A Message from the Editor
Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, whenever I wasn’t traveling, I volunteered at Catholic Charities in Chicago to serve meals to the homeless. I got to know several of the homeless personally, and understood some of the factors that contributed to their homelessness and the challenges of finding housing again. Sadly, two of them contracted Covid-19, and one of them died. So please offer some money to those homeless that you meet who ask for help, and pray for all the homeless, especially those who have died from violence and Covid-19.
A shout out to John Stewart for his leadership in pushing for veteran healthcare bill which had been blocked by Republicans for years.
Cardinal-designate Peter Obere met with Pope Francis on the plague of murders in Nigeria which is why we are asking our readers to pray for all those murdered.
I often think that it was unfortunate that United States law did not follow more of the early Roman Law principles, especially when I read that Sandy Hook parents testified about the 'hell' Alex Jones inflicted on them through his lies about the shooting. Alex Jones has been lying under oath. He had claimed that the Sandy Hook murders of children was a hoax and the parents were all actors. The word “testify” comes from the word testes since in ancient Rome men in court put their hand over their privates when they swore to tell the truth. If they were caught lying, they were castrated. A law like that could prevent more lies under oath.
If you find Profiles in Catholicism of interest and helpful, we deeply need your help to pay our staff who work very hard. If possible, please make a $10.00 donation (tax deductible in the United States) to help pay our hardworking staff.
A Quote to Remember
“How can it be that it is not a news item when an elderly homeless person dies of exposure but it is news when the stock market loses two points?”
by Pope Francis
A Prayer for Homeless Children
Lord, please bless them and meet their needs. Bless the little ones and babies who must be so uncomfortable and scared. Let their eyes see the angels that You send for their protection, that we as adults, cannot see. Give them this comfort, Father.
by Brother Henry
A Prayer for the Homeless
Dear God, now that I am aware that some of the most vulnerable among us, the forgotten, the outcast, those with few resources to safely isolate during this crisis have probably died anonymously, unknown, uncared for - what can I do, Dear God, what can I do to Help just one person OFF THE STREETS One Person At A Time? by Deacon Mike Oles
A Prayer for the Homeless
Lord, everyone who comes into the world breathes with the breath of your Spirit. Without you, we collapse into nothingness. That makes us all brothers and sisters. We cannot hope to know all of your children, but some of your children we avoid getting to know on purpose. We avert our eyes when we see a sister or brother sitting on a milk carton outside of a store, picking through a trash container, slumbering under a viaduct, in line for a free meal, holding a sign in the middle of a busy intersection, draped over a bench, or just walking with well-worn clothes. These brothers and sisters live with few resources and little security, and so are most vulnerable when disease sweeps through our world. Lord, this pandemic knows no favorites. We are all exposed; but some who die from COVID-19 die with great attention and ceremony; others just disappear. Lord, we pray for all the homeless people who have died of COVID-19. Grant them eternal rest. Even if we don’t know them, you know them
A Prayer to Remember the Homeless...
O God, you are the Source of our protection, shelter, faith, love and eternal life. You are the Creator of all that is good, beautiful and everlasting in your holiness.
We pray for the lives of all our homeless brothers, sisters and all children of God, living and deceased. We especially pray for those homeless friends, who have died because of abuse and violence. May they now know God's peacemaking and eternal healing. Please, O God strengthen all with the power of the Holy Spirit to guide others for proper protection, shelter and health care. Yes, Lord we know that All Life Matters in your eyes, your love and gentleness. Send helpers to bolster our homeless friends away from evil and danger towards safety. May they find, you O God in those peaceful helping hands towards security and blessing, now and forever.
We ask this prayer in the name of the Almighty Father, Jesus, our Lord and Savior and their Holy Spirit, Amen and Amen. by Father Christopher Krymski, O.S.M.
Prayer for the homeless who died from Covid-19
In this moment of sorrow the Lord is in our midst and comforts us with his word: Blessed are the sorrowful; they shall be consoled.
Almighty and eternal God, hear our prayers for your child whom you have called from this life to yourself due to Covid-19. Grant him / her light, happiness, and peace. Let him / her pass in safety through the gates of death, and live for ever with all your saints in the light you promised to Abraham and to all his descendants in faith. Guard him / her from all harm and on that great day of resurrection and reward raise him / her up with all your saints. Pardon his / her sins and give him / her eternal life in your kingdom. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. by Father Anthony Coloma
A Prayer for Those Who Died and Were Harmed by the Philippine Earthquake
Good and gracious God, We are worried about the 7.0-magnitude quake hit northern Luzon, the country’s most populous island, at 8:43 a.m. local time (8:43 p.m. ET) Its epicenter was about 13 kilometers (8 miles). Its impact was felt in the capital, Manila, more than 400 kilometers (about 250 miles) away. Please Lord help all to reach out to others to help in this time of need. More than 21,000 people have been impacted by the quake, which caused about $687 million of infrastructure damage, according to the Philippine National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Center. Infrastructure was damaged across northern Luzon, including more than 400 homes, dozens of schools, several hospitals and bridges, and the centuries-old Vigan Cathedral and Banta BellTower. Help the survivors to be peaceful and caring and serve others in this time of hardship. We ask you this through Christ Our Lord Amen. by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer for Those Who Died and Were Harmed in the Kentucky Floods
Merciful God, receive the souls of those who perished in the Kentucky floods, and hold gently in your hand those who have been harmed and who have lost so much in the devastation. Keep us always mindful of our suffering and struggling sisters and brothers and give us generous hearts to help them in any way we can. Protect, lead, and guide all those charged with rescuing victims and helping them to restore their lives. In your providential love and care, we pray. Amen by Father Louis Cameli Profiles in Catholicism
Prayer for Those Who Have Died from Heat-Related Disorders
God our Father
We place in your loving embrace all those whom excessive heat has taken from this world,
those who have perished in fires,
those who have lost their lives crossing harsh landscapes seeking freedom from violence and poverty.
