A Message from the Editor
Shakespeare had it right when he wrote in
Twelfth Night
If music be the food of love,
Sing on till I am fill’d with joy;
For then my list’ning soul you move
To pleasures that can never cloy.
Your eyes, your mien, your tongue declare
That you are music everywhere.
Pleasures invade both eye and ear,
So fierce the transports are, they wound,
And all my senses feasted are,
Tho’ yet the treat is only sound,
Sure I must perish by your charms,
Unless you save me in your arms.
The musical version of this play was done by Henry Purcell who was an English composer. It is said that he began composing at nine years old. As an adult, he became organist at Westminster Abbey, and later the Chapel Roy.
We are featuring Cleo Lane’s musical version of Shakespeare’s quote in our Videos section in this issue of Profiles in Catholicism She is one of my favorite singers whom I met at an AIDS benefit.
Also in our Videos section is the Ave Maria by Marco Lo Russo Rouge which was dedicated to Pope Francis. I hope that more churches will perform it.
We applaud Mike Arnold the mayor of Blanco, Texas for establishing a charity to help Christians suffering attacks in Nigeria and prey for his success in saving lives. Currently, there are over 2.2 million internally displaced persons in the country fleeing anti-Christian attacks.
As a boxing fan, I congratulate Oleksandr Usyk for moving up to the heavyweight division.
A Quote to Remember
“We can find no social or moral justification, no justification whatsoever, for lack of housing. The Son of God came into this world as a homeless person. The Son of God knew what it was to start life without a roof over his head.”
by Pope Francis
A prayer for composers of sacred music:
“Sacred Sounds”
Oh Creator of all that comes to exist and exists because of you,
how intimately present you are to the workings of the universe,
not a sight exists but that you hear the sound, whether it be the
microbes burrowing in the soil, toiling away, taking and making
what is good for the plants, or the munching of snails, the sound
of rain as it falls, the almost silence of light, emitted and shed from
the roar of the sun, the billions of tons of boiling matter, bubbling
and broiling over, flaring and leaping alight like bright shouts.
How great, Lord, and magnificent, are the activity of sub-atomic
particles because of some vast, unseen, immense choreography
as the atoms and molecules dance the dance dedicated to the up
build of the bonds that bind and share electrons, which are to us
the soundless structures of matter, but to you, the electric-flying
music of matter and the deep origin of what becomes the voice of
nature in storms, tempests, winds and waves, whether audible to
us or not, as they are the molecular melodies of every material.
How great you are, oh Holy Spirit, co-creator of visible and oh so invisible beauty,
so strung are the hearts and ears of all creatures that they chirp and cry out to one another,raising not a cacophony,but a composition of communications throughout every species of the world,
ringing the atmosphere with a score describable by the
gifted musicians who take what they hear and develop it into the
voiced praise of the Creator, taking back to Him what was freely
given and fulsomely created, breaking new ground in sounds alone.
Oh Mary, Mother of the Church, how the angels sang in the wild night,
wholeheartedly, orchestrating a wondrous welcome of the
Savior, drawing all, beginning with the shepherds, who perhaps
took up the song as they walked to Bethlehem, the house of bread,
improvising on what they heard, unable to undo the angelic sound
that broke through the weary night-time work, interrupting their
rest and renewing their energy for walking and working through
the night as they uttered their songs of praise and prayed in song.
Oh St. Joseph and the choirs of saints, how the silence sings of love,
arising out of the great and fathomless heart of the Father, fostering
all that is good and graceful, fulfilling the longings of all whom He
he has given life and life eternal, springing from the murmurings of
lovers and resounding in the sighs and cries of exaltation, rejoicing,
celebration and jubilation, crying out to love and be loved, taking up
into the human heart, voicing the ecstatic cry that sounded from the
beginningas what came to exist echoes and expresses God is Love.
But oh, Holy Family, how many tears and wounds are opening,
unable to close, both in the earth and among all creatures, close
and closer still to the crucifying sufferings of the Son, that yet go
on being exposed to salt and vinegar, either worsening or being
ignored, and yet they are the sacred sounds that soar through the
noise, travelling faster than sight, passing through every obstacle
to hearing, seeing, touching, sensing and dripping with liquid
intensity into the cup of the Lord, looking and longing for help.
