A Message from the Editor
Our responsibilities to evangelize are in the Bible.
Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues. They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them. they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall. Mark 16:15-18
When I interviewed former FRI agent Ken Strange, I found him to be one of the most fascinating interviews that I have ever conducted. That is why Ken was added to Our Heroes webpage.
Tens of thousands of Israelis have protested against Netanyahu in Tel Aviv. They believe in the sanctity of life. Chef Jose Andres says Israel targeted his aid workers 'systematically, car by car' All those who approved the bombing of the people delivering food in Gaza should be tried by the International Commission on War Crimes.
A Quote to Remember
“To convert somebody, go and take them by the hand and guide them.”
by Saint Thomas Aquinas
A prayer for Evangelists
“Go out into the whole world”
Oh Lord of wonders and wonderous Lord of all,
Easter came in the night with a candle lit from a fire,
Bearing the hope of the resurrection in the dead night,
Entrapped as we are in sin and fear, hopelessly tight.
You rose from a terrible death, bursting from the tomb,
Appearing to those with whom you walked and talked
And told them: “Go out into the whole world” and tell
Your witness of the great events of deliverance and life!
Lord, I dressed smartly, and my neighbour asked why?
Because it is Easter! And we celebrate Easter for a week!
And then we continue the feast until Pentecost brings the
Celebration of the mission-presence of the Holy Spirit.
Lord, I said “good morning” to many people I did not know,
Who would have otherwise passed silently, without the smile
That came between us, others neither speaking
Nor looking but who, strapped in by fears, went on without a
Word, gesture, or pause, silencing further attempts to speak.
But not as we were, as now I pray for the locked-in-silenced.
Lord, we had been away with you on a long weekend and, on
Return, I dared to say “God is good and loves you” at the bus
Stop and a man answered, how unusual to hear God spoken of.
There are those, Lord, who wrote about you for the rest of us:
They are called Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John; and there are
Those who left everyone and everything, and went to meet you
In the desert, in monasteries and convents, and there are those,
Men and women, who sailed across the world, witnessing with
Their lives, their health and their deaths, that there is a love that
Transfigures everyday actions into acts of eternal life and love!
But, Lord, just as your active presence is present in the beginning
Of each one of us, so you accompany us throughout our lives, not
Neglecting to send us messengers of your love as visibly here as
You are invisibly there, too, calling us to act out of the truth-in-love.
Oh Lord, we do not announce you alone, as alone we are not clothed
In the life of those from whom we have been formed and through
whom we are called to travel as far as the stars and as near as those
Next to us, on the street, amidst the crowd, at the end of a letter or
Message in the internet bubbles that float through the known world
Visiting all who will visit it and inviting them to humility and prayer
Remembering that God was there at our beginning as
He will be at Our end, as He has been through our time through now to evermore.
Oh Mary, who alone expresses the inexpressible presence of the
Indwelling mystery of the divine dwelling that manifests itself as
An outward glowing of coal from the very fire of God, ever bright
With the light and warmth of His Being, but being forever blessed
From the roots of your existence, showing forth the radiance of all
Relationships rooted in you and flowering in your Church and in
All those tending to you, near and far, young and old, of every race and colour who, listening to the voice among the voices of the earth,
Hear and say, here I am Lord, I come to do your will in loving truth.
So let us cry out in our hearts, speaking at the garden fence, the bus
Stop, or by the media mediated to many who we will never meet, that there is time to meet the lover of all mankind and His foreverby Francis Etheredge Catholic married layman, father of 11, 3 of whom are in heaven, and an author.
Prayer for the food aid workers killed in Gaza by bombing
God receive into your mercy
those food aid workers killed in Gaza
who were on a mission of mercy.
Help us to learn from their courageous compassion
to reach out to all those in need.
Continue to inspire people of good will
to carry on works of mercy. Amen
by Father Louis Cameli Profiles in Catholicism
Prayer for the killed 29 people killed by fire at an Istanbul nightclub
The Horror of Fire
Dear Lord, we all know the consequence of fire!
It keeps us warm in cold weather,
it is a source of fuel,
it is a way we have of marking out where we might be going.
However, on Tuesday April 2, 2024,
Lord, the fire that engulfed Istanbul nightclub during renovations
that trapped workers and employees and left 29 dead.
Lord, please reach out to comfort these workers' families.
Help them to realize that you will never abandon them even in a time of great loss.
Keep them focused on your goodness.
The managers questioned about the fire were not aware how this occurred.
