A Message from the Editor
The epistemological attributes of God are the One, The True, The Good, and The Beautiful, All art that is beautiful is a reflection of God When art is also true, it reflects another dimension of God.
A Quote to Remember
“Art has a unique capacity to take one or other facet of the message and translate it into colors, shapes and sounds which nourish the intuition of those who look and listen.” by Pope John Paul II
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Special Prayer
A Prayer for Artists
Lord, remember your artists. Have mercy upon them and remember with compassion all those that reflect the good, the ill, the strengths and the weaknesses of the human spirit.
Remember those who raise their voices in unending song, those who pour their souls into music loud and soft.
Remember those who put pigment to surface, carve wood and stone and marble, who work base metals into beauty, those building upwards from the earth toward heaven.
Remember those who put thought to paper by computer and by pen; the poets who delve, the playwrights who analyze and proclaim, the dreamers-up of narrative, all those who work with the light and shadows of film.
Remember the actors moved by Spirit and dancers moving through space.
Remember all these artists whom you have placed among us, for are they not, O Lord, the fellows of your inspiration? Do they not, Lord God, bring to your people great proof of your divinity and our part in it?
Remember your artists and show them mercy and compassion that they may do the same and so uplift all your people. That they may cry forth your praises, as we do here.
Amen! Amen! Amen!
by Bryan Brown, worship pastor at Christ Church in Austin and the worship leader of the Transforming Culture symposium in 2008, adapted from Herbert Whittaker's "Prayer for the Artists"
Prayer for the eternal rest of Father Juan Antonio Orozco Alvarado Eternal Father God, on this day we come in front of you, to pray for the eternal rest of Father Juan Antonio, he is your son, who served you in the vocation of the priesthood during his short life. You, who one day called them to serve you at the holy altar, allow them to enjoy your divinity. We ask you to receive him and his parishioners in your holy presence, who died as a result of the violence. Even when grief takes hold of our hearts, we know that you are a merciful father and that you are present at all times of our lives. We ask you to bring comfort to the family and friends of Father Juan Antonio and his parishioners, so that they can cope with this terrible loss. by Seminarian Francisco J. Pagán Portalatín Profiles in Catholicism (Office Vespers deceased) Hear, Lord, our prayers, so that, by confessing the resurrection of Jesus Christ, your Son, the hope that our brother Fr. Juan Antonio Orozco Alvarado will rise again may also be strengthened. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit and is God forever and ever. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Oración por el eterno Descanso del Padre Juan Antonio Orozco Alvarado Dios padre eterno, en este día llegamos frente a ti, para rogar por el eterno descanso del Padre Juan Antonio, él es tu hijo, el cual te sirvió en la vocación del sacerdocio durante su corta vida. Tu que un día los llamaste a servirte en el santo altar, concédele gozar de tu divinidad.
Te pedimos le recibas en tu santa presencia al el y sus parroquianos, que murieron a causa de la violencia.
Aun cuando la pena se apodera de nuestros corazones, sabemos que eres un padre misericordioso y que estas presenten en todo momento de nuestras vidas.
Te rogamos que traigas consuelo a la familia y amigos del Padre Juan Antonio y de sus parroquianos, para que puedan sobrellevar esta terrible perdida.
by Francisco J. Pagán Portalatín Profiles in Catholicism
Oración final
(Oficio Vísperas difuntos)
Escucha, Señor, nuestras súplicas, para que, al confesar la resurrección de Jesucristo, tu Hijo, se afiance también la esperanza de que nuestro hermano Padre Juan Antonio Orozco Alvarado resucitará. Por nuestro Señor Jesucristo, tu Hijo, que vive y reina contigo en la unidad del Espíritu Santo y es Dios por los siglos de los siglos.
Dale Señor el descanso eterno.
Brille para él la luz perpetua.
Descanse en paz. Amén
A Prayer to Prevent Suicide
“Atoms and Molecules”
Dear Lord, we live in an age where the outward wear has got
Extravagantly technical, highly polished, bright, even painfully
Expensive, surpassing the pocket of many people but catching,
Like a hook, in the too costly shoes, fast car or fanciful gear!
Or what guilt edged experience we suffered which suffocated us,
Sapping the every day love of life and shielding, like a barred door,
The possibility of making friends beyond those who don’t know
Our emptiness, ailing, or the fears and remembering which spring,
Animal like, out of the shadowy loneliness, preying upon the Prayerless, like slugs born in the soil and devouring their way through
The leaves needed for growth to be sustained and to be fruit bearing,
So day by day our isolation grows and even glows as it implodes.
