A Message from the Editor
According to legend, the term cappuccino comes from a monk of the Capuchin order (ordine dei cappuccini, in Italian) named Marco da Aviano. In 1683, according to the legend, Marco went to Vienna on order from .the Pope who had instructed him to convince the Austrians to be part of the fight against the Turks. The monk, as a matter of fact, became an important character in Medieval history acd he was recognized by some as the man who saved Europe from the Muslims. In 2003, he was beatified by Pope John.
So after drinking a double cappuccino every morning for forty years, it was time to pay tribute to Blessed Marco da Aviano and to dedicate this issue of Profiles in Catholicism to the Capuchins.
Domestic Violence has substantially increased during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The government of Australia has responded with a new program to address it, that other nations should consider
Please pray for Father Gordon McCrea who was unjustly convicted and jailed
for child molestation.
A Quote to Remember
"If we only try to show the Dear Lord a good will and ask Him for resignation to the crosses He sends or permits to come our way, we may be sure that sooner or later they will turn out to have been just so many blessings in disguise."
by Capuchin Friar Blessed Solanus Casey
Peace Prayer of St. Francis
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy.
O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
by Capuchins West
Prayer in times of natural disasters
Lord, You protect and inspire us to care for each other in times of natural disasters.
Give eternal rest and healing to those that have died and were injured by Typhoon Noru, Hurricane Ian, the Nigerian floods, and the Vietnam floods.
You have given us a world to love and care for but many irresponsible people have damaged and destroyed our climate by pollution and greed and selfish ways.
Lord you have not sent the disastrous storms and hurricanes to harm and hurt,you are our friend and supporter, You inspire us to help each other in times of turmoils, floods, and storms.
Stay with us Lord as you calmed the storm. help us calm our climate and save the lives of many. May you lead us to reach out and help the many victims of the storms, may be your true followers and good Samaritans to our neighbors in times of need.
by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer to Prevent Nuclear Conflict
Lord God, You created a beautiful earth and set it in a wondrous universe. Help us preserve this planet and its living creation in the face of nuclear threats. May we have re courage, the commitment, and the wisdom to stand up against all who irresponsibly contemplate using such nuclear weapons. With God's help us to live together in peace.
by Father John Pawlikowski, OSM Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer to Protect the Women of Iran
Good and gracious God,
Violence takes on many forms. The violence that has happened to Iranian women has been brutal. At least 133 people have died since the beginning of historic anti-hijab protests in Iran, according to a rights organization, with over 40 of them killed in a brutal police crackdown on Friday alone. The protests, sparked by the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini in police custody, have led to unprecedented demonstrations against the country’s rigid laws requiring head covering for women. Women have come out on the streets burning their hijab and cutting their hair in defiance. We ask you to comfort these women in the hour of their need. We ask you to help the men to understand the sacredness of both men and women. We ask that you help their families and all they come in contact with. Across the globe, ear Lord, we need to be respectful of others need to express themselves in a way that is good for them and the society in which they exist.
by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer for Those Who Died in the Lebanon Migrant Shipwreck off Syria's Coast
Lord, into your hands we commend all those souls lost at sea off the coast of Lebanon this past week.
Grant them eternal rest.
Console their families.
Heal their nation and the conditions that bring people to desperation.
Enable us to do what we can do with generosity and creativity to alleviate pain and suffering.
We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen
by Father Louis Cameli Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer for Those Massacred in Thailand
Almighty God and Father we ask you to assist the families of the people in Thailand who lost a child or an adult or both in the massacre that occured. Dozens of people, mostly children, were killed on Thursday in a mass shooting by an ex-policeman at a day care centre in northeastern Thailand, it was reported. The attacker later killed his wife and child before taking his own life.
The death toll at 9.30pm local time stood at 37, making it the worst mass shooting in recent Thai history. Throughout the Scriptures you ask us to love our neighbor and live in the peace that you ask us to. Let the people of Thailand know that we love and care for them in this difficult time. We ask you to bless the people of Thailand in this most difficult time. We ask you this through our Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit.
by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer for Those who Died and were Harmed in the Creeslough Gas Station Explosion
We stand in solidarity with the people of Creeslough whose hearts are broken with the recent tragedy and terrible loss of life. We pray for all those who lost loved ones and for the whole community that is grieving at this time. We pray for all those involved in responding and ministering to the survivors, we hold everyone in our hearts, devastated at this terrible tragedy.
A Prayer to End Nigerian Terrorism
O God, look after those affected by terrorism. Soften the hearts of those who inflict violence on others. Grant courage to those who face terrorism.