Oh Creator-God you gave us voices, instruments through the very
flesh of our lives, capable of the most touching of notes, noting the
piercing sorrows, reaching the highest expression of jubilation, the
deepest groans of human grief and yet, scarcely can we express the
cry from the heart of God who works, almost endlessly, for the call
of the sinner to be turned to rejoicing, so that the tumultuous leap
of reconciliation can rise like the skies from out of our nothingness
shouting aloud with all splendour and grace, how great is our God!
by Francis Etheredge , Catholic married layman, father of 11, 3 of whom are in heaven,
and an author. Just published: “The Word in Your Heart: Mary, Youth, and Mental Health”:
A Prayer for the homeless in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Good and Gracious God,
We turn to you Father, Son and Holy Spirit to ask for your help for the homeless of Albuquerque. There have been some tragic incidents happening there that need your intersession. The interview of the people that have been homeless leads us to hear that thousands of homeless people have lost personal property, according to interviews with community advocates, service providers and those who have had their possessions discarded.
We know Lord that you will comfort these people and assist them in regaining some dignity as they go about their daily lives. Some said their belongings had been taken by city crews multiple times. They described losing medication, birth certificates, dentification cards, cellphones, chargers, carpentry tools, clothing, a car title, a dog kennel, treasured family photos and the ashes of loved ones. Nearly all of them said the city had thrown away their survival gear, such as blankets, sleeping bags and tents, even during cold weather and snowstorms. Lord, we all rely on these material things to move us toward our heavenly home with a bit of comfort and of course the challenge of being one with you in suffering.
Holy Spirit please guide these people on the path that will assist them in their plight. Alexandra Paisan spoke and said: “It’s the equivalent of having your house burned down multiple times a year — just over and over again, you’re losing everything and starting from scratch each time,” said Alexandra, the coordinated entry director at the New Mexico Coalition to End Homelessness, which assists communities with solutions to homelessness. “I don’t think people always see it that way, which is unfortunate because if I went home to find just an empty lot and my house was completely burned down ... that’s devastating.” Lord, please help them find peace in their devastation and help others to assist them in obtaining what they need. We ask you this plea through Christ our Lord. Amen
by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Prayer to end child abuse
What has happened to the world Lord Jesus that so many abuse the children? Many look away and hide the crimes, they do not cry out for justice. You said the children are the most important in the Kingdom, To accept a child, you said, is to accept you.
Bring the children to me you told the disciples that they be blessed and protected.
You said let the abusers be brought to account and do penance as if a mill stone were tied around their necks and they be thrown into the deep sea, you said Lord in Matthew (Ch.18: 6-7)
Lord, inspire us and strengthen our faith by your words and actions, that goodness, love of neighbor and action for justice will over come evil. Inspire us to save and heal the children through justice, peace so they can live a new happier life. Amen by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
Music and Spirituality Interviews
General Interviews
Music and Spirituality Articles and Commentaries
‘It’s heady stuff’: A omposer turns St. John Henry Newman’s much-loved words into music by Luke Coppen The Catholic World Report
Beyond birds and flames: Let's think of the Holy Spirit as jazz music by Daniel P. Horan National Catholic Reporter
Music and faith need each other. Do we even care? by Father Dorian Llywelyn, SJ Angelus
