A Message from the Editor
What is the Dollar Value of a Child's Life?
St Francis of Assisi chose poverty as a way of life. Unfortunately, in many places, poverty is a way of death if one cannot pay for life-saving drugs. That is what has happened to my friend Francis Otieno with whom I have worked for many years. Francis and his wife live in Kenya and have no more funds to pay for the HIV/AIDS drugs to save the lives of the children for whom they care.
These drugs cost a fraction of what they cost in many countries and even a few dollars could help save a child's life, I have worked all over the world for nearly twenty years in helping address HIV/AIDS care - especially for infants and children, I worked with the Vatican in 2000 in convincing the South African government to allow HIV/AIDS drugs into the country to prevent mother–to-child transmission of HIV disease. Here are some notes on my advocacy efforts.
I am praying, even begging, that our readers will make a donation in any amount to save a child's life by sending it to Francis's PayPal account at Nyarambafutureinterventions@gmail.com
I have held the bodies of dead children in my arms - an experience that has seared my soul forever. Please help Francis and consider that Pope Francis has questioned what society values more-- children or money.
A Quote to Remember
“Men lose all the material things they leave behind them in this world, but they carry with them the reward of their charity and the alms they give. For these, they will receive from the Lord the reward and recompense they deserve. by Saint Francis of Assisi
Special Prayer
Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
by Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration
A Prayer for Children In Kenya Who Need HIV Drugs or They Will Die:
A friend of the editor, Gordon Nary, called Francis Otieno[1], lives in Africa and has been caring for children with HIV for many years. He is totally out of money which means that the children could die. Gordon is addressing this challenge in the June 1st issue of “Profiles in Catholicism”. Francis: “Nothing is too little to make a positive difference. Every dollar counts. Please send donations to PayPal:
“Hoping against Hope” (cf. CCC, 1819)
A Prayer for Children Living in Poverty who Need HIV Drugs:
Lord, you know how much it cost to come to our aid:
To leave and to remain in the mystery of your dwelling in eternity;
The years of being in the family; working; going on pilgrimage; Walking; the friendships; wasting time with each one of us; the Miracles; the rejections; the celebrations that turned into a Crucifixion; the resurrection and the many visitations; and, in the end,
You have sent us the abiding presence of Your Holy Spirit.
Lord, you know how much is sealed in our pocket:
You know our choice of clothes; the bags and jewellery we buy; the Money we spend on “treats” and “sweets”, whether they are bigger Cars than we need; better dishwashers; bigger screens; longer Holidays; quicker and slicker phones; trainers with a trade name; Socks with a face; an outfit for climbing, running, and more – So
You sent us the Holy Spirit to loosen us from our baggage.
Lord, you know the neediness of those who need our help:
You know the help we need to understand being too poor to provide For orphans; to buy medicines; to buy the underclothes and other Helpful items we need; to pay for travel; school; school clothes; rent; Food; to support widows; to help the carers care; to keep in contact With each other; and to further the gifts of each and everyone here –
So send us the Holy Spirit to make it possible for us to be generous!
by Francis Etheredge, author of the forthcoming:
Within Reach of You: A Book of Prose and Prayers:
Prayer for the Victims of the Violence in the Middle East
Oh Lord, we join together with Pope Francis, praying for an end to the conflict between Israel and the terrorist Hamas, and between Israeli Jews and Palestinians. We join together in prayer for all of the victims of this conflict, men, women, parents, and especially the children who have died or been wounded. May you take them into your infinite Love, Oh Lord, and give them and their families peace and hope for a better future for all. Oh Lord, we pray that our country and other democracies around the world will be able to work together to help to end this terrible conflict so that those who have been harmed and the families of children who have been killed or hurt may mourn and begin to heal in a way that will ensure a peaceful resolution of this conflict and find a path to lasting peace, living together in harmony and community rather than conflict. by Dr. Eugene Fisher Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer for Unity
We are one
Give us the strength of mind and heart, with friendship by our side,
knowing we are not alone but in family love we are grounded and reside.
The power to meet the challenge of each and every day.
Is within us to endure and heal and overcome the pain no matter what they say.
Blessed are those who truly care and with us endure and take a stand
In oneness and in friendship will give a hug and hold our hand.
It is that love that holds us and makes us resilient, wise and strong,
With your inspiration Lord we can endure the pain until it is dead and gone.
We wait in your presence, Goodness and enduring love,
We see the freedom and embrace the light descending from above,
You give us faith and power to overcome,
We are together, as true family, we are one.
Amen by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer for the Victims of the San Jose Shooting
Dear Lord
Welcome the souls of those who were murdered in San Jose and comforter their
families and friends. Please inspire our politicians to propose and pass effective legislation that will reduce and hopefully eliminate such incomprehensible crimes.
by Sarah Lyon Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer for Siluvaimuthu Lazer
Loving Lord,
Please welcome your loving servant Siluvaimuthu Lazer into your infinite loving embrace after dying from Covid-19. Pease comfort his son Alwinrex Lazar and all of his family for their loss and remind them that Siluvaimuthu is infinitely happy with the Lord whom he loves.
by Gordon Nary Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer for the Bishops and Priests have died from Covid 19 in Mexico
Good and Gracious God,
We ask you to bless the people of Mexico who have lost 5 bishops and 220 priest during the time of this pandemic. We ask you to bless them with your love in their seemingly unending pain. Help them to realize that you will stay with them and help them at this time and always.