Dear Lord, some of us do not even make the outward show of success
And simply fail, flattening the land to the horizon, losing hope upon Hope in the deadening trail to the railway, the busy road or the bridge
To end it all, falling not to our knees but for the lie that nobody knows
The inwardly collapsing star that fell out of orbit and, instead of being
Amidst other beings began to disintegrate and collapse, more and More, collapsing little by little into that isolating, suffocating inside Space where crushing continues, containing even the light of the day.
What edge of nothingness we fell to, hovering, trembling like a note Between dying out and extinction, moments away from ending the Possibility of recovering and regaining contact with others and Building, atom upon atom, the molecular relationship we need to live.
Dear Lord, send a word to open the closed door, the darkened within Of the night of life, the love to be lived, the hopes to be hoped, the Helps to come before the final silence, the rushing scream as others Witness, not the sung life but the breath escaping the drowned dead.
Dear Mary, Mother of the Lord, enlighten others to see the dwindling
Down of friendships, the desperate lunges into the heart’s holes, drop
By drop drinking the despair that needs draining off, evaporating, Pouring out and away like the poisonous virus it is so that the truth,
St. Joseph, the truth that heals can come and dwell, along with His Forgiving touch, touching tenderness, healing help and hope, as a Newness begins, impossible to describe, blossomed out of where? A New family from Love’s loving to love the lame and help the helpless.
by Francis Etheredge, author of the forthcoming:
for my own account of attempted suicide go to The Prayerful Kiss:
A Doctor’s Prayer
I see the suffering children and say I must help, I see the pain and hurt and I know, I can’t ignore when I feel and hear the call To respond and do my best To reach the sick and end the pain and bring healing, and respite. So few of us are left to heal and mend the hurt and sickness. We have fallen ill when we took the risk to save and help the others, the stranger and we too have suffered and have died. I ask why has all the world so little care As corona ravages the humble and the poor, And the vaccines are reserved for the rich and not the weak? Wicked hunger, squalor, and disease spreads with corona in nations that have brought conflict, riots and war upon themselves by corruption and by greed and are cursed to suffer and despair.
We, and all humanity with the compassion and concern can call for justice for the rich to share the wealth and heal the world so all are safe to live in peace without the suffering and the fear. by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer for Those Who Died and Who Were Injured in the Miami Condo Collapse.
Dear God,
Please embrace those who died in the Miami condo collapse into your eternal
loving care where they will be infinitely happy for eternity. Also heal those
who have been injured. We also ask you to comfort the families and friends of
all those who have died and were injured.
by Sarah Lyon Profiles in Catholicism
Art Interviews
Non-Art Interviews
Art Articles and Commentaries
Immersive Experience Brings Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel Frescoes to the U.S. by Isis Davis-Marks Smithsonian Magazine
Childhood Restored: Art By Young Holocaust Survivors by United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Link to The Holocaust
Mary Icons by Mary Jane Miller Profiles in Catholicism
Saint Francis and the Sultan by Father John O'Brien, OFM Profiles in Catholicism
Matisse and the Chapel of the Rosary by Father John O'Brien, OFM Profiles in Catholicism
Homeless Jesus: responding to those in need by CathNews New Zealand
Florence's Medici Family Used Portraits as Propaganda by Smithsonian Magazine
Catholic sculptor wishes to restore Catholic credibility amid modern evils by Claire Giangravé Religion News Service
6 works of art that bring new meaning to the Eucharist by John Christman S.S.S. U.S. Catholic
The Catholic artist and the challenge of evangelizing modern culture by Thomas M. Doran The Catholic World Report
Schoolchildren's 'Eyes of the World' art installation sends powerful message to G7 leaders by Independent Catholic News
Artist paints icons of endangered species to 'foster ecological conversion' by Barbara Fraser EarthBeat
Vatican’s vanishing artisans: Traditional workshops struggle amid COVID-19 by Robert Duncan Crux
The Masterpiece of the Divine Artist by Elizabeth A. Mitchell The Catholic Thing
Art and the late Linda Nochlin can teach us about suffering by Ciaran Freeman National Catholic Reporter
Catholic sculptor’s work to be part of COVID-19 memorial at Ohio hospital by Catholic News Service
Jesuits launch first online exhibition, celebrating Forty Martyrs by Independent Catholic News
Forgotten Last Supper Scene Linked to Renaissance Master Titian Spent Century Hidden in Plain Sight by Isis Davis-Marks Smithsonian Magazine