God’s Plan by Drake by David Inczauskis. SJ The Jesuit Post
Music and faith need each other. Do we even care? by Father Dorian Llywelyn, SJ Angelus
Amaranthine by Katie Yoder Our Sunday Visitor
Rediscovering) Ancient Chant: Artificial Intelligence Aids Catholic Tradition in EU-Funded Project by Solène Tadié National Catholic Register
Floriani: Musical Missionaries for Sacred Music by Julian Kwasniewski National Catholic Register
Thousands of Hours of Live Gregorian Chants Available in 1 App by Solène Tadié National Catholic Register
‘OPChant’ on YouTube Brings Gregorian Chant to Modern Ears by Solène Tadié National Catholic Register
Sacred Music Both Modern and Traditional by Aureio Porfiri OnrPeter5
Andrea Bocelli wows fans with ‘Amazing Grace’ in Times Square by Katie Yoder Our Sunday Visitor
"Music brings me closer to God" by Daniel Opus Dei
Pro-life Florida musician finds a way to evangelize using rap music by Katie Camario Catholic News Service/The Pilot
The Pious Mind of a Sacred Musician by Massimo Scap One Peter 5
Jesus Found Me off-Broadway in Row K by Jake Braithwaite, SJ The Jesuit Post
Meet a Catholic Composer at the Cutting Edge, Mark Nowakowski is part of the musical ‘Catholic Renaissance’ underway. by K.V. Turley National Catholic Register
Countercultural Catholic Composer Strikes Sacred Chord in Music. by K.V. Turley National Catholic Register
Priest hopes being in spotlight at Groban concert can inspire good by Gabriella Patti Crux
Music performance allows contemplation on sex abuse crisis by Sarah Salvadore The Catholic Reporter
A Strange Case: The Clash’s drummer-turned-chiropractor on music, healing, and his return to Catholicism by Thomas V. Mirus Catholic Culture
Rush drummer marched to his own beat of faith by C.S. Morrisey B.C. Catholic
New Christian Music Generator Taking The Industry By Storm by Matthew Distepano Patheos
Beyond CCM: Finding God in Secular Music by Stephen G. Adubato Patheos
How to Make a Beautiful Hymn Less Beautiful by Jonathan Aigner Patheos
Scared of a solemn hymn? by Narendra Modi UCA News
Five years after his death, Leonard Cohen is more than ever a man for our times by Marcia Pally Religion News Service/National Catholic Reporter
Leonard Cohen’s Holy and Broken Hallelujah by Guest Contributor Patheos
Leonard Cohen’s Songs of the Yom Kippur War by Matti Friedman Tablet
Muslim sheikh and Catholic priest join forces for São Paulo’s homeless by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux
Mozart’s Musical Genius & His Catholicism by Dave Armstrong Patheos USCCB
In Bosnia, gentile musicians work to preserve the country’s Sephardic Jewish tradition by David I. Klein Religion News Service
A 1,000-year-old German boys choir is now accepting girls by Bob Schmitz NPR WBEZ Chicago
From quitting the priesthood in protest to pursuing a music career, tenor Finbar Wright rewilds his own path by Ciara Dwyer Independent.ie
Beauty of concert Ave Maria drew woman to Catholic Church by Agnieszka Ruc Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Musical Adventures in Beauty, Truth and Goodness by K.V. Turley National Catholic Register]
Pandemic solitude strengthened Harry Connick Jr.’s Catholic faith — and shaped his new album of hymns by Maina Mwaura Religion News Service/America
Muslim sheikh and Catholic priest join forces for São Paulo’s homeless by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux
‘Jesus Christ Superstar’ Piano Variations by Jean-Pierre Sonnet, SJ La Civiltà Cattolica
Wow Priest Composes Music for Mass "Missa lucis" for Orchestra and Choir by Jesus Caritas Est Catholic News World
God in the Music of Damiana Natali by Claudio Zonta SJ La Civiltà Cattolica
Pope Benedict XVI Praises ‘Glorious Music’ of Bach in Festival Message by Catholic News Agency/National Catholic Register
In Iceland, composer and Polish Carmelite sisters turn saints' poetry into music by Zita Ballinger Fletcher Global Sisters Report
In ‘Broken Silence,’ a composer brings a note of hope to the church’s sex abuse crisis by Maggi Van Dorn America
Pope Francis sings the praises of Gregorian chants by Deacon Greg Kandra Patheos