It is a difficult time for all who are involved in the renovations,
the assistance of others in needs and all who are affected by this tragedy.
As we pray for all those in the midst of this sadness,
assist us in providing others with their needs at this time.
During the week of Mercy,
we ask you to be merciful on all and help them to remember your goodness and love.
by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Evangelist Interviews
General Interviews
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Evangelism Articles/Commentaries
Evangelization and Freedom of Speech/Religion by Father Mark White Profiles in Catholicism
Don’t Miss The Opportunity To Evangelize by Pushpay
Evangelization through beauty: An interview with Jimmy Mitchell by Paul Senz The Catholic World Report
Church’s social justice push is part of evangelization, head of papal academy says by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Head of new institute says catechesis must also evangelize by John Lavenburg Crux
Evangelizing through Authentic Friendship by Michael Adams Word on Fire
The Friendship of the Church Fathers and Evangelism. Mike Aquilina joins me today to discuss the church fathers and the role that friendship had in evangelizing. by William Hemsworth Patheos
Band of Religious Sisters Evangelize Through Music During Pandemic by New Evangelization Television (NET) Link to Spirituality and Music
Evangelizing a Troubled World: An interview with Bishop Donald J. Hying by Joseph M. Hanneman The Catholic World Report
How the Church can evangelize by example on racial justice by John L. Allen Jr. Crux Now/Angelus Link to Racial Challenges and Leadership
The first volume of The Word on Fire Bible is substantial, attractive, and evangelical by Gregory J. Sullivan The Catholic Thing
Providence bishop calls for evangelization, renewal after coronavirus by Catholic News Agency/The Pilot
Will Victorious Italian Soccer Team’s Catholic Manager Robert Mancini Be a ‘Seed of Evangelization by Edward Pentin National Catholic Register Link to Sports
Pro-life Florida musician finds a way to evangelize using rap music by Katie Camario Catholic News Service/The Pilot Link to Other ProLife Challenges
The Catholic artist and the challenge of evangelizing modern culture by Thomas M. Doran The Catholic World Report Link to Spirituality and Art
How art can serve to evangelise by CathNews
Digital boom creates evangelical silver lining to coronavirus lockdowns by Father Jeffrey F. Kirby America
Youth Movement Brings Christ’s Healing to Homes With Online Challenge by New Evangelization Television (NET) Link to Youth Challenges and Leadership
Spreading the Faith: Evangelizing Through Electronics During Virus Crisis by Tim Harfmann New Evangelization Television (NET)
Evangelizing through mercy and holiness emphasized at LA Congress by Tom Hoffarth and Pablo Kay Angelus
Evangelization efforts bring more sisters to Diocese of Charleston, S.C. by Christina Lee Knauss Crux
The Great Commission: We Are All Called To Evangelize by William Hemsworth Patheos
Beauty and Substance: A Reflection on the Anniversary of ‘Evangelization & Culture’ by Tod Worner Crux
After 9 years, Francis reorganizes Vatican with focus on evangelization, roles for laypeople by Christopher White National Catholic Reporter
Pope at Audience: Evangelization requires us to follow unexpected paths by Fr. Benedict Mayaki, SJ Vatican News
Cardinal Tagle to FABC: 'We are called to evangelize social media' by Sr Bernadette Mary Reis, fsp Vatican News
Indigenous people, evangelization, and us by Andrea Tornielli Vatican News Link to Indigenous People
Evangelize or Die by Brother André Marie Catholicism
Evangelization, polarization and accountability among the most pressing issues for the U.S. church by America
Why doctrine matters when it comes to evangelization by Russell Shaw Catholic World Report
Evangelizing with the courtesy of Christ by Fr. Charles Fox The Dispatch/ Catholic World Report
Evangelizing on Twitter: A tweeting priest’s experience by Zelda Caldwell AleteiaLink to Social Media
Youth Movement Brings Christ’s Healing to Homes With Online Challenge by New Evangelization Television (NET) Link to Youth Challenges and Leadership
Bishop Barron offers free online course on evangelization by John Burger Aleteia
Our Lady of Guadalupe is the Evangelizer Par Excellence by Joseph Pronechen National Catholic Register