We ask you to bless their country and all countries by providing the call to serve you, Lord, as a priest. Fill the hearts of young men with your love and desire to serve you as they continue on their journey in life. Bless all who live in the horror of this pandemic and rid it from us. We ask you this through Jesus Christ your Son, Our Lord
by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer to Prevent Antisemitism
Creator God, your Son, our brother Jesus, would have died in the
Holocaust because of the antisemitic attitudes that too many
Christians promoted since he was a faithful Jew. Keeping
in mind Jesus' strong rootage in Judaism and our many
failures in the past with regard to antisemitism we offer our prayer
and our support to our Jewish brothers and sisters as they face
yet another outbreak of this cancer in our body politic. Our
prayer today is a proclamation of solidarity and a
commitment to public action against this continuing scourge. by Father John Pawlikowski,OSM Profiles in Catholicism
Franciscan Interviews
Non-Franciscan Interviews
Franciscan Articles/Commentaries
Featured Report
Saint Francis and the Sultan by Father John O'Brien, OFM Profiles in Catholicism
Featured Report
All The Beauty I See by Father John O'Brien, OFM Profiles in Catholicism
Featured Report
Matisse and the Chapel of the Rosary by Father John O'Brien, OFM Profiles in Catholicism
Franciscan spiritual wisdom to navigate the 'digital continent' by Daniel P. Horan National Catholic Reporter
Why the church should fight anti-transgender legislation by Daniel P. Horan National Catholic Reporter
Biden administration's climate agenda reflects spirit of Laudato Si' by Daniel P. Horan Earthbeat
From Fear to Love in Action by Br. John Kiesler, OFM Mission Doctors Association
Franciscan leaders urge ‘boldness’ by U.S. to end violence in Holy Land by Catholic News Service/Crux
‘We are all brothers,’ Franciscan in Jericho says of iftar gifts by Judith Sudilovsky Catholic News Service
A Franciscan Capuchin Writes in Defense of Pope Francis - "Building Bridges" by Brother Paul Coleman The Catholic World Report
Love is of God by Sr. Maryann Mueller, CSSF Acting Franciscan
Conflicting loyalties: the Irish Franciscans and the English Crown in the High Middle Ages by Anne Müller JSTOR
Franciscan University studying herd immunity, coronavirus by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Marching for Human Rights by Jocelyn Thomas Franciscan Friars Holy Name Provence
When beloved individualism runs into the common good by Dan Misleh Franciscan Action Network
Franciscan friar named cardinal says he is taking a leap into the deep by Courtney Mares Catholic News Agency
Franciscan, volunteers help homeless in Bogota survive pandemic by Manuel Rued Crux
Guided by Franciscan charism, shelter serves growing number of homeless by Michael Brown Catholic News Service/America
Franciscan and Poor Clare vocation more relevant than ever, says new guardian at the Abbey by Declan Varley Galway Advertiser Link to Religious Vocations
Franciscan-led team spearheads fight against mines in Honduran province by Catholic News Service/America
A reflection on the Prayer of St. Francis by Franciscan Action Network
Franciscans nurture Indonesian youth awareness of nature by Ryan Dagur UCANews.
Father Dave Interviews Brother Malachy by Busted Halo
Galway Franciscans and Poor Clares celebrate launch of www.holyname.ie by Galway Advertiser
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General Articles/Commentaries
Children, HIV and AIDS by Avert Link to HIV/AIDS
The world can only beat AIDS by ending the inequalities that drive the epidemic by UNAIDS
Pope Francis asks society which it values more: Children or money by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report Link to Children Challenges/Outreach/Protection
Q & A with Sr. Mary Berigan, expanding Blessing House children's crisis care center in Ohio by Dan Stockman Global Sisters Report
Britain’s back street baby rescue by Fiorella Nash The Catholic World Report
Christians Must Not Excuse Themselves From Helping Others by Henry Karlson Patheos
Happy Birthday Blessed Carlo Acutis: Last Week In Life by Mark Wilson Patheos
Westminster: Two parishes receive relics of Bl Carlo Acutis by Independent Catholic News
Alien life looks more and more likely. Catholics are ready. by Charles C. Camosy Religion News Service
Whose synodality? Social alliances and institutional models in global Catholicism by Massimo Faggioli National Catholic Reporter Link to Catholicism
Bishop Robert Barron's 'beige' version of Vatican II by Massimo Faggioli National Catholic Reporter
Five reasons to read Dei Verbum—and five things you’ll learn in doing so, The Council’s “Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation”, promulgated in late 1965, has plenty to teach about Scripture, theology, and the person of Jesus Christ. by Dr. Leroy Huizenga The Catholic World Report
Archbishop Aquila: Germany’s Synodal Path Needs Repentance, Belief, Truth.In a 15-page commentary on the fundamental text produced by the first forum of the German Catholic Synodal Path, Archbishop Aquila warned that the first basic text offers “selective and misleading” interpretations of Church teaching. by Archbishop Aquila: National Catholic Register