Singer-songwriter trades in secular success to share his faith in music by Blanca Morales Crux
Q & A with Sr. Linnet Antony, bringing people to God through music by Philip Mathew Global Sisters Report
Il Volo: Hear the moving Ave Maria that they sang at the WYD in Panama by Aleteia
Catholic composer to debut arrangement dedicated to his mentor by Dan Russo Catholic News Service/Crux
Yo-Yo Ma Wants Bach to Save the World by Zachary Wolf The New York Times
Leonard Cohen’s Holy and Broken Hallelujah by Alisa Ungar-Sargon Patheos
From Punk Rock to Faith: “Christ Has Changed My Life” by Deborah Castellano Lubov Zerit
The Enduring Catholic Imagination of Bruce Springsteen by Brian P. Conniff America
"Be Not Afraid”: The song that eases the biggest transitions in and out of life" by Coleen Dulle America
To find God’s revelation, one can turn to music by Terrance Klein America
“Be Not Afraid”: The song that eases the biggest transitions in and out of life by Colleen Dulle America
Andrea Bocelli wows fans with ‘Amazing Grace’ in Times Square by Katie Yoder Our Sunday Visitor
Beauty of concert Ave Maria drew woman to Catholic Church by Agnieszka Ruc Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Musical Adventures in Beauty, Truth and Goodness by K.V. Turley National Catholic Register
Jesus Found Me off-Broadway in Row K by Jake Braithwaite, SJ The Jesuit Post
How Billie Holiday’s religious childhood shaped her legacy by Heather King The Crux/Angelus
Meet a Catholic Composer at the Cutting Edge. by K.V. Turley National Catholic Register
The Enduring Catholic Imagination of Bruce Springsteen by Brian P. Conniff America
Countercultural Catholic Composer Strikes Sacred Chord in Musicby Sir James MacMillan by K.V. Turley National Catholic Registe
Sacred Music Both Modern and Traditional by Aurelio Porfiri OnrPeter5
From quitting the priesthood in protest to pursuing a music career, tenor Finbar Wright rewilds his own path by Ciara Dwyer Independent.ie
"Music brings me closer to God" by Daniel Opus Dei
Music performance allows contemplation on sex abuse crisis by Sarah Salvadore The Catholic Reporter
The melody Paul Simon borrowed from Bach by J-P Mauro Aleteia
Borno Brothers ‘Band’ Together for Haiti by Andrew Pugliese The Tablet
A Strange Case: The Clash’s drummer-turned-chiropractor on music, healing, and his return to Catholicism by Thomas V. Mirus Catholic Culture
Rush drummer marched to his own beat of faith by C.S. Morrisey B.C. Catholic
Bronx rapper becomes US youngest bishop by CathNews New Zealand
Pro-life Florida musician finds a way to evangelize using rap music by Katie Camario Catholic News Service/The Pilot
New Christian Music Generator Taking The Industry By Storm by Matthew Distepano Patheos
Beyond CCM: Finding God in Secular Music by Stephen G. Adubato Patheos
How to Make a Beautiful Hymn Less Beautiful by Jonathan Aigner Patheos
Five years after his death, Leonard Cohen is more than ever a man for our times by Marcia Pally Religion News Service/National Catholic Reporter
Leonard Cohen’s Holy and Broken Hallelujah by Guest Contributor Patheos
Leonard Cohen’s Songs of the Yom Kippur War by Matti Friedman Tablet
Muslim sheikh and Catholic priest join forces for São Paulo’s homeless by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux
A 1,000-year-old German boys choir is now accepting girls by Bob Schmitz NPR WBEZ Chicago
To find God’s revelation, one can turn to music by Terrance Klein America
Classical Jesuit Music by Massimo Scapin One Peter Five
Jesus Christ Superstar’ Piano Variations “ by Jean-Pierre Sonnet, SJ La Civiltà Cattolica
Pope Benedict XVI Praises ‘Glorious Music’ of Bach in Festival Message by Catholic News Agency/National Catholic Register
Band of Religious Sisters Evangelize Through Music During Pandemic by New Evangelization Television
Priest hopes being in spotlight at Groban concert can inspire good by Gabriella Patti Crux
She was buried in a mudslide that killed her father and brother. Singing has been her salvation by Catherine Saillant The Los Angeles Times
Singer-songwriter trades in secular success to share his faith in music by Blanca Morales Crux
