A Message from the Editor
Our moral responsibilities to migrants and refugees and expressed in detail b Pope Francis and Vatican spokespersons in many reports in this issue of Profiles in Catholicism. Sadly, the politicization and polarization of migrant and refugee challenges is often immoral and results in unnecessary deaths,
We need to address the causes of migration. We should establish migrant approval centers in all eligible countries which will reduce the number of immigrants turned away when judged ineligible. We also need to establish companies in eligible courtiers for some type of manufacturing to reduce
poverty in that country.
U.S. goods imports from China totaled $536.3 billion in 2022, up 6.3 percent ($32.0 billion) from 2021, and up 26 percent from 2012. U.S. exports to China account for 7.5 percent of overall U.S. exports in 2022. Doesn’t it make more sense to purchase items from friendly countries instead of China?
We also need to establish a pilot program for children who travel alone be transported to the United States.
A Quote to Remember
“I would like to ask you all to see a ray of hope as well in the eyes and hearts of refugees and of those who have been forcibly displaced. A hope that is expressed in expectations for the future, in the desire for friendship, in the wish to participate in the host society also through learning the language, access to employment and the education of children. I admire the courage of those who hope to be able gradually to resume a normal life, waiting for joy and love to return to brighten their existence. We can and must all nourish this hope!”
Pope Francis
A prayer for the protection of the health and life of migrant children
“A Body Broken for You”
A child cries: Lord, they took my hand!
Forgiveness does not bring back my hand.
The Lord replies: Now my hands are nailed.
Oh Lord, give us hands that help.
A child cries: Lord, they took my foot!
Forgiveness does not bring back my foot.
The Lord replies: Now my feet are nailed.
Oh Lord, give us feet that help.
A child cries: Lord, they took my kidney!
Forgiveness does not bring back my kidney.
The Lord replies: Now my side is pierced.
Oh Lord, give us openness to others.
A child cries: Lord, they took my family!
Forgiveness does not bring back my family.
The Lord replies: Now my friends are dying.
Oh Lord, give us an extended family.
A child cries: Lord, they took my home!
Forgiveness does not return my home.
The Lord replies: I died with arms open.
Oh Lord, give us opening doors.
A child dies: Lord, they took my life
Be the forgiveness in me!
The Lord replies: Now live, eternally!
Oh Lord, give us a change of heart!
by Francis Etheredge Profiles in Catholicism
Prayer for the Deceased Mexican Immigrants
Dear Merciful God
We mourn the lives of the 39 immigrants who died after fire broke out at the Mexican immigration center. Receive in your loving hands their souls and bring comfort to their families and love ones. We ask you to heal those who are injured and are still struggling to survive. Give them the means to find a safe home and a dignified way to make a living. Make our hearts more like yours, so we can welcome migrants and refugees with joy and generosity. Give us the grace to look at their needs and to respond graciously to them. Help us to realize that whatever we do to one of them, we do it directly to you. We thank you, we praise you, we love you.
by Margarita Carreon Profiles in Catholicism
Querido Dios Misericordioso
Lamentamos la vida de los 39 immigrants que fallecieron tras el incendio en el centro de inmigración mexicano. Recibe en tus manos amorosas sus almas y trae consuelo a sus familias y seres queridos. Te pedimos que cures a los que están heridos y todavía luchan por sobrevivir. Dales los medios para encontrar un hogar seguro y una forma digna de ganarse la vida. Haz que nuestros corazones se parezcan más al tuyo, para que podamos acoger a los migrantes y refugiados con alegría y generosidad. Danos la gracia de mirar a sus necesidades y responder con gracia a ellas. Ayúdanos a darnos cuenta de que cualquier cosa que hagamos a uno de ellos, lo hacemos directamente a ti. Te agradecemos, te alabamos, te amamos.
por Margarita Carreon Profiles in Catholicism
Prayer for the protection of Migrants
You, St. Joseph, led Mary on a donkey with the child Jesus,
Stealing away in the dead of night, seeking sanctuary.
How many of us sleep in our own beds – but how many flee!
Lord, help us to remember and to help those who have to leave!
You, Mary, had to look after the child Jesus, while you travelled
A long way, looking for a place to live and to make a new home.
