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August 16-31 Profiles

Updated: Aug 23, 2019

A Message from the Editor

There are many factors that can contribute to Mass Murder in the United States... Racial hatred by speeches and tweets; mental illness, the rise of White Supremacy violence, blocking of gun control legislation, lack of a red flag gun law, fear of the NRA, the internet, the use of automatic weapons designed for war all contribute to these Mass Murders.

Members of Congress and the White House have failed to protect us and must share in the moral responsibility for these deaths.

Special Prayer


Parkland, Fl.

Orlando, FL



Sutherland Springs, TE

Las Vegas, NE

Dayton OH.

El Paso,TX

Let my eyes stream with tears might day, without rest,

Over the great destruction which overwhelms the virgin daughter of my people,

over her incurable wound.

If I walk out into the field,

Look! those slain by the sword; If I enter the city, look! Victims of famine.

Both prophet and priest ply their trade in a land they do not know.

Have you really cast Judah off?

Is Zion loathsome to you?

Why have you struck us a blow that cannot be healed?

We wait for peace, to no avail’ or a time of healing, but terror comes instead. We turn to you and to you alone in our distress. Help us Lord, sustain us, rescue us,  forgive us, Redeem us in Christ Jesus your Son.

(Jeremiah  14)

A Quote to Remember

Indifference kills. It's like telling someone, 'You're dead to me,' because you've killed them in your heart. Not loving is the first step to killing, and not killing is the first step to loving.

by Pope Francis


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A Prayer for Those Who Have Suffered Abuse by the Clergy

God, in your providential love you comfort those who are wounded and afflicted.

Hear our prayers for those who have suffered abuse by those in their families or by those entrusted with their care.

In a special way, we pray for those who suffered abuse by clergy who betrayed a sacred trust and who were meant to stand for your loving presence in their lives.

May those who have been hurt find support and encouragement in communities of faith, hope, and love.

May they discover healing in genuinely loving and caring relationships.

May they reclaim hope for themselves.

May they be strengthened and confirmed in their resolve to set things aright.

May they rest in you who make all things work for the good. Amen

by Father Louis Cameli Profiles in Catholicism

A Prayer to End Gun Violence

Lord Jesus, as you approached the city of Jerusalem,

Before your passion,

As your people waved palms in your honor,

You saw the city and wept over it because you

Loved it.

You knew of the violence and chaos you would suffer

In that beloved city

still you loved it and wept over it.

Lord Jesus, look upon our cities, weep over them,

Love them and protect them.

Weep over us and strengthen us as we suffer

Violence and chaos.

Weep over us and love us.

Lord Jesus, weep over us and love us. (See Lk 19)

by Father David O. Brown, O.S.M.. Profiles in Catholicism

A Prayer for Migrant Children

Good Lord, who said “Whoever receives one of these little ones, receives me,” bless the little ones who are caught in the struggle of migration, separation, and abuse. Give all those adults who are responsible for them and for their welfare the wisdom and courage to do the children justice and to protect them. Make our hearts more ,loving and willing to do the right thing by them. May we see in all people young and old your image and so reverence their great dignity. We make our prayer through you who came among us as a child and who was forced to flee the threat of violence Amen by Father Louis Cameli Profiles in Catholicism

An Encounter with Silence

Loving God, I come before you to pray for my brothers and sisters, your children and members of Christ’s body, at the southern border of the United States today.

What we read of their suffering seems nothing less than a Passion for thousands. Little children crowded into cells where they scarcely have room to stand. Without decent sanitation or food, separated from their families, the older ones taking care of the younger.

God of mercy, I believe that you live within whatever and whoever I am, the ground of my existence, its gracious cause and hope, its true future, its blessed promise of eternal life. I could not always have said so much. But now through your grace I do believe it.

But God of all, I am shaken in that faith when I read of what is happening on the threshold of my country. Are not the women and men and children there also vessels of your eternal presence? Many of them, most perhaps, from what we call the Northern Triangle, have indeed been baptized. But your incarnate Word is addressed to all of them. Your Spirit of freedom hovers over all of them by Leo J. O’Donovan, S.J .America


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