Wow Famous Artist Timothy Schmalz Reveals his New Sculptures of St. Padre Pio - Wrestling the Devil! VIDEO by Jesus Caritas Est Catholic News World
Fra Angelico – Opening Our Imagination to the Vastness of Divine Beauty. by Billy Kangas Patheos
Bishop Donald J. Hying blesses pro-life sculpture by Martin Hudáček by Joseph M. Hanneman The Catholic World Report
Painting the Saints: Artist Gwyneth Thompson-Briggs Takes Catholic Approach to Her Craft by Joseph Pronechen National Catholic Register
“The Memorial of Unborn Children II” portrays regret, mercy, healing. Slovakian artist Martin Hudáček’s newest statue tells the abortion story through mother, father, and the lost child. by Joseph M. Hanneman The Catholic World Report
Warhol’s faith and life. Andy Warhol’s premodern starting point helped him become the postmodern Picasso. by Duncan Collins U.S .Catholic
A realistic 'Homeless Jesus' statue sparks conversation -- and a visit from police by David Williams CNN
3020 Christmas stamp shows Peruvian painting of Our Lady of Guapulo by Dennis Sadowski Catholic News Service/Crux
Black Jesus version of Michelangelo's Pietà divides Catholics on race and politics by Claire Giangravé Religion News Service
Restorers uncover new details in a Michelangelo Pieta by Associated Press/Crux
Sister Plautilla Nelli, the Forgotten Woman Painter of the Renaissance by Solène Tadié National Catholic Register
In Chicago, shattered glass but also a vision of heaven by Dr. Bryan Berry The Catholic World Report
Artist Erin McAtee's faith journey led to a place of encounter by Stephen G. Adubato National Catholic Reporter
Catholic sculptor re-creating Dante’s ‘Divine Comedy’ aims to shift the emphasis off hell by Claire Giangravé Religion News Service
Norwich Catholic high school launches virtual art exhibition by Alex Savage Independent Catholic News
Tissot’s Great Reversion by Brad Miner The Catholic Thing
Caravaggio: Revelation and Revolution by Brad Miner The Catholic Thing
Raphael's last paintings unveiled: A discovery made during a Vatican Museums restoration by Paolo Ondarza Vatican News
Pope at Mass prays for artists: ‘without beauty we cannot understand the Gospel’ by Linda Bordoni Vatican News
Celebrating the genius of Raphael, 500 years later by Elizabeth Lev Angelus
Raphael tapestries ‘integral’ to fully understanding Sistine Chapel, theologian says by Inés San Martín Global Sister Report
Restoration of Ghent Altarpiece reveals surprising face on the “Lamb of God” by John Burger Aleteia
7 Little-known facts about Michelangelo’s Pietà by V. M. Traverso Aleteia
Particles of Faith fills a gap in typical Catholic high school curriculums by Mary Woods The Catholic World Report
Traditional Catholic Procession in the Philippines brings Millions to the Streets for the 'Black Nazarene' sculpture of Jesus by Jesus Caritas Est Catholic News World
Teenage hopes expressed through painting a giant mural on an Edinburgh church by Rachel Farmer Anglican Communion News Service
Pope unveils sculpture commemorating migrants and refugees by Vatican News
Bono and Guggi: A friendship based on art, punk rock and Jesus by Cathleen Falsani Religion News Service
Exhibit brings Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel to Christ Cathedral by John Burger Aleteia
A Painter of the Holocaust for Our Times by Pat Lipsky Tablet
Inspired innovator: The startling Christian art of Tintoretto by Zelda Caldwell Aleteia
This amazing young artist sees Christ in each portrait she paints by Carissa Pluta Aleteia
Tintoretto’s Enlightenment by Fr. Robert P. Imbelli The Catholic Thing
An artist finds his calling in painting a city’s forgotten faces by Jean P. Kelly US Catholic
Amazing Mexican Artist Captures Jesus at Calvary with Optical Illusion - Octavio Ocampo by Jesus Caritas Est Catholic News World
Notre-Dame’s Artwork Is Headed to the Louvre by Milan Polk Vulture
The greatest Christian paintings of Leonardo da Vinci by John Burger Aleteia
Teens’ sacred art on display at LA Cathedral’s Robert Graham exhibit by Clara Fox Angelus News
Pietà offers meaning amid the betrayal of the abuse crisis by NCR Editorial Staff National Catholic Reporter
Sculpture worth suffering for by Heather King Angelus
David Lee Csicsko: Making the saints accessible today by Joyce Duriga Chicago Catholic
Revisiting Leonardo da Vinci’s faith 500 years after his death by Elizabeth Lev Angelus
Papal Nuncio blesses Homeless Jesus by Jesuits in Britain/ICN
Church wins praise for sculpture of 'homeless Jesus' in Canada by La Croix International
Philippine artist creates Christ image with guns, bullets by Ronald Reyes La Croix International
Afro-Latina artist reimagines Michelangelo's "The Creation of Adam" by Cecilia González-Andrieu America
St. Xavier mural part of ‘Tribute' by The Beverly Review
Art and Spirituality: In the name of the mother by Rich Heffern National Catholic Reporter
"Australia Catalogue" highlights role of Vatican Museums" by Linda Bordoni Inside the Vatican