How many of us live in our own homes – but how many flee!
Lord, help us to remember and to help those who have to leave!
You, Jesus, were a small child when you had to travel in the night
And find a new place to grow, a new home and new friends.
How many of us live in the same place – but how many flee!
Lord, help us to remember and to help those who have to leave!
Oh Holy Family, how you left with a few, bundled belongings,
Leaving what could not be carried, travelling light and quick.
How many of us have many possessions – but how many flee!
Lord, help us to remember and to help those who have to leave!
You, Jesus, were scarcely old enough to notice more than bumping
Up and down on the donkey, wrapped in swaddling clothes and warm
How many of us have too many clothes – but how many flee!
Lord, help us to remember and to help those who have to leave!
You Mary, had to made do with a few belongings, a drink and milk
To feed your child, praying for the next meal for all and blessing God.
How many of us have food to waste – but how many flee!
Lord, help us to remember and to help those who have to leave!
You, Joseph, carried a few small tools and found a place to work,
Settling Mary and Jesus where you could and mending it too.
How many of us have more tools than we need – but how many flee!
Lord, help us to remember and to help those who have to leave!
by Francis Etheredge Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer for Jakelin Caal Maquin
O Lord, mighty God, at times in history your little children have been treated badly. They were drowned by Pharaoh (Ex) and massacred by Herod(Mt). Still you Son, your loving Son reminded his disciple and us, to treat the little children gently and allow they to approach (Mk). Today the story is played out once again as we see your little child Jakelin mistreated yet now called to the side of your Son for eternity. Help us to remember always “People were bringing little children to him, for him to touch them The disciples scolded them, 14 but when Jesus saw this he was indignant and said to them, ‘Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs. 15 In truth I tell you, anyone who does not welcome the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.’ 16 Then he embraced them, laid his hands on them and gave them his blessing. (The New Jerusalem Bible. (1985) (Mk 10:13–16)
by Father David O. Brown, O.S.M.(deceased) Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer for Migrants
We bring our tragedy to you, dear Father, for help and direction. While much of the world focuses on the coronavirus pandemic, many migrants continue to die on the Mediterranean Sea while trying to reach Italy. In the latest incident, authorities say that the bodies of 46 people have been recovered off the coast of Tunisia. The tragedy happened after their boat capsized near the city of Sfax at the weekend. Hold them in your embrace loving Father as we pray for their souls. Bless the rescue workers, many wearing masks because of the coronavirus pandemic, dealt with another crisis. Bless the officials who suggested that that the death toll from a ship packed with African migrants that sank off the Tunisian coast here rose to scores of people.
Help their loved ones and all those affected by this incident. With most bodies from this latest tragedy in the Mediterranean Sea now being recovered, there seemed no hope that any one of the 53 people on board survived. The accident, near the Tunisian city of Sfax, ended the dreams of migrants who wanted to make the crossing to Italy start a new life in Europe. Bless their desire Lord for a new life. Help them to rest in your heavenly home now and forever.
by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Querido Dios Misericordioso
Lamentamos la vida de los 39 immigrants que fallecieron tras el incendio en el
centro de inmigración mexicano. Recibe en tus manos amorosas sus almas y
trae consuelo a sus familias y seres queridos. Te pedimos que cures a los que
están heridos y todavía luchan por sobrevivir. Dales los medios para encontrar
un hogar seguro y una forma digna de ganarse la vida. Haz que nuestros
corazones se parezcan más al tuyo, para que podamos acoger a los migrantes y
refugiados con alegría y generosidad. Danos la gracia de mirar a sus
necesidades y responder con gracia a ellas. Ayúdanos a darnos cuenta de que
cualquier cosa que hagamos a uno de ellos, lo hacemos directamente a ti. Te
agradecemos, te alabamos, te amamos. ¡Amén!