Bring them O Lord, we pray, and all who sleep in Christ,
to a place of refreshment, light and peace,
beyond all pain and sickness, suffering or fear.
Comfort all who mourn after those they have lost, gently wiping way their tears
and strengthening their hope in the resurrection
when we will all be reunited in new life with Christ.
For us who remain, strengthen our resolve to do what we can to care for our common home
that you have placed in our hands,
and to love and cherish the weakest and most vulnerable among us, for in serving them, we serve you.
Help us always to be part of the answer to the prayers of others
We humbly ask you this in the Spirit through Christ our Lord.
by Fr. Dorian Llywelyn, S.J. Profiles in Catholicism
Prayer for Justice
We live in hope that your words and actions Jesus of Nazareth when you were in the world inspires us and many more to follow your example, to do justice to all, to help victims win justice in. the courts. Lift up their hearts and spirits when they are believed, when the abusers are proven guilty and cannot abuse or trafficked more children. May we heal and restore the victims/survivors to new life of peace freedom and happiness and may we Lord serve without seeking reward. Amen by Father Shay Cullen Preda Foundation
A prayer for all those murdered in Nigeria:
“Unless the Lord builds the house” (cf. Ps 127: 1)
Can we build a house if the ground is dug from beneath it? Can we sow if the seed is ruined before it starts to shoot? Can we harvest, even goodwill, if hostility perpetrates death? But you are the master builder!
Unless you speak to the heart of those programmed to kill … Unless you undo the fabric of influence and contamination … Unless you siphon off the poisonous politics of isolation …
But you are the bridge between peoples!
The ground is watered with the blood of your children. You have appointed new men to shepherd the Church. You are bringing about a new awareness of their vulnerability.
But you are the Chief Shepherd!
We beg you Lord to transcend divisions, raising up Willing politicians, engineers of unity, capable of helping, today, To take peoples lives out of conflict and the prospect of death.
For you are the Great Reconciler!
Just as the wine ran out, so your mother stepped in; Just as the food was scarce, you multiplied an abundance; Just as many were healed and many more came for healing; So you, Lord, have the power to help, to provide and to heal. We beg you to help. by Francis Etheredge
Homeless Interviews
General Interviews
Homeless General Articles/Commentaries
Muslim sheikh and Catholic priest join forces for São Paulo’s homeless by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux
Monkeypox & People Experiencing Homelessness by The National Health Care for the Homeless Council Link to Monkeypox
New report shows homelessness in CBRM not improving by Brittany Wentzell CBC
'We worry a lot about the heat': Pine Street Inn leader on homelessness in Boston by Rebecca Tauber GBH News
Capuchins take homeless ministry to the streets by Jacquiline Tetrault The Pilot
Cop's Wife Touches Homeless Woman's Belly Only To Learn It's Their Daughter In The Womb by Amy P First Things
Malta Walks minister to Boston's homeless by Jacqueline Tetrault The Pilot
Rainbow community face high rates of homelessness – study by CathNews New Zealand
Murder investigation leads to videos of attacks on homeless byJeffry Collins The Associated Press Link to Murder
Homelessness could rise in Victoria’s north-west due to cost-of-living pressures, social service providers warn by Mildura-Swan Hill, Bension Siebert, and Alexander Darling ABC Australia
Man charged with hate crime in killing of homeless person in Sylmar by Cindy Von Quedno KTLA Link to Hate Crimes
As many as 500 homeless people died in Phoenix area in first half of 2022 by Nina Lakhani The Guardian
Fresno police arrest man accused of sexually assaulting multiple homeless women by Pete Menting 23ABC Link to Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls
Manila’s Catholic center resumes supporting homeless, beggars by Joseph Peter Calleja Religion News Service
Durban flood survivors: South Africans homeless, hurt and heartbroken by Shingai Nyoka BBC
Pope hosted homeless people at his residence to interview him by Carol Glatz Catholic News Service/Crux
Suspect Arrested in Killings of Homeless Men in DC, NYC: Police by NBC Washington Staff
How a Brazilian priest got his city to pay attention to its unhoused citizens' needs by Phillip Reeves NPR
Parishes partner with Habitat for Humanity to take on LA’s homeless crisis by Tom Hoffarth Angelus
LGBTQ Youth Homelessness: Why We Need to Protect Our LGBTQ Youth by Cameron K Ormiston LGBT Health 2022 Mar 21 Link to LGBTQ Challenges
Church wins praise for sculpture of 'homeless Jesus' in Canada by La Croix International staff Link to Spirituality and Art
Salvatorian nuns build houses for Sri Lankan war victims, widows by Thomas Scaria Global Sisters Report/UCA News
Group of homeless evicted from archdiocese-owned house in Brazil by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux
Homeless at fourfold risk of dying, study finds by CathNews
Catholic Charities helps build first homeless day center in Southern California county by Melissa Cedillo National Catholic Reporter
Holy Family sisters shelter orphans, elderly homeless in Zambia facility by Derrick Silimina Global Sisters Report
Number of homeless people in Ireland rises above 8,000 by Jade Wilson Irish Times
Inside the Catholic operation to combat LA’s swelling homeless crisis by Dana Bartholomew Angelus
Capuchins take homeless ministry to the streets by Jacquiline Tetrault The Pilot Link to The Capuchins
Brazilian priest fights anti-homeless spikes under São Paulo bridges by Eduardo Campos Crux
Sisters versus homelessness: a look back on a year of focus by Chris Herlinger Global Sisters Report
Pope Francis prays for homeless man who died in freezing cold near St. Peter’s Square by Catholic News Agency
Caritas, Red Cross offer safe shelter for Rome homeless amid pandemic by Carol Glatz Catholic News Service/Crux
London churches offer lifeline to new homeless by Jo Siedlecka Independent Catholic News
Commemoration vigil for those who died homeless in last year by Independent Catholic News