Evangelizers are like angels, bringing good news to the world, pope says by Catholic News Services/The Pilot
Why Have Evangelical Churches Gained So Much Political Influence in Latin America? Expert Points to 5 Factors in BBC Interview by Andrew Chesnut Patheos
Accompany or argue: Pope contrasts with Bishop Barron on evangelization by Michael Sean Winters National Catholic Reporter
In Baltimore, bishops talk evangelizing in a time of scandal by Pablo Kay Angelus News
Beauty to evangelize by Father Pablo Patheos
RCIA and effective evangelization by Peter M.J. Stravinskas The Catholic World Report Link to RCIA
Stop Treating Evangelism Like A Sales Pitch by Rene Albert Patheos
Silencing Victims is Not Evangelization by Mary Pezzulo Patheos
Renew My Church: What is a culture of evangelization? by Elizabeth White Chicago Catholic
Why don’t Millennials want to evangelize? by Christopher Plance Catholic World Report
Father Lee's Difficulties in the Early New England Missions by Thomas Lester Echoes
Evangelization isn’t getting people to fall in line—it’s getting them to fall in love by Stephen P. White America
10 Reasons Why Catholics Don’t Evangelize by Fr. Dwight Longenecker National Catholic Register
Newly elected Chairperson of AMECEA calls for the re-evangelization of Africa by Fr Paul Samasumo Vatican News
Social Media and Incidental Evangelization: Oops, You Just Converted Someone Again by Kristy Burmeister Patheos
Catholics are sharing memes online. Is this the New Evangelization? by Angelo Jesus Canta America
Bishop Barron’s Roadmap for the New Evangelization by Mary Rezac National Catholic Register
Unprecedented Gathering of US Church Will Discuss Evangelization July 1-4 event aims to put into action Pope Francis’ Evangelii Gaudium by Peter Jesserer Smith National Catholic Register
Humble and responsible evangelization in the midst of crisis by Marie Malzac La Croix International
Utah bishop exhorts faithful to evangelization, renewal by Catholic News Agency
6 Signs that Someone is Open to Evangelization by RENEW International
Talking To Some Young Jesuits about Social Justice and Evangelization by Bishop Robert Barron Echoes Link to The Jesuits
99+ Effective Ways to Evangelize as a Catholic by Catholic Diocese of Salina
Evangelism in the modern world by Dr. Chris Anthony Catholic Online
What Is The New Evangelization? by Greg Willits Catholic Digest
Evangelization by USCCB
Meet Sair Del Toro: Hispanic evangelist extraordinaire by Mary Rezaz Catholic News Agency
Eli the Evangelizer; Children with special needs can be super evangelizers. by Joseph Pronechen National Catholic Register Link to Children Issues and Challenges
Pope Francis: Music, an instrument of evangelization by Independent Catholic News Link to Spirituality and Music
Pope Francis: evangelize without proselytizing by Catholic Culture.
Francis: Evangelize by Example, not Pushing Your Faith on Others by Fr. Matthew Schneider LC Patheos
Pope Francis on Evangelization says "The longing for God, for an infinite and true love, is rooted in the heart of every person. by Jesus Caritas Est Catholic New World
Cardinal Tagle: There’s no Room for Individualism in Evangelization by Joroy Lagarde Zenit
Cardinal Tagle to lead Congregation for Evangelisation of Peoples by Independent Catholic News
Papal document addresses challenges of evangelizing in the digital age by Junno Arocho Esteves Catholic News Service/The Pilot
Vatican Reform Plan Takes Shape: Evangelization Prioritized Over Doctrine by Edward Pentin National Catholic Reporter
New Vatican document to put evangelization ahead of doctrine by Inés San Martín Crux
Amid COVID-19, African Church ‘gyrates’ toward new forms of evangelization by Elise Ann Allen Crux Link to COVID-19
Nigerian bishop: Evangelize though family, social media by Catholic News Agency
Asian bishops stress diversity, evangelization at jubilee meeting by UCA News
On cages and evangelization in China. Like Catholicism-vs.-communism in east central Europe during the Cold War, Catholicism-vs.-communism in China is, ultimately, a zero-sum game by George Weigel The Dispatch/The Catholic World Report Link to China Issues and Challenges
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General Articles/Commentaries
Arizona can enforce an 1864 law criminalizing nearly all abortions, court says by Jacques Billeaud The Associated Press Link to Abortion