Vatican’s vanishing artisans: Traditional workshops struggle amid COVID-19 by Robert Duncan Crux Link to Spirituality and Art
Video: Fool for Christ - the Story of Dorothy Day by Independent Catholic News Link to Spirituality and Theater
God in the Music of Damiana Natali by Claudio Zonta SJ La Civiltà Cattolica Link to Spirituality and Music
Martha Graham, ‘athlete of God’ by Heather King Angelus
The Rabbinic Network. Using new digital techniques to unravel foundational questions about the Talmud by Michael Satlow Tablet
A Critique of Anti-Antisemitism. The notion of Jews as a collective people is not an antisemitic fever dream. It is embedded in both Judaism and the Israeli constitution. by Elad Lapidot Link to Antisemitism
Anti-Semitic attacks are being reported in US cities as tensions flare over the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by Nicole Chavez, Brynn Gingras. and Kristina Sgueglia, CNN
Europe’s Worrying Surge of Antisemitism by Benjamin Ward Human Rights Watch
Angst or Reality: How Bad Is anti-Semitism in Italy? by Anna Momigliano Haaretz
Protests after French court rules Jewish woman’s 'delirious' killer not fit for trial by France24
Polish university calls anti-Semitic blood libel claims ‘scientific discourse’. Catholic institution decides not to punish priest and faculty member who said Jews practice ‘ritual murders’ by Katarzyna Markusz The Times of Israel
Marjorie Taylor Greene compares mask mandate to Holocaust-era 'gold star'. Such comparisons demean the Holocaust and contaminate American political speech," the American Jewish Congress said in response to Greene's comments, demanding she apologize for them. by Idan Zonshine The Jerusalem Post
All About Eve. Polish-born Chawa Zloczewer immigrated to America in 1912 and became Eve Adams, a radical activist and author of the book ‘Lesbian Love.’ But, as a new biography explains, she was under constant surveillance by the government—until she was jailed on obscenity charges and deported back to Europe, where she was murdered in Auschwitz. by Jonathan Ned Katz Tablet Link to Murder
California Bishop Prays For Victims Of ‘Senseless’ San Jose Shooting by Catholic News Service/The Tablet
At least 8 dead after shooting at public transit rail yard in San Jose, California by Eric Levenson and Stella Chan CNN
Rabbi Brad on Pentecost and the Holy Spirit by Busted Halo
Pope Francis greets holocaust survivor at General Audience, by Salvatore Cernuzi Vatican News Link to The Holocaust
Ukraine opens symbolic synagogue at Holocaust site near Kyiv by DW Akademie
Jewish history and Holocaust studies scholar murdered in Ukraine by Cnaan Liphshiz The Forward
An Insider’s Guide to the Most Important Story on Earth. A former AP correspondent explains how and why reporters get Israel so wrong, and why it matters by Matto Froedman Tablet
"State terrorism" - Outrage as Belarus diverts Ryanair flight to arrest activist/Journalist and activist Roman Protasevich, 26, was detained on “was forced to divert to Minsk airport from its Athens-to-Vilnius route. by Shane O'Brien Irish Central Link to International Terrorism and to Immoral Political Practices
France’s bloody reality by Marc Weitzmann Table Link to Islam
Neo-Nazi leader arrested in Arizona for aggravated assault by Julia Harte Reuters Link to Neo-Nazis
Biden: White supremacists are the ‘most lethal terrorist threat’ to US by Ron Kampas The Times of Israel Link to White Supremacy
Everything We’re Reading About UFOs. The U.S. military is starting to open up about unexplained phenomena in American airspace. What exactly is going on? by Alex Dalenberg Pocket
Catholic priest among 11 people kidnapped in Nigeria’s Kaduna archdiocese by Catholic News Agency/ The Catholic World Report Link to African Challenges
Central African republic must capitalize on lull in violence, cardinal says by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux
Internal emails reveal WHO knew of sex abuse claims in Congo by Maia Cheng and Al0Hadji Kudra Maliro The Associated Press
Nigeria: Priest killed, another kidnapped by Independent Catholic News Link to Murdered Priests and Seminarians
Southern Madagascar drought leads to starvation; pandemic complicates aid by Bronwen Dachs Catholic News Service Link to Starvation
Texas lawmakers approve abortion ban as early as 6 weeks by Jim Vertuno The Associated Press/ABC News Link to Abortion
Malta’s president: I would rather resign than sign abortion bill by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Abortion Is Wrong Because It Destroys a Human Life. So Does Rape. by Rebecca Hamilton Patheos
Meet the mother challenging the UK’s Down syndrome abortion law by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report Link to Down Syndrome
Abortion activists want to eliminate Day of the Unborn Child in Argentine city by Giselle Vargas Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Proposed change to brain death laws draws criticism from some doctors, ethicists by Jonah McKeown Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report Link to Other ProLife Challenges and to End of Life Challenges