It’s time for the jobless, homeless and landless to raise our voices. Rose Molokoane speaks on behalf the homeless, landless and poor at a meeting of Popular Movements and the Vatican’s Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development on Saturday by Sr Bernadette Mary Reis fsp Vatican News
A realistic 'Homeless Jesus' statue sparks conversation -- and a visit from police by David Williams CNN
Bishop McElroy: US Catholics, politically homeless, face hard choices by Bishop Robert McElroy National Catholic Reporter
Philippine altar servers take beggar under their wing. Boys receive online praise for transforming the life of a homeless man by Joseph Peter Calleja UCA News
Greece: Thousands homeless after fire destroys refugee camp by Independent Catholic News
How Catholics Are Working to Combat the Highest Homelessness Rates in NYC by Jessica Easthope New Evangelization Television
Guided by Franciscan charism, shelter serves growing number of homeless by Michael Brown Catholic News Service/America
More than 1.5 million children experience homelessness in a year by Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD)
In Vietnam's aging society, homeless women find shelter with nuns by Joachim Pham Global Sisters Report
Nigerian sisters providing for homeless, abandoned children during lockdown by Patrick Egwu The Catholic World Report
Pope Francis sends Letter to World of Street Papers that Employ over 20, 000 Homeless by Jesus Caritas Est Catholic World Report
Q & A with Mercy Sr. Eileen Boffa, seeing beauty, God in people living on the streets by Soli Salgado Global Sisters Report
Nowhere to go: Young people cope with homelessness in the US by Dan Stockman Global Sisters Report
Shuttered soup kitchens make life even tougher for homeless: ‘No sandwiches. No dinners. No nothing by Mark Brown Chicago Sun Times
Pope prays for the homeless and those who suffer out of sight by Vatican News
Illinois Religious Order Funds Hotel Initiative to Protect Homeless from Coronavirus by Perry West Catholic News Agency/National Catholic Register
Homeless will be left out in the cold during pandemic by CathNews New Zealand
Sao Paulo Archdiocese offers center to house homeless with coronavirus by Lise Alves Catholic News Service/America
Washington DC homeless shelter serves the poor despite coronavirus fears by Matt Hadro Catholic Online
A journey with the homeless by Sujata Jena Global Sisters Report
DePaul University group works with UN on defining homelessness by Michelle Martin Chicago Catholic
Q & A with Providence Sr. Susanne Hartung, serving Seattle and focused on people who are homeless by Soli Salgado Global Sisters Report
Parish in Rome opens doors to the poor, 24 hours a day by Inés San Martín Cru
Is the Irish housing and homeless crisis changing Irish society itself? by Cahir O'Doherty IrishCentral Link to Ireland Issues and Challenges
Amazon CEO gives millions to Catholic Charities to fight homelessness by The Associated Press/Crux
Cardinal sounds alarm bell over Bordeaux housing crisis Hundreds expelled from squats and abandoned on the streets at the height of summer by Simon Barthélémy La Croix International
Church volunteers help homeless during Argentina’s winter by Inés San Martín Crux
These Catholic churches offer the homeless a place to sleep by J-P Mauro Aleteia
Demolition in Lebanon to Leave 15,000 Syrian Children Homeless by Zenit Staff Zenit
Facing LA’s ‘human catastrophe’ on Skid Row with faith by R.W. Dellinger Angelus News
The Catholic high school that holds funerals for homeless veterans by Michael Kotsopoulos America
Homeless Deaths on the Streets of OC Continues by Dennis Kriz Voice of OC
Church welcomes UK government pledge to end homelessness by 2027 by Charles Collins Crux
Homeless woman says seeing Rome, meeting Pope was ‘life-changing’ by Elise Harris Crux
Vatican opens medical clinic for the homeless by Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service/ National Catholic Reporter
Caritas Anchor House launches rough sleepers hub in east London by Independent Catholic News
London: Service for homeless people who died in past year by Jo Siedleck Independent Catholic News
New religious order takes on LA’s homeless crisis by Caitlin Yoshiko Kandil Angelus News
How homelessness, climate change and the California fires are all connected by Jim McDermott America Link toEnvironment and Climate Challenges, Advocacy, and Response
Increasing homelessness a worrisome trend for Archbishop Gomez by Catholic News Agency
From addiction to ordination: a homeless man's journey to priesthood by Catholic News Agency
The 'Pope Francis Laundry' for Rome's homeless opens at Vatican by Junno Arocho Esteves Catholic News Service
My brief experience as a homeless man by Tony Magliano Catholic News Agency
A Call to Solidarity with our Nation's Homeless by Dana Dillon Catholic Moral Theology
How does someone end up homeless? by Monsignor Michael Boland Chicago Catholic
Everyone deserves a home by Tony Magliano Catholic Online
Homelessness And Housing: A Human Tragedy, A Moral Challenge by USCCB
Homeless Covid-19 Articles/Commentaries
The Homeless who have no Protection from COVID by Mary Pezzulo Patheos
Homelessness a looming threat as states lift coronavirus eviction moratoriums by Ryan Di Corpo America
In a Bronx shelter, friars and homeless have weathered the coronavirus quarantine together by Zoe Chevalier Religion News Service
COVID-19 amplifies already urgent need for solutions to homelessness by Mike Butler Catholic Health Association
Wyden, Merkley Call for Robust Funding to Aid the Homeless in Next COVID-19 Relief Package by Skanner News
Pandemic could take heaviest toll on homeless, says pope by Catholic News Agency/Angelus
Coronavirus and homeless people by The Irish Times
Franciscan, volunteers help homeless in Bogota survive pandemic by Manuel Rued Crux
Homelessness and Coronavirus: A Day in the Life of a Doctor Treating the Vulnerable by Joe Barrett The Wall Street Journal
Former Dutch prison offers shelter for homeless amid coronavirus by Toby Sterling Reuters
Homeless, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, COVID-19, coronavirus by WDRB