Q & A with Sr. Linnet Antony, bringing people to God through music by Philip Mathew Global Sisters Report Italian composer fears church music in crisis by UCA News
God in the Music of Damiana Natali by Claudio Zonta SJ La Civiltà Cattolica
Catholic composer to debut arrangement dedicated to his mentor by Dan Russo Catholic News Service/Crux
General Articles and Commentaries
Pope’s role is ‘divisive’, Francis tells Anglicans meeting in Rome by Patrick Hudson The Tablet Link to Anglicanism
1,200 Jewish professors call on Senate to reject controversial antisemitism definition by Yonat Shimron Religion News Service Link to Antisemitism
The GOP Changes Its Tune on Abortion by Jonathon Van Maren First Things Link to Abortion and to Politics
Police Search Archdiocese of New Orleans Offices for Evidence of Past ‘Child Trafficking’ by Matthew McDonald National Catholic Register Link to Human Trafficking/Sex Trafficking
American Cancer Society Launches Largest-ever Study to Probe Disparities in Cancer Outcomes for Black Women by The Skanner Link to Racial Challenges and Leadership and to Cancer
Overcoming poverty by respecting human rights by Father Shay Cullen Preda Foundation Link to Poverty and to Human Rights and Human Rights Violations
Four Important Questions About Bird Flu, Answered by The Smithsonian Magazine Link to Avian Influenza
Nearly 4,000 Jews died at Jungfernhof, a Nazi camp in Latvia. This artist is fighting for a memorial to them. by Deborah Lynn Blumberg Jewish Telegraphic Agency
US says cyberattacks against water supplies are rising, and utilities need to do more to stop them by Michael Phillis and Matthew Daly The Associated Press Link to Cybersecurity
Florida priest charged for biting arm of woman he says was desecrating Eucharist by Matt McDonald Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Chicago man charged with sexual assault after impregnating disabled resident at Geneva nursing home by Michael Johnson and Judy Wang WGN TV Link to Sexual Relations with and Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls
US woman pleads guilty in neo-Nazi plot to attack power grid by Mike Wendling BBC News Link to Neo-Nazis
In interview, Pope Francis calls out ‘madness’ of US anti-immigrant policies by Claire Giangravé Religion News Service Link to Migrants, Refugees, and Immigrants
Arkansas priest credits face time with Pope Francis to serving immigrants by John Lavenburg Crux
Building Sustainable Healthy Community for the Youth by Youth Initiative Development Programme/ LinkedIn Link to Youth Challenges and Leadership
Texas bishops give guidelines for the use of wine at Mass in prison by John Lavenburg Crux Link to Prison Challenges
Albuquerque Is Throwing Out the Belongings of Homeless People, Violating City Policy by ProPublica Link to Homeless
Texas governor pardons ex-Army sergeant convicted of killing Black Lives Matter protester in 2020 by Jim Vertund The Associated Press Link to Murder
The United States is an outlier in normalizing the sex selection and design of children and white IVF parents are far more likely to choose female children. by Anne Hendershott The Catholic World Report
Featured Report
Jammed Locks or Real Keys by Francis Etheredge Profiles in Catholicism
Celebrity conversions inspire, challenge personal faith, experts say by Gina Christian Our Sunday Visitor Link to Conversions
Candidate for SBC president stirs a storm by saying sexual abuse cases are a ‘distraction’ by Mark Wingfield Baptist News Global
Catholic diocesan hermit approved by Kentucky bishop comes out as transgender by Jack Jenkins Religion News Service Link to LGBTQ Challenges and Leadership
Cleveland priest at center of Vatican II altar damage previously accused of abuse by Dennis Sadowski National Catholic Reporter
Political consultant behind fake Biden robocalls faces $6 million fine and criminal charges by Holly Harper And Alsi Swnson The Associated PressLink to Political Crimes
For the Women Who Accused the Trump Campaign of Harassment, It’s Been More Harassment by Marilyn W. Thompson ProPublica Link to United States Politics