We pray for peace and an end to suffering
by Father John O'Brien, OFM Profiles in Catholicism
Prayer for the Protection of Migrants
You, St. Joseph, led Mary on a donkey with the child Jesus,
Stealing away in the dead of night, seeking sanctuary.
How many of us sleep in our own beds – but how many flee!
Lord, help us to remember and to help those who have to leave!
You, Mary, had to look after the child Jesus, while you travelled
A long way, looking for a place to live and to make a new home.
How many of us live in our own homes – but how many flee!
Lord, help us to remember and to help those who have to leave!
You, Jesus, were a small child when you had to travel in the night
And find a new place to grow, a new home and new friends.
How many of us live in the same place – but how many flee!
Lord, help us to remember and to help those who have to leave!
Oh Holy Family, how you left with a few, bundled belongings,
Leaving what could not be carried, travelling light and quick.
How many of us have many possessions – but how many flee!
Lord, help us to remember and to help those who have to leave!
You, Jesus, were scarcely old enough to notice more than bumping
Up and down on the donkey, wrapped in swaddling clothes and warm.
How many of us have too many clothes – but how many flee!
Lord, help us to remember and to help those who have to leave!
You Mary, had to made do with a few belongings, a drink and milk
To feed your child, praying for the next meal for all and blessing God.
How many of us have food to waste – but how many flee!
Lord, help us to remember and to help those who have to leave!
You, Joseph, carried a few small tools and found a place to work,
Settling Mary and Jesus where you could and mending it too.
How many of us have more tools than we need – but how many flee!
Lord, help us to remember and to help those who have to leave!
by Francis Etheredge Profiles in Catholicism
Capuchin Religious Interviews
Capuchin Staff Interviews
General Interviews
Capuchin Articles/Commentaries
Giving of herself and believing was her life's plan by OSMCap
Help the Capuchin friars in Ukraine and Poland by The Capuchin Franciscan Province of St. Joseph
How an extraordinary healing led to the creation of The National Centre for Padre Pio by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
A Conference to help Capuchin Missions in Ethiopia and Benin by OFMCap
Meet InterCOM by NewsNotes
Pope to Capuchin sisters: 'Let the Holy Family inspire you' by Deborah Castellano Lubov Vatican News
Capuchin NewsNotes: June-August, Summer 2022 by Capuchin Franciscan Friars
St. Ambrose Hits the Street by NewsNotes
Cardinal O’Malley: ‘Padre Pio Shows Us the Power of the Cross’ by Hannah Brockhaus Catholic News Agency/National Catholic Reporter
'The Capuchin Charism that Healed a Broken Actor by Dr.Matthew Petrusck Word on Fire
Papua New Guinea Remembers & Celebrates by NewsNotes
Br René Bustamante Hidalgo re-elected Provincial in Bolivia by OFM
Br Jesús Germánico Barahona Vega re-elected Provincial in Ecuador by OFM
Santhosh Karumathra - Saint Padre Pio Born: May 25, 1887 by Santhosh Karumathra
Let Us Pray for Ukraine by Br. Roberto Genuin General Minister OFMCap
Pope to Capuchin Friars: True greatness is in smallness by Francesca Merlo Vatican News
by Catholic News World
General Articles/Commentaries
Ukraine eyewitness: Its like a horror film, a nightmare by Jo Siedlecka Independent Catholic News Link to War
Putin declares martial law in four occupied regions as Kyiv presses offensive by Uliana Pavlova CNN
Danger in every step: the ‘chaotic and complex’ work of Ukraine’s de-miners by Peter Beaumont The Guardian Pope urges children to pray the Rosary for peace in Ukraine by Devin Watkins Vatican News Link to The Rosary
Cardinal Parolin: Nuclear weapons threaten human existence by Linda Bordoni Vatican News Link to Nuclear Challenges
Awake! We are sleepwalking toward nuclear war! by Tony Magliano The Southern Cross
‘This is not a bluff’ by Tony Magliano Western New York Catholic
Vatican envoy addresses UN on nuclear weapons by Independent Catholic News
War and nuclear threat by Greg Myer NPR/WBEZ Chicago
Rare video shows Russia moving equipment belonging to a nuclear weapons unit by Haley Ott CBS News
Pope warns of nuclear war risk; appeals to Putin on Ukraine by Frances D'Emilio The Associated Press/Crux
Ukrainian military intelligence claims the risk of Russia using nuclear weapons is now 'very high,' report says by Erin Snodgrass and John Haltiwanger Insidier