Homeless 'More at Risk' in the Face of Coronavirus by Chantal de Silva Newsweek
General Articles/Commentaries
Poland sees 90% drop in legal abortions after landmark court ruling by Luke Coppen The Pillar Link to Abortion
Interview: Can artists with diverging views on abortion find common ground through a Catholic musical? by Emily Claire Schmitt America Link to Spirituality and Music
Pro-lifers react with dismay to news that Irish government plans to fine for praying near abortion clinic by Madeleine Teahan Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report Link to Ireland Issues and Challenges
Pro-life leaders condemn Rep. Matt Gaetz’s ‘hideous’ comments about abortion activists by Maisy Sullivan Catholic News Agency Link to United States Politics- Part Two and to Donald Trump’s Cultish Cronies
Finally! The unborn now have a fighting chance! by Tony Magliano Clarion Herald
Pope discusses changing Church teaching on contraception by CathNews New Zealand
Cardinal Zen, four others face five-day trial by CathNews Link to Catholicism and China
Expansions on euthanasia should be sounding alarm bells for us all by Avi Shafran Religion News Service Link to Euthanasia
‘Euthanise at birth’ call offends disabled people by CathNews New Zealand Link to Disabilities
Show Me the Money: Report Gives Unprecedented Look Into Vatican Finances by Justin McLellan National Catholic Register
Title VI complaint alleges ongoing antisemitism at CUNY by icha Karmarkar Religion News Service Link to Antisemitism
Trump invokes antisemitic tropes while discussing his support for Israel by Nick Niedzwiadek Politico
Survivors in the Catskills. A recent gathering of 56 survivors in the Hudson Valley was a painful and uncomfortable reminder that living memory of the Holocaust has nearly run out forever by Armin Rosen Tablet Link to The Holocaust
On Stein milestone, cardinal recalls his own family’s Jewish roots, Holocaust horrors by Inés San Martín Crux
Inside an international network of teenage neo-Nazi extremists by Nick Robins Early, Alexander Nabert, Christina Brause Insider Link to Neo-Nazis United States
Neo-Nazi leader arrested in Boston after protesting LGBTQ event by Phillip Martin and Meg Woolhouse GBH 89.7
Mass. officials ramp up efforts to combat white nationalism following Saturday rally in Jamaica Plain by Molly McCaul GBH 89.7 Link to White Supremacy
Pius XII: The Pope Who Defied Hitler by George J. Marlin The Catholic Thing
Nuclear annihilation just one miscalculation away, UN chief warns by BBC Link to Nuclear Challenges
Inside Olenivka, the Russian prison camp where Ukrainians vanish by Bel Trew Independent Link to War
Archbishop sees ‘genocidal intent’ in Putin, says Ukrainians will die before surrender by Elise Ann Allen Crux
UNICEF: Nearly 1,000 children killed or injured in Ukraine by Vatican News
Transporting Wheelchairs into Ukraine by Nancy McNally ICMC Link to Disabilities
New rocket strike on Ukraine nuclear plant, as UN watchdog warns of 'disaster' by Yulia Kesaieva, Olga Voitovych and Sana Noor Haq CNN
Priesthood, politics and propaganda: One clergyman’s life in war-torn Ukraine by Marika Proctor Religion News Service
Ukrainian youth festival: hope wins over hate by Svitlana Dukhovych Vatican News Link to Youth Challenges and Leadership
Tony Magliano: I Have Been Blacklisted by Ukrainian government by Tony Magliano The Southern Cross Link to Ukraine Politics
Former Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg pleads guilty in fraud case, agrees to testify against company by Graham Kates abd Stefan Bucket CBS News Link to Financial Crimes
Religious orders call for international intervention in Haiti by CathNews
Pope prays for victims of massive blaze at Cuban fuel depot by Benedict Mayaki, SJ Vatican News
FBI rescues more than 200 trafficking victims, including 84 children, in "Operation Cross Country" by Michael Roppold CBS News Link to Human Trafficking
Member of 'ISIS Beatles' given eight life sentences for role in hostage-taking, killing of Americans by Jennifer Hansler and Holmes Lybrand CNN Link to Murder
Sandy Hook parents testify about the 'hell' Alex Jones inflicted on them through lies about the shooting by Oliver Darcy CNN Link to Murdered Children
Historic climate law, signed by Biden, has Catholic fingerprints all over it by Brian Roewe EarthBeat Link to Environment and Climate Challenges, Advocacy, and Response
Alex Jones’s Lies Blow Up in His Face in Explosive Sandy Hook Trial by Bess Levin Vanity Fair
Why did the floor of a Spanish monastery turn blood red once a year for almost 500 years? by Nicolás de Cárdenas Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Walking with Generation Z: Distrust of Institutions and Organized Religion by Benjamin Eriksen The Catholic World Report
Stepping down: Experts draft proposed laws on status of a retired pope by Carol Glatz, Catholic News Service/National Catholic Reporter
Church leaders urged to be trailblazers in addressing systemic racism by Chaz Muth Catholic News Service/Crux
Fauci to leave federal government in December after decades as nation's top infectious disease expert by Betsy Klein CNN
EXCLUSIVE 'It's not my award, it's for the other survivors': Mel B reflects on her 'incredible' MBE after being honoured for services to domestic violence campaigning by Callum Wells Daily Mail Link to Domestic Violence
Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate raided by FBI agents, sources confirm by Katherine Faulders, John Santucci, Luke Barr, and Jack Date ABC
The youngest new cardinal of the Church has been an exorcist for more than 20 years by Francisco Veneto Aleteia Link to Exorcism and Satanism
The insanity of possessing nuclear weapons by Tony Magliano Pace e Bene
Caritas calls on Government to Help Fight Famine by CathNews Link to Famine and Starvation
Former Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg pleads guilty in fraud case, agrees to testify against company by Graham Kates and Stefan Bucket CBS News Link to Financial Crimes
Mystery of Noah’s Ark Solved! by Michael Lind Tablet
Archdiocese of Chicago Names Mario Mollo Director of its Office for the Protection of Children and Youth by Archdiocese of Chicago
When Abuse Occurs in a Sacramental Context by Emily Hess Crisis Magazine
