A Message from the Editor
Forty million women and children are trafficked each year. Next to child and teen sexual abuse, this is the world’s greatest crime. There is a crossover to human trafficking since 1.2 million children are trafficked each year.
I believe that all of us have a moral obligation to do whatever we can to combat Human Trafficking which scars the souls of those trafficked
for a lifetime. If advocacy to combat Human Trafficking is not possible, make donations to the organizations who help those trafficked, and praying as often as possible end human trafficking. All countries should substantially increase jail time for human traffickers to a minimum of thirty years.
A Quote to Remember
“It is not possible to remain indifferent before the knowledge that human beings are bought and sold like goods! I think of the adoption of children for the extraction of their organs, of women deceived and obliged to prostitute themselves, of workers exploited and denied rights or a voice, and so on. And this is human trafficking. It is precisely on this level that we need to make a good examination of conscience: how many times have we permitted a human being to be seen as an object, to be put on show in order to sell a product or to satisfy an immoral desire? The human person ought never to be sold or bought as if he or she were a commodity. Whoever uses human persons in this way and exploits them, even if indirectly, becomes an accomplice of injustice.”by Pope Francis
Prayer to End Human Trafficking
Lord Jesus, you taught us the value of human life, the dignity of every personYou said, like Isaiah, you came to bring good news to the poor,To set captives free,To lift up the oppressed,To give sight to the blind,May we not be blind but inspired by your words and action,to support the children, and free all the captured slaves,the victims of the people traders bought and sold as objects by thehuman traffickers, may we set them free and end the scourge of human trafficking in your name.Lord Jesus May your spirit be upon us.
by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
Prayer for a Murdered Priest
God of light and mercy,
give your peace and the fullness of life to
your servant, Father Stephen Gutgsell.
Hold in your loving hands
all those whose lives are taken suddenly and violently.
Give us the wisdom and courage
to build bridges of compassion and mercy
and to work to address whatever causes violence and discord.
We pray through Christ, our Lord. Amen
by Father Louis Cameli Profiles in Catholicism
Prayer for those who died in the Japan earthquake
Lord Jesus, who stilled the storm and calmed the sea, we pray for those affected by the earthquakes and tsunamis in Japan, remembering especially those killed in Ishikawa Prefecture. We pray, too, for those who are responding to the crisis and be with them as they show your face to those they help.
In the midst of ongoing aftershocks, we remember those who still live in fear. We ask you to bless the people of Japan and grant them strength in this time of trial.
We pray, too, for the people of other nations in a position to help - that they give generously of their resources.
Lord, hear our prayer.
by Justin Glyn SJ Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer for the Homeless
Lord, everyone who comes into the world breathes with the breath of your Spirit. Without you, we collapse into nothingness. That makes us all brothers and sisters. We cannot hope to know all of your children, but some of your children we avoid getting to know on purpose. We avert our eyes when we see a sister or brother sitting on a milk carton outside of a store, picking through a trash container, slumbering under a viaduct, in line for a free meal, holding a sign in the middle of a busy intersection, draped over a bench, or just walking with well-worn clothes. These brothers and sisters live with few resources and little security, and so are most vulnerable when disease sweeps through our world. Lord, this pandemic knows no favorites. We are all exposed; but some who die from COVID-19 die with great attention and ceremony; others just disappear. Lord, we pray for all the homeless people who have died of COVID-19. Grant them eternal rest. Even if we don’t know them, you know them
by Father Joseph Chamblain, O.S.M. Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer for Those Murdered and injured by David Kozak in Prague
Good and gracious God,
We come to you, pleading to an end of violence. It is appalling and horrifying. We are sad for the victims, for their families and for all of us who were made aware of this horrifying incident. On a horrifying day in Prague an art student, David Kozak randomly terribly frightened and killed students working on their disciplines. They were on a university balcony. The people in this massacre hung on to parts of the balcony from which they were hanging in hopes their life would be spared. Even more horrifying, the shooter killed the person who bore him and a child in a nearby town. Lord, we know you love us and will never abandon us. Help us to act in a Godlike way in understanding without condemning this person. The gunman searched for his victims on a rooftop as the victims were trying to figure out a way to escape. The gunman finally decided to take his own life inside the University. Lord, we are in pain and hurting for these victims and the repercussions on their families, their community and the Czech Republic. Help them to heal, dear Lord, and know that we will be with them during this awful, unholy and un-Godlike time.