por Margarita Carreon Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer for Migrants and Refugees
There are many refugees, migrants, overseas workers exploited, abused, treated as slaves around the world Lord. You and your parents were refugees in Egypt, inspire your followers to speak out for the migrants and refugees and demand their human rights, may we do all we can to help them. Inspire us to help strangers in need. Amen
by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
Immigration/Refugee Interviews
General Interviews
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Immigration/Refugee Articles and Commentaries
As more kids migrate alone, the Church must speak up by Kate Scanlo Our Sunday Visitor
Making a Difference: 100 m People Forced to Flee by Tony Magliano Indian Catholic Matters
I was ‘a stranger and you gave me no welcome’ by Tony Magliano The Association of U.S. Catholic Priests
Michigan homeowner's Nazi flag sparks outrage in historic immigrant community by Miriam Marini USA TODAY
Work with Refugees and Immigrants: We are All Part of the Human Family by Shannon Lyon The Pilot
El Paso faith community, papal delegate affirm solidarity with migrants by Pauline Hovey National Catholic Reporter
How St. Agnes church became the first Jesuit parish in America to declare itself a sanctuary by Kaya Oakes America
Border bishop takes lead role in Catholic migrant ministry by Giovanna Dell'orto Religion News Service
Spokane bishop responds to Catholic Charities racism video by CNA Daily News/The Catholic World Report
Catholic advocate says it’s time to ‘change the narrative’ on migration by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux
For World Refugee Day, Salesian Missions highlight programs that aid refugees and internally displaced by Our Sunday Visitor
Supreme Court says Trump-era border restriction will remain in effect while legal challenges play out by Ariane de Vogue and Priscilla Alvarez CNN
Church in Texas issues IDs to help the undocumented navigate police encounters by J.D. Long-García America
The new parish ministry empowering immigrant Catholics by Jean Lotus U.S. Catholic
'Ugly smears' against a Utah Senate candidate underscore the 'moral emptiness of today’s GOP': conservative by Alex Henderson AlterNet
Repeal of Trump’s ‘Muslim ban’ offers new hope to frustrated immigrants and long-suffering families by Kareem Fahim, Durrie Bouscaren and Louisa Loveluck The Washington Post
Measuring the Impact of AI in the Diagnosis of Hospitalized Patients: A Randomized Clinical Vignette Survey Study by Sarah Jabbour, MSE, David Fouhey, PhD, Stephanie Shepard, PhD, et al. JAMA December 19,2023
Embracing Grace in Our Golden Years: Confronting the Fears of Aging by Pastor James Costa Faith Activist
Social Justice Convocation focuses on immigration by Jacqueline Tetrault The Pilot
EPA Calls Out Environmental Racism in Louisiana’s Cancer Alley by Lisa Song ProPublica and Lylla Younes Grist
Mexican parishes pitch in to help Central American caravan heading north by David Agren Catholic News Service
Honduras: The Bishops and the ‘Human Tragedy” of the Caravan by Zenit
Armed men kidnap 6 nuns, others in Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince by David Agren The Pilot
The Bishops and the "human tragedy" of the caravan: "we were deaf to the cries of their rights" by Agenzia Fidez
Rome’s ‘Festival of Peoples’ celebrates diversity amid anti-immigrant backlash by Claire Giangravè Crux
Boat with 422 migrants, some with COVID-19, heads to Sicily by Frances D'Emilio Crux
Cardinal Czerny: 'Work together to improve education for migrants' by Christopher Wells Vatican News
Vatican official: With migration, cooperation is better than isolationism by Carol Glatz Catholic News Service/Angelus
Pope: May we welcome, accompany, support and integrate migrants by Thaddeus Jones Vatican News
Cardinal-elect Marchetto at the service of migrants and refugees by Fabio Colagrande and Linda Bordoni Vatican News
Pope urges solidarity with migrants on 10th anniversary of Lampedusa visit by Devin Watkins Vatican News
Cardinal Parolin: We must save migrants' lives by Alessandro Di Bussolo Vatican News
Holy See to UNHCR: Refugees and migrants need nations to share solutions by Francesca Merlo Vatican News