Philippine diocese appeals for aid after magnitude 7 quake by Catholic News Service/Crux
Featured Report
Church leaders challenged to oppose human trafficking and child abuse by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism Link to Human Trafficking
Filipinos hail democracy champion Aquino’s legacy by Joseph Peter Calleja UCA News
Good judges bring justice to child victims of sexual abuse by Father Shay Cullen The Manila Times Link to Child Sexual Abuse General Reports
Nuns in the Philippines denounce terrorism charge by CathNews New Zealand
The healing and causes of childhood sexual abuse by Fr. Shay Cullen Preda Foundation
Three life sentences each for human trafficking and child abuse by Fr. Shay Cullen Preda Foundation
Pandemic made poor poorer, rich richer by Father Shay Cullen Independent Catholic News
The crushing burden of debt by Father Shay Cullen The Manila Times Link to International Debt Crises
Australian Bishops highlight commitment to confronting abuse, domestic violence by Vatican News
Australian legislation would allow territories to pass their own laws by Catholic News Service/Crux
Children’s experience of child poverty by CathNews New Zealand
Catholic order struggles to raise $100 million to atone for slave labour by CathNews New Zealand Link to The Jesuits
Holy See ambassador helps launch Caritas campaign by CathNews
God desires our company by CBS Chicago
Catholic Extension launches program for Uvalde children in wake of shooting by Catholic News Service/National Catholic Reporter Link to Children Challenges
24 members of Congress write Biden about Jesuit murders, Mexico violence by David Agren Catholic News Service/Crux
The Oak Creek Temple Shooting Forever Changed America’s Sikh Communities by Nimarta Marano Teen Vogue
Synthetic mouse embryos created from stem cells — without sperm, eggs, or a uterus by Megan Molteni Stat News
Pope Francis's Letter to Traditional Priest by Catholic Arena
Undocumented Workers Feed Us. However You Feel About Immigration, They Deserve Health Care. by Ruben Navarrette Jr. The Daily Beast
Man, 76, charged with sexually assaulting girl, 14, near Montrose Beach by CBS Link to Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls
Benedictine Life: A Vision Unfolding' focuses on the next 100 years by Judith Valente Global Sisters Report
Combatting ableism in worship spaces by Religion News Service Link to Disabilities
How a deaf priest is reaching a neglected Catholic community by U.S. Catholic Link to Deafness
Worthy Words: Creative and Compelling Characters by Christine Sunderland ACTW
England beat Germany to win Euro 2022 thanks to dramatic Chloe Kelly extra-time goal by Mark Critchley Independent
Is it over between Xander and the Red Sox? by Dick Flavin The Pilot
My friend, Dick Dorr by Dick Flavin The Pilot
What's ahead for the Red Sox by Dick Flavin The Pilot
Tony and Lauren Dungy: On faith and family, football and race, winning and losing by Adelle M. Banks Religion News Service
Kentucky churches, communities work together to meet flood victims’ needs by Marnie McAllister Catholic News Service
Though Small in Numbers, Eastern Kentucky Catholics Step Up to Help Flood Victims by The Tablet
Four current, former Louisville police officers federally charged in Breonna Taylor's death by Eliott C. McLaughlin, Sonia Moghe and Hannah Rabinowitz CNN Link to Police Brutality and Misconduct
He Was Accused of Sexual Assault, She of Using Drugs. The Military Dealt With Them Very Differently. by Ren Larson, Vianna Davila and Lexi Churchill ProPublica Link to US Military and Veterans
Bolivian cardinal-elect denies rumors of a wife and children by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Hit-and-run by priest in Brazil stirs controversy within Dominican order by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux Link to The Dominicans
Chile’s Catholics see chasm separating hierarchy from increasingly hostile laity by Inés San Martín Crux
Catholic Nuns Rescue 4,000 from Human Trafficking in 27 Years at Colombia - Venezuela Border by Catholic News World
Colombian rebels release hostages to aid peace talks by James Blears Vatican News
Bishops express pain over killing of more than 30 police officers this year in Colombia by Catholic News Agency Link to Police Protection and Challenges
In Ecuador, Catholic bishops help negotiate end to massive protests by Eduardo Campos Lima National Catholic Register
Bishops of Haiti decry ongoing insecurity and gang violence by Lisa Zengarini Vatican News Link to Gang Violence
Priest in Mexico shot and wounded by David Ramos Catholic News Agency
Bishop tells Mexican people not to remain silent amid acts of violence by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Nicaragua: Pope, world leaders concerned at growing crisis by Independent Catholic News
In predawn raid, Nicaraguan police move bishop, others to Managua by David Agren Catholic News Service/The Pilot
Nicaragua: Catholic Bishop “Kidnapped,” USCIRF Denounces Widespread “Persecution” by Massimo Introvign Bitter Winter
Nicaraguan regime arrests bishop in overnight raid by Inés San Martín Crux
Nicaragua’s government closes six Catholic radio stations by CathNews
Nicaraguan police prohibit religious procession in capital by The Associated Press/Crux
Detained bishop says hate must be answered with love by CathNews
Nicaraguan police place Catholic bishop, priests under house arrest by Diego Lopez Marina Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Explaining the tension between Nicaragua and the Catholic Church by Gabriela Selser and María Teresa Hernández The Associated Press/Crux
Martyrs of Communism in Peru by Dawn Beutne The Catholic World Report
Salvadoran Archbishop praises government crackdown on gangs by The Associated Press/Religion News Service
Don't be afraid to make mistakes, pope tells young people by Junno Arocho Esteves Catholic News Service/Angelus Link to Youth Challenges and Leadership
Pope to Jesuit Fr Martin: ‘Jesus is close to everyone’. Francis responds to a letter from Fr. James Martin, SJ, whose pastoral ministry involves the LGBTQ community, and encourages Catholics to foster a “culture of encounter” that “shortens distances and enriches us with differences.” by Lisa Zengarin Vatican News Link to LGBTQ Challenges