We know, Lord, that you created us with love and continue to give us love by the beauty of the people we see doing good. Help us to encourage all others to do good and refrain from all violence including thoughts of violence. Help us to bring peace to our lives, our communities and our entire society, through Christ, Our Lord,
by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
When will Justice and Peace come to Palestine?
Peace by justice the only rational way to end the killing, calm the hatred,
Listen to the truth, let everyone to have their say.
Stand with the innocent children and the people of the Gaza
their bodies in bags by the hospital lay,
They endure brutal killings, twenty thousands and more are dead.
Civilians, thousands of them children, many more starving and hardly fed.
They are victims of the land grab, and occupation, are abused and unjustly oppressed,
They are under siege, continual bombardment, suffering deprived and greatly distressed.
The oppressors drove them out by force and stole their land,
For seventy years they are refugees, walled and fenced, imprisoned and more violence planned.
They endure the destruction of their homes, hospitals and injustice without end,
The occupiers provoked a violent and evil response that will not relent or bend.
Atrocities and murders of civilians is evil, wicked and always wrong,
That is not the way to solve historical injustice for 49 years lamented in word and song.
Violence and more killing, more dead above and below the earth,
Will sadly give rise to more resistance, and violence will continue, be aware and alert.
Only dialogue, peace talks for a Palestine, a free nation of their own, then will peace surely come,
let the truth be widely known.
Historical wrongs must be righted, lands returned, compensation paid then will justice be truly done,
when they will have a nation of their own.
by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
Human Trafficking Interviews
General Interviews
Human Trafficking Articles and Commentaries
Church leaders challenged to oppose human trafficking and child abuse by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
Three life sentences each for human trafficking and child abuse by Fr. Shay Cullen Preda Foundation
Human trafficking, why so few convictions? by Father Shay Cullen Independent Catholic News
Human trafficking, why so few convictions? by Father Shay Cullen Independent Catholic News
Human Trafficking: A Scourge on Humanity by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
Human Trafficking is a Global Challenge by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
The Scourge and Pain of Human Trafficking by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
The Christian Challenge to End Human Trafficking and Sex Slavery by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
Shay Cullen and Human Trafficking by Mark Roques Thinking Faith Network
Slavery in the 21st century by Tony Magliano Clarion Herald
About 300 Indian travelers are stuck in a French airport in a human trafficking probe by Angela Charlton and Christopher Ena The Associated Press
Nun aims to mobilize 100,000 sisters in India in fight against human trafficking by Nirmala Carvalho Crux
Ohio Catholic priest gets life sentence for sex-trafficking convictions by The Associated Press
Salesians in Sierra Leone protecting victims of human trafficking by Sr. Titilayo Aduloju Vatican News
Florida teacher, Disney employees among 219 arrested in human trafficking operation: authorities by Greg Wehner Fox News
New reports estimate millions of daily human trafficking victims by Kevin J. Jones Catholic News Agency
After bipartisan backlash, California legislators vote trafficking bill through committee by Daniel Payne Catholic News Agency
The Disturbing Reality of Human Trafficking and Children by Allison Chawla Huff Post
Fundraiser to help survivors of modern slavery find a safe place to call home by CathNews
Jury Convicts Priest of Sex Trafficking Three Victims in Northern Ohio by Office of Public Affairs The U.S. Department of Justice
USCSAHT Announces Human Trafficking Teen Video Contest Winners by Sisters Against Trafficking.