Vatican reaffirms support for Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty by Independent Catholic News
Pope: May we welcome, accompany, support and integrate migrants by Thaddeus Jones Vatican News Link to General Immigration Challenges
Refusal to help migrants is 'sinful, criminal,' pope says at canonization by Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service/Angelus
Cardinal Czerny: 'Work together to improve education for migrants' by Christopher Wells Vatican News
Call for EU to help stop dangerous migrant boats by Nathan Morley Vatican News Link to General Europe Immigration Challenges
Communities hosting refugees need help and ‘a more positive narrative’ by Devin Watkins Vatican News
Pope Francis meets with President of Cyprus by Joseph Tulloch Vatican News
Bishop urges leaders to overcome partisan divide to solve immigration crisis by John Lavenburg Crux Link to United States Immigration Challenges
An American reckoning with the Holocaust by Robert Brennan Angelus Link to The Holocaust
Kanye West Locked Out of Twitter Following Antisemitic Tweet by Madison Bloom and Rob Arcand Pitchfork Link to Social Media
On Yom Kippur, Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg explains why repentance is so important by Yonat Shimron Religion News Service Link to Jewish Leadership and Challenges
Vatican cardinal cites Nazi theology in German reform by Nicole Winfield The Associated Press
Pope Francis canonizes two new saints: St. Artemide Zatti and St. Giovanni Battista Scalabrini by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Archbishop Cordileone: It is past time to strike down the death penalty by Archbishop Salvatore and Joseph Cordileone America Link to Death Penalty
Pope to Jesuits in Kazakhstan: ‘Our hearts must be freed from hatred’ by Paolo Ondarza Vatican News Link to The Jesuits
Seeing Holy Mass with Franciscan Eyes by Peter Kwasniewski, PhD One Peter 5 Link to The Franciscans
Pope to Thomas Aquinas fraternity: Your mission also has a maternal aspect by Francesca Merlo Vatican News
Stronger moral leadership needed at University of Notre Dame by Susan Ciancio The Catholic World Report
At trial, Vatican auditor says he was shocked by misuse of funds by Junno Arocho Esteves Catholic News Service/Angelus News Link to Financial Crimes
Is new Vatican prosecutor a bull in a china shop, or relentlessly effective? by Ed Condon The Pillar
When and how should priests and deacons preach on abortion? by Fr. Charles Fox The Catholic World Report Link to Abortion
New life academy member described as pro-abortion by Zelda Caldwell Catholic News Agency/Angelus
Pregnant & Diagnosed with Cancer, They Told Her to Have an Abortion; She Refused and is Now Cancer Free with a Healthy Baby Boy by Currents News/ Net TV Link to Cancer and to Pregnancy and Pregnancy Challenges
Justice Department indicts 11 anti-choice activists for 2021 'criminal blockade' on abortion clinic by Alex Henderson AlterNet
FBI arrest of Pennsylvania pro-life leader called 'horrendous stunt' by Catholic News Agency/The Pilot Link to Other ProLife Challenges
Afghan refugees reunited with baby thanks to pro-life pregnancy center by Zelda Caldwell Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Bishop Pfeifer asks Supreme Court to recognize ‘personhood’ of the unborn by Katie Yoder Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Here's what to know about the Nobel Peace Prize winners by Bob Schmitz, Charles Maynes, and Julian Hayda NPR WBEZ Chicago
2022 Ratzinger Prize goes to theologian and to professor of law by Linda Bordoni Vatican News
After losing sister to suicide, Phoenix bishop renews ‘urgent plea’ to launch mental health ministry by Hannah Brockhaus Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report Link to Mental Health/Illness
Why Mandatory Reporting is a Bad Idea for Higher Ed by Dwight Krehbiel, PhD IntoAccount
Holy See: You Shall be My Witnesses by Mission Doctors Association
Joint efforts needed in fight against human trafficking by Benedict Mayaki, SJ Vatican News Link to Human Trafficking
Mexican actor guilty in Miami road rage death by The Associated Press Link to Murder
US Catholic bishops’ report to the Vatican shows a church split by politics by Claire Giangravé Religion News Service
Dolly Parton teams up with California lawmakers to offer kids free books by Diana Lamber San Francisco Examiner
Ted Cruz is seen getting booed and flipped off at Yankee Stadium amid shouts of ‘go back to Cancun’ by Johanna Chisholm The Independent