89-Year-Old Concentration Camp Survivor Faces 11 Years in Jail… for Praying at Abortion Clinic. by Catholic Vote
Dignitas Infinita Commentary by Dualta Roughneen The Catholic Herald
Conference Report: New Documents from the Pontificate of Pope Pius XII and their Meaning for Jewish-Christian Relations: by the Editors Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 29, Number 3/4 Link to Catholic/Jewish Issues and Challenges
Obama’s Americans by Michael Lind Tablet
Jew Hatred Is Not the Problem at Penn (or Other Universities). Radicalism Is. by Tony Fels Tablet
NYPD reports 43 antisemitic incidents in March, reversing downward trend by Luke Tress Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Neo-Nazi rally in downtown Nashville condemned by state lawmakers by Jason Silverstein CBS Link to Neo-Nazis
Leading American medical journal faces down its own history of endorsing Nazi race science by Jackie Hajdenbe The Catholic World Report
How faith assists us with mental health challenges by OSV News Link to Mental Health/Illness
The Catholic Church by the Numbers: More Catholics But Fewer Vocations by Kate Quiñones Catholic News Agency/National Catholic Register Link to Religious Vocations
Caitlin Clark of Iowa is the AP Player of the Year in women’s hoops for the 2nd straight season by Doug Feinberg The Associated Press Link to Sports
To empower women in the church, allow lay preaching by U.S.Catholic Link to Women Challenges and Leadership
Oregon reports significant uptick in assisted suicides by Peter Pinedo Catholic News Agency Link to Assisted Suicide
Missouri bishops plead for death row inmate on eve of execution by Jonah McKeown Catholic News Agency Link to Death Penalty
After becoming blind, this LA Catholic gained a new kind of vision by Natalie Romano Angelus Link to Blindness
The American painter who was consumed by the crucifix by Heather King Desire Lines/Angelus Link to Spirituality and Art
How Baseball’s Official Historian Dug Up the Game’s Unknown Origins by Frederic J. Frommer Smithsonian Magazine
South Carolina’s Dawn Staley is the AP Coach of the Year for the 2nd time by Doug Feinberg The Associated Press
Priest prepares for ‘crazy’ 1,500-mile Eucharistic pilgrimage by Jonah McKeown Catholic News Agency
County Urged to Deny Archdiocese Expansion While Faith Struggles with Accountability by Royal Examiner
People say they’re leaving religion due to anti-LGBTQ teachings and sexual abuse by Jason DeRose National Public Radio
Fallen crypto mogul Sam Bankman-Fried sentenced to 25 years in prison by Ken Swift and Larry Neomisester The Associated Press Link to Financial Crimes and Improprieties add to Prison Challenges
Catholic Army chaplain, Servant of God, to get statue at Kansas Capitol by John Lavenburg Crux
Counterterrorism Experts Slam Database Listing Pro-Life Students as Terrorists by Catholic Vote Link to Counterterrorism
At Rikers Island, Jewish volunteers find a ‘powerful connection’ with inmates by leading prayer services by Julia Gergely Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Idaho teen arrested for plot to attack churches, kill for ISIS by Tyler Arnold Catholic News Agency
Women’s team with five transgender players ‘broke opponent’s leg’ and had parents fearing for girls’ safety by Ben Rumsby The Telegraph/Yahoo
Wisconsin bishop accuses Archbishop Viganò of ‘public defamation’ by Daniel Payne Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Here’s what the defrocking of Vangheluwe suggests about the Rupnik scandal by Christopher R. Altieri The Catholic World Report
Doubt is not the opposite of Belief by Angelo Canta, SJ The Jesuit Posy
First Human Case of Bird Flu in Texas Confirmed, Following Infections in Cattle—Here’s What to Know by Christian Thorsberg Smithsonian Magazine Link to Avian Influenza
US braces for cicadas by the trillion as two broods of periodic insects coincide by Oliver Milman The Guardian
Abuse survivors speak out as Vatican is silent on use of Rupnik’s art by Christopher R. Altieri The Catholic World Report
The vindictive, unstable Trump should never be given power again by Michael Sean Winters National Catholic ReporterLink to United States Politics- Part Two
Dan Rather ‘Vehemently’ Denounces Trump as President for One ‘Simple’ Reason by Dessi Gomez Currently ATT Yahoo
Filipino Catholic Church presents official portrait of 13-year-old girl considered for sainthood by Diego López Marina ACI Prensa/Catholic News Agency