Catholic Sisters Celebrate 10 Years of Forming Nationwide Effort To Combat Trafficking by Christine Commerce Sisters Again Human Trafficking
Catholic prevention organization: Mexico ranks first in human trafficking and child abuse by Ana Paula Morales Catholic News Agency
Sister Receives Radical Abolitionist Award for Anti-Trafficking Work by U.S. Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking
Post Distorts History of Presidential Efforts to Fight Child Sex Trafficking by Sean Christensen FactCheck
Pope decries human traffickers after Italian migrant boat tragedy by Devin Watkins Vatican News
Pope: Human trafficking 'disfigures dignity' by Deborah Castellano Lubov Vatican News
Warning Ireland is a ‘haven’ for human trafficking by Ruadhán Jones The Irish Catholic
Sister Kanlaya aiming for a Zero Waste, Zero Human Trafficking world by Sr Bernadette Mary Reis, fsp Vatican News
Church groups in Brazil fight human trafficking by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux
Stella Maris chaplain describes impact of human trafficking on women by Nathanial Xavier Independent Catholic News
Joint efforts needed in fight against human trafficking by Benedict Mayaki, SJ Vatican News
Holy See: Joint efforts needed in fight against human trafficking by Benedict Mayaki, SJ Vatican News
Human Trafficking’s Newest Abuse: Forcing Victims Into Cyberscamming by Cezary Podkul and Cindy Liu ProPublica
24 more Malaysians rescued from Cambodia human traffickers by The Associated Press/ABC News
Warning Ireland is a ‘haven’ for human trafficking by Ruadhán Jones The Irish Catholic
FBI rescues more than 200 trafficking victims, including 84 children, in "Operation Cross Country" by Michael Roppold CBS News
Catholic Social Teaching and the Church's Fight to End Trafficking by United States Catholic Conference of Bishops
Catholic Nuns Rescue 4,000 from Human Trafficking in 27 Years at Colombia - Venezuela Border by Catholic News World
World Day Against Trafficking in Persons by The Sovereign Order of Malta
House OKs anti-trafficking bill to 'protect the most vulnerable among us' by Catholic News Service/Angelus
Marjorie Taylor Greene votes against human trafficking bill after accusing Democrats of doing nothing to protect victims by The Independent
Kerala: Pastor and three others arrested for trafficking 12 minor girls under the guise of running an orphanage by OpIndia Staff OpIndia
On World Day Against Human Trafficking- The Sovereign Order of Malta Call for Increasing Joint Efforts by Order of Malta
Stella Maris chaplain receives major anti-trafficking hero award by Independent Catholic News
Survey Report 2021 of Efforts to Implement OSCE Commitments and Recommended Actions to Combat Trafficking in Human Beings by Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
What's behind Iran's claims of Iraqi women trafficking crackdown? - analysis by Seth J. Frantzman The Jerusalem Post
Cardinal praises Mo Farah for admitting he was trafficked into UK by Jo Siedlecka Independent Catholic News
Human traffickers ‘using UK universities as cover’ by Shanti Das The Independent
Newsom pardons woman who killed sex trafficker, spent decades behind bars by Zachary Schermele ABC News
R. Kelly sentenced to 30 years in prison for federal racketeering and sex trafficking charges by Sonia Moghe and Dakin Andone CNN Link to Child Sexual Abuse General Reports
Tabitha Kum, combating human trafficking in nearly 100 nations by Deborah Castellano Lubov Vatican News
Teen Girl Charged With Kidnapping, Trafficking of 13-Year-Old: Police by Thomas Kika Newsweek
Pope condemns human trafficking at conference involving Church leaders, police by Inés San Martín Crux
Catholic nuns lead global fight against human trafficking by TODAY
Children are still at risk of trafficking, says report by Sarah Meyrick Church Times
Holy See urges protection of victims of human trafficking by CathNews
Pope on human trafficking: Keep your indignation alive! by UCA News
A Reflection on the Intersection of Racism and Human Trafficking by Sister Maryann Mueller, CSSF Acting Franciscan
Pope: Human trafficking an ‘open wound’ in the body of Christ and humanity by Vatican News
Prince Andrew Admits Epstein ‘Trafficked Young Girls’ in Settlement With Virginia Giuffre by Jon Blistein Rolling Stone
Christian group challenges Duterte over human trafficking by CathNews
A clarion call to end the scourge of Human Trafficking by Vatican News
Sisters fight Nigeria trafficking with networking, advocacy and collaboration by Patrick Egwu Global Sisters Report