Word on Fire to combat ‘hidden genocide’ of Down Syndrome, people with disabilities by John L. Allen Jr. Crux Link to Down Syndrome
The magic of touch: how deafblind people taught us to ‘see’ the world differently during COVID by Azadeh Emadi The Conversation Link to Blindness and Deafness
The Right’s Anti-Vaxxers Are Killing Republicans by James Risen The Intercept
FDA-Approved Treatment Options - Information For ALS Patients by Radicava Link toAmyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
Prayers, support needed for those with Alzheimer's disease, pope says by Carol Glatz Catholic News Service/The Pilot Link to Alzheimer’s disease
Experimental Treatment in Spain Puts 18 Cancer Patients in Complete Remission by Good News Network
Long COVID at 12 months persists at 18 months, study shows by Reuters Link to COVID-19
Uganda: Four things to know about the Ebola outbreak by Doctors Without Borders Link to Ebola
HIV & Hepatitis Can Be Deadly Combo for the Heart by Cara Murez U.S. News & World Report Link to HIV/AIDS
The CDC Scientist Who Couldn’t Get Monkeypox Treatment by Anna Maria Barry-Jester ProPublica Link to Monkeypox
Transplanted Livers Can Survive Past 100. These organs that live for more than a century could raise the age of potential donors, perhaps shortening waits for the life-saving procedure by Margaret Osborne Smithsonian Magazine
Fighting the Scourge of Fake Medicines: Global Fund Replenishment is Moment of Truth by Medicines for Malaria Venture
How the FBI Stumbled in the War on Cybercrime by Renee Dudley and Daniel Golden ProPublica Link to Cybersecurity
A Ukrainian Teenager Invents a Drone That Can Detect Land Mines by Margaret Osborne Smithsonian Magazine Link to Youth Challenges and Leadership
These California Teens Discovered Two New Scorpion Species by Sarah Kuta Smithsonian Magazine
The Divine Feminine. Hindu Americans honor the power of women as the fall Navaratri festival gets underway, with implications for religion, culture, and politics by Maggies Phillips Tablet Link to Women Challenges and Leadership
Theresa Flores, Program Director for the United States Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking, was recognized for her work in preventing sex trafficking and the exploitation of children by ECPAT-USA How the great Muslim poet Rumi is helping today’s displaced youth find themselves by Michael Wolfe, Sumreena Hussain Religion News Service Link to Islam
LA priests reflect on racism during task force presentation by Pablo Kay Angelus News Link to Racial Challenges
'Blackface expert' Megyn Kelly buried by MSNBC host after racism accusation by Tom Boggioni Raw Story/AlterNet
What if a Saint Was Gay? by Jennifer Fitz Patheos Link to LGBTQ Challenges
Author argues broken American foster care system puts children in danger by Catholic News Service/Angelus Link to Children at Risk
Some Things Never Leave You’: Christian Livermore on Poverty’s Indelible Marks by Christian Livermore Longreads Link to Poverty
Judy Malinowski Was Burned Alive — and Testified in Her Own Murder Trial by Nick Schager The Daily Beast Link to Murder
Afghan couple accuse US Marine of abducting their baby by Martha Mendoza, Juliet Linderman, and Claire Galofaro Religion News Service
A Catholic Consideration of Psychedelics by Joe Lorenz, SJ The Jesuit Post Link to The Jesuits
When you’re questioning your faith after being hurt by your religious community, here are 3 ways to cope by Christine D. Gonzales-Wong The Conversation
Propaganda that empowers Putin': Conservative says these Fox News hosts have become Kremlin mouthpieces by Alex Henderson AlterNet Link to Media
New York Times sacks Gaza journalist for expressing support for Palestinian resistance by Middle East Monitor
'Missionaries of Charity serve people on 'the peripheries' in Indianapolis by Sean Gallagher Catholic News Service/Global Sisters Report
After Marine veteran makes rescue, Baltimore police file gun charges against him by Fred Lucas Fox News Link to US Military and Veterans
The crimes of the Peruvian 'death squad': dozens of agents, nine operations and 30 murders by Renzo Gomez Vega El Pais Link to Police Brutality and Misconduct
‘Can’t not do it,’ says Sister Prejean of her fight to end death penalty by Carol Zimmerman Catholic News Service/Crux Link to Death Penalty
Supreme Court rejects former President Donald Trump’s request to intervene in Mar-a-Lago documents fight by Ariane de Vogue and Katelyn Polantz CNN