Art at St. Benedict the African reflects experience of black Catholics by Joyce Duriga Chicago Cathol
Matilde gives drawing to Pope Francis, surrounding him with love by Albin Hiller Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace
An Irish monk breathes new life into liturgical art in Toronto by Dean Dettloff America
Denver’s ‘spiritual bartender’ uses art to share knowledge and faith by Shannon Levitt Crux
The Positively Art Calendar Truth & art in the new age of AIDS by Gordon Nary International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care
General Articles and Commentaries
Statement by UN ‘experts’ seeks to discredit the Holy See by Andrea Gagliarducci Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Report: Team’s antisemitic language goes back years by The Associated Press Link to Antisemitism
Mexico: Priest killed in shootout between drug gangs by Independent Catholic News Link to Murdered Priests and Seminarians and Gang Violence
5-year-old boy interrupts homily and asks for prayers for his intubated godfather by Magnús Sannleikur Aleteia
Thomas Merton's wisdom for a church in crisis by Daniel P. Horan National Catholic Reporter
St. Thomas More and the tribulations of our time by David G. Bonagura, Jr. The Catholic World Report
St. Thomas More for our times: not a culture war hero by David E. DeCosse National Catholic Reporter
Francis asks Chicago's Cupich to investigate Vatican's peace and justice office by Joshua J. McElwee National Catholic Reporter
Why Was Spider-Man at Pope Francis’ General Audience? by Hannah Brockhaus Catholic News Agency/National Catholic Register
World Health Organization Grants Holy See Permanent Observer Status by Christine Rousselle Catholic News Agency/National Catholic Reporter
Just Imagine by Tony Magliano Clarion Herald
Jailed Jesuit’s intensive care stay extended by CathNews Link to The Jesuits
Jesuit Provincial in China To Become New Bishop of Hong Kong by Brian Fraga Patheos Link to Catholicism and China
Pope at Audience: Evangelization requires us to follow unexpected paths by Fr. Benedict Mayaki, SJ Vatican News Link to Evangelization
HK’s Apple Daily to shut within days, says Jimmy Lai adviser by Anne Marie Roantree Reuters Link to China Challenges and to Media
US assessing reported leak at Chinese nuclear power facility by Zachary Cohen CNN
This 3D “carbon copy” of Jesus was created using the Shroud of Turin by Aleteia
How many times should a person be forgiven? by Rolando José Olivo Profiles in Catholicism Link to Forgiveness
Parents lose three children to tragic accident: ‘If Jesus can forgive me, I can forgive’ by Katie Yoder Catholic News Service /The Catholic World Report
Granting Forgiveness Does Not Mean We Return To The Way Things Were by Henry Karlson Patheos
What the new revisions to the Code of Canon Law mean for safeguarding by Carol Glatz Catholic News Service Link to Canon Law
Europe seeks disabled astronauts, more women in space by The Associated Press
'We women are pushed out of work because of childcare. It's hurtful' by BBC News Link to Women Challenges/ Outreach/Protection
Abortions Increase in UK, 42% Now Getting At Least 2nd Abortion by Catholic Arena Link to Abortion
EU bishops criticize report for stance on abortion, conscience clauses by Catholic News Service
Catholic Doctors Under Investigation Over Abortion-Reversal Treatment by K.V. Turley National Catholic Register
USCCB Pro-Life Secretariat: Congress Must Prevent Taxpayer-Funded Abortion by Matt Hadro Catholic News Agency/National Catholic Register
Austrian Archbishop stresses end of life a fundamental moment of life itself by Vatican News Link to End of Life Challenges
Spanish bishop criticizes bill that would criminalize pro-life witness near abortion clinics by Blanca Ruiz Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report Link to Other ProLife Challenges
Critics say Argentinian blacklist of pro-lifers uses Dirty War tactics by Inés San Martín Crux
Priest Bravely Faces Down Anti Baby Protestors by Catholic Arena
'Brainwashed' 1/6 Suspect Says Ashli Babbitt, Brian Sicknick May Not Have Died by Brendan Cole Newsbreak Link to Domestic Terrorism/Insurrection/Sedition
WHO: 1 in 100 deaths is by suicide, Over 700 000 people lose their life to suicide every year says a new study by the UN’s health agency. by Robin Gomes Vatican News Link to Suicide
Quadruple amputee has set high goals for college, his future by Tom Tracy Catholic News Service
Priest douses bishops with acid in Athens by Reuters
Confronting Suicide and Mental Health during COVID. by Stephen G. Adubato Patheos Link to Mental Health Challenges, and to Youth Challenges/ Outreach/Protection
Mozambique: Kidnapped nun raises alarm about hundreds of abducted children by Fionn Shiner and Paulo Aido Independent Catholic News Link to Children at Risk and toAfrican Challenges
Nigeria child abduction: Kidnappers demand millions for a child's life by BBC News
Tigray war: Walking three days to find a hospital by BBC News Link to War