Brisbane Archdiocese moves to combat modern slavery by CathNews
Adivasi Women to Prevent Human Trafficking in N-E India by Indian Catholic Matters
Holy See calls for joint efforts to combat trafficking in persons by Vatican News
Rebecca Bender on Surviving Human Trafficking by Team Busted Halo
UN Human Rights Council to hear of Anglican efforts to combat human trafficking by Anglican Communion News Service
General Articles and Commentaries
The children of Gaza by Richard Hall and Ariana Baio The Independent UK Link to Children at Risk and to War
This was the deadliest year on record for children in West Bank by Independent Catholic News
Hungry, thirsty and humiliated: Israel’s mass arrest campaign sows fear in northern Gaza by Isabel Debbre and Wafaa Shurafa The Associated Press
In harrowing detail, NYT reports on weaponization of rape, sexual violence on Oct. 7 by The Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicled Link to Sexual Relations with and Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls
European bishops back EU membership push for Ukraine, Moldova by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Hamas is using suicide bombers - IDF soldier by The Jerusalem Post Link to Suicide
Anti-Defamation League: ‘Terrifying’ rise in antisemitic attacks since Hamas war began Antisemitism by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World ReportLink to
7 men, some members of Hamas, are arrested as European police foil plots against Jews by Gabe Friedman Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Fueled by DEI, A Dangerous Generation of Jew Haters Has Arisen » by Samuel J. Abrams The Jewish Journal
Amid rising anti-Semitism, Texas bishop leads interfaith Hanukkah celebration by John Lavenburg Crux
FBI arrests California minor for role in synagogue swatting ring by Jacob Gervis Jewish Telegraphic Agency Link to Youth Challenges and Leadership
Man charged with murder in death of Detroit synagogue president Samantha Woll by Jacob Gervis Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Jewish man beaten and robbed in potential hate crime in Brooklyn, NYPD says by Antonio Plavis NBC News Link to Hate and Hate Crimes
US court sentences white supremacist who threatened Pittsburgh jurors, witnesses to 6 years by Ron Kampeas The Jewish Telegraphic Report Link to White Supremacy/White Nationalists
The UN says more than 1 in 4 people in Gaza are starving because of war by Najib Jobain, Jack Jeffery, and Colleen Barry The Associated Press/Yahoo Link to Famine and Starvation
As Rail Profits Soar, Blocked Crossings Force Kids to Crawl Under Trains to Get to School by Topher Sanders and Dan Schwartz, and Joce Sterman ProPublica
Anglicanism at a Crossroads by Mouneer Anis and Gerald McDermott First Thing Link to Anglicanism
Research captures a fractured, distrustful priesthood in America by John Lavenburg Crux
Colorado paramedics found guilty in death of Elijah McClain by Brad Brooks Reuters/Yahoo
Spokane School Takes the Name of a Holocaust Survivor by Rachel Roman Tablet
According to court documents, the juvenile is charged with inducing panic and disorderly conduct. by WKYE Studios
AI offers both exciting opportunities and grave risks: Pope by CathNews Link to Artificial Intelligence, Chatbox, Chatbot, and Robotics
Lost tornado baby found by “grace of God” by Cerith Gardiner Aleteia
Fourth-Generation HIV Testing by Michael R. Rose, MD, MPH, Natasha M. Chida, MD, MSPH and Joyce L. Jones, MD, MS JAMA December 1, 2023 Link to HIV/AIDS
Pope prays for victims of earthquake in China by Joseph Tulloch and Linda Bordoni Vatican News Link to China Issues and Challenges
Pope Francis authorizes blessings for same-sex couples by Christopher Lamb CNN Link to LGBTQ Challenges and Leadership
Vatican’s doctrinal czar offers method for giving same-sex blessings by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Pope Francis’ same-sex blessings declaration is a major step forward for LGBTQ Catholics by James Martin, S.J. America
Vatican’s doctrinal czar offers method for giving same-sex blessings by Elise Ann Allen Crux
The AP Interview: Pope says homosexuality not a crime by Nicole Winfield The Associated Press
US bishops, LGBT Catholics react to Vatican approval of blessings for same-sex couples by Michael J. O’Loughlin America
Bishops around the world are divided over Vatican’s same-sex blessing declaration by Tyler Arnold Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Activists hope pope’s approval of same-sex blessings could ease anti-LGBTQ+ bias and repression by Nicole Winfield The Associated Press