Philippine bishop advocates confession using mobile phones. Prelate says the sacrament is valid as long as the penitent and priest are separated but still in each other's presence by Joseph Peter Calleja UCA News
Everything You Need to Know about the New Executive Order on Cybersecurity by Robert Chesney and Trey Herr Lawfare Link to Cybersecurity
Cyberspace Is Neither Just an Intelligence Contest, nor a Domain of Military Conflict; SolarWinds Shows Us Why It’s Both by Erica D. Borghard Lawfare
Barlborough Hall School pupils learn sign language to help their friend by Victoria Slack Independent Catholic News Link to Deafness
Blind Patients Hope Landmark Gene-Editing Experiment Will Restore Their Vision by Rob Stein NPR Link to Blindness
New Device Allows Man With Paralysis to Type by Imagining Handwriting by Theresa Machemer Smithsonian Magazine
Priest ‘said God bless after raping Gateshead woman’ by BBC Link to Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls
Rape-accused priest tells court: ‘We never claim to be perfect’ by BBC
World Youth Day guidelines emphasize importance of diocesan celebrations by Junno Arocho Esteves Catholic News Service Link to Youth Challenges/Outreach/Protection
Minister uses his life experiences to help at-risk youth in Pilsen by Ely Segura Chicago Catholic
The Ten Commandments and baseball rules by Dick Flavin The Pilot
Famed Hawaii quarterback Colt Brennan dead at age 37 by Jennifer Sinco Kelleher The Associated Press
Scottish First Minister condemns ‘vile’ anti-Catholicism of soccer fans by Charles Collin Crux
Mississippi says it awaits $600K repayment from Brett Favre by Leah Willingham The Associated Press
Cardinal Cupich ordains nine men to the priesthood by Michelle Martin Chicago Catholic
The Treaty to Ban Nuclear Weapons Enters into Force by Drew Christiansen SJ La Civiltà Cattolica Link to Nuclear Challenges
Scientists, Catholic leaders urge Biden to work for world without nuclear weapons by Independent Catholic News
George Weigel: Church in Germany called to fidelity to revelation by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Catholic charity throws lifeline to disabled in Singapore by UCA News Link to Disabilities
Asha Bhavan is a home away from home for girls with disabilities by Shanti Pulickal The Global Sisters Report
Canadian pastor whose Easter confrontation with police went viral arrested after holding church service by Fox News
Nun seeks banning of ‘blasphemous’ film in India by Nirmala Carvalho Crux
Moderna founder launches new biotech, looking to cure diseases through 'endless RNA' by Jacob Bell BioPharma Dive
FDA Grants Orphan Drug Status to BOLD-100 For the Treatment of Gastric Cancer by Nichole Tucker Targeted Oncology Link to Cancer
Off-the-shelf CAR-T, a Tagrisso rival and the next breast cancer drugs: a look ahead at ASCO by Ben Fidler and Ned Pagliarulo BioPharmaDive
US task force lowers recommended age to start colorectal cancer screening to 45 by Lauren Mascarenhas CNN
Experts Answer Eight Key Questions About Covid-19 Vaccine Reactions by Emily Mullin Smithsonian Magazine Link to Covid-19
Mexican Catholics Turn to the Holy Child Doctor for Healing in Times of Covid-19 by Andrew Chesnut Patheos
‘Dracula’s Castle’ Is Now Offering Visitors Free Covid-19 Vaccinations by Brigit Katz Smithsonian Magazine
A Breakthrough Against Mosquito-Borne Malaria by Victoria Jaggard National Geographic Link to Malaria
A Week Of Tuberculosis Screening From Zero TB At Realino SPM by Jesuits Indonesia Link to Tuberculosis
ALS study reveals a unique population by Science Daily Link to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
Billy Porter Breaks a 14-Year Silence: “This Is What HIV-Positive Looks Like Now” by Billy Porter, as told to Lacey Ross The Hollywood Reporter/Pocket
Jesuit superior laments ‘destruction’ in his Venezuelan homeland
by Inés San Martín Crux Link to The Jesuits
Philippine Jesuits honor order's founder. Society of Jesus launches special events to mark the 500th anniversary of St. Ignatius of Loyola's conversion by Joseph Peter Calleja UCA News
The Spiritual Memoirs of Peter Faber, SJ by Miguel Ángel Fiorito, SJ and Jaime Heraclio Amadeo, SJ La Civilta Cattolica
UPDATE: High Court orders jailed Indian Jesuit to hospital for evaluation by Catholic News Service
Relatives fear jailed Indian Jesuit has Covid-19. Jesuits seek federal help to examine the health of 84-year-old Father Stan Saji by Saji Thomas UCA News
Two Jesuit priests’ ministries featured in new documentaries by Mark Pattison Catholic News Service/Crux
They killed her husband. Her mercy saved their lives by Christopher Smith, SJ The Jesuits Link to Murder
Germany looks for church reform, causing concern among some Catholics by The Pilot
St. John Brebeuf students weave mats for homeless by Joyce Duriga Chicago Catholic Link to Homeless
Exorcist Diary #137: No Love in Hell by Msgr.Stephen Rossetti Catholic Exorcism Link to Exorcism and Satanism
Catholic hospitals say added payments could cost them $80m by Richard Ferguson The Australian/CathNews
'Everywhere, there is pain': Indian sisters on life in the COVID-19 hotspot by Global Sisters Report
Philippine Church issues warning over fake social media. by Joseph Peter Calleja UCA News Link to Social Media