Medical groups ask DOJ to investigate critics of hospitals’ gender surgeries on children by Edie Heipel Catholic News Agency
The truth about DACA by Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio The Pilot Link to DACA
Policy Update: USCCB responds to DACA decision in Texas by USCCB
Why the church should ban the music of composers accused of abuse by Jessica Gerhardt National Catholic Reporter
Native Americans recall torture, hatred at boarding schools by Matthew Brown Religion News Service Link to Native Americans
‘Wonderful’ boy, 15, stabbed to death outside school ‘lived a good life’, girlfriend says by Thomas Kingsley Independent Link to Murdered Children
5 high school football players shot, 1 dead in Philly: Police by Ivan Pereira ABC News Link to Gun Violence
30 rounds fired in California school shooting that injured 2 students and 4 staffers, police say by Antonio Planas and Tim Stelloh NBC News
University of Miami frat shut down after video surfaces of frat chants about having sex with dead woman by Jimena Tavel, Linda Robertson, Charles Rabin Miami Herald/Yahoo News
Jury decides conspiracy theorist Alex Jones should pay nearly $1 billion in damages to Sandy Hook families for his lies about the school massacre by Oliver Darcy CNN
A California abbey keeps Benedictine traditions alive by U.S. Catholic
Featured Report
When Miracles Happen by Father Joseph Chamblain, O.S.M. Profiles in Catholicism Link to The Servites
7 Creative Ways to Pray at Home, Alone or as a Family by Kate Westwood Profiles in Catholicism
Catholic schools should be teaching critical race theory by Kevin P. Considine U.S. Catholic Link to Catholic Schools
Study of priests shows distrust of bishops, fear of false abuse accusations by Rhina Guidos Catholic News Service/The Pilot
Why the Catholic Church opposes California’s “human composting” by Kathy Schiffer The Catholic World Report
'Tonal whiplash': Ron DeSantis faces criticism over federal aid request for Hurricane Ian recovery by Meaghan Ellis AlterNet
Watch: Alex Jones declares that he is Adolf Hitler and a child murderer in unhinged interview by Daniel Villarreal AlterNet Link to The Crazies
Donald Trump shares Truth Social photo proclaiming him as second only to Jesus by Joshua Zitser Insider Link to United States Politics- Part Two
‘Threatening to crash the economy on purpose': GOP to gut Social Security and Medicare if it wins House by David Badash AlterNet
Donald Trump's Nevada rally was an orgy of hate, ignorance, and right-wing propaganda by Hunter AlterNet Link to Alt-Right
'A white nationalist problem': Washington State GOP gave money to an infamous 'pro-Nazi blogger' by Alex Henderson AlterNet Link to White Supremacy and to Neo-Nazis
Marjorie Taylor Greene defends the right to mock dead kids while her intern calls for blasphemy ban by Alex Bollinger LGBTQ Nation
Native Americans recall torture, hatred at boarding schools by Matthew Brown The Associated Press Link to Hate Crimes
Ted Cruz admitted to colleagues that all 'one hundred senators' knew Trump committed an impeachable offense: report by Tom Boggioni Raw Story
Treasury Department IG’s office is investigating Ron DeSantis’ migrant flights to Massachusetts by Alex Henderson AlterNet
Judge finds Trump likely to have conspired to defraud US with false election claims by Andrew Feinberg The Independent
'Nice political party you got there': Jake Tapper tears apart Marjorie Taylor Greene and her 'crazy talk' by Brandon Gage AlterNet Link to The Crazies
Justice Department insists to Trump’s attorneys that he return all documents marked classified by Kaitlan Collins CNN
A Biblical Therapist Shares 4 Avenues to Finding Hope by Terri Hutchison Busted Halo
Four ways to grow the Church by Bishop Robert Barron The Pilot
Man Charged with Hate Crimes Following Vandalism Arrest at Catholic Church in Flushing by Bill Miller Tablet Link to Hate Crimes
U.S. Suicides Increased in 2021 After 2 Years of Progress by Steven Ross Johnson U.S. News Link to Suicide
Hindu advocates sue California, arguing bans on caste discrimination misrepresent beliefs by Richa Karmarkar Religion News Service
Mar-a-Lago documents inadvertently published online undercut Trump’s privilege claims by Areeba Shah AlterNet
Major US insurance companies stole billions from taxpayers in overbilling scam by Daniel Villarreal AlterNet
Seeing Holy Mass with Dominican Eyes by Peter Kwasniewski, PhD One Peter Five Link to The Dominicans