NCR's Newsmaker of 2023: Jeannine Gramick, tireless advocate for LGBTQ Catholics by National Catholic Reporter
Southern Baptists settle abuse lawsuit against legendary conservative leader Paul Pressler by Religion News Service
Anthony Fauci and lukewarm Catholicism by Matthew Becklo The Catholic World Report
Mike Williams cause of death: Tampa Bay Buccaneers player may have died from dental hygiene issues by Evan Axelbank Fox 13/Yahoo Link to Sport
Maxwell Jacob Friedman — the latest pro wrestler in the National Jewish Sports Hall of Fame — is glad to be seen as a strong Jew by Elliot Olshansky The Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Exorcist responds to Cosmopolitan’s ‘satanic abortion ceremony’ coverage by Katie Yoder Our Sunday Visitor Link to Exorcism and Satanism and to Abortion
New HUD Report Shows Rise in Homelessness as COVID-19 Relief Expires Amid Skyrocketing Rents by National Alliance for the Homeless Link to Homeless
Attorney General Rosenblum Announces $700 Million Settlement with Google over Play Store Misconduct by The Skanner Link to Social Media
New York Will Set up a Commission to Consider Reparations for Slavery by Maysoon Kan The Associated Press/The Skanner
Notorious pedophile priest sentenced for killing man while driving drunk in Walnut Creek by Candice Nguyen NBC News
A 2023-24 SOL Reform Snapshot by Marci A. Hamilton CHILD USA Link to Child and Teen Sexual Abuse General Reports
The True Cross to Bear: Explored Facts about Sacramento’s Clergy Sex Crimes & Cover-Ups by Adam Horowitz Law Link to Catholic Sexual Violence Against Minors
Hidden Confessions of the Mormon Church by Michael Resends, Jason Dearen, and Michael Montgomery Reveal Link to Mormon Sexual Violence Against Minors
Prominent Arkansas SBC church accused of hiding knowledge of former staff member’s abuse of child by Mark Wingfield Baptist News Global Link to Protestant Sexual Violence Against Minors
US teacher threatens to behead middle school student in Israeli flag row by The Jerusalem Post
Latin Patriarchate says IDF killed women at Gaza parish ‘in cold blood’ by Elise Ann Allen Crux Link to Murder
New Texas law criminalizing unauthorized migrants’ entry into state called inhumane by Kate Scanlon Our Sunday Visitor Link to United States Immigration Challenges
Victims allege sex abuse in Maryland youth detention facilities under new law allowing them to sue by Lea Skene The Associated Press Link to Child and Teen Sexual Abuse General Reports
Father James Jackson sentenced to 6 years in prison for child pornography by Joe Bukuras Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report Link to Pornography Challenges
Rudy Giuliani ordered to pay nearly $150 million in damages by Dan Berman, Elise Hammond and Tori B. Powell CNN Link to Politics and to Political Crimes
Colorado Supreme Court Rules Trump ‘Disqualified’ From 2024 Presidential Election by Catholic Vote Link to Sociopathic Political Leaders
Exclusive interview with Martha Hennessy, granddaughter of Dorothy Day by Thomas Dennehy-Caddick Independent Catholic News
U.S. Homeless Count Surges 12% to Highest-Recorded Level by Jon Kamp The Wall Street Journal Link to Homeless
As expansion of assisted suicide looms, Canada’s bishops back alternatives by John Lavenburg Crux Link to Assisted Suicide
Give Me Liberty tells the inspiring story of Cuban human rights activist by Filip Mazurczak The Catholic World Report Link to Human Rights and Human Rights Violations
The U.S.-Mexico Relationship Is About More Than Migration by Christopher S. Chivvis Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Link to United States Immigration Challenges
Education, faith leaders denounce planned Satan club at Tennessee elementary school by The Associated Press/ABC News
'A lot of work is still ahead' say Catholics in response to COP28 conclusion by Earth Beat Link to Environment and Climate Challenges, Advocacy, and Response
Christian Aid end-of-year study identifies costliest climate disasters by Independent Catholic News
Let’s All Celebrate Norman Mailer by David Mikics Tablet
Animal therapy makes a difference for children from Sderot. Here is how by The Jerusalem Post
Pope Francis: Let us choose life! Let us choose the future by Father Shay Cullen The Manila Times
Justice, payout sought for Philippine maritime tragedy by Ronald O. Reyes UCA News
Molokai's leprosy settlements -- the 'ohana' of two Catholic saints -- faces historic transition by Naomi Klouda The Pilot Link to Leprosy
New drug approved for malaria treatment by T.H.Chan Harvard Link to Malaria
