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Writer's picture: Profiles in CatholicismProfiles in Catholicism

Updated: May 8, 2021

A Message from the Editor

Please read my interview with my friend Francis Otieno. He is one of the reasons that I decided to publish this journal. Our mission includes providing financial support to people with cancer, HIV/AIDS, and those living in extreme poverty. I spent more than 16 years in 7 countries helping people with HIV/AIDS and I hope that some of our readers will consider sending Francis a donation to support his critical work,

Finally, I am deeply grateful that the UK to face to legal challenge over arms sales for war on Yemen. There are thousands of children being killed and maimed because of this immoral war.

A Quote to Remember

“A complete stranger overheard a conversation between the pharmacist and myself the day that we received my husband’s diagnosis of an aggressive non-Hodgkin lymphoma. As I prepared to leave, this gentleman apologized for listening to us, but felt like he needed to share these words: ‘My wife & I were where you are a year ago. Please remember to never give up HOPE!’ We never forgot those words from a complete stranger and are forever thankful.” by Bobbie Harrington Henry

Special Prayer

A Prayer to St. Peregrine for my Cancer

St. Peregrine, whom Holy Mother Church has declared Patron of those suffering from Cancer, I confidently turn to you for help in my present sickness. I beg your kind intercession. Ask God to relieve me of this sickness, if it be his Holy Will. Plead with the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Sorrows, whom you loved so tenderly and in union with whom you have suffered the pains of Cancer, that she may help me with her powerful prayers and loving consolation. But if it should be God’s Holy Will that I bear this sickness, obtain for me courage and strength to accept these trails from the loving hand of God with patience and resignation, because he knows what is best for the salvation of my soul. St. Peregrine, be my friend and patron. Help me to imitate you in accepting suffering, and to unite myself with Jesus Crucified and the Mother of Sorrows, as you did. I offer my pains to God with all the love of my heart, for his glory and the salvation of souls, especially my own. Amen.

God, the all merciful, look on your children taken in the Baghdad hospital fire. Receive them into your loving hands. Give strength and solace to those whom they left behind. Help the civil authorities to prevent other tragic losses. Stir up in all of us a spirit of compassion and oneness, especially with all who struggle with illness and loss. And at the end of our days, take us home to you. Amen by Father Louis Cameli Profiles in Catholicism

Prayer for the victims of drowning by human traffickers.

You taught us a great truth Lord that the children are the most important of all, you said for us to be with them is to be with you. They are precious and how many perish in the angry seas as migrant boats flee the war in Yemen to Djibouti.

Thrown overboard by human traffickers. Such evil criminals must be held accountable and those making war in Yemen.

The lives of 27 , Lord Jesus, were lost Sixteen children ,women left to drown all because of human greed the root so much evil.

Lord may your words and example inspire good people in the international community be united in ending the horrific war and uses their power and intervention to bring a ceasefire and make peace. The lives of starving children will be saved. Amen by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism

A Prayer for Adam Toledo

Good and gracious God, all around us we hear Adam Toledo's name. He is a young boy of 13.. On the TV we see videos of his shooting. This is a very sad prayer we bring to you, dear Father, as the family, the community and really all of society tries to determine how this situation went so wrong. We pray for his 13-year-old soul that should not be getting ready for a funeral. This is a 13-year-old who should be playing baseball, dreaming about his future, and finding ice cream as his favorite food. We ask you Lord, to help us to be sensitive to others and what they need. We ask you to keep us from becoming numb to the violence that is such a part of our everyday lives. Help all of us to truly care about the person who annoys us or who is in need of something we can readily give to them. Help us strive for equity in our society so that the call for violence will be abated.

The community of Little Village where Adam was shot needs healing and care. At a very dark part of the evening Adam lost his life. The life that truly was just beginning in his community with his family. We ask you to heal those who are saddened by this conflict. We ask you to heal his family so that all of us may live in the peace of the Holy Spirit. We ask you to heal the administrators who are trying ways to assist all in creating a structure that works better for all. We ask you this through Christ, Our Lord, Amen. by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism

A Prayer for Those who Died in the Sunken Indonesian Submarine

Dear God,

Welcome your Indonesian loved ones who died in the submarine accident into your infinite loving embrace where they will be with you for eternity. Please comfort their family and friends at this tragic time/

by Sarah Lyon Profiles in Catholicism

A prayer for Martha Hennessy, the granddaughter of Dorothy Day, and all those imprisoned or protesting the defense of the human race. Martha has paraphrased what her grandmother said: ‘I reread Dorothy’s words written in September of 1945 about this event. She understood the Mystical Body of Christ in that we were inhaling the dust of our Japanese brothers and sisters whom we destroyed with the Bomb’ .



