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Updated: Sep 7, 2022


Prayer Resources

Book Reviews and Commentaries


Pope Francis' Comments on Those Murdered and Injured in Orlando. Florida "We all hope that ways may be found, as soon as possible, to effectively identify and contrast the causes of such terrible and absurd violence which so deeply upsets the desire for peace of the American people and of the whole of humanity."

Prayers for the Those Who Have Passed

Text Prayers

Loving and merciful God,

we entrust our beloved family members and friends your to eternal mercy and eternal love

You loved then greatly in this life:

now that they are freed from all its cares,

give them happiness and peace for ever.

The old order has passed away:

welcome them now into paradise

where there will be no more sorrow,

no more weeping or pain,

but only peace and joy

Names of those Who have Passed

God of power and mercy,

you destroy war and put down earthly pride.

Banish violence from our midst and wipe away our tears,

that we may all deserve to be called your sons and daughters.

Keep in your mercy those men and women

who have died in the cause of freedom

and bring them safely

into your kingdom of justice and peace.

We ask this though Jesus Christ our Lord.


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Prayer for Those Murdered and Injured in Orlando. Florida

Lord. we we ask you to welcome all those who have been murdered in Orlando into the eternity of you love .Please help those who have been injured and comfort the family members and friends of those who have been shot. May the blood of those who have died by violence spur those living amidst bloodshed and violence to work for peace and justice for all people and an end of terrorism, we pray to the Lord.

Prayer to End Violence

For all who live amidst bloodshed and violence: that the blood of those who have died may spur the living to work for peace and justice for all people and an end to terrorism, we pray to the Lord.

Prayer for Children

God of love, hear the cries of children around the world. Hear the mourning, screams, silent voices of fear and pain. How many tears and how much more blood will bring us a sense that we are all your children, no matter what race, nationality, religion, class and gender? God of mercy, forgive our sins of selfishness and insecurity that make us seek self-protection and power over others first. Grant us courage today to listen to your call of protecting, nurturing, and loving the most vulnerable ones among us so that we may be a messenger of your peace in the world. by Rev. Hikari Kokai Chang, Regional Missionary, Wesley Foundation in Japan

Prayer for Migrants

For all those who see “home” and all it means Disappear behind them; For all those who cannot see a home In the days ahead of them; For all those who dwell in Daily insecurity; For all those who are weary and Without a safe place to rest their heads; For all families in migration we pray. May the image of the Holy Family Fleeing oppression stay with us as we enter a New Year, And stay with us each night as we are blessed With returning to a home. May we also be blessed With compassion for those Still weary, still seeking, Still with so far to go. by Jane Deren, 2007

Prayer for Women Who Are Immigrants and Seek Refuge

God, you who guided Naomi and her family to look for bread in Moab, a foreign land, protect the women everywhere who have to leave behind their home or homelands so that they and their families can survive. May those who are escaping the ravages of war find shelter and sustenance. May the land in which they seek refuge welcome them and treat them with hospitality. May those who are seeking to stop the threats of violence against them find a peaceful and healing place. Help them hold on to their hope for a new beginning. And may those who are fleeing from the famines that starve them and their children find relief from their painful and debilitating hunger. May they find food both for their journey and for their bodies. You who guided Ruth to go to the Promised Land, grant that, like her, women may be lifted from the fields where they harvest to be part of royal lineage. And grant that we who are the spiritual descendants of those of old who were told that the holiest of trinities was made of the widow, the orphan and the migrant, be given the courage to see your face, your real presence, in the faces of women who have great need. Amen. Adapted from a prayer by Reverend Ignacio Castuera Gracious

Prayer for Child Syrian Refugees

We pray to the Lord to end the abuse of Child Syrian refugees in Turkey and for all other abused children throughout the world.

Prayers for Vocations

Text Prayers

Father Most Holy, sanctify the sons and daughters who have consecrated themselves to you, for the glory of your name. Enfold them with your power, enabling them to bear witness that you are the Origin of all things, the one Source of love and freedom. We thank you for the gift of the consecrated life, which in faith seeks you and in its universal mission invites all people to draw near to you. Jesus our Saviour, Incarnate Word, as you have entrusted your own way of life to those whom you have called, continue to draw to yourself men and women who will be, for the people of our time, dispensers of mercy, heralds of your return, living signs of the Resurrection and of its treasures of virginity, poverty and obedience. May no tribulation separate them from you and from your love! Holy Spirit, Love poured into our hearts, who grant grace and inspiration to our minds, the perennial Source of life, who bring to fulfilment the mission of Christ by means of many charisms, we pray to you for all consecrated persons. Fill their hearts with the deep certainty of having been chosen to love, to praise and to serve. Enable them to savour your friendship, fill them with your joy and consolation, help them to overcome moments of difficulty and to rise up again with trust after they have fallen; make them mirrors of the divine beauty. Give them the courage to face the challenges of our time and the grace to bring to all mankind the goodness and loving kindness of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Taken from the Apostolic Exhortation Vita Consecrata written by Saint John Paul II


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