European Super League launches radical new plan for football by Luke Baker The Independent UK
Art student David Kozak, 24, ‘murdered dad & newborn baby’ one week before shooting dead 15 in university gun rampage by Imogen Braddick, Juliana Cruz ,LimaIona Cleave, and Jane Matthews The Irish Sun Link to Mass Murders
English bishop: ‘More is needed’ to save environment by Charles Collins Crux
Smyllum Park: Nuns and carer guilty of abusing orphanage children by BBC Link to Nuns who Harmed Children
Pope to Taizé youth: ‘Dare to build a different world’ by Christopher Wells Vatican News Link to Youth Challenges and Leadership
Killer of martyred Argentine Blessed Wenceslao Pedernera gets life in prison by Julieta Villar Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report Link to Prison Challenges
COMECE: EU Pact on Migration fails to protect human rights by Lisa Zengarini Vatican News Link to General Europe Immigration Challenges
Hungarian Bishop Conference Instructs Priests to ‘Avoid Common Blessing for Couples’ by Madalaine Elhabbal Catholic Vote
The potential pitfalls of a papal visit to Belgium by Luke Coppen The Pillar
Church Accused of Stealing Babies From Young Unwed Mothers, Selling Them to Married Couples by Nick Gallagher The Messenger
Irish priest calls musician Shane MacGowan’s raucous funeral Mass ‘a scandal’ by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report Link to Ireland Issues and Challenges
Five people rushed to hospital following horror two car collision in Co Kerry as Gardai close road by The Irish Sun
Victim of Boxing Day murder named as Michael Murphy by Fiona Audley The Irish Post Link to Murder
Woman and teenager convicted of murdering pensioner Michael Brady by Fiona Audley The Irish Post
Life sentence for man who brutally murdered elderly neighbour Pauline Quinn by Fiona Audley The Irish Post
ATTACK PROBE Man arrested as part of investigation into murder of Tristan Sherry at Dublin steakhouse on Christmas Eve by John Hand The Irish Sun
Shamed Catholic priest Joseph Dunne finally jailed for sexual abuse after appeal, but former church adviser questions why getting justice took so long by Marion Scott & Janet Boyle The Sunday Post
Amid abuse scandals, Swiss Catholic Church sees wave of departures by Swissinfo
Pope’s surgeon faces charges of falsifying hospital records by Crux
Vatican dissolves community of nuns co-founded by accused abuser Rupnik by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Pope blesses CLCC Homeless Services and song 'Hard Times' by Independent Catholic News
Francis, Strickland & Burke by Massimo Faggioli Commonweal
What the Pope Knew. New historical discoveries cast light on the Vatican’s response to the Holocaust by Fredric Brandfon Tablet Link to The Holocaust
Cardinal sentenced to five and a half years in jail in Vatican ‘trial of the century’ by John L. Allen Jr Crux Link to Financial Crimes and Improprieties
Prince Harry wins phone hacking lawsuit against British tabloid publisher, awarded 140,000 pounds by Brian Melly The Associated Press
Grumpy priests and Saint Thomas Becket by Dawn Beutner The Catholic World Report
Cardinal says Vatican doc on same-sex blessings a ‘natural’ for India by Nirmala Carvalho Crux
Cardinal says Vatican not moving toward accepting gay marriage by Cindy Wooden Our Sunday Visitor
Cambodian PM takes aim at 'inappropriate' religious acts by UCA News
In unprecedented decision, Israel’s Supreme Court strikes down law limiting its power by Ben Sales Jewish Telegraphic Agency
In scandal-plagued Chile, new leader’s past stirs controversy by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux
UN: Nicaragua moving away from rule of law by L’Osservatore Romano/Vatican News
Nicaragua arrests another bishop as Marxist regime ramps up its brutal persecution of Catholics by Joseph MacKinnon The Blaze
Nicaragua: Two more priests arrested by Vatican News
‘Congo cardinal blasts national elections as ‘gigantic, organized mess’' by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux
Muslim Terrorists Kill 150 in Christian Villages Leading up to Christmas by Hannah Hiester Catholic Vote Link to Terrorism
Human rights leaders call for Nigeria to be redesignated as religious freedom violator by Joe Burkis Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report Link to Human Rights and Human Rights Violations
Nigerian priest spends Christmas burying parishioners by John Burger Aleteia
A rising South African cricket star dedicated an award to Israel. Then he was investigated for hate speech. by Jacob Gurvis Jewish Telegraphic Agency Link to Sports and to Hate and Hate Crimes