Priest warns of crisis as agencies respond to Congo volcano aftermath by Fredrick Nzwili Catholic News Service/Crux
Sisters fight Nigeria trafficking with networking, advocacy and collaboration by Patrick Egwu Global Sisters Report Link to Human Trafficking
Atrocities still occurring in Ethiopia’s Tigray region, says priest by Fredrick Nzwili Catholic News Service
‘This thing’s going to blow up on us’: The religious extremism fueling violence in Nigeria by Matt Hadro Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Vindication as ten Ballymurphy Massacre victims found to all be innocent. Nearly 50 years after their deaths, ten victims of the 1971 Ballymurphy Massacre have been declared "entirely innocent of any wrongdoings" by a coroner in Belfast. by IrishCentral Link to Ireland Issues and Challenges
Dublin archbishop defends religious education in Irish schools by Charles Collins Crux
Irish health system struggling to recover from cyberattack by Sylvia Jui. Danika Kirka, and Frank Bajak The Associated Press
Irish footsteps echo in Rome's past by Dr Vivian Boland OP The Irish News
“Irish Joseph Fritzl” - Irish woman held captive and raped by stepfather over 20 years by Shane O'Brien Irish Central Link to Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls
Irish woman accused of murdering her three children can be named publically again by Shane O'Brien IrishCentral Link to Murdered Children
Doctors in Ireland Beware: A Warning About Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia by Dr. Kevin Hay Catholic Arena Link to Assisted Suicide and to Euthanasia
Euthanasia threatens vulnerable Australians by Fr Frank Brennan SJ CathNews
Catholic University professor’s suicide prevention treatment deemed ‘well supported’ by Catholic Mews Agency/The Catholic World Report Link to Suicide
Study Deems Treatment Created at Catholic U for Suicidal Risk 'Well Supported' by David Jobes The Catholic University of America
A Mission for Father Stewert. From Kathmandu to Timbuktu, an American monk travels the world to safeguard invaluable treasure—ancient documents that tell humanity’s story by Joshua Hammer Smithsonian Magazine
“Who Is This Monster?” She went undercover to catch a rapist. Two decades later, she finally got her chance. by Catherine Rentz ProPublica Link to Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls
16 Jehovah’s Witnesses released from prison in Turkmenistan during Ramadan by Adelle M. Banks Religion News Service Link to Prison Challenges
Thousands of inmates infected with Covid at two Thai prisons by UCA News
Christian higher ed courses in prisons continue, adapt amid COVID-19 by Emily McFarlan Miller and Adelle M. Banks Religion News Service
Covid-19 Fueling Anti-Asian Racism and Xenophobia Worldwide by Human Rights Watch Link to Racial Challenges and Outreach
Meet the Riot Squad: Right-Wing Reporters Whose Viral Videos Are Used to Smear BLM by Robert Mackey and Travis Mannon The Intercept
Fauci says pandemic exposed ‘undeniable effects of racism’ by The Associated Press
How a Genetic Trait in Black People Can Give the Police Cover. Sickle cell trait has been cited in dozens of police custody deaths ruled accidental or natural, even though the condition is benign on its own, a Times investigation found. by Michael LaForgia and Jennifer Valentino-DeVries The New York Times
Wisconsin Senate approves ‘water cremation’ for human use. Bill allows dead bodies to be dissolved with lye, poured into the sewer. The proposal, opposed by Wisconsin’s five Catholic bishops, now goes to the state Assembly by Joseph M. Hanneman The Catholic World Report Link to End of Life Challenges
Pope recalls 40th anniversary of attack on Saint Pope John Paul II by Linda Bordoni Vatican News
Syriac Catholic patriarch says situation in Syria ‘humanly unbearable’ by Doreen Abi Raad Catholic News Service/Crux Link to War
A Muslim and Jewish Call for Shalom, Salaam, Peace in Jerusalem, Israel, and Palestine by Rabbi Arthur Waskow The Shalom Center Link to Acts of War
Israel-Gaza: How children on both sides experienced the conflict by BBC Link to Children Challenges/ Outreach/Protection
Catholic Palestinian gets kidney transplant from slain Jewish Israeli by Judith Sudilovsky Catholic News Service Link to Organ Harvesting
Pope Francis: Children’s deaths in Israel-Gaza conflict ‘terrible and unacceptable’ by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has torn apart Chicago’s biggest Facebook moms group by Philissa Cramer The Forward
US sending new aid to Palestinians as conflict intensifies by Matthew Lee The Associated Press
The West's genocide deniers are dragging down the Palestinian cause by Muhammad Hussein Middle East Monitor
Palestinians facing eviction rescued my family, says Jewish professor by Middle East Monitor
Speech for Nakba 2021: 'A Jew in solidarity with Palestine' by Robert A. H. Cohen Patheos
Police fire tear gas on banned Palestinian march in Paris by Elaine Ganley and Boubkar Benzabat The Associated Press
Key suspect in Vatican corruption case detained in London by The Associated Press/Crux Link to Financial Crimes
Missing Uyghur steals the show at embassy event on China’s ‘genocide’ by John L. Allen Jr. Crux Link to China Challenges