The Catholic Art of George Tooker by Dana Gioia The Catholic Thing Link to Spirituality and Art
Zanchetta lawyer turned Vatican investigator was fired for resumé fraud by The Pillar
WHO recommends gay and bisexual men limit sexual partners to reduce the spread of monkeypox by Spencer Kimball CNBC Link to Monkeypox
Determinants of antibody response to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 mRNA vaccines in people with HIV by Frédérique Chammartin, Katharina Kusejko, and Chloé Pasin, et al AIDS. 2022 Aug 1 Link to HIV/AIDS
Blame Payers for Only 1:3 Patients Receiving HCV Cure by Jen Laws HIV/HCV Watch Link to Hepatitis C
MMV announces the start of ARCTIC, a feasibility study of a new Plasmodium vivax malaria treatment protocol by MMV Link to Malaria
Children aged 1 to 9 in London to be offered polio vaccine as rare infection spreads by Samuel Lovett Independent Link to Polio
Assessment of tuberculosis disease activity in people infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis and living with HIV: A longitudinal cohort study by Inge Kroidl, Mohamed I M Ahmed, Sacha Horn et al EClinical Medicine 2022.101470. Link to Tuberculosis
Dabrafenib–Trametinib Combination Approved for Solid Tumors with BRAF Mutations by National Cancer Institute Link to Cancer
Having autism makes finding a spiritual community difficult. Here are some ways to help by Amy Langston Religion News Service Link to Autism
Despite war, children with Down’s syndrome find cheer by UNICEF Link to Down Syndrome
Biden-Harris Administration Announce New Actions to Address Mental Health in Schools by Stacy M. Brown NNPA Newswire/Skanner Link to Mental Health/Illness
Pope invites Canadian clergy to confront challenges of secularized world by Benedict Mayaki, SJ Vatican News
Adult women who accused Quebec cardinal of sexual misconduct breaks church-abuse stereotype by CTV Television Network The Canadian Press
The Catholic doctrine of discovery is already null and void by Brendan Steven The Hub
Pope Francis to Canada’s Jesuits: ‘When there is conflict the liturgy is always mistreated’ by Courtney Mares Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Pope Francis’ apology to Indigenous Canadians opened door to reconciliation by Kevin P. Considine National Catholic Reporter Link to Indigenous People
Jesuit in Canada: We must all do better by Francesca Merlo Vatican News
Quebec priest named in sexual assault lawsuit removed years after allegations first flagged by Émilie Warren CBC Link to Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls
India’s Cardinal Gracias denies reports he intervened in accused bishop’s case by Sarah Mac Donald National Catholic Reporter
Why all the people of God must take some responsibility for clericalism by Hatty Calbus The Tablet Link to Clericalism
American TRASHES French Basilica by Catholic Arena
German Catholics want expanded lay roles, greater tolerance for dissent by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Cork parishes to lose priests and Masses as numbers fall by Ann Murphy The Irish Examiner Link to Ireland Issues and Challenges
Robert Troy resigns as Minister of State after property interests controversy by Vivienne Clarke and Jennifer Bray The Irish Times
Séamus Mooney wasn’t expected to live beyond 10. Now he’s Ireland’s oldest person with Down syndrome by Sheila Wayman The Irish Times
Italy’s Tipping Point? Draghi’s resignation could lead to right-wing populism by Massimo Faggioli Commonweal Link to Italy Politics
Marsaxlokk parish priest ‘misappropriated’ tens of thousands on porn sites by Ivan Martin Times of Malta Link to Pornography Challenges
Roman stunner: More or less, the Vatican tells the truth about its money by John L. Allen Jr. Crux
Archie Battersbee, 12, dies after being taken off life support against his parents’ wishes by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Masseuse jailed for sexually assaulting two women during sessions by Daniel Keane Evening Standard Link to Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls
NCTR digging into records of Oblate priests who staffed residential schools by Kathleen Martens APT Link to The Oblates
The modern heresy by Grazie Pozo Christie The Angelus Link to Heresy
Growing need for Hispanic priests spurs new Spanish-speaking Serra Club by Jo Ann Zuniga Catholic News Service/Angelus
Group’s report card shows many dioceses failing in financial transparency by Mark Pattison Detrot Catholic/Catholic News Service
100 million people worldwide forced to flee by Tony Magliano Acting Franciscan Link to General Immigration Challenges
Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly discusses the future of the Knights of Columbus by Joe Bukuras Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Embracing Reality To Prevent Cancellation and De-Platforming by Raise the Ark
Jan. 6 sentence to date' after son delivered devastating testimony by Brad Reed Raw Story Link to Domestic Terrorism/Insurrection/Sedition
Marjorie Taylor Greene votes against human trafficking bill after accusing Democrats of doing nothing to protect victims by The Independent
Military Archbishop applauds expanded health care for veterans exposed to toxins by John Lavenburg Crux Link to US Military and Veterans
Stefan Salinas uses art to connect with Catholic ‘outsiders’ by Jeannine M Pitas U.S. Catholic Link to Spirituality and Art
Communities in Horn of Africa ‘on brink of starvation’ by CathNews Link to Famine and Starvation
UK Catholic aid agency calls for more action against ‘food crisis’. Over 26 million people in Africa will face a food crisis this year due to poor harvests and drought conditions in many parts of the continent. by Nirmala Carvalho Crux
Digital technology a ‘game changer’ in African health care, Catholic expert says by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux
Bishops of Africa: It is painful to see young people leave the continent. by Paul Samasumo Vatican News
Burkina Faso cardinal calls for support of victims of jihadist attacks by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux
Burkina Faso: Islamic terrorism has become commonplace by Aid to the Church in Need