As mental illness rises in Nigeria, nuns offer treatment, shelter to indigent people in Uyo by Valentine Iwenwanne Global Sisters Report Link to Mental Health/Illness
International community urged to stop rape as a weapon of war in Tigray by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux Link to Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls
Catholic priest among five people kidnapped in Mali by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Ethiopia conflict: 33,000 Tigray children risk death from hunger - UN by BBC News| Link to Starvation
Brazilian bishop calls President Bolsonaro a ‘fascist’ on Twitter by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux Link to Fascism
Seen and unseen: The role of faith, reason in the search for alien life by Junno Arocho Esteves Catholic News Service/Crux
Featured Report
The Healers by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
Parents and the Internet for Good and Bad by Father Shay Cullen The Manila Times Link to Social Media
Philippine bishop admonishes Duterte over ICC probe. Prelate challenges president to prove innocence if court accepts prosecutor's call for a full investigation into killings by Joseph Peter Calleja UCA News
Manila's new archbishop receives red hat and ring by Joseph Peter Calleja UCA News
Filipino Catholics back call for ICC to pursue Duterte. Chief prosecutor wants full investigation into president's deadly war on drugs by Joseph Peter Calleja UCA News
Texas lawmaker reacts to Lara Trump telling border citizens to 'arm up' by CNN/Newsbreak Link to Domestic Terrorism/Insurrection/Sedition
US intel report warns of more violence by QAnon followers by Micahel Kumzelman and Nomaan Merchant The Associated Press
'What planet' are they on? Judge blasts Republicans for downplaying attack on U.S. Capitol by Jan Wolfe Reuters
Leaked Chats Show Ex-Marine Wants to Make Maine Safe Space for Neo-Nazis by Homeland Security Today Link to Neo-Nazis
German soldiers dismissed over Hitler birthday song by Reuters
Will we ever know the real death toll of the pandemic? by Amruta Byatnal National Geographic Link to Covid-19
Anti-Vaccine Catholics Break Moral Theology Principles by Matthew Schneider Patheos
COVID vaccines for poor nations is a human right and moral duty by Tony Magliano Clarion Herald
Powerful new COVID-19 vaccine shows 90% efficacy, could boost world’s supply by Meredith Wadman Science
NIH director: We asked God for help with COVID-19, and vaccines are the ‘answer to that prayer by Jack Jenkins Religion News Service
G7 leaders’ vaccine pledge is a moral failure by CathNews New Zealand
Palestinians cancel deal for near-expired COVID vaccines from Israel by Ali Sawafta Rami and Ayyub Reuters
Immunogenicity of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines in Pregnant and Lactating Women by Ai-ris Y. Collier, MD; Katherine McMahan, MS, Jingyou Yu, PhD; et al JAMA Link to Pregnancy and Pregnancy Challenges
Covid: Deaf campaigner takes legal action over No 10 briefings by Helena Wilkinson BBC News Link to Deafness
For Hairy Cell Leukemia, Drug Combination Leads to Long-Lasting Remissions by National Cancer Institute Link to Cancer
Belfast woman who raised £10k for cancer research appeals for help after diagnosis by Irish Central
Five-year-old becomes 'sheriff' after beating cancer by BBC News
Public Citizen calls for top FDA officials to resign following Alzheimer's drug approval by Jacob Bell BioPharmaDive Link to Alzheimer’s disease
White-nose syndrome confirmed in Wyoming bats for 1st time by The Associated Press
Children's graves in Canada reflect Catholic logic of Indigenous vanishment by Kathleen Holscher National Catholic Reporter
Vatican Becciu investigation: Searches carried out at Sardinian diocese, social cooperative by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report Link to Financial Crimes
Rome tribunal backs Vatican in case against Italian broker by Nicole Winfield National Catholic Reporter
Priest follows footsteps of St Aidan to support vulnerable refugees by Daniel Sweeney Independent Catholic News Link to General Immigration Challenges
Keeping refugee advocacy alive by Andrew Hamilton Eureka Street
Church leaders preach peace in Nicaragua as they face threats from Ortega regime by Inés San MartínJ Crux
Statement by UN ‘experts’ seeks to discredit the Holy See by Andrea Gagliarducci Catholic News Agency
Pope Francis: Rigid Priests Are a Manifestation of Clericalism by Catholic News Agency/National Catholic Register Link to Clericalism
Russia says warning shots deter UK warship; London denies it by Valdimir Isachnkov and Jill Lawless The Associated Press
Remains of Ten Native American Children Who Died at Government Boarding School Return Home After 100 Years by Smithsonian Magazine Link to Native Americans
Shooting in Texas capital leaves 14 wounded; one suspect still at large by Reuters Link to Gun Violence
Family left in shock by shooting of young Palestinian woman by Josef Federman The Associated Press
