A Message from the Editor
We have a World in crisis. 270 million people are on the brink of starvation because of the coronavirus-induced hunger pandemic and most of us do little to help. We often fail God’s commandment to love our neighbor as ourselves by not providing assistance to them.
More than a million people globally have died from Covid-19 and we need to pray for them daily. In the United States, more than 200,000 people have died, many of them unnecessarily due to the failed leadership of Donald Trump who knew early in the pandemic of how deadly this virus was and did nothing about it because he didn’t want any bad news to affect the stock market.
Trump’s failure to believe and trust in Science has resulted in Scientific American Endorsing Biden. Trump’s failure to believe in Global Warning has contributed to the loss of lives and homes of thousands of Americans due to wildfires.
Trump may be trying to make the United States a fascist country. We need to do all in our power to preserve democracy in the United States/
Many are deeply concerned about Trump’s immoral politicization of the Covid-19 vaccine. The majority of people in the United States have indicated that they will not take the vaccine which would eliminate herd immunity and everyone would still have to wear masks.
Racism is also increasing everywhere so we have tried to provide some insights into these growing challenges by addressing Racial Challenges and Outreach in this issue of Profiles in Catholicism. Be sure to check out our powerful Videos on this challenge.
We have been blessed to have interviewed His Excellency His Excellency Archbishop Ivan Jurkovic . Be sure to read Holy See: indigenous communities to be included in the decision-making process Archbishop Ivan Jurkovič, the Holy See’s Permanent Observer to the United Nations in Geneva highlighted the plight of indigenous communities hard-hit by the Covid-19 pandemic in his address to the UN on Thursday.
Profiles in Catholicism is distributed to several thousand people in 68 countries. We rely on our readers for donations to continue and expand our mission Please make a tax-deductible donation in any amount.
A Quote to Remember
“Today I wish to emphasize that the problem of intolerance must be confronted in all its forms: wherever any minority is persecuted and marginalized because of its religious convictions or ethnic identity, the wellbeing of society as a whole is endangered and each one of us must feel affected,” he said. “With particular sadness, I think of the sufferings, the marginalization, and the very real persecutions which not a few Christians are undergoing in various countries. Let us combine our efforts in promoting a culture of encounter, respect, understanding, and mutual forgiveness”.
by Pope Francis
Special Prayer
A Prayer for Challenging Racism
You are the source of human dignity, and it is in your image that we are created.
Pour out on us the spirit of love and compassion.
Enable us to reverence each person, to reach out to anyone in need,
to value and appreciate those who differ from us,
to share the resources of our nation,
to receive the gifts offered to us
by people from other cultures.
Grant that we may always promote
the justice and acceptance
that ensures lasting peace and racial harmony.
Help us to remember that we are one world and one family.
A Prayer for Father Roberto Malgesin
God of consolation and healing, in your servant and priest, Roberto, your Son's passion, death, and resurrection was made real and present through his words and actions. In service to the Gospel, Fr. Roberto ministered to the immigrant and those in need in the Diocese of Como. We pray for those who attacked Fr. Roberto, that they may have a conversion of heart and recognize your face in the poor, the outcast, the sick, and the dying. As Fr. Roberto sheds his blood in service to the Gospel, grant that he may be greeted with the martyr's crown into the halls of heaven. Grant us, we pray, consolation and solace, forgiveness and hope, knowing that death does not have the final word, but that you, O God, are the life and resurrection we desperately long for. We ask this in Christ our Risen Lord. Amen.
by Deacon Andy Matijevic Seminarian Mundelein Seminary
Lord Jesus give eternal peace and welcome to Father Nomar who has passed from this world in a tragic death. You have compassion and understanding for everyone, embrace his spirit, may the good he has done on Earth live after him and may he be remembered for the service and goodness he brought to those in need. Amen by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer for Two Police Officers Shot in California
God of all peoples and all places, We know that life is full of risks. Getting out of bed is a risk. Walking across the street is a risk. Loving others as you love us is a risk. With COVID-19, even breathing has become a risk. Some of us have jobs or professions that put us at greater risk. That includes those in law enforcement. Lord, we decry the senseless attack on two Los Angeles County deputies, A man and a woman sitting in their patrol car near a subway station. We pray for their full recovery. We also pray for our nation and for our world. While violence may seem like an appropriate outlet for our anger, A justified response to oppression, Your gift to us is “peace”. You asked us to learn to forgive one another, As you have forgiven us. by Father Joseph Chamblain, O.S.M. Profiles in Catholicism
Prayer for the Victims of Wildfires
Oh Lord, we have watched with horror the wildfires devastating the West Coast of our country in California, Oregon, and Washington.