Organ Donation Worker Exposes China’s Money-Driven Transplant Industry by Fraks Fang The Epoch Times Link to Organ Donation and to Immoral Political Practices
Government of China Arrests Catholic Bishop, 7 Priests and 10 Seminarians by Jesus Caritas Est Catholic World Report Link to Catholicism and China
Clergy arrested as week of prayer for China begins by Elise Ann Allen Crux
‘You don’t negotiate with evil’: Former ambassador hopes Vatican reconsiders deal with China by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report’
Diocese of Xuanhua: In Zhangjiakou, illegitimate priestly ordinations for a 'diocese' that does not exist for the Holy See by Asia News.it
Hong Kong’s new bishop wants differing views respected by The Associated Press/Crux
No shrine from China in the ‘rosary marathon’ against the pandemic by Andrea Gagliarducci Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Mental Health Awareness Month: Reflecting on a year of pandemic by Jaquiline Cunnif The Pilot Link to Mental Health/Illness
Walking Mama Home: Dementia Patients can Lead Happy Lives that Matter by Rebecca Hamilton Patheos
The Healer: Paul McHugh at 90.If American culture ever recovers its senses, Dr. Paul R. McHugh will be recognized as one of the great figures of our time. by George Weigel The Global World Report
Pontifical University Launches New Degree to Improve Jewish-Christian Relations by Current News/NetTV Link to Catholic Education
The use of AI in rare disease has hidden flaws. Activation strategies are needed to reduce patient diagnostic delay by Tim Hare BioPharma Dive Link to Artificial Intelligence
Sinai vs. the Capitol Riots by Abe Mezrich Tablet Link to Domestic Terrorism/Insurrection/Sedition
McCarthy won't support January 6 commission and sides with Republicans downplaying the insurrection by Jeremy Herb CNN
Shock of Jan. 6 insurrection devolves into political fight by Steve n Sloan Associated Press/yahoo.com
Commentary: The interface between global bioethics and Christian ethics by Msgr. Emmanuel Agius Catholic News Service Link to Bioethics
Catholics join scientists in asking Biden to seek nuclear disarmament by Dennis Sadowski Catholic News Service/ Crux
Vatican Message to Buddhists for Vesakh by Independents Catholic News
Conservative Catholic media meet Ladaria letter with denial by Michael Sean Winters National Catholic Reporter Link to Media
Examining the Deep Roots of the Abuse Crisis by Darrick Taylor Crisis Magazine Link to Catholic Sexual Violence Against Minors
Chicago priest Pfleger reinstated after abuse investigation by Katheen Foofy The Associated Press
Child sexual abuse is 'psychological murder,' says pope by UCA News Prosecutor: Late former priest killed altar boy in 1972 by Alanna Durkin The Associated Press/Crux Link to Murdered Children
Inside the Catholic operation to combat LA’s swelling homeless crisis by Dana Bartholomew Angelus Link to Homeless
Billboard Campaign Connects Black-on-Black Gun Violence to White Supremacy by The Skanner Link to Gun Violence and to White Supremacy
To Serve and Protect: The Truth about Police in America by Jason Morgan The Remnant Link to Police Protection and Challenges
Catholic action on environment set for massive multiplication this Laudato Si' Week by Brian Roewe National Catholic Reporter Link to Environment and Climate Challenges
English, Welsh Bishops call for protection of environment by Lisa Zengarini Vatican News
Scottish Bishops to establish new “Care of Creation Office” by Lisa Zengarini Vatican News
John Kerry: Pope Francis one of greatest voices on climate crisis by Vatican News
Vatican launches seven-year Laudato Si’ action plan by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Inside the secret conversion of Italy’s Christopher Hitchens by John L. Allen Jr Crux Link to Conversions
Documents Show Trump Officials Used Secret Terrorism Unit to Question Lawyers at the Border by Dara Lind ProPublica Link to United States Politics- Part Two and to Political Abuse
Are Trump’s Scottish Golf Courses a Front for Money Laundering? by Bess Levin Vanity Fair
New grand jury seated for next stage of Trump investigation by Micael R Sisak The Associated Press
Republican Arizona election official says Trump “unhinged” by Bob Christie The Associated Press
Women religious speak out against voter supression by Carol Zimmermann Catholic News Service
Inflation, Gas Shortage Highlight Peril That Could Threaten Biden's Agenda by Domenico Montanaro NPR
AOC says Marjorie Taylor Greene is ‘deeply unwell’ after 2019 video surfaces by Adam Gabbatt The Guardian
Court blocks 'blasphemous' Indian movie accused of defaming Catholics. Kerala court suspends the online release of 'Aquarium' after complaints about sex scenes involving priests and nuns by Saji Thomas UCA News
World’s Largest Publicly-Funded Catholic School System Set to Fly Pride Flags This June by Robert Shine New Ways Ministry Link to LGBTQ Challenges
Myanmar Catholic nun says Eucharistic adoration gave her strength to kneel before police by Courtney Mares Catholic News Agency
Metuchen seminarian killed in hit-and-run accident in New York City by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