Uvalde victims' families sue Meta, video game company and gun manufacturer by Paris Tanyos Yahoo/CBS News
Prosecutors seek to bar Trump in classified files case from statements endangering law enforcement by Eric Tucker The Associated Press
Chiefs Head Coach Andy Reid And QB Patrick Mahomes Defend Teammate Harrison Butker
by Katie Jerkovich The Daily Wire Link to Sports
Long Island pastor, 71, charged with sexually abusing teen girl in church basement by David Matthews NY Daily News Link to Protestant Sexual Violence Against Minors
Lawsuits claim 66 people were abused as children in Pennsylvania’s juvenile facilities by Mark Scolforo The Associated News Link to Child and Teen Sexual Abuse General Reports
Three Women File Lawsuit Claiming the SBC and a Houston Megachurch ‘Enabled A Predator’ by Liz Lykins The Roys Report Link to Sexual Relations with and Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls
Chicago Catholic priest apologizes for same-sex blessing ‘words and visuals’ by Gina Christian Our Sunday Visitor Link to LGBTQ Challenges and Leadership
FBI Called in to Help with Mica Miller’s Case by Liz Lykins The Roys Report
Cyberattack on largest US Catholic health care system part of rising criminal trend by Our Sunday Visitor/The Pilot Link to Cybersecurity and to United States Issues and Challenges
Justice Department says Boeing violated deal that avoided prosecution after 737 Max crashes by The Associated Press
Prosecutors seek to bar Trump in classified files case from statements endangering law enforcement by Eric Tucker The Associated Press Link to Immoral Political Acts
Human trafficking survivor calls for tackling problem of demand by Deborah Castellano Lubov Vatican News Link to Human Trafficking/Sex Trafficking
In This Police Youth Program, a Trail of Sexual Abuse Across the U.S. by Lakeidra Chavis, Daphne Duret, and Joseph Neff The Marshall Project Link to Police Brutality and Misconduct
Endless flow of weapons fuelling the world’s wars by Tony Magliano The Southern Cross Link to War
Texas mayor starts charity to help Christians suffering attacks in Nigeria by Charles Collins Crux
Vatican overturns Texas bishop’s dismissal of Carmelite nun but backs his investigation by Aleja Hertzler-McCain Religion News Service Link to The Jesuits
Nursery Tales by Kate Lucky Commonweal Link to Infant Care and Challenges
Pope praises California death penalty moratorium, governor says by CathNews New Zealand Link to Death Row
Former Southwestern Seminary professor Matt Queen indicted by Bob Smietana Religion News Service Link to Sexual Relations with and Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls
No-vax priest who left for love of a woman runs for mayor by Crux
Canonical inquiry finds Canadian cardinal free of wrongdoing by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Long overdue': Inuvik, N.W.T., looks to rename street that commemorates residential school priest by Jenna Dulewich CBC
6 more lawsuits filed against North Vancouver Roman Catholic priest over alleged sexual abuse by Renee Bernard CityNews Vancouver
Bishop Simard: Palliative care seeks to accompany people by Christopher Wells Vatican News Link to End of Life Challenges
The courageous child victims winning cases against abusers by Father Shay Cullen Licas News Link to General Reports of Religious Sexual Abuse of Minors
Jesuits in Bolivia deny ‘systematically covering up’ clerical abuse by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux Link to The Jesuits
How solidarity networks are helping Brazil’s flood victims by Eduardo Campos Lima Our Sunday Visitor
American Bishops Hid Information about Colombian Priests Accused of Child Sex Abuse by Al Dia
Cardinal Parolin on China Obedience to the Pope enlivens love for country by Salvatore Cernuzio Vatican News Link to China Issues and Challenges
China’s Forced Relocation of Rural Tibetans by This Week in Rights
Vatican wants China deal to be renewed by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Pope prays for Christian Unity with ecumenical delegation from Hong Kong by Linda Bordoni Vatican News Link to Hong Kong Issues and Challenges