Many innocent people of all ages and creeds have lost their lives and their homes, family members, and friends.
We grieve with and for them.
We pray that our country may do what is needed
to stop the climate change that is harming us all,
in this country and around the world.
Children have lost their parents.
Many survivors are seriously injured, homeless, hungry, and in greed need
of solace and the basic necessities of life.
We pray that help will come to them in time to save their lives.
We pray that our entire country may come together in solidarity and shared humanity to work together to at least ameliorate the continuing disasters that we all, together, are facing in these perilous times.
by Dr. Eugene Fisher Profiles in Catholicism
Prayer in Memory of Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Oh Lord, we thank you for the blessings that
Ruth Bader Ginsburg brought to the lives
of all Americans.
She fought for and won
equal rights for women
and minorities
and those in need.
She stood for and helped to make real
the ideals and hopes of our constitution.
Oh Lord, now that she is with You,
may her spirit, ideals, and interpretations of our laws
continue to bless us, everyone.
She was and is, according to Jewish tradition,
a true Tzaddick,
a personification of your commands
of love, justice, and mercy
for all Americans.
May her memory be for a blessing
for us all.
by Dr. Eugene Fisher Profiles in Catholicism
A prayer for the Eritrean Refugees in Ethiopia: starved; rejected; and victims of traffickers
In the Service of Love
Oh Mary, Mother of the Lord and Mother of All:
We beg you to speak to your Son!
We cannot escape the plight that has made us
Homeless, hungry, and unspeakably abused!
We cannot cry loud enough to pierce the hearts
Of those who prey on us!
Therefore we cry to you, Mother of the Crucified,
Who knew the pain of inescapable vulnerability!
Oh Mary, Mother of the Lord and Mother of All:
We beg you to speak to your Son!
Who will understand our humiliating entrapment
In the wretched webs which surround us?
If not you.
Who will listen to our hopelessness, feel our helplessness?
If not you.
Who can help us as what we need to live is leaving us?
If not you.
Help us as you helped your Son at the foot of the cross.
Oh Mary, Mother of the Lord and Mother of All:
We beg you to speak to your Son!
We pray, too, that the paths that make human trafficking
Possible are pulled up, abolished, and destroyed.
We pray, too, that you have pity on those who are trapped,
For whatever reason, in the destruction of humanity.
We pray, too, that those who know how to undo
These crimes will do it with your motherly love.
by Francis Etheredge Profiles in Catholicism
Whenever I groan within myself and think how hard it is to keep writing about love in these times of tension and strife which may, at any moment, become for us all a time of terror, I think to myself:
What else is the world interested in? What else do we all want, each one of us, except to love and be loved, in our families, in our work, in all our relationships? God is Love. Love casts out fear. Even the most ardent revolutionist, seeking to change the world, to overturn the tables of the money changers, is trying to make a world where it is easier for people to love, to stand in that relationship to each other…There can never be enough of it.
by Dorothy Day
General Articles/Commentaries
We need to talk about racism in the Catholic Church, by Patrick Saint-Jean, S.J. Catholic Voices
Breonna Taylor, police brutality, and the importance of #SayHerHame by Melissa Brown and Rashawn Ray Btookings
Louisville Archbishop Kurtz Pleads for Justice and Peace After Breonna Taylor Decision by Catholic News Agency/National Catholic Register
LIVE UPDATES: Hundreds flock to downtown Louisville to continue Breonna Taylor protests by Bailey Loosemore and Hayes Gardner Louisville Courier
Black Catholics: Words not enough as church decries racism by Davus Crary Associated Press
Black church leaders demand apology for Trump ad by Jack Jenkins Religion News Service
How To Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month During The Covid-19 Pandemic/With a global pandemic, ongoing racial tensions and the presidential election, Hispanic Heritage Month is looking a little different in 2020. by J.D. Long-García America
Black and Jewish Community Join to Revive Historic Partnership by Saundra Sorenson The Skanner
LaCrosse, Wisconsin Catholic Priest Belittles Lynching in Racist Homily. by Rebecca Hamilton Patheos
The Unmistakable Black Roots of ‘Sesame Street’ by Bryan Greene Smithsonian Magazine/Pocket
