Believers must condemn violence in name of religion by David Hilt Inside the Vatican
“It is no longer a choice between violence and nonviolence…it’s nonviolence or nonexistence. by Tony Magliano Pax Christi USA
Fight indifference, actively respond to hatred, violence, pope says by Carol Glatz Catholic News Service
In the land of the Mapuche, Pope Francis calls on indigenous peoples to say 'no' to violence
by Gerard O’Connell America
Gospel Nonviolence: The Way of the Church by The Conference of Major Superiors of Men
Now is the time to be bold, to be public, and to let our voices be heard. by Catholic Organizations Respond to the Violence in Charlottesville
Chicago auxiliary signs ad decrying postelection bigotry, violence by Catholic News Service
Archdiocese of Chicago, Its Parishes and Ministries Launch Anti-Violence Initiative
In the face of violence, why do we write? What can words do? by Patrick Gilger, S.J. and Matt Spotts, S.J. America
USCCB Special Task Force Releases Written Report and Recommendations On Promoting Peace in Our Communities.📷 by USCCB
Confronting a Culture of Violence: A Catholic Framework for Action by USCCB
The New Wave of Rap Violence Shouldn’t Be Ignored by Craig Jenkins Vulture
Prayer to End Violence For all who live amidst bloodshed and violence: that the blood of those who have died may spur the living to work for peace and justice for all people and an end to terrorism, we pray to the Lord.
We also pray to better love our neighbor and demonstrate our love with respect for all human life and assistance to all those in need.
Encouraging Us To Go Deeper
Horror: priest killed in Mexico while hearing confession by Deacon Greg Kandra Catholic Canada
Salvadoran priest assassinated during Holy Week by Rhina Guidos Catholic News Service/America
An Oregon bill could allow mentally ill patients to be starved by CNA
Monsignor Juan José Gerardi Conedera by Judith Barry
Indian women never far from danger Thomson Reuters ranks country most dangerous place for women to live, with four rape cases reported every hour
Prayers for Yummy Sandifer, Dantrell Davis, Ryan Harris, Eric Morse, Derrion Albert, Blair Holt, Jonylah Watkins, and the hundreds of other children murdered and whom continue to be murdered in Chicago O God, we pray for those who have been murdered on the streets of our city. We commit to your loving care those who have died, beseeching you to receive their souls into the mercy of your love. Comfort their loved ones who mourn. Enable them to meet the lonely and painful days ahead in the strength of your love. Let the love that you have made known to us lead us to create safer streets for all to walk upon. Amen Vienna Cobb Anderson
Mass Murder
Jesus Christ is our Bridge over Troubled Waters as we pray to Him to for comfort, and mourn the loss of and harm to those whom we love, and for all those who have been lost and harmed as victims of hate and gun violence.
A Bridge Over Troubled Water
Pope denounces use of chemical weapons by Junno Arocho Esteves, Caholic News Service
Mexican City Sees Stunning Drop in Violence as Adoration Increases by Patty Knap National Catholic Register
Cardinal Vincent Expresses Horror at Murder of Fr Jacques Hamel by Cardinal Vincent Nichols
A celebration of Bastille Day in Nice turned into a killing field by Bishop Kevin J. Farrell
An Eye for an Eye Makes the Whole World Blind . by Archbishop Blase J. Cupich
The Gods of Hate by Fr. Joseph Chamblain, OSM,
Pope Francis decries Orlando massacre and prays for victims by News Va
US bishops condemn Orlando club shooting, offer prayers by News Va
Our prayers are with the victims, their families and all those affected by this terrible act': Clergy calls for prayers by Catholic On Line
Cupich in letter to LGBT community: 'I stand with you.' by Tom Roberts
USCCB President Reacts to "Unspeakable Violence in Orlando; Offers Prayers for the Victims by United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Sexual Violence Against Minors
When Will the Stories Stop? Why They Can’t. by Rev. Louis J Cameli
School Bullying
He Was Only 14: A Case to End Bullying by Blair LePanne Life Teen
Cyber and Traditional Bullying Victimization as a Risk Factor for Mental Health Problems and Suicidal Ideation in Adolescentshby Rienke Bannink, Suzanne Broeren, Petra Ann van de Looij-Jansen PM, Frouwkje G. de Waart, Hein Raat PLoS One. 2014 Apr 9;9(4):e94026 This study established a connection between both traditional and cyber bullying and later mental health problems for girls, but not for boys. It also found that only traditional bullying was associated with a greater risk of suicide.
School Bullying is Nothing New, But Psychologists Identify New Ways to Prevent It American Psychological Association website October 29, 2004 This article reviews the work of Dr. Dan Olweus, PhD, whose research has led to the development of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, a comprehensive, multilevel, school-wide program designed to reduce and prevent bullying among students in elementary, middle, and junior high schools.
Anti-Bullying Showcase 2013 - St John's Catholic Primary
Baseline Report on the Challenges and Prospects of Devolution with Respect to Violence (pdf download) [ [Kenya] Catholic Justice & Peace Commission
Pence announces Genocide Recovery Program for Iraqi minorities by Courtney Grogan Catholic News Agency