register
Indiana AG says aborted babies at doctor’s home cannot be identified, pledges ‘dignified burial’ by Catholic News Agency/Angelus
Lawmakers in Mexican state defeat bill to expand legalization of abortion by Catholic News Agency
Optimism and uncertainty for the prolife movement in 2020 by Russell Shaw National Catholic World Report
Northern Ireland bishops say ‘unjust’ abortion law requires ‘conscientious objection’ by Charles Collins Crux
Costa Rican president signs decree to allow some abortions by CNA Daily News/The Catholic World Report
In latest sign of stress on bishops, Nebraska prelate takes leave of absence by Elise Harris Crux
Did ‘Thousands’ of Women Die from Illegal Abortions Before Roe v. Wade? WaPo Says No by Mary Farrow CNA/National Catholic Register
Curtailed Study on Abortion Pill Reversal is Misleading, Pro-Life Group Says by Catholic News Agency/National Catholic Register
The new bill that would create a crime called “abortion murder,” explained by Anna North Vox
CDC: Abortion Down, Especially Among Teens by Molly Walker MedPage
Analysis: US bishops at odds over abortion and 'the Francis test' by Ed Condon Catholic News Agency
Sisters of Life Work in Face of ‘Extreme Pro-Abortion Ideology’ An Interview with Sister Virginia Joy by Charles Camosy The Tablet
Friendship with the Poor by Elias Crim Patheos
What the street tells me: Reflections in front of an abortion clinic by Richard McGuire The Catholic World Report
Civil rights league honours priest for 30-year pro-life protest on Parliament Hill by Andrew Ehrkamp Catholic Canada
The Abortion Wars May Never End. by Brian Fraga Patheos
Pennsylvania Politicians Divided Over Aborting the Disabled by Fr. Matthew Schneider Patheos
I reached out to every U.S. diocese. Here are the ones implementing the 2018 pastoral letter on racism. by Olga Segura America
Most States Protect Doctors Who Refuse To Do Abortions by Deacon Greg Kandra Patheos
After 50 years, the U.S. bishops’ focus on abortion has done little to change hearts and minds. by Steven P. Millies America
U.S. bishops said abortion should be Catholic voters’ top priority. Here’s why they’re right. by Alexandra DeSanctis America
US Bishops Stand Firm, Say Threat of Abortion Remains Their ‘Preeminent Priority’ by Michael Warsaw National Catholic Register
Analysis: The USCCB ‘abortion debate,’ and what came after by JD Flynn The Catholic World Report
Should abortion be the most important issue for Catholic voters? Here’s a better question.” by Sam Sawyer, S.J. America
U.S. bishops: ‘The threat of abortion remains our preeminent priority.’ by Michael J. O’Loughlin America
Hearing begins on fate of Missouri’s lone abortion clinic by Jim Salter Associated Press
My Two Abortions by Anonymous Commonweal
On abortion, Hispanic and white Catholics differ in their views by Mark Pattison America/ Catholic News Service
Opinion on abortion's legality unchanged; some shifting within groups by Mark Pattison Crux/Catholic News Service
Argentina pro-lifers aim to trigger a global ‘light blue wave’ by Inés San Martín Crux
Pro-life Democrats reimagine future of their movement, party by Don Clemmer National Catholic Reporter
Official: Youth called to be leaders and protagonists in the Church by Christopher White Crux
Pro-life groups’ campaign provides items to mothers, babies at border by Elizabeth Bachmann Crux
Pro-lifers say Wen’s firing shows abortion is Planned Parenthood priority by Catholic News Service/America
Forced abortion judge ignored family, human rights, appeal court finds by The Catholic World Report
A Texas bill would allow the death penalty for patients who get abortions by Anna North Vox
Changing state abortion laws show a nation divided. What does this mean for Roe v. Wade? by Kevin Clarke America
Love and Other Disabilities. A British judge is forcing a disabled woman to have an abortion. As the son of a disabled woman, I can tell you: The decision is evil. by Harold Braswell Tablet
Bishop Sherrington’s Statement After UK Court Orders Abortion by Jim Fair Zenit
Cupich: ‘Counterproductive’ to Deny Communion to Pro-Abortion Pols — UPDATED by Deacon Greg Kandra Patheos
Alabama’s Abortion Bill and What It Means to Be Pro-Life by Fr. Dwight Longenecker Patheos
The Supreme Court may undo Roe v. Wade—if a majority can agree on the right reason by Ellen K. Boegel America
What the worst argument I’ve heard for abortion says about our culture of nonsense by Simcha Fisher America
What Comes After Roe v. Wade? by Russell Shaw Echoes
Bishop Paprocki bars pro-abortion Illinois lawmakers from Holy Communion by Catholic News Agency/Angelus
Interview With Lila Rose: A Catholic Activist at the Forefront of the Pro-Life Movement by Father Dave Dwyer Busted Halo
Biden, Bernadine, and Today by George Weigel Echoes
Pope says procuring abortion is like hiring a hitman by CathNews
Abortion never a solution for unborn children with disorders, pope insists by Inés San Martín Crux
The moving poem a repentant Italian playboy wrote for the son he had aborted by Matthew Green Aleteia
On the Ethics of Abortion After Rape by Guest Writer Patheos
Extremist attitudes on abortion get us nowhere by NCR Editorial Staff National Catholic Reporter
The statistics on abortion and social class by Jane the Actuary Patheos
We Are All Guilty of Abortion by Jack Quirk Patheos
Abortion, Personhood, and the Principle of Double Effect by Guest Writer Patheos
Towards a Compelling Re-Framing of the Abortion Debate by K. Albert Little Patheos