Refusal to help migrants is 'sinful, criminal,' pope says at canonization by Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service/Angelus
Call for greater protection for migrants and refugees by Vatican News
Holy See: Migrants are not just numbers by Lisa Zengarini Vatican News
Pope to Migration Commission: 'Give a face to the Church’s charitable action' by Benedict Mayaki, SJ Vatican News
Vatican recalls Migrants and Refugees Day, two months on by Vatican News
Pope appeals for joint political action for refugees and migrants by Linda Bordoni Vatican News
Vatican recalls Migrants and Refugees Day, two months on by Vatican News
Pope Francis: It's injustice that causes migrants to die at sea by Lydia O'Kane Vatican News
Pope unveils sculpture commemorating migrants and refugees by Vatican News
Pope Francis appeals that migrants not be sent back to unsafe countries by Courtney Mares Catholic News Agency
Catholic group calls UK attempt to send refugees to Rwanda ‘profoundly troubling’ by Charles Collins Crux
Pope: Migrants seeking new life end up instead in ‘hell’ of detention by Carol Glatz Catholic News Service/Crux
Making a Difference: Pope critical of 'meanness' toward migrants and refugees by Tony Magliano Catholic Online
Pope champions migrants, calls on society to shed prejudice by La Croix International
Pope Francis: It’s Not Just About Migrants; The Future of Humanity Is at Stake by ICMC
Vatican announces Pope Francis’ Marseille visit schedule, trip to highlight Mediterranean migrant crisis by Rachel Thomas Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Holy See at UN: International solidarity required to protect dignity of migrants by Francesca Merlo Vatican News
Catholic advocates: Nations often ignore exploitation of migrant workers by Bronwen Dachs Catholic News Service/Angelus
Who is my neighbor? A reflection on the immigrant by Father Pablo Patheos
Francis laments 'senseless and irresponsible condemnation' of migrants by Joshua J. McElwee National Catholic Reporter
Cardinal Turkson stresses refugees' God-given dignity in Rockhurst talk by Brian Roewe National Catholic Register
Civil Society Ready Partner to Make Global Compact for Migration a Reality by International Catholic Migration Commission
Editorial on Global Compact for Migration by Cardinal Tagle Catholic News Agency
Pope hopes new UN global pact sparks compassion for migrants by The Associated
Shifts in US, Mexico policy put asylum-seekers in danger, Catholic activists say by Maria Benevento National Catholic Reporter
Vatican official: With migration, cooperation is better than isolationism by Carol Glatz Catholic News Service/Angelus
Giving refugees an ordinary life by Jesuits in Ireland
Immigrant advocates say proposed benefits rule is a 'wealth test' by Maria Benevento National Catholic Reporter
Vatican diplomat: Lockdowns revealed ‘glaring contradiction’ in attitudes towards migrants by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Synod of Bishops: A Christian obligation to welcome migrants by Russell Pollitt, SJ Vatican News
Share the journey meal with refugees in Syria: Challenges and Rewards by Sandra Awad Caritas Internationalis
Vatican lauded for role in UN deal on migration by Christopher White Crux
Church in Italy protests deaths of exploited migrant workers by Claire Giangravè Crux
Pope Francis: Let Catholic social teaching guide migration policy by Catholic News Agency/EWTN News
Immigration: Moving from Strength by Fr. Sam Fuller, OFM Cap of St. Anne-St Augustin Franciscan Action Network
Immigrating Beyond the Bible by David Paternostro, SJ The Jesuit Post
Human trafficking investigation launched after 14 people found in shipping container at Irish port by Fiona Audley The Irish Post
Vatican official urges US, Europe to do more for migrants and refugees by Inés San Martín Crux
Pope Francis: Protecting migrants is a 'moral imperative' by Hannah Brockhaus Catholic News Agency
Pope urges open hearts, doors towards continuing tragedy of migrants, refugees by Robin Gomes Vatican News
Pope Francis denounces silence in the face of injustice towards migrants by Courtney Grogan Catholic News Agency
From Morocco, Francis says migrant crisis won't be fixed by 'raising barriers' by Joshua J. McElwee National Catholic Reporter
Catholic group calls UK attempt to send refugees to Rwanda ‘profoundly troubling’ by Charles Collins Crux