Cameroon’s bishops object to new law allowing for artificial conception by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux
Reconciliation is key to national cohesion in Côte d’Ivoire, say country’s Bishops. by Stanislas Kambashi, SJ and Françoise Niamien Vatican News
Bishops of DR Congo call for peaceful protest after dozens killed by Christine Kinghombe and Evariste Citeya Vatican News
Congolese bishops offer dialogue after anti-U.N. protests by Jonathan Luxmoore Crux
Catholic Priest Killed in the Congo after Church Attack - RIP Fr. Godefroid by Catholic News World| Link to Murdered Priests and Seminarians
WHO Chief: Tigray worst disaster on Earth by Vatican News
Catholic bishop in Tigray calls for an end to "genocide" in Ethiopia by La Croix International Link to Genocide
Pope Francis sends condolences for Coptic church fire in Egypt by Devin Watkins Vatican News
SPICMA reports on famine in East Africa by Independent Catholic News Link to Famine and Starvation
Egypt: Fire in Coptic church claims 41 lives by Independent Catholic News
Bishops remind Kenyans of their civic responsibilities for peaceful and just elections by Vatican News
Q & A with Sister Mary Magdalene, teaching peace ahead of Kenya elections by Doreen Ajiambo Global Sisters Report
As nuns freed, critics complain of campaign to ‘wipe out’ Christianity in Nigeria by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux
New cardinal says he is worried about ‘survival of Christianity’ in Nigeria by Inés San Martín Crux
Nigeria: Archbishop says new terror attacks represent "really serious threat" by John Newton Independent Catholic News
Nigerian priest says he buried 18 parishioners last year amid spiking violence by Crux
Suspects Arrested for Pentecost Catholic Church Massacre in Nigeria by Catholic News World
Four religious sisters kidnapped in Nigeria by Catholic News Agency
How Catholic Relief Services and its partners are working to end malaria in Sierra Leone by Catholic Relief Center
Pope Francis calls for attention to the "mortal danger" facing Somalia by Vatican News
Bishop Bertin: 'Famine situation in Somalia worsening' by Olivier Bonnel and Lisa Zengarini Vatican News
South Africa: Bishops alarmed by the country’s neglect of rural areas and indifference to inequalities. by Paul Samasumo Vatican News
UNHCR/MAECI joint mission brings aid to refugees in Sudan by Vatican News
Sudan: Three children killed in arson attack on Catholic family by Independent Catholic News
Twenty-year-old Sudanese woman to be stoned to death by Rebecca Tinsley Independent Catholic News
Zimbabweans facing an increasingly uncertain future in South Africa by Irish Times
Diocese members travel to border, ‘blown away’ by immigrant realities by John Lavenburg Crux Link to United States Immigration Challenges
Moment of silence at Masses honors immigrant beaten to death in broad daylight by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Grace in Suffering: Flannery O’Connor and a Little Girl Named Mary Ann by Lorraine V. Murray National Catholic Register
Contemplative religious communities: Carmelites witness to faith in Roxbury for over 130 years by Jacqueline Tetrault The Pilot
Diocese defends transfer of priest to Narragansett by Ryan Blessing The Independent
Survivor makes a stand after priest who made inappropriate comments to children assigned to Narragansett parish by Amanda Milkovits Boston Globe
Abuse victim’s long journey continues Sunday with a walk alongside the bishop by Andrew Waite The Daily Gazette
Cardinal Ouellet, Vatican official, among clergy accused of abuse in lawsuit by Francois Gloutnay Catholic News Service/Angelus
Judge rules accused priest Bialkowski can control widow’s $2 million estate by Charlie Specht Buffalo News
‘We will die first’ – religious abuse survivors speak up after exclusion from government payouts by Steve Kilgallon Stuff
Sunday Reflection with Canon Robin Gibbons by Independent Catholic News Link to Priestly Reflections
The debate over the Catholicism ‘trend’ by Grayson Quay The Week
Jury convicts two men of conspiring to kidnap Michigan governor by Lauren del Valle CNN
Police: Former Virginia youth pastor charged in more than 20 sex crimes by Brittney Melton WUSA9 Link to Protestant Sexual Violence Against Minors
We heard nothing’: Cape Broyle community group blindsided by sale of local Catholic church and scrambling to save it by Evan Careen Saltwire Network
Former CPS teacher gets 50 years in prison for sexually exploiting boy in Indiana by CBS Chicago Link to Child Sexual Abuse General Reports
Guildford sexual assault appeal after woman attacked at knifepoint by man with 'Italian' accent by Jonathon Manning Surry Live
Pacific islands youth "cannot wait" for climate change action, Vanuatu says by Reuters Link to Environment and Climate Challenges, Advocacy, and Response
Factbox: U.S. climate deal has money for EVs, clean energy and even Big Oil by Reuters
US kills al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri in drone strike in Afghanistan by Kevin Liptak, Kylie Atwood, Natasha Bertrand and Donald Judd CNN
At least 12 killed in horror bus crash after ‘driver fell asleep at the wheel’ by Sean Seddon Metro50
Pope prays for victims of bus crash in Croatia by Vatican News
Former child refugee named as next Secretary General of the Anglican Communion by Anglican Communion News
Rescuing Meena. A year of working with feminists, anti-trafficking experts, academics, ultra-Orthodox rabbis, and military veterans from all over the world to deliver Meena Safi and other Afghan women from the Taliban by Phyllis Chesler Tablet
Police: Death toll in Afghan capital mosque bombing now 21 by Rahim Faiez and Ebrahim Noroozi Religion News Service
570 priests and nuns succumbed to Covid-19 in India by UCA News
First time in Israel: Adult stem cells transplanted in toddler with rare skin disease by Judt Siegel-Itzkoich The Jerusalem Post
St James Vicariate highlights plight of children with no legal status in Israel by Vatican News Link to Children at Risk
Jerusalem: Diocese condemns Israeli attack on Anglican church by Independent Catholic News Link to International Terrorism
Many killed as Israeli air strikes hit Gaza by Nathan Morley Vatican News
Islamic Jihad rockets killed more civilians in Gaza than IDF airstrikes did by Ariella Marsden The Jerusalem Post