Retired B.C. teacher with ties to Mount Cashel named in 3 sexual abuse lawsuits by Karin Larsen CBC
Abuse victims demonstrate against Catholic Church in Quebec by AFP Quebec City/UCA News
Tk’emlups te Secwepemc, Catholic Church announce ’sacred covenant’ to be signed on Easter by Vancouver Sun
Quiboloy arrest: Davao police say Senate security sought help from Camp Crame by Hernel Tocmo ABS-CBN
NTI denounces Oblate investigation, calls for larger inquiry by Jorge Antunes Nunatsiaq News
Argentine bishops, clergy found liable for violence, discrimination against nuns by Junno Arocho Esteves Our Sunday Visitor
Brazilian bishops celebrate council banning method of abortion by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux
Ecuadorian farmers receive church support in struggle against mining by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux
Missionaries in Haiti hang on despite shortages of food, water and medicine by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux
Camillian priest in Haiti: ‘Amid gang warfare Church must bring hope’ by Benoit Harel and Lisa Zengarini Vatican News
Nicaragua, the land where beauty queens are persecuted and spies film homilies of priests by Simon Caldwell Catholic Herald UK
Nicaragua: 11 evangelical pastors sentenced by L’Osservatore Romano/Vatican News
Pope accepts resignation of Peru bishop linked to scandal-plagued group by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Belgian bishop laicised 14 years after abuse exposed by Tom Heneghan The Tablet
French government cracks down on priest who said homosexual relations are sinful by Walter Sánchez Silva Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Boom in Muslim conversions to Christianity in France by Solène Tadié National Catholic Register
Cardinal Ouellet found liable for religious dismissal by Michelle LaRosa The Pillar
Synodal standoff: German bishops and Vatican commit to resolution roadmap by AC Wimmer The Catholic World Report
Germany will redesign the numbers on its national soccer jersey after realizing they look like a Nazi symbol by Jackie Hajdenberg Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Heartbroken family pay tribute to ‘sweet and innocent’ Irish woman by Ríona Maguire by The Irish Sun
Deranged gravedigger killer had secret spy bug on partner’s phone before killing her as sicko plots freedom bid by Stephen Bree The Irish Sun
BLAST PROBE Shockwaves after two men, 50s, arrested in connection with Creeslough explosion tragedy which claimed 10 lives by Stephen Maguire The Irish Sun
Father and sons jailed for killing man for Rolex watches by Fiona Audley The Irish Post
Italy honors mafia victims in Holy Thursday Mass by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Spanish bishop allowed to marry in Church by Jonathan Luxmoore Our Sunday Visitor
European Court of Human Rights rules on climate change cases by Christopher Wells Vatican News Link to Human Rights and Human Rights Violations and to Environment and Climate Challenges, Advocacy, and Response
King Charles’ Funeral Plans Unveiled After Monarch Is Given 2 Years to Live With Pancreatic Cancer by In Touch Weekly/Yahoo Link to Cancer
Pope sends message about violence in Rosario, Argentina by Eduardo Campos Lima Cruz Link to General Violence Challenges
Diocese of Rome shake-up: Pope Francis transfers vicar to Vatican post by Courtney Mares Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Vatican blasts gender-affirming surgery, surrogacy and gender theory as violations of human dignity by Nicole Winfield The Associated Press
Vatican employee busted for selling stolen goods online by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Pope Francis: Benedict XVI defended me in face of accusations ‘that I promoted gay marriage’ by Walter Sánchez Silva ACI Prensa/Catholic News Agency
Pope: Sport must foster social friendship and fraternity by Linda Bordoni Vatican News
Abuse in the seminary, the archbishop replies to Father Contini: Give all possible attention to the matter by L'Unione Sarda
Archdeacon resigns over inappropriate relationship by Susie Rack BBC
RAAF chaplaincy culture a ‘wolf pack’, says whistleblower who fought for years to clear his name by Karen Middleton The Guardian
Australian Denomination Defrocks Megachurch Pastors Amid Sex Scandal by Josh Shepherd The Roys Report