There are many staggeringly good scientific discoveries, technological advancements and innovative ways to help the human race, Lord, for which we are thankful and blessed beyond measure!

But, Lord, the powers you have embedded in the universe are being extracted for incalculable, calculated harm to the whole gift of planet earth and the people that you love. The scale of the problem is greater than individual efforts and even those that cross the borders and open up the possibility of international cooperation. We need your help, Lord.

Lord of light, how we need you to illuminate the hearts of all for the good of all!

How many years does it take for our children to rise from the seed sown, to be raised through all the difficulties of life, to be nourished on every kind of good gift – as imperfect as we are?

How quickly will our children be evaporated off the surface off the planet, unable to hide in the bunkers built for a few, or will they, for generations to come, bear the scars of being caught in the sight of war, only to be cleansed by those who may well decide, from the estranged abode of their calculations, to eradicate the harm to us all by cleansing the world of all who have suffered in the open?

Lord of mercy, how we need you to open our hearts to the profound problems of malnutrition, poverty and want!

How many years does it take to reclaim land from the rubbish in the garden, planting and sowing, manuring, composting, and growing again and again what has failed and trying again and again?

How quickly will the blast of nuclear bombs rain upon the earth from as many places as they are unleashed, setting off other, secondary explosions of gas, oil, bombs, explosive products, running through pipelines, unleashing inflammable materials, soiling the earth, seeping into rivers and oceans, toxifying the air and filling the atmosphere with radioactive pollutants?

Lord of forgiveness, how we need you to show what lies in the hearts of all and what cannot be healed without your help!

How long will the peoples of the earth walk the criss-crossing paths of crucified lives, hearts and hopes: now famine, now drought, now shipwrecked, now war, now worse and now the end?

How quickly will we cry out when the sky burns, the earth melts, the atmosphere evaporates and we breathe contagious toxins, hoping against hope that we will live, survive our injuries, crawl on and upwards to some invisible, invincible hiding place, only to find our most implacable enemy is that we are unrepentant, justifying to the last blast the necessity of distributing disaster?

Lord of the Resurrection, we cannot wait until the end, whether of our own life or that of others, before we beg your help!

How, even now, you need to come, bringing the gift of your Holy Spirit, sprinkling the earth with the attractiveness of your grace, sparking a new and resounding hope that lives in all for all?

How quickly you need to come, clothing us in an invincible hope, impossible to describe, capable of persevering through the overwhelming obstacles of the oppressive threat of the looming disaster which almost, in itself, spoils the ground of the hopes of all, particularly our young, breeding despair, discouragement and the fatalistic abandonment of striving for peace!

Lord of Eternal Life, we cannot live as if what happens here has nothing to do with what happens hereafter!

What will help us to see the shortness of our life and the possibility of heaven or hell as the real outcome of our everyday choices: the inner choice of all that we choose?

Help us to see that the good we plant here, springs up in the good of everlasting life; help us to recognize the poor and the needy that you may recognize us in the world to come (cf. Mt 25: 31-46); help us to build the peace fulfilled in the peace that the world cannot give (cf. Jn 14: 27); help us to love here and to let love unfold forever; help us to make good use of all that you give us, that we may make a good return (cf. Mt 25: 27) on what you have abundantly given us (cf. Jn 10: 10)! by Francis Etheredge Profiles in Catholicism

A Prayer for Sister Mable Joseph

Dear God

In your infinite mercy and compassion for those who suffer extraordinary pain, please welcome Sister Mable Joseph into your loving embrace and care. We grieve as the sadness of her suicide and pray that in your compassion you will understand her pain amd forgive her. by Gordon Nary Profiles in Catholicism

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