Trump Prepares to Execute Christopher Vialva for a Crime He Committed as a Teenager. Vialva is the first Black man to face execution during Trump’s killing spree. He is set to die on September 24 by Liliana Segura The Intercept
Black Jesus version of Michelangelo's Pietà divides Catholics on race and politics by Claire Giangravé Religion News Service Link to Spirituality and Art
God is beyond race and gender. It’s time our sacred art is too. Predominantly white sacred images can inspire prejudice, says Father Bryan Massingale by Father Bruan Massingale U.S. Catholic
Free Black Thought by Brittaby Talissa King Tablet
Black Lives Matter co-founder denounces Pat Robertson for saying the movement is 'anti-God' by Alejandra Molina Religion News Service
How the CDC and others are failing Black women during childbirth by Leslie Farrington Stat Link to Pregnancy and Pregnancy Challenges
White Churches & White Supremacy by The Editors Commonweal Link to White Supremacy
Eco-Fascism Exists Across the Political Spectrum and Must Be Stopped by Emily Claire Schmitt Patheos Link to Fascism
Trump's 1776 commission is proof America is spiraling toward fascism by Arwa Mahdawi The Guardian
The Tablet Ten. Jews running for Congress this fall who are worth keeping an eye on, whether or not you’re Jewish by Armin Rosen Tablet
James Baldwin, blindness and Hagia Sophia by Stephen G. Adubato National Catholic Register
Scholar strike’ for racial injustice includes divinity school professor by Adelle M. Banks Religion News Service
David Hume: Canceled by Michael Pakaluk The Catholic Thing
Racism in Black maternal health Black mothers share their experience. by Rockland/Westchester Journal News/NewJersey.com
Trump campaign ad shows Biden kneeling in Black church to argue Americans ‘won’t be safe’ by Jack Jenkins Religion News Service
Christian Cooper Wrote a Comic Book About Racist Central Park Incident by Serena Sonoma them
La Crosse Bishop to Correct Racist Priest Who said ‘Catholics Can’t Be Democrats’ by Rebecca Hamilton Patheos
A Noose, Lynching Jokes and Endless Racial Slurs: Black Elevator Mechanics File Lawsuit Against Mitsubishi Electric by The Skanner News
200 Catholic leaders ask AG Barr to reject award by Independent Catholic News
Remembering Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Feminist Icon and Champion of Liberal Causes. A fearless fighter for women’s rights, her Judaism was an important part of Ginsburg’s identity throughout her life by Amir Tibon Haaretz Link to Ruth Bader Ginsberg
Catholics respond after Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg dies at 87 by CNA Daily News/The Catholic World Report
President Trump booed at Supreme Court as he pays respects to Ruth Bader Ginsburg by BBC News
'Person of great righteousness’: Jewish community notes the significance of Justice Ginsburg’s death on eve of Rosh Hashanah by Tulsi Kamath Click2Houston
Human Embryo Gene Editing Gets a Road Map—Not by Wired Link to Bioethics
The Day After: Navigating a Post-Pandemic World by Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Together Strong: Life Unites’ is theme of March for Life set for Jan. 29 by Kurt Jensen Crux Link to Abortion
Novice's death in India puts spotlight on tragedies over three decades by Saji Thomas Global Sisters Report Link to Murdered Nuns
Undercover Journalist David Daleiden Fights Planned Parenthood Lies with Federal Defamation Lawsuit by Thomas Moore Society Link to Abortion
Even RBG thought Roe v. Wade went too far. We should learn from her incremental approach by Thomas J. Reese America
Alabama abortion doctor denied license over claims of application fraud by CNA Daily News/The Catholic World Report
Why Abortion Is Different From Other Issues by Michael Warsaw National Catholic Register
Global biotech company ends use of aborted fetal cell lines for vaccines. A case in point is the decision by Sanofi Pasteur to no longer use an aborted fetal cell line in producing its polio vaccines by Julie Asher Catholic News Service/UCANews
Diocese of Amarillo: Disregard and Pray for Pavone by Mary Pezzulo Patheos
Together Strong: Life Unites’ is theme of March for Life set for Jan. 29 by Kurt Jensen Crux
Jared Kushner Not Sure Why You Chickenshits Are So “Hysterical” About a Virus That’s Killed 195,000 Americans by Vanity Fair Add to Immoral Political Practices
After Trying To Protect Water Sources, These Hondurans Have Been Held Without Bail For More Than A Year. Over the past two years, 31 people from the municipality of Tocoa, on the lush north shore of Honduras, have faced criminal prosecution as a result of their opposition to an iron ore mining project in the Botaderos Mount “Carlos Escaleras” National Park. by Jackie McVicar America Link to Catholic Activism
