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Writer's picture: Profiles in CatholicismProfiles in Catholicism

Updated: Nov 5, 2022

A Message from the Editor

According to legend, the term cappuccino comes from a monk of the Capuchin order (ordine dei cappuccini, in Italian) named Marco da Aviano. In 1683, according to the legend, Marco went to Vienna on order from .the Pope who had instructed him to convince the Austrians to be part of the fight against the Turks. The monk, as a matter of fact, became an important character in Medieval history acd he was recognized by some as the man who saved Europe from the Muslims. In 2003, he was beatified by Pope John.

So after drinking a double cappuccino every morning for forty years, it was time to pay tribute to Blessed Marco da Aviano and to dedicate this issue of Profiles in Catholicism to the Capuchins.

Domestic Violence has substantially increased during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The government of Australia has responded with a new program to address it, that other nations should consider

Please pray for Father Gordon McCrea who was unjustly convicted and jailed

for child molestation.

A Quote to Remember

"If we only try to show the Dear Lord a good will and ask Him for resignation to the crosses He sends or permits to come our way, we may be sure that sooner or later they will turn out to have been just so many blessings in disguise."

by Capuchin Friar Blessed Solanus Casey


Peace Prayer of St. Francis

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:

where there is hatred, let me sow love;

where there is injury, pardon;

where there is doubt, faith;

where there is despair, hope;

where there is darkness, light;

where there is sadness, joy.

O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek

to be consoled as to console,

to be understood as to understand,

to be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive,

it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,

and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.


by Capuchins West

Prayer in times of natural disasters

Lord, You protect and inspire us to care for each other in times of natural disasters.

Give eternal rest and healing to those that have died and were injured by Typhoon Noru, Hurricane Ian, the Nigerian floods, and the Vietnam floods.

You have given us a world to love and care for but many irresponsible people have damaged and destroyed our climate by pollution and greed and selfish ways.

Lord you have not sent the disastrous storms and hurricanes to harm and hurt,you are our friend and supporter, You inspire us to help each other in times of turmoils, floods, and storms.

Stay with us Lord as you calmed the storm. help us calm our climate and save the lives of many. May you lead us to reach out and help the many victims of the storms, may be your true followers and good Samaritans to our neighbors in times of need.


by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism

A Prayer to Prevent Nuclear Conflict

Lord God, You created a beautiful earth and set it in a wondrous universe. Help us preserve this planet and its living creation in the face of nuclear threats. May we have re courage, the commitment, and the wisdom to stand up against all who irresponsibly contemplate using such nuclear weapons. With God's help us to live together in peace.

by Father John Pawlikowski, OSM Profiles in Catholicism

A Prayer to Protect the Women of Iran

Good and gracious God,

Violence takes on many forms. The violence that has happened to Iranian women has been brutal. At least 133 people have died since the beginning of historic anti-hijab protests in Iran, according to a rights organization, with over 40 of them killed in a brutal police crackdown on Friday alone. The protests, sparked by the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini in police custody, have led to unprecedented demonstrations against the country’s rigid laws requiring head covering for women. Women have come out on the streets burning their hijab and cutting their hair in defiance. We ask you to comfort these women in the hour of their need. We ask you to help the men to understand the sacredness of both men and women. We ask that you help their families and all they come in contact with. Across the globe, ear Lord, we need to be respectful of others need to express themselves in a way that is good for them and the society in which they exist.

by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism

A Prayer for Those Who Died in the Lebanon Migrant Shipwreck off Syria's Coast

Lord, into your hands we commend all those souls lost at sea off the coast of Lebanon this past week.

Grant them eternal rest.

Console their families.

Heal their nation and the conditions that bring people to desperation.

Enable us to do what we can do with generosity and creativity to alleviate pain and suffering.

We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen

by Father Louis Cameli Profiles in Catholicism

A Prayer for Those Massacred in Thailand

Almighty God and Father we ask you to assist the families of the people in Thailand who lost a child or an adult or both in the massacre that occured. Dozens of people, mostly children, were killed on Thursday in a mass shooting by an ex-policeman at a day care centre in northeastern Thailand, it was reported. The attacker later killed his wife and child before taking his own life.

The death toll at 9.30pm local time stood at 37, making it the worst mass shooting in recent Thai history. Throughout the Scriptures you ask us to love our neighbor and live in the peace that you ask us to. Let the people of Thailand know that we love and care for them in this difficult time. We ask you to bless the people of Thailand in this most difficult time. We ask you this through our Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit.

by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism

A Prayer for Those who Died and were Harmed in the Creeslough Gas Station Explosion

We stand in solidarity with the people of Creeslough whose hearts are broken with the recent tragedy and terrible loss of life. We pray for all those who lost loved ones and for the whole community that is grieving at this time. We pray for all those involved in responding and ministering to the survivors, we hold everyone in our hearts, devastated at this terrible tragedy.

A Prayer to End Nigerian Terrorism

O God, look after those affected by terrorism. Soften the hearts of those who inflict violence on others. Grant courage to those who face terrorism.

We pray for peace and an end to suffering by Father John O'Brien, OFM Profiles in Catholicism

Prayer for the Protection of Migrants


You, St. Joseph, led Mary on a donkey with the child Jesus,

Stealing away in the dead of night, seeking sanctuary.

How many of us sleep in our own beds – but how many flee!

Lord, help us to remember and to help those who have to leave!

You, Mary, had to look after the child Jesus, while you travelled

A long way, looking for a place to live and to make a new home.

How many of us live in our own homes – but how many flee!

Lord, help us to remember and to help those who have to leave!

You, Jesus, were a small child when you had to travel in the night

And find a new place to grow, a new home and new friends.

How many of us live in the same place – but how many flee!

Lord, help us to remember and to help those who have to leave!

Oh Holy Family, how you left with a few, bundled belongings,

Leaving what could not be carried, travelling light and quick.

How many of us have many possessions – but how many flee!

Lord, help us to remember and to help those who have to leave!

You, Jesus, were scarcely old enough to notice more than bumping

Up and down on the donkey, wrapped in swaddling clothes and warm.

How many of us have too many clothes – but how many flee!

Lord, help us to remember and to help those who have to leave!

You Mary, had to made do with a few belongings, a drink and milk

To feed your child, praying for the next meal for all and blessing God.

How many of us have food to waste – but how many flee!

Lord, help us to remember and to help those who have to leave!

You, Joseph, carried a few small tools and found a place to work,

Settling Mary and Jesus where you could and mending it too.

How many of us have more tools than we need – but how many flee!

Lord, help us to remember and to help those who have to leave!


by Francis Etheredge Profiles in Catholicism

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