Sudan’s Bishops appeal to international community to help stop war by Linda Bordoni Vatican News
Taiwan excels, Hong Kong falls in global freedom ranking by UCA News Link to China Issues and Challenges and to Hong Kong Issues and Challenges
Gunmen kill 11 people, wound 8 others in an attack on a police station in Iran, state TV says by The Associated Press Link to Mass Murders
Weaponized Water in Yemen by Human Rights Watch
Top Ukraine prelate says Vat doc on same-sex blessings applies only to Latin church by Crux
As Ukraine prepares for winter, Church continues support for the displaced by Xavier Sartre Vatican News
Biden administration announces $250 million Ukraine military assistance package as US exhausts available funding by Oren Liebermann, Natasha Bertrand and Jennifer Hansler CNN/Yahoo
Medical Journal Articles
Measuring the Impact of AI in the Diagnosis of Hospitalized Patients: A Randomized Clinical Vignette Survey Study by Sarah Jabbour, MSE, David Fouhey, PhD, Stephanie Shepard, PhD, et al. JAMA December 19,2023 Link to Artificial Intelligence, Chatbox, Chatbot, and Robotics
President Biden’s Executive Order on Artificial Intelligence—Implications for Health Care Organizations by Michelle M. Mello, JD, PhD, MPhil, Nigam H. Shah, MBBS, PhD. and Danton S. Char, MD JAMA November 30, 2023
Automation Bias and Assistive AI: Risk of Harm From AI-Driven Clinical Decision Support by Rohan Khera, MD, MS, Melissa A. Simon, MD, MPH, and Joseph S. Ross, MD, MHS JAMA December 19, 2023
A Nationwide Network of Health AI Assurance Laboratories by Nigam H. Shah, MBBS, PhD, John D. Halamka, MD, MS, Suchi Saria, PhD, et al. JAMA December 20, 2023
How Do Policymakers Regulate AI and Accommodate Innovation in Research and Medicine? by Melissa Suran, PhD, MSJ and Yulin Hswen, ScD, MPH JAMA December 20, 2023
Endocarditis-Related Deaths Among US Younger Adults Is “Cause for Alarm” by Emily Harris JAMA December 20, 2023 Link to Cardiac Disorders
FDA Approves First Chikungunya Vaccine by Emily Harris JAMA November 29, 2023 Link to Chikungunya
Program Offering Free COVID-19 and Flu Services Expands Nationwide by Emily Harris JAMA December 20, 2023 Link to COVID-19
Dementia in Women Using Estrogen-Only Therapy by Nelsan Pourhadi, MD, Lina S. Mørch, PhD, Ellen A. Holm, MD, et al December 18, 2023 Link to Dementia
Driving Impairment Among Older Adults by Rebecca A. Voelker, MSJ JAMA December 18. 2023 Link to Elder Challenges and Leadership
Measles Outbreaks Grow Amid Declining Vaccination Rates by Emily Harris JAMA November 29, 2023 Link to Measles
Despite Safe and Effective Vaccine, Measles Cases and Deaths Increased Worldwide From 2021 to 2022 by Rita Rubin, MA JAMA December 20, 2023
Spending on Dual Over-the-Counter and Prescription Drugs in the Medicare Part D Program by Mariana P. Socal, MD, PhD, MS, MPP, Yuchen Wang, BS. Elizabeth Plummer, PhD, CPA, JAMA December 14, 2023. Link to Medicare
Nationwide Survey Reflects State of US Behavioral and Mental Health by Emily Harris JAMA November 29, 2023 Link to Mental Health/Illness
One-Quarter of People Manage Chronic Pain With Only Medication by Emily Harris JAMA November 39, 2023 Link to Pain Management
Delayed Umbilical Cord Clamping Improved Premature Infants’ Survival by Emily Harris JAMA November 29, 2023 Link to Pregnancy and Pregnancy Challenges
Using Throat Swabs Improved Sensitivity in Detecting SARS-CoV-2 by Emily Harris JAMA December 20, 2023 Link to Sars
Scoring Higher on Brain Care Tool Tied to Lower Dementia, Stroke Risk by Emily Harris JAMA December 20, 2023 Link to Stroke
Life Expectancy Gap Grows Between Men and Women in US by Emily Harris JAMA November 29, 2023
Live-Virus Shingles Vaccine Provided Some Long-Term Protection by Emily Harris JAMA November 29, 2023
Lifestyle Changes Lowered Blood Glucose in People With Prediabetes by Emily Harris JAMA November 29, 2023
Hospital Characteristics Associated With Social Needs Activities in the US by Sahil Sandhu, MSc, Michael Liu, MPhil, Laura M. Gottlieb, MD, MPH, et al. JAMA November 30, 2023
Effect of Dietary Sodium on Blood Pressure: A Crossover Trial by Deepak K. Gupta, MD, MSC, Cora E. Lewis, MD, MSPH, Krista A. Varady, PhD, et al. JAMA November 11, 2023
Five Minutes by Elizabeth Crowe, MD JAMA November 27, 2023
Semaglutide Improved Cardiovascular Health in People Without Diabetes by Emily Harris JAMA November 29, 2023
A “Food Is Medicine” Approach to Disease Prevention Limitations and Alternatives by Alyssa J. Moran, ScD, MPH, RD and Christina A. Roberto, PhD JAMA November 30,3023.