‘360-degree’ support from school keeps math teacher upright after tragedy by Peter Finney Jr. Catholic News Service
Officials say arson caused fire that destroyed landmark Catholic church by Gina Christian Catholic News Service/Crux Link to Hate Crimes
Brooklyn Diocese reports attacks on crucifix, statue over three-day period by Catholic News Service/Crux
Benedictine College Raises the Bar in Fight Against Porn Addiction by Patrick Reilly National Catholic Register Link to Pornography Challenges
Local priest appears in court after arrest on child pornography charges by Nancy Cook KTAL-TV
The untold story of Sheikh Jarrah by Dr Ramzy Baroud Middle East Monitor
Q & A with Sr. Anne Lyons, author of a new booklet about Venerable Nano Nagle by Sarah Mac Donald Global Sisters Report
George Weigel Lauds ‘Thoroughly Lovable’ John Paul II 101 Years After Saint’s Birth; The papal biographer marked the May 18 anniversary in remarks to the Polish Bishops’ Conference by Catholic News Agency/National Catholic Reporter
Border Policy Is Getting More and More Convoluted. That’s Creating False Hope for Migrants. by Lomi Kriel The Texas Tribune/ProPublica Link to General United States Immigration Challenges
Daily readings at tomb honor Dante 700 years after his death by Colleen Barry The Associated Press
Ukraine Catholics fear threat of Russian invasion, conflicts with Orthodox by Jonathan Luxmoore National Catholic Reporter
After Jan. 6, Investigating the Contours of a “Broad Fascist Movement” in the U.S. by Patrice Taddonio PBS Frontline Link to Fascism and to Domestic Terrorism/Insurrection/Sedition
Capitol Officers Blast Republicans for Fighting a 1/6 Investigation, Suggest Lawmakers Would Be Dead If Not for Them by Bess Levin Vanity Fair
New York attorney general adds 'criminal capacity' to probe of Trump Organization.
by Sonia Moghe and Kara Scannell CNN Members of Congress call for boycott of 2022 Olympics in Beijing by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Immigration delays lead to forced departure of priests by Father Pablo Migone Patheos Link to General United States Immigration Challenges
CCHD at 50: A vision for human flourishing by Cardinal Blase Cupich Chicago Catholic
In a Small Town, a Battle for Racial Justice Confronts a Bloody Past and an Uncertain Future by Carli Brosseau The News & Observer/ProPublica Link to Racial Challenges and Outreach
Century after massacre, Black Tulsans struggle for a voice by Sean Murphy The Associated Press
Pentagon Plans to Monitor Social Media of Military Personnel for Extremist Content by Ken Klippenstein The Intercept Link to US Military and Veterans
The decline of Christianity in Pakistan. Church leaders should worry about the fleeing faithful as persecution takes a toll on the religious minority by Kamran Chaudhry UCA News
Salesians build shelter for Timor-Leste flood victims, Many people remain homeless more than a month after Tropical Cyclone Seroja ravaged the country by Ryan Dagur UCA News
Catholic groups stand with Bangladesh's poor during pandemic. With Covid-19 lockdowns devastating families' finances, Catholics have responded with compassion and care by Stephan Uttom UCA News Link to Poverty
CNN Cuts Ties With Contributor Rick Santorum by Brian Steinberg Variety Link to Native Americans
The Native Scholar Who Wasn’t.More than a decade ago, a prominent academic was exposed for having faked her Cherokee ancestry. Why has her career continued to thrive? by Sarah Viren The New York Times
Spanish bishops denounce exploitation of migrants amid crisis by Junno Arocho Esteves Catholic News Service Link to Spain Immigration Challenges
As pandemic spread pain and panic, congressman chased profit by Brian Slodysko The Associated Press
Catholic Convert Gavin Ashenden: 12 Months On — and 24 Converts Later by K.V. Turley National Catholic Register Link to Conversions
INDIA Beyond duty: The cost of spiritual calling in Indi aThose who stand by their calling and continue to serve until their last breath deserve our gratitude, respect and love by John Dayal UCA News
At least 8 killed in Italian cable car accident by Barbie Latza Nadeau CNN
As S.C. Catholics challenge state’s Blaine Amendment, scholars argue it was ‘born of bigotry’ by Kevin J. Jones for Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
The Colonial Pipeline Ransomware Hackers Had a Secret Weapon: Self-Promoting Cybersecurity Firms by Renee Dudley and Daniel Golden ProPublica Link to Cybersecurity
Amid protests in Colombia, Catholics emphasize they're on the side of the poor by Eduardo Campos Lima National Catholic Reporter Link to Poverty
Elderly Indian nun defies pandemic to feed street poor by Saji Thomas UCA News
Peruvian bishops condemn mass killing by the Shining Path by Walter Sanchez Silva Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Brazil: New species of owl named after murdered missionary by Independent Catholics News Link to Animal Challenges
Disgruntled Vatican Employees Pen Letter to Pope Francis by Edward Pentin National Catholic Register
Migration a hot topic for Italy’s bishops as more bodies wash up in Libya by Elise Ann Allen Crux Link to Italy Immigration Challenges