Catholic group calls UK attempt to send refugees to Rwanda ‘profoundly troubling’ by Charles Collins Crux
“Like I Didn’t Exist” – The Exploitation of West African Migrant Workers by International Catholic Migration Association
Archdiocese of Bombay enacts action plan to help Tribal migrants by Nirmala Carvalho Crux
Threat multiplier: The impacts of climate change on refugees by Jesse Remedios Leaders EarthBeat
Lack of legal, safe channels for migration helps traffickers by Catholic News Service
Before the pandemic, refugee mental health was severely overlooked. Now it’s a full-blown crisis by Tim Gaynor The UN Refugee Agency
Refugees face new disaster as COVID-19 threatens camps by Charles Collins Crux
A global look at suffocation deaths of trafficked migrants by The Associated Press
Threat multiplier: The impacts of climate change on refugees by Jesse Remedios Leaders EarthBeat
Crowded into camps, refugees are sitting ducks for COVID-19 by Thomas Reese Religion News Service
Communities hosting refugees need help and ‘a more positive narrative’ by Devin Watkins Vatican News
3 reasons all countries should embrace the Global Compact for Migration by Anne Gallagher World Economic Forum
Msgr. Antoine Camilleri at UN: Migration a Bedrock of Many Modern Nations by Zenit
What Does Saint Thomas Say About Immigration? by John Horvat II Return to Order
A clarion call to end the scourge of Human Trafficking by Vatican News
These articles are indexed in
General Articles and Commentaries
Sex Trafficking in America – 2021 Report by Guardian Group Link to Human Trafficking/Sex Trafficking
On resurrection, abortion, and judgment by James V. Schall, S.J. The Catholic World Report Link to Abortion
Maine bishop blasts liberal abortion bill as ‘immoral and unnecessary’ by John Lavenburg Crux
Six Pro-Life Advocates on Trial for FACE Act Charges by Jack Figge Catholic Vote Link to Other ProLife Challenges
Holocaust remembrance is a call to ‘repudiate’ dehumanizing people by Gina Christian Our Sunday Visitor Link to The Holocaust
‘I never imagined that something like this could ever happen again’: Holocaust survivors share their Oct. 7 experiences by Deborah Danan Jewish Telegraphic Agency
New Video Game Educating Users on the Holocaust by Ayala Or-El The Jewish Journal
New IHRA Definition Adoptions Report Analyzes Key Action in Fighting Antisemitism, Finds American Universities Failing to Take Necessary Steps by Combat Antisemitism Movement Link to Antisemitism
Suspect in killing of 8 people in suburban Chicago has fatally shot himself in Texas, police say by Kathleen Foody and Todd Richman The Associated Press Link to Mass Murders
Catholic Convert Says Same-Sex Attracted People Need to Hear ‘The Hard Truth’ by Hannah Hiester Catholic View Link to LGBTQ Challenges and Leadership and to Conversions
Fighting transgenderism for the fate of the domestic church by Alyssa Murphy National Catholic Register
Catholic doctors protecting kids by combating trans ideology by Patti Maguire Armstrong National Catholic Register
Billions of cicadas will buzz this spring as two broods emerge at the same time by NPR WBEZ Chicago
Kentucky bishop bars priests devoted to Latin Mass from ministry by John Lavenburg Crux
How the teen mental health crisis is turning some youth pastors into first responders by Elizabeth E. Evans Religion News Service
Donald Trump Ordered to Pay E. Jean Carroll $83M in Defamation Damages Trial by Alex Backus Newsweek
Guest column: Child sex abuse survivors hang hopes on Louisiana Supreme Court by Mac McCall Nola. Link to Child and Teen Sexual Abuse General Reports
Report: 33 churches in Canada destroyed by fire since May 2021 by Joe Bukuras Catholic News Agency
Quebec cardinal, papal advisor named in sex abuse lawsuit by Crux Link to Sexual Relations with and Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls
Belief in Jesus can cost you your life in these 50 countries by Andrés Henríquez ACI Prenza Catholic News Agency’
Artist attempts to recreate Mary’s face using Shroud and AI Link to Spirituality and Art
WHO releases AI ethics and governance guidance for large multi-modal models by World Health Organization Link to Ethical Challenges
Physician-assisted suicide next front of pro-life cause, Cardinal O'Malley says by Kate Scanlon The Pilot Link to Assisted Suicide