Man who suffered sexual abuse by former Canberra priest has settlement agreement set aside, partly because he didn’t understand it by Elizabeth Byrne Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Pedophile priest to face more historical sex charges by William Ton Australian Associated Press/The Canberra Times
Marian shrine in Cameroon desecrated; four icons destroyed by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux Link to Hate and Hate Crimes
Cameroon archbishop explains country’s multi-faceted crises by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux
Nigerian priest says Chibok girls marriage to their abductors a ‘damaging approach’ by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux
Tasmania JackJumpers win first NBL title, beating Melbourne United 83-81 in decisive game five by ABC Australia
A bus plunges off a bridge in South Africa, killing 45 people. 8-year-old child is only survivor by Gerald Imay The Associated Press
South African bishop says 45 who died on Easter eve ‘are alive with the Risen Lord’ by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux
Zimbabwe bishops sound alarm over El Niño-related droughts by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux
Violence and persecution against Christians going up in India by Anto Akkara Catholic News Agency
India’s miraculous Marian shrine shelters Asia’s largest church by UCA News
Fire at Istanbul nightclub that was being renovated kills 29 people by The Associated Press
Top Vatican diplomat visits Vietnam amid rapprochement efforts by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Nine killed and over 900 injured by earthquake in Taiwan by Vatican News
Netanyahu’s got to go but so do other obstacles to Mideast peace by Erich Bridges Baptist News Global
British journalist says Israel shooting and killing anything that moves by MEMO
Israel will confiscate 16% of Gaza's area to establish a buffer zone by MEMO
New aid routes into Gaza to open after US intervention by Nathan Morley Vatican News
Catholic Relief Services still in Gaza despite deaths of aid workers by Peter Pinedo Catholic News Agency
Black Sabbath by Bruce Maddy-Weitzman Tablet
Chef Jose Andres says Israel targeted his aid workers 'systematically, car by car' by Jeff Mason Reuters
Aid group says Israeli strike kills 7 of its workers in Gaza, including foreigners by The Associated Press
Israelis stage largest protest since war began to increase pressure on Netanyahu by Melanie Lindman, Samy Magdy, Wafaa Shurafa, The Associated Press, National Catholic Register
Israel’s ‘killing zones’ in Gaza by MEMO
‘Women in Gaza are being raped and this is not being investigated or reported’ by Anjuman Rahman Middle East Monitor
Protests against Netanyahu escalate in Israel as thousands mass in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv by Ben Sales Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Why Do Octopuses Tear Themselves Apart After Mating? by Currently AT&T Yahoo Link to Sea Creatures
'It was really special': Orangutan learns to breastfeed by observing human mom in Virginia by Emilee Coblentz USA TODAY Link to Animal Challenges
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Medical Journal Articles
Does This Patient Have Alcohol Use Disorder? The Rational Clinical Examination Systematic Review by Evan Wood, MD, PhD, Jeffrey Pan, PharmD, Zishan Cui, PhD, et al. JAMA April 9, 2024 Link to Alcohol Use Disorder
Reporting Use of AI in Research and Scholarly Publication—JAMA Network Guidance by Annette Flanagin, RN, MA, Romain Pirracchio, MD, MPH, PhD, Rohan Khera, MD, MS, et al JAMA March 7, 2024 Link to Artificial Intelligence, Chatbox, Chatbot, and Robotics
The Limits of Clinician Vigilance as an AI Safety Bulwark by Julia Adler-Milstein, PhD, Donald A. Redelmeier, MD2, and Robert M. Wachter, MD JAMA March 18, 2024
AI and Clinical Practice—AI and the Ethics of Developing and Deploying Clinical AI Models by JN Learning JAMA February 7 2024
AI and Clinical Practice—Discovery and Scaling Findings From Large, Multicenter Health Care Datasets by JN learning January 24, 2024 JAMA January 24, 2024
Five-Year Follow-Up of Surgery vs Functional Bracing for Closed Displaced Humeral Shaft Fractures by Lasse Rämö, MD, PhD, Thomas Ibounig, MD, Bakir O. Sumrein, MD, et al JAMA March 4, 2024 Link to Bone Disorders