Jerusalem: Diocese condemns Israeli attack on Anglican church by Independent Catholic News Clergy, bags of cash set off new sectarian brawl in Lebanon by Kareem Chehayeb Religion News Service
Vatican asks Syro-Malabar archbishop to step down by Nirmala Carvalho Crux
Syrian bishop: Aleppo facing ‘bombardment’ of poverty by Doreen Abi Raad Crux Link to Poverty
Deaths, injuries follow rocket attack at Syrian church inauguration by CathNews New Zealand
Sri Lankan priests and religious demand end to arrests by CathNews
Cyberattack on Albanian government suggests new Iranian aggression by Lily Hay Newman Ars Technica Link to Cybersecurity
Exhibit recalls Catholic journalists’ courage in Lithuania under Soviets by Christina Lee Knauss Catholic News Service Link to Media
Indian state imposes 10 years in jail for ‘forced conversions’ by Nirmala Carvalho Crux
Two Children Die After Receiving Novartis Gene Therapy by Andy Carstens The Scientists
UN says China’s treatment of Uyghurs is modern-day slavery by CathNews Link to China Challenges
New Chinese Catholic leaders say they'll follow Communist Party principles by Catholic News Service/Angelus
What is the moral status of animals? by Daniel Mascarenhas, SJ The Jesuit Post Link to Animal Challenges
Wolf Kills 9-Year-Old Boy and Critically Injures His Friend by William McGee Zenger News/Newsweek
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Book Reviews, Commentaries, and Excerpts
Help the Homeless of the Streets: One Person at a Time by Deacon Michael J. Oles Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Sacred Shelter: Thirteen Journeys of Homelessness and Healing by Susan Greenfield Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Land of the Homeless Brave by Aleda J. Marshall Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Shelter Theology by Susan Dunlap Reviewed by Yonat Shimron Religion News Service
Evicted: Poverty and Profit in The American City by Matthew Bowman Reviewed by Father John A Coleman, SJ Box
'Street Homelessness and Catholic Theological Ethics' by Mathew Desmond Edited by Fr James Keenan SJ and Mark McGreevy Commentary by Independent Catholic News
Grace Can Lead Us Home: A Christian Call to End Homelessness by Kevin Nye Commentary by Kathryn Post Religion News Service
Building a Bridge: How the Catholic Church and the LGBT Community Can Enter into a Relationship of Respect, by James Martin Reviewed by Michael Leach Commonweal
Jesus Social Revolutionary? by Father Peter McVerry SJ Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Silent Music of Love: Teach Us to Pray by John O'Brien, O.F.M. Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
The Man Who Wasn’t There by Anil Ananthaswamy Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Words that Hurt, Words that Heal by Rabbi Joseph Telushkin Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Glimmers of Grace: Moments of Peace and Healing Following Sexual Abuse by Faith Hakesley Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Hidden Mercy: AIDS, Catholics, and the Untold Stories of Compassion in the Face of Fear by Michael J. O’Laughlin Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
The Jesuits: A History from Ignatius to the Present by John O’Malley, S.J. Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Blessed Are the Bored in Spirit: A Young Catholic’s Search for Meaning by Mark Hart Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Snarl by John Francis Pearring Jr. Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Christians, Muslims, and Mary: A History by Rita George Tvrtkovic Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Something To Do With Paying Attention by David Foster Wallace Reviewed by Joshua Hren America
The Father Wants to Heal You: A Retreat with The Lord's Prayer by Nigel Woollen Reviewed by Amanda C Dickie Independent Catholic News
Are We Together?: A Roman Catholic Analyzes Evangelical Protestants by Eduardo Echeverria Reviewed by Casey Chalk The Catholic World Report
Subversive Habits by Shannen Dee Williams Reviewed by U.S. Catholic
To Live and Die for the Network State by Balaji Srinivasan Commentary by Antonio Garcia Mendez Tablet
Why We Believe by Agustín Fuentes Reviewed by Stephen J. Pope Commonweal
Delightful People by Stephen Schmalhofer Commentary by Conor Dugan Catholic World Report
A World after Liberalism: Philosophers of the Radical Right by Matthew Rose Reviewed by Jeet Heer Commonweal
The Church: Paradox and Mystery by Henri de Lubac Reviewed by Larry Chapp The Catholic World Report
Prison Governor's Journal by Brendan O'Friel Commentary by Independent Catholic News
Film Reviews/Commentaries
I Have a Name Commentary by Fra Noi
The Story of Saint Antonio María Claret Reviewed by Sam Rocha U.S. Catholic
Nope Reviewed by Lindsey Sahr The Associated Press
Bullet Train Reviewed by Dwight Brown The Skanner
Where the Crawdads Sing Reviewed by Fr. Peter Malone Independent Catholic News
Lifemark by Natalie Hoefer Catholic News Service/The Pilot
Television Reviews/Commentaries
Thirteen Lives Reviewed by Stefano Rebeggiani Angelus News
“Insight The Series: A Hollywood Priest’s Groundbreaking Contribution To Television” by Tom Hoffarth Angelus News
Stay on Board Reviewed by Daniel Spielberger them
Carter Reviewed by Nick Schager The Daily Beast
Cabinet of Curiosities Reviewed by Jennifer Quelette Ars Technica
How to Change Your Mind Reviewed by Joe Lorenz, SJ The Jesuit Post
Music Reviews/Commentaries
Renaissance Reviewed by David Meir Grossman Tablet
Theater Reviews/Commentaries
Feasting with the Saints
Coronavirus outbreak: the worrying situation of homeless people
Street Medicine: Treating Chicago's Homeless During the Coronavirus Outbreak
Coronavirus: South Africa locks homeless up in detention camp
The challenge of protecting homeless populations amid COVID-19
Coronavirus: Volunteers helping Dublin's homeless
Coronavirus outbreak: the worrying situation of homeless people
Disabled homeless man's hardship by Catholic News Service
St. Benedict Joseph Labre - Patron of the Homeless and Mentally Ill
Maybe On The Way Out? A Documentary of the Homeless in Chicago
How "Housing First" Puts Us On A Path to End Homelessness
by Matt Hanka