A Downey student got cancer. His school’s 'prayer force' helped conquer it by Steve Lowery Angelus Link to Cancer
Billions of cicadas will buzz this spring as two broods emerge at the same time by NPR WBEZ Chicago
Rise Up Weekly. Get a Life by Tim Dunn Ignatian Solidarity Network Link to The Jesuits
Meet Abbey Levy, rising Jewish star in the brand new Professional Women’s Hockey League by Reyna Gobel Jewish Telegraphic Agency Link to Sports
A Southern Baptist leader hid decades of abuse. Will his fall doom SBC abuse reforms? by Bob Smietana Religion News Service Link to Protestant Sexual Violence Against Minors
Why organized sports are so good for children by Fr. Michael Rennier, Aleteia Link to Children Issues and Challenges
A Collective Journey Towards Mental Health Inclusivity for the Youth by Youth Initiative Development Programme Link to Mental Health/Illness and to Youth Challenges and Leadership
‘Slum priests’ slam new libertarian government in Pope’s native Argentina by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux
Guide to Filing For Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Negligence Lawsuit by Justice Here
A Virginia tribe says racism wiped their Native identity from historic records. Nearly a century later, they’re still fighting for recognition by Chandelis Duster CNNLink to Indigenous People
Report: 33 churches in Canada destroyed by fire since May 2021 by Joe Bukuras Catholic News Agency
Ottawa youth charged with 'terrorism' offences for alleged targeting of Jews by Kanishka Singh Reuters
Religious sister beaten and sexually assaulted in Colombia by Eduardo Campos Lima Our Sunday Visitor
Despite liberation of nuns, experts say violence in Haiti is far from over by Eduardo Campos Lima Cruz
Armed men kidnap 6 nuns, others in Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince by David Agren The Pilot
Former orphanage founder in Haiti faces federal charges of sexually abusing minors by The Associated Press
We taught him everything he knows': Rising Irish basketball star's pals steal show as they crash US press conference by Gerard Donaghy The Irish Post
Top 10 highest-paid players in world football revealed with Cristiano Ronaldo eclipsing Lionel Messi and Harry Kane by Kealan Hughes The Irish Sun
Boy, 17, charged with murder of gunman Tristan Sherry at steakhouse on Christmas Eve as he’s remanded in custody by Tom Tuite The Irish Sun Link to Murder
£20,000 reward offered for information on 'barbaric murder' in West Belfast by Gerard Donaghy The Irish Post
Man jailed for murdering ‘much-loved’ grandmother in her own home by Fiona Audley The Irish Post
Irish bishops call for support for refugees after protests in market town by Charles Collins Crux
World’s only LGBTQ+ matchmaking festival secures home in Ireland for next five years by Fiona Audley The Irish Post
Man from Ireland sentenced to 26 years for historic sexual abuse of children at Catholic care home by Gerard Donaghy The Irish Post
Human trafficking investigation launched after 14 people found in shipping container at Irish port by Fiona Audley The Irish Post
Polish archbishop offers controversial help to jailed politicians by Luke Coppen The Pillar Link to Prison Challenges
Suspect arrested over killing of Spanish priest by Filipe D'Avillez The Pillar Link to Murdered Priests and Seminarians
Pope to Athletica Vaticana: 'Sport can build bridges of peace in the world' by Lisa Zengarini Vatican News
Vatican court hands down first-ever conviction for sexual abuse by Elise Ann Allen Crux
First-of-Its-Kind Berlin Summit to Bring Israeli Expats in Europe Together to Fight Antisemitism by Combat Antisemitism Movement
Church of England ‘risked teenager’s safety’ at parish attended by paedophile predator by Steve Bird and Simon Trump The Telegraph” Link to Anglicanism
The Conversion of St Paul by Marcel Uwineza SJ Jesuits in Britain Link to The Jesuits
Australian police raid former home of ‘sexual predator’ bishop by The Pillar Link to Catholic Sexual Violence Against Minors
World Bank's van Trotsenburg: Serious support to Africa through locals and trust by Deborah Castellano Lubov Vatican News
Africa’s six Anglican women bishops meet and issue call to combat Africa’s ‘triple threat’ by Fredrick Nzwili Religion News Service