Biden announces return of seven American detainees from Venezuela by Betsy Klein, Arlette Saenz and Jennifer Hansler CNN
‘Don Antonio’ takes to the streets in support of immigrant by John Lavenburg Crux Link to General United States Immigration Challenges
Archbishop on immigration: The U.S. is morally obliged to protect those seeking refuge from harm by PRNewswire
Pastor on leave after reportedly giving out ‘i (heart) hot youth pastors’ stickers by Emily McFarlan Miller Religion News Service
Biden signs bill eliminating civil statute of limitations for child sex abuse victims by Chloe Folmar The Hill Link to Child Sexual Abuse General Reports
Retired NYPD Detective Hired To Help Sexual Abuse Survivors by Tablet
Ex-Pope Benedict acknowledges faulty testimony in German abuse case by Philip Pullella Reuters Link to Catholic Sexual Violence Against Minors
Twice Is a Charm? Wall St. Journal Again Profiles Stunning Case of Wrongfully Convicted Priest Fr. Gordon MacRae by The Media Report/The Wall Street Journal
Vatican’s quiet reprimand of US bishop raises concerns about pope’s clergy abuse law by Katie Collins Scott National Catholic Reporter
‘Profound shame’: C of E review uncovers 400 new cases of abuse by Harriet Sherwood The Guardian Link to Protestant Sexual Violence Against Minors
Rate of sexual abuse of kids is highest among religious Zionist sector by Zvika Klein The Jerusalem Post Link to Jewish Sexual Violence Against Minors
Pune priest granted bail in POCSO case by Hindustan Times Link to Hindu Sexual Violence Against Minors
Former Leader of Proud Boys Pleads Guilty to Seditious Conspiracy for Efforts to Stop Transfer of Power Following 2020 Presidential Election by The United States Department of Justice Link to Domestic Terrorism/Insurrection/Sedition and to White Supremacy
Denver Riggleman: White House switchboard connected to rioter’s phone on day of Jan. 6 by Chloe Folmar The Hill
FBI arrests Ohio pastor who shouted 'mission accomplished' at Capitol on Jan. 6 by Christopher Wilson Yahoo News
Proud Boys founder scrambling to salvage 'bitterly divided' group after new revelations: report
by Tom Boggioni Raw Story Link to White Supremacy
Former pastor indicted on charges of possession of child sexual abuse image by WMUR-TV ABC-9
East Chicago teacher charged after having alleged ‘kill list’ of students’ names, records say by Tre Ward, Diane Pathieu, and Maher Kawash ABC7 Chicago
Young boys locked in dark closet, hit with ‘teacher’s stick’ at Methuen daycare, lawsuit allege by WFXT-TV, Fox-25 Link to Violence Against Children
Details of Kansas investigation into Father James Jackson emerge by Joe Bukuras Catholic News Agency Link to Pornography Challenges
Bannon gets 4 months behind bars for defying 1/6 subpoena by Lindsey Whitehurst The Associated Press Link to Domestic Terrorism/Insurrection/Sedition
‘We punch above our weight’: Catholic Conference brings religious lobby to Capitol by Andrea DenHoed NonDoc Media
EPA Calls Out Environmental Racism in Louisiana’s Cancer Alley by Lisa Song ProPublica and Lylla Younes Grist Link to Environment and Climate Challenges, Advocacy, and Response
TV host James Corden is briefly banned from NYC restaurant over 'abusive' behavior, owner says by NBC News
The Biden Miracle. On the global stage, he may just rise from the rank of a ‘caretaker’ president to one of the grea by Bernard-Henri Levy Tablet
Amid baseball greatness, pondering the Church’s own most unbreakable record by John L. Allen Jr Crux
Vatican to host international meeting on "Sport for All" by Vatican News Link to Sports and Spirituality
Irish soccer player calls on English authorities to tackle anti-Irish, anti-Catholic abuse by Charles Collins Crux
This Date in Baseball-Rickey Henderson secures 3,000 hits by The Associated Press/The San Francisco Examiner
AP-NORC poll: On game day, some see prayer as a Hail Mary by Holly Meyer The Associated Press
Why is the U.S. Olympic agency meant to stop sexual abuse investigating its top critic? by Irvin Muchnik Salon
Tom Brady had a very simple – and accurate! – Message for Patrick Mahomes in the post-game handshake by Jordan Clark USA Sports
Farrell: Sport can promote togetherness, culture of encounter by Christopher Wells Vatican News
The scandal involving Brett Favre reveals a lot about privilege by Brandon Tensley CNN
Gay Soccer Player Josh Cavallo Pleads for LGBTQ+ Rights in Qatar Ahead of World Cup by Samantha Riedel them