Myanmar cardinal calls for peace after church bombing by Junno Arocho Esteves Catholic News Service/ National Catholic Reporter
Cemetery of sorrow: Catholics care for babies who never livedThe cemetery in northern Vietnam looks like a city of silence where mass graves lie between love and selfishness by Dominic Tran Van Tan, SJ UCA News
Day by day: Musical ‘Godspell’ celebrates 50th anniversary by Mark Kennedy Religion News Service
Tapestry Commentary by Anne Gardner National Catholic Reporter
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Please send a donation to help my close friend Alwin Rex in India. Please read the article How do we love our neighbor as ourselves? and send a donation of $10.00 or more to help cover his healthcare costs to Father Thomas Ayyaneth, Syro Malankara Catholic Eparchial Chancery,1500 DePaul Street, Elmont, New York 11003, USA with a notation that the donation is for Alwin Rex. Father Thomas will process donations and send them to his pastor. Thank you Gordon Nary Editor, Profiles in Catholicism
Please help Francis Otieno care for children affected by HIV/AIDS in Africa. He desperately needs your.donations. Thank you Gordon Nary
When Children are Set Free by Father Shay Cullen Preda Foundation
Book Reviews/Commentaries
St Francis of Assisi by G.K. Chesterton Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Light of Assisi: The Story of Saint Clare by Margaret Carney, OSB Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D.. Profiles in Catholicism
Nourishing Love: A Franciscan Celebration of Mary by Murray Bodo, OFM Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
The Simplest Prayer: A Book of Love and Faith by Irish Franciscans Commentary by Franciscans.ie
An Introduction to Catholic Ethics by Lucien F. Longtin, SJ and Andrew J. P. Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D.. Profiles in Catholicism
Racial Justice and the Catholic Church by Bryan N. Massingale Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
The Image of God: Give Man His Dignity by Augustine Kelechi Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D.. Profiles in Catholicism
Revelations of Divine Love by Julian of Norwich Edited by Grace Warrack Translated by Barry Windeatt Edited by Grace Warrack Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Ignatian Wisdom for Daily Life in Priesthood by Timothy M Gallagher, OMV Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
China’s Last Jesuit: Charles H. McCarthy and the End of the Mission in Catholic Shanghai by Amanda C.R .Clark Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
All In Driven By Passion, Energy, and Purpose by Porter Moses Forward by Sister Jean Schmidt, BVM Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Wounded Shepherd: Pope Francis’ Struggle to Convert the Catholic Church by Austen Ivereigh Reviewed by David Gibson Chicago Catholic
For Love of My People I Will Not Remain Silent by Cardinal Zen Commentary by Joseph Pearce The Catholic World Report
A Bridge with China - The Pope and the Apostolic Delegation in Peking (1919-1939) by Fr. Adel Afif Nasr Reviewed by Vatican News Staff Writer Vatican News
The Nun and the Pig by Treive Nicholas, Reviewed by Rebecca Tinsley Independent Catholic News
Unbroken Thread by Sohrab Ahmari Reviewed by Brad Miner The Catholic Thing
The Complete Gentleman: The Modern Man’s Guide to Chivalry by Brad Miner Reviewed by Taynia-Renee Laframboise The Catholic Thing
Womanpriest. Tradition and Transgression in the Contemporary Roman Catholic Church by Jill Peterfeso Reviewed by Mary Kate Holman Commonweal
Model of Faith: Reflecting on the Litany of Saint Joseph by Leonard J. DeLorenzo, Ph.D. Commentary/Interview by Charlie Camosy Crux
Robots, Ethics and the Future of Jobs by Seán McDonagh Reviewed by Sarah MacDonald National Catholic Reporter
Guard Your Heart by Sue Divin Reviewed by Charles Collins Crux
Man Enough: Undefining My Masculinity by Justin Baldoni Reviewed by Paul O'Donnell Religion News Service
Second Place by Rachel Cusk Reviewed by Katherine Lucky Commonweal
The Unbroken Thread: Discovering the Wisdom of Tradition in an Age of Chaos by Charles Camosy Commentary/Interview by Sohrab Ahmari Crux
Facing the Mountain by Daniel James Brown Reviewed by David Kindy Smithsonian Magazine
Television Reviews/Commentaries
Enduring Faith: The Story of Native American Catholicism Commentary by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Reviewed by Kevin Christopher Robles America
The Woman in the Window Reviewed by Richard Lawson Vanity Fair
The Mitchells vs. the Machines Reviewed by Deacon Steven D. Greydanus National Catholic Register
Film Reviews/Commentaries
Lady of Guadalupe Reviewed by Rose Pacatte National Catholic Reporter
Stu Commentary by Jesus Caritas Est Catholic News World
A Quiet Place Part II Reviewed by Deacon Steven D. Greydanus National Catholic Register
A Man for All Seasons Reviewed by Avellina Balestri Patheos
Wrath of Man Reviewed by Mark Kennedy The Associated Press
Minari Commentary by Emily McFarlan Miller Religion News Service
Monster Reviewed by John Mulderig Catholic News Service
Theater Commentary
Fool for Christ-- the Story of Dorothy Day Commentary by Independent Catholic News
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