LAA Ligation for AFib, Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes in Breast Cancer, Anomalous Health Incidents, and more by JN Learning JAMA April 2, 2024 Link to Cancer and to Cardiovascular Disease/Disorders
Questions Swirl Around Screening for Multiple Cancers With a Single Blood Test by Rita Rubin, MA JAMA March 15, 2024
Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer by Roberto A. Leon-Ferre, MD; Sarah Flora Jonas, PhD; Roberto Salgado, MD, PhD; et al. JAMA April 2, 2024
Stem Cell Transplants Might Boost Lung Function in People With COPD by Samantha Anderer JAMA March 13, 2024
Lower vs Higher Oxygenation Target and Days Alive Without Life Support in COVID-19The HOT-COVID Randomized Clinical Trial by Frederik M. Nielsen, MD, Thomas L. Klitgaard, MD, PhD, Martin Siegemund, MD, et al JAMA March 19, 2024 Link to COVID-19
Pulmonary Vein Isolation With or Without Left Atrial Appendage Ligation in Atrial Fibrillation: The aMAZE Randomized Clinical Trial by Dhanunjaya R. Lakkireddy, MD; David J. Wilber, MD; Suneet Mittal, MD; et al. JAMA April 2, 2024
Oxygen Supplementation in COVID-19—How Much Is Enough? by Richard M. Schwartzstein, MD JAMA March 19. 2024
Use of Lecanemab for Patients With Cardiovascular Disease. The Challenge of Uncertainty by Darae Ko, MD, MSc, Alvaro Pascual-Leone, MD, PhD, and Sachin J. Shah, MD, MPH JAMA March 15, 2024
Partial Heart Transplant Operative Steps by JAMA January 2, 2024
Metformin Plus Insulin for Preexisting Diabetes or Gestational Diabetes in Pregnancy by Fariba Pourkarim, PharmD and Taher Entezari-Maleki, PharmD JAMA April 3, 2024
Metformin Plus Insulin for Preexisting Diabetes or Gestational Diabetes in Pregnancy—Reply
by Kim A. Boggess, MD for the MOMPOD Study PIs JAMA April 3, 2024
Link to Diabetes
NIH Study Provides Long-Awaited Insight Into Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome by Quinn Eastman, PhD JAMA March 15, 2024
State Coverage and Reimbursement of Antiobesity Medications in Medicaid by Benjamin Y. Liu, MD and Benjamin N. Rome, MD, MPH JAMA March 18, 2024 Link to Medicaid
Neurological Illness and National Security Lessons to Be Learned by David A. Relman, MD JAMA March 18, 2024 Link to Neurological Disorders
One in 8 People Worldwide Are Obese by Samantha Anderer JAMA March 15,2024 Link to Obesity and Weight Challenges
Integrated Hepatitis C–Opioid Use Disorder Care Through Facilitated Telemedicine: A Randomized Trial by Andrew H. Talal, MD, MPH, Marianthi Markatou, PhD, Anran Liu, MS, et al JAMA April 3, 2024 Link to Opioid Use
The Alabama Embryo Decision—The Politics and Reality of Recognizing “Extrauterine Children” by Rebecca S. Feinberg, JD, MBe, MS, Michael S. Sinha, MD, JD, MPH, and I. Glenn Cohen, JD JAMA March 4, 2024 Link to Pregnancy and Pregnancy Challenges
Acetaminophen Use During Pregnancy and Children’s Risk of Autism, ADHD, and Intellectual Disability by Viktor H. Ahlqvist, PhD, Hugo Sjöqvist, MSc; Christina Dalman, MD, PhD, et al JAMA April 2, 2024
Oxygen Targets in the ICU, Acetaminophen During Pregnancy and Risk of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Alcohol Use Disorder Screening Tools, and more by JN Learning JAMA April 9, 2024
What Is Perinatal Depression? by Rebecca Voelker, MS JAMA March 14, 2024
CDC Eases Isolation Guidance for Respiratory Viruses by Samantha Anderer JAMA March 13 2024
Cardiac Function Before Sepsis and Clinical Outcomes by Stuthi Iyer, MPH; Jason N. Kennedy, MS; Jacob C. Jentzer, MD et al JAMA April 8, 2024 Link to Sepsis
Smoking May Now Be the Leading Route of Drug Use in US Overdose Deaths by Samantha Anderer JAMA March 13, 2024 Link to Smoking
Meta-Analysis: Females at Higher Risk of Death From Staph Infection by Samantha Anderer JAMA March 15, 2024 Link to Staphylococcal Infections
Clinical, Biomarker, and Research Tests Among US Government Personnel and Their Family Members Involved in Anomalous Health Incidents by Leighton Chan, MD, MPH, Mark Hallett, MD, Chris K. Zalewski, PhD, et al JAMA March 18. 2024 Link to United States Issues and Challenges
Data Checks Before Registering Study Protocols for Health Care Database Analyses by Shirley V. Wang, PhD and Sebastian Schneeweiss, MD, ScD JAMA April 8, 2024
Reducing Hospitalizations and Multidrug-Resistant Organisms via Regional Decolonization in Hospitals and Nursing Homes by Gabrielle M. Gussin, MS, James A. McKinnell, Raveena D. Singh, MA et al JAMA April 1, 2024