Man pleads guilty to shooting Black girl at Iowa Trump rally by Ryan J. Foley The Associated Press
Rash of mass shootings stirs US fears heading into summer by Kathleen Food The Associated Press
AP: Some stolen US military guns used in violent crimes by Kristin M. Hall, James Laporta, Justine Pritchard and Justine Myers The Associated Press
GOP ramps up misleading attack on Democrats’ policing policy by Thomas Beaumont The Associated Press Link to Police Protection and Challenges
Biden backs funding more police to fight crime wave by BBC News
Police officer's throat cut while making arrest in Middlesbrough by BBC News
Berlin squat riot leaves dozens of police wounded by BBC News
'Corrupt' British police hid failings of murder investigation - report by Alistair Smout Reuters Link to Police Brutality and Misconduct
Portland riots: Police crowd-control team resigns after officer indicted by BBC News
Kings Bay Plowshares activists keep focus on continuing witness for peace by Dennis Sadowski Catholic News Service Link to Catholic Activism
China, US diplomats clash over human rights, pandemic origin by The Associated Press Link to China Challenges
China, Canada spar at UN body over human rights failings by James Keaten The Associated Press Link to Human Rights
Poverty must be tackled to end shame of India's child labor/ Do we want to be a nation largely of slaves, crippled in body and mind, or a nation free in spirit and aspiration? by Myron J. Pereira UCA News Link to Poverty
Pope calls for global approach to poverty by CathNews
Oregon lawmaker ousted for allowing rioters into State Capitol by BBC News Link to Domestic Terrorism/Insurrection/Sedition
Vatican project aims to make digital space a place of encounter by Junno Arocho Esteves Crux
Hayes stabbing: Boy, 15, charged with Jalan Woods-Bell's murder by BBC News Link to Murder
Officials: Man in boy road rage killing admitted firing gun by The Associated Press
Spanish bishop to punish priest for blaming mother after father kills children by Inés San Martín Crux
‘You stabbed me,’ boy tells father at double-murder trial by The Associated Press
Kenya: Police arrest fugitive charged with murdering priest by Junno Arocho Esteves Catholic News Service/Crux
The abuse crisis and the elusive horizon of a repenting church. Words of regret and acts of penance are not enough to heal the wounds and right the church by Massimo Faggioli La Croix International Link to Catholic Sexual Violence Against Minors
Survivor shares stories from church-run residential ‘school’ St. Eugene’s in B.C. by Athena Bonneau Toronto Star Link to Violence Against Children
Advance compensation payments to be made available to some child sexual abuse survivors following national redress scheme review by Matthew Doran Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Sex abuse survivors call for system-wide audit of Southern Baptist Convention by Yonat Shimron Religion News Service
Imran Ahmad Khan: Wakefield MP charged with sex assault on boy by BBC News
Federal government faces lawsuit over sexual abuse of children on Canadian military bases by David Pugliese Ottawa Citizen
‘Preserve the base’: Leaked audio of SBC leaders shows reluctance on dealing with sex abuse by Bob Smietana and Adelle M. Banks Religion News Service Link to Protestant Sexual Violence Against Minors
Assisted dying bill to be lodged at Scottish Parliament by BBC News Link to Euthanasia
No-one has right to step in to end a life: Archbishop Costelloe by CathNews
Meet the Vatican librarian who was the Gordon Ramsay of his age by John L. Allen Jr. Crux
AP Exclusive: In pandemic, drug overdose deaths soar among Black Americans by Claire Galogaro The Associated Press Link to Addiction
Biden Plans to Reverse Trump’s Alaska Policy. Here’s Why It Matters. by Maryam Gamar Vox Link to United States Politics- Part Two
John Boehner: Joe Biden is 'a good Catholic' by Christopher White National Catholic Reporter
Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Think They Can Salvage Their Reputations by Pretending to Want Nothing to Do With Trump by Bess Levin Vanity Fair
New emails reveal a Trump White House gone mad by Elie Honig NewsBreak
Emails show Trump pressured Justice Dept. over 2020 election by Michael Balsamo and Coleen Long The Associated Press Link to Immoral Political Practices
Rudy Giuliani suspended from practicing law in New York state by Katelyn Polantz CNN
Germany gets 1st military rabbi in over a century by The Associated Press/Religion News Service
Video shows man apologized before Honolulu police shot him by Jennifer Sinco Kelleher The Associated Press/ABC News
They killed her husband. Her mercy saved their lives by Christopher Smith The Jesuits Link to Prison Challenges
John McAfee found dead in Spanish prison by Clare Duffy and Alan Goodman CNN Business
Pornography producer sentenced to 20 years for sex trafficking by Christine Rousselle Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report Link to Pornography Challenges and to Human Trafficking