Human Trafficking: The Modern-Day Slavery of the 21st Century by Job Elom Ngwe The African Journal of Criminology and Justice Studies
Experts see East Africa squeezed in lethal vise of war and weather by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux Link to War
Report claims Nigeria security forces care more about cows than Christians by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux
Pope Francis: Never forget Rwandan genocide by Joseph Tulloch Vatican News Link to Genocide
Catholic group calls UK attempt to send refugees to Rwanda ‘profoundly troubling’ by Charles Collins Crux
Catholic aid agency struggles to cope with forgotten crisis in Sudan by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux
Embracing Grace in Our Golden Years: Confronting the Fears of Aging by Pastor James Costa Faith Activist
Catholics request security after Hindu radicals assault churches in central India by Nirmala Carvalho Crux
‘I never imagined that something like this could ever happen again’: Holocaust survivors share their Oct. 7 experiences by Deborah Danan Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Aharon Barak's chilling ICJ testimony: 'Nazis failed to take our humanity' by Bini Ashkena The Jerusalem Post
Myanmar conflict heavily impacting Christians in Chin State by Lisa Zengarini Vatican News
Filipino arrested for dumping bodies blames it on accomplice by Yuji Masuyama, Minami Endo and Shomei Nagatsuma The Asahi Shimbun
Woman alleging sexual abuse by priest reveals her real name by Maki Okuro The Asahi Shimbun
Medical Journal Articles
As COVID-19 Cases Surge, Here’s What to Know About JN.1, the Latest SARS-CoV-2 “Variant of Interest” by Rita Rubin, MA JAMA January 12. 2024 Link to COVID-19
Despite Safe and Effective Vaccine, Measles Cases and Deaths Increased Worldwide From 2021 to 2022 by Rita Rubin, MA JAMA December 20, 2023 Link to Measles
Use of Complementary Health Approaches Overall and for Pain Management by US Adults by Richard L. Nahin, MPH, PhD, Amber Rhee, MHS. and Barbara Stussman, BA JAMA January 25. 202r4 Link to Pain Management
Premarket Notifications and Patents for Breast Pumps Before and After the ACA by Oluwarantimi Adetunji, PhD. Pallavi Pemmireddy, MPH. Trinidad Beleche, PhD, et al. JAMA January 22. 2024 Link to Pregnancy and Pregnancy Challenges
Four Defining Health Issues of the 2024 Presidential Election by Anand Parekh, MD, MPH JAMA January 25, 2024 Link to United States Issues and Challenges
Measuring the Impact of AI in the Diagnosis of Hospitalized Patients: A Randomized Clinical Vignette Survey Study by Sarah Jabbour, MSE, David Fouhey, PhD, Stephanie Shepard, PhD, et al. JAMA December 19,2024
What Is Uterine Prolapse? by Rebecca Voelker, MSJ JAMA January 26, 2024
Book Announcements/Reviews/Commentaries
Not "A Nation Of Immigrants" by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz Reviewed by Tom Deignan America
An Unlikely Gardner by Francis Etheredge Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
How the Saints Shaped History by Randall Petrides Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Aging Upstream: Memoirs and Mirth of the Silver Years by Kevin Banet Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Profiles in Peace, Voices of Peacebuilders in the Midst of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict by Ron Kronish Reviewed by Dr. Eugene Fisher Profiles in Catholicism
Announcing the Free Seeking Refuge E-Book from Global Sisters Report by National Catholic Reporter
Time’s Echo: The Second World War, the Holocaust, and the Music of Remembrance by Jeremy Eichler Reviewed by Andrew Silow-Carroll Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Lovers in Auschwitz: A True Story by Keren Blankfeld Reviewed by Smithsonian Magazine
The Holocaust Kid’ by Alex M. Anderson and Lucas F. W. Wilson. Reviewed by Sonia Pilcer Jewish Telegraphic Agency
The Unfolding by Arielle Estoria Reviewed by Jessica Gerhardt National Catholic Reporter
Film Reviews Commentaries
Cabrini Reviewed by Francesca Pollio Fenton Catholic News Agency
Babette's Feast Commentary by Jaymie Stuart Wolfe The Pilot
Forced like Jesus Christ to Flee
How Meloni's anti-migrant agenda is shifting Europe to the right
More migrants in Chicago granted work permits despite complex legal process
Lampedusa shoulders EU migrant surge in 2023