Catholic voices to be ‘strong and organized’ at UN climate conference by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux Link to Environment and Climate Challenges, Advocacy, and Response
Catholicism and feminism: A turning point? by Elise Italiano Ureneck Angelus Link to Women Challenges and Leadership
Canadian bishops say they’ll follow pope’s example with Indigenous by Michael Swan Catholic News Service National Catholic Reporter Link to Indigenous People
Reconciliation with indigenous a priority for Canada’s Bishops by Christopher Wells Vatican News
Scheduled to Die: The Rise of Canada's Assisted Suicide Program by Rupa Subramanya Common Sense Link to Assisted Suicide
Canadian Bishops urge millennials to strive for holiness by Devin Watkins Vatican News
Classical Jesuit Music by Massimo Scapin One Peter Five Link to Spirituality and Music
Featured Report
Pope Francis on how to save the Philippines and the planet by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
Speaking truth to power is a moral obligation by Shay Cullen Independent Catholic News
Another journalist killing adds to grim toll in Philippines by UCA News
Philippines: A Catholic parish journeys together, living synodality by Rechilda Estores Vatican News
Hundreds flee as Philippine army fights Communists by Joseph Peter Calleja UCA News
Thousands evacuated and 8 deaths after Typhoon Noru slams into Philippines by Caritas Australia
Muslims Address Climate Change by Ibrahim Abdul-Matin Interfaith America
Cardinal Czerny: environmental crisis must be addressed at grassroot level by Lisa Zengarini Vatican News
Belgium violated right to life in euthanasia case, European Court of Human Rights rules by Anian Christoph Wimmer Catholic News Agency/Angelus Link to Euthanasiaand to Human Rights and Human Rights Violations
Pope to French public servants: 'Always care for the disadvantaged in society' by Benedict Mayaki, SJ Vatican News
Young French Catholics share a roof with the homeless by CathNews New Zealand Link to Homeless
Pope, Macron meet at Vatican; Ukraine concerns loom large by Frances D'Emilio The Associated Press/Crux
Germany’s synodal path has failed by CathNews New Zealand
Cardinal Koch, top German bishop meet in Rome amid fracas over Nazi comparison by Elise Ann Allen Crux
German bishops outraged by Cardinal Koch’s Nazi comparison, demand apology by Catholic News Service/Crux
A 1,000-year-old German boys choir is now accepting girls by Bob Schmitz NPR WBEZ Chicag Link to Spirituality and Music
Germany’s Apokalypse Now by Jeramy Stern Tablet
2 migrant boat tragedies off Greece leave scores dead and many missi by Nathan Morley Vatican News Link to Greece Immigration Challenges
Pact extends reach to support more prisoners' families by Theresa Alessandro Independent Catholic News Link to Prison Challenges and to Irish Issues and Challenges
Startling new theory emerges in one of Italy’s greatest unsolved mysteries by Nick Squires The Telegraph
Church will not be silent, Italy’s new government told by Independent Catholic News
The Return of Fascism in Italy by Ruth Ben-Ghiat The Atlantic Link to Fascism
Giorgia Meloni set to be Italy's most far-right prime minister since Mussolini, exit polls suggest by Kara Fox, Barbie Latza Nadeau, Antonia Mortensen and Nicola Ruotolo CNN Link to Italy Politics
Ruling Irish Party Mocks Eucharist by Catholic Arena Link to Ireland Politics and to Irish Issues and Challenges
Shared Island initiative by Government of Ireland
NYCI research shows Covid-19 pandemic impacting most severely on ‘at risk’ youth by National Youth Council of Ireland
Budget 2023 was extremely disappointing for young people and those who work with them according to Youth Work Ireland in letter to Minister O'Gorman by Youth Word Ireland
Minister asks Garda boss to examine use of anti-social behaviour orders by Paul Hosford The Irish Examiner
Irish sisters' synod submission laments media's 'constant battering' by Sarah MacDonald National Catholic Reporter
Based Priest DESTROYS Modern Ireland in Blistering Sermon by Catholic Arena
Italian court acquits three Legionaries of Christ of extortion charges by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report Link to Legionaires of Christ
Catholics now outnumber Protestants in Northern Ireland by CathNews
Sixty percent of churches need to close in five years by CathNews New Zealand
NI Bishops raise their voices over social cost of current economic crisis by Lisa Zengarini Vatican News
Violence against women: Police launch action plan in NI by Julian O'Neill & Kevin Sharkey BBC News Link to Women Challenges and Leadership