HMP Swansea: Inquiry call after prison officer stabbed by inmate by BBC News
Chamoli disaster: 'It hit the valley floor like 15 atomic bombs' by Jonathan Amos BBC News
IMF eyes new trust to provide aid to broader group of countries-Georgieva by Andrea Shalal Reuters
Citing misogyny, Aussie swimmer pulls out of Olympic trials by John Py The Associated Press
Why Is a French Catholic Archdiocese Expelling the FSSP? by Solène Tadié National Catholic Register
Canada truck attack suspect charged with terrorism by BBC News Link to Terrorism
Military bombs Myanmar Catholic Church – civilians killed by CathNews New Zealand Link to War
Migrants fleeing religious persecution find refuge in SF by Lorena Rojas Catholic San Francisco Link to General United States Immigration Challenges
On DACA anniversary, bishop urges pathway to citizenship for 'Dreamers' by Julie Asher Catholic News Service/Angelus Link to DACA
Britain calls EU view of N Ireland offensive in Brexit spat by Jill Lawless The Associated Press/Crux Link to US Military and Veterans
Fr. James Martin on LGBT ministry: Love the 'most important' church teaching by Madeleine Davison National Catholic Reporter Link to LGBTQ Challenges
Vatican invokes sovereign status to protest anti-homophobia bill by John L. Allen Jr. Crux
Featured Report
A Narrow, Small Church: A Case for Discernment for LGBTQ+ and Progressive Catholics by Benjamin Brenkert Profiles in Catholicism
Same-Sex-Adoption, Catholic Teaching Dispute Leads to GOP Divisions in Massachusetts by Matt McDonald National Catholic Register
Don't forget the loveless transgender people of India by Father George Kannanthanam UCA News
Critical entities targeted in suspected Chinese cyber spying by Alan Sugarman The Associated Press Link to Cybersecurity and to China Challenges
People with disabilities faced more barriers during pandemic, academy says by Carol Glatz Catholic News Service Link to Disabilities
Pontifical Academy for life on disability and friendship by Vatican News
Irish missionary champions rights of poor, powerless in South Korea. Father O'Keeffe has spent more than 40 years supporting marginalized communities in the East Asian country by Rock Ronald Rozario UCA News
Thousands march in Dublin demanding 100% percent redress in mica scandal by Irish Central Link to Ireland Issues and Challenges
Veteran lawmaker to lead N. Ireland’s DUP after turmoil by Jill Lawless The Associated Press/Crux
Irish bishops choose woman to guide route to national synodLaywoman Nicola Brady currently works on building relations between the Christian traditions in Ireland by Michael Kelly Catholic News Service/UCA News
Ireland: The Organization Has Helped 7,000 Victims of Abuse over the Past 25 Years by Scout Mitchell Swords Today
Ireland’s religious education teachers concerned by bullying of practicing Catholic students by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report Link to School Bullying and Hazing
Student's death ignites debate about hazing at Thai colleges by UCA News
Cardinal Cupich: A world without nuclear weapons is ‘not some utopian dream’ by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report Link to Nuclear Challenges
MLB to give 10-game suspensions over doctored baseballs, issue new guidance by Fox News
An altar call for action on racial justice at CTSA convention by Heidi Schlumpf National Catholic Reporter Link to Racial Challenges and Outreach
Pakistan: Children kick up stink over sewage by Fionn Shiner Independent Catholic News
Churches vandalized in Vancouver archdiocese by Joe Bukuras Catholic News Agency
Kim Jong-un admits North Korea facing a 'tense' food shortage by BBC News
Patients awarded $15M after fertility clinic accident destroys eggs, embryos. The manufacturer had reportedly known about the defect and had not warned Pacific Fertility Center about the issue. by Joseph Guzma The Hill
More than 30 pelicans mutilated on Southern California coast by The Associated Press
Texas Supreme Court Sides With Lubbock Diocese Over Deacon Accused of Sexual Misconduct. The diocese's handling of an alleged sexual misconduct instance is a matter of ecclesiastical rather than civil law, the court decided. by Isaiah Mitchel The Texan
Tens of thousands in dark after blackout hits USVI by The Associated Press
Catholic teacher's death highlights scandals in Indonesian education. The stabbing of a principal has put the spotlight on corruption and poor administration in school funding by Siktus Harson UCA News
Catholics in Holy Land to Celebrate “Peace Day for the East” by The Catholic Herald
German soldiers dismissed over Hitler birthday song by Reuters Link to Neo-Nazis
A Scary Plan to Revise the Definition of Death. People may be less willing to agree to be organ donors if they believe the quest for organs changes how patients are treated. by Ramesh Ponnuru Bloomberg Link to Organ Donation