St. Patrick’s letter-writing effort against state abortion bills spreads across parishes by Michelle Martin Chicago Catholic
How Trump is able to exploit the abortion issue, and why that’s bad for everyone by Sam Sawyer, S.J. America
Suicidal Fruit: What Happens When the Mental Health Profession Fails Post Abortive Women by Rachael Popcak and Dr. Gregory Popcak Patheos
Teens sing exquisite lullaby to those lost through abortion at Illinois state house by Cerith Gardiner Aleteia
Twitter restricts Mother Teresa abortion quote; CEO can’t explain why by Jacob Comello Crux
Seeing Abortion by Bishop Robert Barron Echoes
Cupich Denounces Illinois Abortion Bills by Currents News Staff
Abortion politics by Russell Shaw Echoes
21st-century infanticide by Grazie Pozo Christie Angelus
Rhode Island’s Bishop Tobin is back on Twitter — and taking aim at pro-abort pols by Deacon Greg Kandra Patheos
The tragedy of abortion absolutism and how the pro-life movement can respond by The Editors America
NY Bishops Call Abortion Act’s Passage ‘Tragic Moment’ in State History by The Tablet
Chair of USCCB Pro-Life Committee Asks for Prayers to end Abortion by Zenit Staff
This seminarian saved a baby from abortion by Aleteia
We must keep fighting to outlaw abortion: A response to Thomas Reese by Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Religion News Service/National Catholic Reporter
What The New York Times gets wrong about the abortion debate by Helen Alvaré America
‘Every life matters’ is resounding message of attendees at Chicago march by Joyce Durig Catholic News Service/Catholic Philly
Abortion and Euthanasia Are Extremely Grave Evils Which Contradict Spirit of Life,’ Condemns Pope Francis by Deborah Castellano Lubov Zentt
Protecting the least among us: The unborn by Matt Malone, S.J. America
Abortion Funding --Cutting Off the Blood Supply by Father Tadeusz Pacholczyk Echoes
52 percent of Americans say abortion is a sin by Ligonier Ministries/Cision
Doctors' group warns decriminalization could see return to 'backstreet' abortions by Catholic Independent News
Steve King can explain his abortion politics in 14 words by Fred Clark Patheos
Congratulations, Republicans: You’ve Succeeded In Making the Old Abortion Debates Irrelevant by Rebecca Weiss Patheos
Court dismisses Satanists’ case against pro-life laws by Dorothy Cummings McLean LiveSitenews
The Nuance of Abortion Laws Without Roe v. Wade by Fr. Matthew P Schneider, LC Patheos
Pope Francis: An abortion is like hiring a hit man to “fix a problem” by Carol Glatz Catholic News Service/America
Argentinians formally leave Catholic church over stance on abortion by The Guardian
Founder of 40 Days for Life enters Catholic Church on Easter by Catholic News Agency
Sanctity, Life, and Ambiguity: Moral Decisions About Abortion by Tim Perron, SJ The Jesuit Post
Pro-life leaders deliver letter to Irish prime minister: Choose Life by Christine Rousselle Catholic News Agency
Texas bishops cut ties with Texas Right to Life by Paul Stinson America
My Uncle Martin (Luther King Jr.) Stood Up for Human Dignity; We Pro-lifers Must Do the Same by Alveda King, Catholic Herald
Hundreds protest abortion with silent Eucharistic procession by Catholic Herald
Can a “Broader Conversation” about Life Still Include Abortion? by Billy Critchley-Menor, SJ
There’s Nothing To Celebrate About A Detained Migrant Being Granted Access To An Abortion by The Editors America
Pro-Lifers Barrage UN Committee in Protest by Susan Yoshihara, Ph.D. Center for Family and Human Rights
Pro-Life Means Pro-Woman by Bill McCormick, SJ America
UK politics put pressure on Northern Ireland pro-life laws by Catholic News Agency
Saint-Inspired Lawyering: Thomas More Society by Jim Graves National Catholic Register
Thomas More Society's Reaction to Federal Judge Ho by Anita Carey Church
Criminal Defense Attorneys in Civil Contempt of Court by Thomas More Society
Oklahoma House Officially Declares Abortion Murder by Anita Carey Church
Helping people suffering from effects of abortion by Michelle Martin Chicago Catholic
The Roe Poll: What Americans Really Think About Roe v. Wade by Human Family Research Center
Bishops applaud, deplore Trump’s executive orders by Mark Zimmermann Crux
A Tragic Anniversary Roe V. Wade: The Facts by Human Family Research Center
Mundelein Seminarians March for Life in Washington, D.C. by University of St. Mary of the Lake.
Marching for Human Rights by Jocelyn Thomas Franciscan Friars Holy Name Provence
Abortionist Quits After St. Thomas Aquinas Visits Him in a Dream by Angelo Stagnaro National Catholic Register
Abortion, Down syndrome and the throwaway culture: Why the left has to grapple with Pope Francis by Charles C. Camosy The Washington Post
The Pro-Choice Abuse of Logic by David Mills The Human Life Review
Abortion Hurts Women, Despite Flawed Research by Dr. Gregory Bottaro Catholic Psych Institute
France Bans Video of Kids With Down Syndrome: It Would “Disturb” Women Who Aborted Such Babies by Steven Ertelt LIFENEWS.COM
Pope Francis Allows Priests to Forgive “Grave Sin” of Abortion: “There is No Sin God’s Mercy Can’t Reach by Steven Ertelt LIFENEWS.COM
ABORTION: MURDERING THE INNOCENT - 5th Commandment (The Ten Commandments, #12)
Fr. Paul Scalia on Catholic Approach to Abortion
Mother Asked Why She Didn't Have Abortion, Answer Touches Hearts of Her Critics - Erika Kurre
Mia Love Speech at the March For Life
Anti-Abortion Provision Halts Human Trafficking Bill
Allegations of Forced Sterilizations in Peru