Beacon of faith: Lebanese town builds giant floating rosary at sea by Marguerita Kallassy for Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report Link to The Rosary
Medical Journal Articles
Federal Trade Commission Bans Noncompete Clauses by Emily Harris JAMA May 24, 2024
Blood Pressure Drugs Linked to More Fractures, Falls in VA Nursing Homes by Emily Harris JAMA May 24, 2024
How Artificial Intelligence Will Enhance Imaging Access and Analysis by Anna Bock and Yulin Hswen, ScD, MPH JAMA May 24, 2024 Link to Artificial Intelligence, Chatbox, Chatbot, and Robotics
AI in Radiology: Enhancing Analysis, Education, and Access by JN Learning May 24, 2024
Heart Failure in African American Individuals, Version 2.0by Clyde W. Yancy, MD, MSc JAMA May 12, 2024 Link to Cardiac Disorders
Progress in Heart Failure Deaths Reversed Over Past Decade by Emily Harris JAMA May 24, 2024
Cardiovascular Burden of the V142I Transthyretin Variant by Senthil Selvaraj, MD, MS, MA, Brian Claggett, PhD, Svati H. Shah, MD, MHS et al. JAMA May 12, 2024 Link to Cardiovascular Disease/Disorders
Microneedle Vaccine Patches Generated Immune Response in Children by Emily Harris JAMA May 24, 2024
Mortality in Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19 vs Influenza in Fall-Winter 2023-2024 by Yan Xie, PhD, Taeyoung Choi, MS, and Ziyad Al-Aly, MD JAMA May 15, 2024 Link to COVID-19
Monoclonal Antibody Authorized to Protect At-Risk People From COVID-19 by Emily Harris JAMA May 24, 2024
Blood Pressure Drugs Linked to More Fractures, Falls in VA Nursing Homes Link to Nursing Home Challenges
Monoclonal Antibody Protected Majority of Children From Malaria by Emily Harris JAMA May 24.2024 Link to Malaria
HHS Commits Millions to Improving Maternal, Infant Health by Emily Harris JAMA May 24, 2024
Lower Dose of Mpox Vaccine Was Safe, Effective by Emily Harris JAMA May 24.2024 Link to Monkeypox
Lifestyle Interventions for Obesity in the Era of GLP-1 Receptor Agonists by Jamy D. Ard, MD, Kristina H. Lewis, MD , and Justin B. Moore, PhD JAMA May 14, 2024 Link to Obesity and Weight Challenges
Blood Testing for Phosphatidylethanol by Areej Mazhar, DO and Amanda Cheung, MD JAMA May 15, 2024
Pivya (Pivmecillinam) by Emily Harris JAMA May 24, 2024
Poetry and the Meaning of Care by Rafael Campo, MD, MA JAMA May 15, 2024
Book Reviews, Commentaries, and Announcements
Vespers for the Feast of the Transfiguration by J. Wright Reviewed by Carl E. Olson The Catholic World Report
The Crucible of Doubt: Dostoevsky’s Faith by John O‘Brien, OFM Reviewed by Eileen Quinn-Knight Profiles in Catholicism
Less Helping Them More Healing You by Jean P. Kelly Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Uncomfortable Conversations with a Jew by Emmanuel Acho and Noa Tish Commentary by Jewish Journal Staff
Jack Hawkins: A Biography by Nathan Morley Commentary by Charles Collins Crux
One strength of Hometown Prison by Richard Linklater Commentary by Burke Nixon Commonweal
Television Articles and Commentaries
Shogun Commentary by Kevin Christopher Robles America
Film Articles and Commentaries
Itzhak:The humanity and artistry of Itzhak Perlman Reviewed by John Anderson America
St. Paul's Choir School's latest album evokes peace of heaven by Jacqueline Tetrault The Pilot
Back to Black Commentary by Lindsy Barr The Associated Press
Your Fat Friend Commentary by Liz Charlotte Grant National Catholic Reporter
Music Reviews and Commentaries
Alone with my Faith Commentary by Maina Mwaura Religion News Service/America
Theater Reviews and Commentaries
Cabaret Commentary by Rob Weinert-Kendt America
Opera Reviews
Dialogues des Carmélites Reviewed by Oussama Zahr The New York Times
Cleo Laine - If Music Be The Food Of Life
Ave Maria - Marco Lo Russo Coro Voces del Mar OEPV Made in Italy concert Teatro Vallarta Mexico 2018
To God's Ear: Music and Song of the Jewish Liturgy
Gregorian Chant - Liturgy of St Anthony
Henry Purcell - Christ is made the sure foundation
Gregorian Chants For The Mother Of Jesus | Sacred Choir In Honor Of Mary
Immaculate Mary | Ave Ave Maria | Lourdes Hymn | Emmaus Music