38 years after teen’s disappearance, brother condemns Vatican’s ‘silence’ by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Estonian theologian elected new General Secretary of Lutheran World Federation by Vatican News
With owner in jail, assets frozen, Hong Kong newspaper announces closure by Catholic News Service/Crux Link to Media
Children’s graves in Canada reflect Catholic logic of Indigenous vanishment by Kathleen Holscher National Catholic Reporter
Study: Half of US cosmetics contain toxic chemicals by Matthew Daly The Associated Press
Please support one of our organizations, colleagues, and friends who need help
Please send a donation to help my close friend Alwin Rex in India. Please read the article How do we love our neighbor as ourselves? and send a donation of $10.00 or more to help cover his healthcare costs to Father Thomas Ayyaneth, Syro Malankara Catholic Eparchial Chancery,1500 DePaul Street, Elmont, New York 11003, USA with a notation that the donation is for Alwin Rex. Father Thomas will process donations and send them to his pastor. Thank you Gordon Nary Editor, Profiles in Catholicism
When Children are Set Free by Father Shay Cullen Preda Foundation
Book Reviews and Commentaries
At Eternity’s Gate: Artists of the Infinite by Father John O'Brien, OFM Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
At Eternity’s Gate: Artists of the Infinite by Father John O'Brien, OFM Reviewed by Francis Etheredge Profiles in Catholicism
Catholic Art Appreciation for Little Ones by Nicole M. McGinnis Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
The Dialectics of Art by John Molyneux Reviewed by Ciaran Freeman National Catholic Reporter
Michelangelo, God’s Architect: The Story of His Final Years and Greatest Masterpiece by William E. Wallace Commentary by Ingrid D. Rowland The New York Review of Books
Jenny Saville by Richard Calvocoressi and Mark Steven Reviewed by Ciaran Freeman America
Stumbling From Grace: How we Meet God in Tiny Works of Mercy by Mary Pezzulo Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
The Catholic Spirit: An anthology for discovering faith through literature, art film and music by Michael Bettigole, OSF and James D. Childs Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
The Spiritual Work of Racial Justice: A Month of Meditations with Ignatius of Loyola by Patrick Saint-Jean, S.J. Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Walking with Ignatius by Arturo Sosa, SJ in conversation with Darío Menor Reviewed by Phyllis Zagano National Catholic Reporter
SIX POPES: A Son of the Church Remembers by Monsignor Hilary C. Franco Commentary by 206Tours
The Cost of My Faith: How a Decision in My Cake Shop Took Me to the Supreme Court by Jack Phillips Reviewed by Kevin J. Jones Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Mom Genes: Inside the New Science of Our Ancient Maternal Instinct by Abigail Tucker Reviewed by Kate Scanlon Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
The Book of Longings by Sue Monk Kidd Reviewed by Sue Monk Kidd National Catholic Reporter
Acts of the Apostles by Fr Tom O'Reilly Reviewed by Sarah MacDonald Independent Catholic News
I am With You: Lessons of Hope and Courage in Times of Crisis by Timothy M. Dolan Commentary/Interview by Charles C. Camosy Crux
Philosophizing in Faith: Essays on the Beginning and End of Wisdom, by Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P Commentary by Joseph G. Trabbic The Catholic World Report
The Unbroken Thread: Discovering the Wisdom of Tradition in an Age of Chaos. by Sohrab Ahmari Reviewed by Seosamh O’Caoimh Catholic Arena
The Secret Life of Albert Entwistle by Matt Cain Commentary by Matt Cain BBC
Television Reviews/Commentaries
Trese Reviewed by Yvette Tan BBC News
Kim's Convenience Reviewed by Clarissa Aljentera National Catholic Reporter
Penguin Town Commentary by Mark Kennedy The Associated Press
Film Reviews/Commentaries
In the Heights Reviewed by Sigal Ratner-Arais The Associated Press
Fatima Reviewed by Jo Siedlecka Independent Catholic News
Animals and Men Reviewed by J-P Mauro Aleteia
Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway Reviewed by Joseph McAleer Catholic News Service
Luca Reviewed by Deacon Steven D. Greydanus National Catholic Register
Queen Bees Reviewed by Lindsey Bahr The Associated Press
Two Gods Reviewed by Joseph Hammond Religion News Service
Infinite Reviewed by Lindsey Bahr The Associated Press
Brian Wilson: Long Promised Road Commentary by David Bauder The Associated Press
The Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard Reviewed by John Mulderig Catholic News Service
The Keepers Reviewed by Arifa Noor DAWN Newspaper
Feasting with the Saints
The Unbelief of St Thomas - Praying with Art - Geoff Wheaton SJ
The Catholic Church and the Arts
Pope John Paul II's "Letter to Artists"
Alma Redemptoris Mater (Gregorian chant set to Catholic art)
Marco Lo Russo - Ave Maria dedicate to Pope Francis accordion piano soprano (Official Music Video)

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