Individualized Treatment Effects of Oxygen Targets in Mechanically Ventilated Critically Ill Adults by Kevin G. Buell, MBBS, Alexandra B. Spicer, MS, Jonathan D. Casey, MD, MSc et al JAMA March 19, 2024
A Renaissance in Academic Medicine—Using a Coach Approach to Develop Early-Career Faculty by Daryn H. David, PhD JAMA March 7, 2024
On the Other Side by Sara Bohjanen, BA JAMA March 8. 2024
Medicine—Both a Science (Care) and an Art (CARE) by Theodore J. Strange, MD and Mario R. Castellanos, MD JAMA April 3, 2024
Single Ascending and Multiple-Dose Trial of Zerlasiran, a Short Interfering RNA Targeting Lipoprotein(a): A Randomized Clinical Trial by Steven E. Nissen, MD, Kathy Wolski, MPH, Gerald F. Watts, MD, DSc, et al. JAMA April 8, 2024
Diagnosis and Treatment of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus by JN Learning JAMA April 8, 2024
Your Mileage May Vary Toward Personalized Oxygen Supplementation by Derek C. Angus, MD, MPH JAMA March 19, 2024
Using Effect Scores to Characterize Heterogeneity of Treatment Effects by Guanbo Wang, PhD,, Patrick J. Heagerty, PhD, and Issa J. Dahabreh, MD JAMA March 19, 2024
Diagnosis and Management of Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1 by Julia Hartman, BS, Tejal Patki, BS, and Nicholas E. Johnson, MD, Msc JAMA March 11, 2024
NIH Study Provides Long-Awaited Insight Into Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome by Quinn Eastman, PhD JAMA March 15, 2024
Cannabis Use Linked to Elevated Myocardial Infarction and Stroke Risk by Samantha Anderer JAMA March 15, 2024
Brain Waves Appear to Wash Out Waste During Sleep by Samantha Anderer JAMA March 15, 2024
The Tree of Knowledge by Harry Doernberg, MM JAMA March 18, 2024
Trading Places, Becoming One by Rafael Campo, MD, MA JAMA April 9, 2024
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Book Reviews, Commentaries, and Announcements
Lord, Do You Mean Me? A father-Catechist by Francis Etheredge Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
A Cop’s Son: One G-Man’s Fight against Jihad, Global Fraud and the Cartels by Kenneth Strange, Jr. Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Catholic Leadership for Civic Society by Cristofer Pereyra and Erin Monnin Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Unrepeatable: Cultivating the Unique Calling of Every Person by Luke Burgis and Joshua Miller, Ph.D. Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Friendship and the Fathers: How the Early Church Evangelized by Mike Aquilina Reviewed by Dr. Jeff Mirus Catholic Culture
El Sucesor by Pope Francis Commentary by Justin McLellan Our Sunday Visitor
Cloistered: My years as a nun by Catherine Coldstream Commentary by Sarah Meyrick Church Times
Women of the Church: What Every Catholic Should Know by Bronwen McShea Book Excerpt
God Gave Rock & Roll to You by Leah Payne Commentary by Bob Smietana Religion News Service
The Cruise of the Nona by Hilaire Belloc Commentary by Julian Kwasniewski The Catholic Herald
Adieu by Alfred Lakritz Commentary by Msgr. Richard Antall Angelus News
Cloistered: My years as a nun by Catherine Coldstream Commentary by Sarah Meyrick Church Times
Venice: The Remarkable History of the Lagoon City by Denis Romano Commentary by Alexander Faludy The Catholic Herald
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Film Reviews and Communities
Immaculate Commentary by Jake Martin America
Cabrini Commentary by Fr. Paweł Rytel-Andrianik Vatican News
Ben-Hur Commentary by Thomas Doherty Tablet
Irena’s Vow Commentary by Mary Stroka Catholic Vote
Love God’s Will Commentary by Francesca Pollio Fenton Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Kerala Story Commentary by Nirmala Carvalho Crux
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Television Reviews and Commentaries
The Baxters Commentary by Katie Yoder Our Sunday Visitor
Music Reviews and Commentaries
Mantras Commentary by leja Hertzler-McCain Religion News Service
The Gervais' Story- New Evangelization Summit 2019
Catholic Hip-Hop and the New Evangelization
by El Padrecito & FoundNation
Bishop Barron on Effective Evangelization
by Bishop Robert Barron
Scott Hahn - "Evangelizing Catholics: The Bible, the Eucharist and the New Evangelization"
New Evangelization: 3 Step Method - Catholic Video by Speaker Ken Yasinski
How Catholics Can Re-Evangelize Our World by Steve Ray
Media and the New Evangelization by Salt and Light