“Insulting or ridiculing church” to be jailable crime under bill supported by Polish justice minister by Notes from Poland
Vatican lays the groundwork for World Youth Day in Portugal by Elise Ann Allen Crux/Angelus
Historic Portugal church sex abuse ‘truly endemic’ at times by Barry Hatton The Associated Press
Portugal’s president under fire over Church sex abuse remarks by CathNews New Zealand
Religious freedom watchdog seeks Eritrea’s release of 80-year-old Jehovah’s Witness by Adelle M. Banks Religion News Service
A pilgrim on the way: celebrating forty years of priesthood on the Camino by Fr John McGowan OCD Independent Catholic News
The Mystery Man’: A hyperrealistic artwork of the Shroud of Christ by Johan Pacheco and Salamanca, Vatican News Link to Spirituality and Art
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Book Reviews, Commentaries, and Excerpts
Wounds of Love: The story of Saint Padre Pio by Phillip Campbell Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
The Rise and Progress of the Province of St. Joseph of the Capuchin Order in the United States by the Capuchins Province of St. Joseph Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
A History of the Popes by John O’Malley Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Greatest Fraud Never Told: False Accusations, Phony Grand Jury Reports. And the Assault on the Catholic Church by David F. Pierre Jr Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Loss and Hope: Global Interreligious and Interdisciplinary perspectives Edited by Peter Admirand Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Conscience and Catholic Education Edited by Kevin Baxter and David DeCosse Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Your One Wild and Precious Life by Mark-David Janus, Csp, Ph.D. Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Nonni in America: Around the World at 80 Years Old! by Jon Svensson, S.J. Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
The Breach by Denver Riggleman, Commentary by Kathryn Watson CBS News
The Meaning of the World Is Love: Selected Texts from Hans Urs von Balthasar with Commentary by Richard Clements The Catholic World Report
John XXIII. Vatican II a Council for the world by Fr. Ettore Malnati and Marco Roncalli Commentary by Linda Bordoni Vatican News
Speechless by Michael Knowles Reviewed by Robert R. Reilly Catholic World Report
Mass Class: Your Questions Answered by Fr. Dave Dwyer, CSP Book Excerpt by Fr. Dave Dwyer, CSP Busted Halo
Unchecked: The Untold Story Behind Congress’s Botched Impeachments of Donald Trump by Rachael Bade and Karoun Demirjian Commentary by Meaghan Ellis AlterNet
The Happening by Annie Ernaux Commentary by John L. Allen Jr. Crux
Fludd by Hilary Mantel Reviewed by Paul Baumann Commonweal
Take Me Where You Want Me to Go by Fr Mychal Judge Commentary by Independent Catholic News
The Quilt of Hope: A Warm Patchwork of Devotional Thoughts by Mary Tatem Commentary by Laura Mayers Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Power Born of Dreams: My Story is Palestine by Omar Ahmed Reviewed by Omar Ahmed Middle East Monitor
Subversive Habits by Shannen Dee Williams Commentary by Jacqueline Willy Romero Cushwa Center
Film Reviews/Commentaries
Padre Pio Reviewed by Nicole Winfield Crux
The Letter Commentary by Claire Giangravé Religion News Service
Kordon Reviewed by Linda Bordoni Vatican News
His Name Is My Name Reviewed by Lisa Klug Tablet
Mrs Harris Goes to Paris Reviewed by Kristina Cooper Independent Catholic News
Bros Commentary by Matt Brennan Los Angeles Times
The Albanian Code Commentary by Alan Rosenbaum The Jerusalem Post
The Hour of the Laity Reviewed by Francesca Pollio Fenton Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Dysconnected: The Real Story Behind the Transgender Explosion Commentary by James Day The Catholic World Report
Till Reviewed by Ellen Wexler Smithsonian Magazine
Karaoke Reviewed by Shani R. Friedman TC Jewfolk
Television Reviews/Commentaries
Vatican Girl Reviewed by Colleen Dulle America
Ramy and Mo Commentary by Monique Parsons and Silma Suba Religion News Service
George & Tammy Commentary by Rebecca Ford Vanity Fair
The Playlist Commentary by Jazz Monroe Pitchfork
Unchained Commentary by Tablet
Music Reviews
Shake the Frost Commentary by Nate Cortas, SJ The Jesuit Post
Charlie Reviewed by Ira Madison III GQ
Cardinal Letters
Feasting with the Saints
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