Effect of Noninvasive Airway Management of Comatose Patients With Acute Poisoning: A Randomized Clinical Trial by Yonathan Freund, MD, PhD, Damien Viglino, MD, PhD, Marine Cachanado, MSc, et al. JAMA November 29, 2023
The Value of Not Intubating Comatose Patients With Acute Poisoning by Zaffer Qasim, MD, Jeanmarie Perrone, MD; and M. Kit Delgado, MD JAMA November 29, 2023
Increasing Telehealth Access Through Licensure Exceptions by Carmel Shachar, JD, MPH, Kaylee Wilson, and Ateev Mehrotra, MD JAMA December 14, 2023
Biologic Patent Thickets and Terminal Disclaimers by Sean Tu, JD, PhD, Rachel Goode, PhD. and William B. Feldman, MD, DPhil. MPH JAMA. December 14, 2023
Antimicrobial Resistance Is Rising in Ukraine and Neighboring Areas by Emily Harris JAMA December 20, 2023
Criminal Justice Reform Is Health Care Reform by Lawrence A. Haber, MD, Chesa Boudin, JD, and Brie A. Williams, MD, MS JAMA December 14, 2023
Reported Variation in Hospital Billing Quality by Kranti C. Rumalla, BA, Missy Danforth, BA, Jean-Luc Tilly, MP, et al JAMA December 18, 2023
Health Care Workers and War in the Middle East by Ekhlas As-Saedi, MBBS JAMA December 18, 2023 Link to War
Health Care Workers and War in the Middle East by Eli Jaffe, PhD; and Evan Avraham Alpert, MD JAMA December 18, 2023
Health Care Workers and War in the Middle East by Huma Farid, MD JAMA December 18, 2023
Health Care Workers and War in the Middle East by Michael Gallagher, MD, MA JAMA December 18, 2023
Sodium and Blood Pressure, Airway Management in Acute Poisoning, Review of Foot and Ankle Conditions, and more by JN Learning
Common Painful Foot and Ankle Conditions: A Review by Minton Truitt Cooper, MD JAMA December 19, 2023
Highlights From AHA 2023—New Risk Calculator, Semaglutide and CVD, and More by Jennifer Abbasi JAMA November 22, 2023
Book Announcements, Reviews and Commentaries
Ricky and Julie – a story of courage and survival in the Philippines by Father Shay Cullen Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
In Our Backyard: Human Trafficking in America and What We Can Do to Stop It by Nita Belles Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Sex Trafficking: Inside the Business of Modern Slavery by Siddharth Kara Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
The Slave Across the Street: The harrowing true story of how a 15-year-old girl became a sex slave by Theresa Flores Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Edited by Carole Murphy and Runa Lazzarino Commentary by Independent Catholic News
Slaves Among Us: The Hidden World of Human Trafficking by Monique Villa Reviewed by Rebecca Tinsley Independent Catholic News
Surviving Sex Trafficking by Sadhvi Siddhali Shree Reviewed by Nick Schager The Daily Beast
Answering Orthodoxy: A Catholic Response to Attacks from the East by Michael Lofton Reviewed by Casey Chalk The Catholic World Report
The Unfolding by Arielle Estoria Reviewed by Jessica Gerhardt National Catholic Reporter
Film Reviews Commentaries
Surviving Sex Trafficking Reviewed by Nick Schager The Daily Beast
Broker Reviewed by Caspar Salmo The Daily Beast
Blind Eyes Opened: The Truth About Sex Trafficking in America Reviewed by Denis Grasska Crux
Television Reviews/Commentaries
Human Trafficking Exposed: Part One by Tamara Laine New Evangelization Television (NET)
Human Trafficking Exposed: Part Two by Tamara Laine New Evangelization Television (NET)
Human Trafficking Exposed: Part Three by Tamara Laine New Evangelization Television (NET)
Human Trafficking Exposed: Part Four by Tamara Laine New Evangelization Television (NET)
Human Trafficking Exposed: Part Five by Tamara Laine New Evangelization Television (NET)
New Life at Preda: Resilience and Hope
Human Trafficking Survivors Share Their Stories
Unchained: The Scourge of Human Trafficking
"RUN" - Human Trafficking Awareness