Vatican, tech heads see COVID as opportunity for ‘ethical’ AI solutions by Elise Ann Allen Crux Link to Artificial Intelligence
11 years in prison: A Catholic priest serves time for crimes of conscience, The Kings Bay Plowshares 7. From left to right: Elizabeth McAlister, Stephen Kelly, Carmen Trotta, Mark Colville, Martha Hennessy, Clare Grady and Patrick O’Neill. by Patrick O'Neill Religion News Service
Vatican's Cardinal Becciu renounces the cardinalate in shocking move by Joshua J. McElwee National Catholic Reporter Link to Financial Crimes
Analysis: The Becciu resignation, a beginning not an end by Ed Condon CNA/The Catholic World Report
Featured Report
My Jewish Response To The Kushner Remarks by Rabbi Jeffrey Wohlberg Profiles in Catholicism
A Young Kennedy, in Kushnerland, Turned Whistle-Blower by Jane Mayer The New Yorker
Featured Report
Law Making 16 the Age of Consent Must be Passed by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
Featured Report
Corruption and Spread of Covid-19 by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
Featured Report
The Fires and our Faith by Father Joseph Chamblain, O.S.M. Profiles in Catholicism Featured Report
Saint Francis and the Sultan by Father John O'Brien, OFM Profiles in Catholicism
Rohingya crisis ‘a scar on the conscience’ of Myanmar, Burmese cardinal says by Nirmala Carvalh Crux
Featured Report
Matisse and the Chapel of the Rosary by Father John O'Brien, OFM Profiles in Catholicism Add to Spirituality and Art
Featured Report
Mask or Burka -- Two ways to one goal … submission by Ashraf Ramelah Profiles in Catholicism
Former Irish president pledges to spend retirement challenging Catholic Church by Charles Collin Crux Link to Fear, Hate, Prejudice, and Discrimination against Others
Christian communicators can bring hope to world in crisis, pope says. Professional Christian communicators must be heralds of hope and trust in the future by Carol Glatz, Catholic News Service/UCANews Link to Media
The first virtual Nuns on the Bus tour begins, highlighting voting rights, poverty and pro-life policies by Dan Stockman Global Sisters Report
Mom of Carlo Acutis: Teen computer whiz was an ‘influencer’ for God by CNA Daily News/The Catholic World Report
And Now, Book Burning by Gene Veith Patheos
Pope holds private meeting with parents of LGBT children by Inés San Martín Crux Link to Children Challenges/ Outreach/Protection
Calls grow to canonize LGBT hero Father Mychal Judge, the "Saint of 9/11" by Cahir O'Doherty Irish Central Link to LGBTQ Challenges
Harry Potter Pulled from Bookshelves After J.K. Rowling’s Recent Transphobia by Serena Sonoma them
Tribal Truce — How Can We Bridge the Partisan Divide and Conquer Covid? by Lisa Rosenbaum, M.D. JAMA September 23, 2020 Link to Coronavirus
Catholic religious say no to tyranny in Philippines .As Filipinos remember martial law, religious superiors warn that a culture of death is being glorified under Duterte by UCA News reporter UCA News Link to War/Acts of War /Terrorism/Genocide
Padre Pio and the Wounds of Christ. The witness of the stigmatists gives us palpable reminders of that fact and challenges us to live accordingly, stigmatists that we are. by Peter M.J. Stravinskas The Catholiv World Report Link to Homilies
Vatican envoy's removal from India brings relief for some Catholics by Jose Kavi National Catholic Reporter
Indian nun testifies in closed session of bishop's rape trial by Saji Thomas Global Sisters Report via NCR Link to Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls
New podcast sends clear message: Abuse crisis isn’t over yet by Elise Ann Allen Crux Link to Catholic Sexual Violence Against Minors
Germany’s Catholic bishops agree on uniform compensation system for abuse victims by CNA Daily News/The Catholic World Report
Chilean abuse survivors fear COVID crisis will stop investigations into accused clergy by Inés San Martín Crux
Church must tackle underlying causes of abuse, expert says by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Pont. Commission for the Protection of Minors plenary assesses latest projects. Members of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors participated both in person and online during the Commission's plenary meeting held from 16-18 September. by Sr Bernadette Mary Reis, fsp Vatican News
US senators join criticism of Disney for filming Mulan in Xinjiang by CNA/The Catholic World Report Link to China Challenges
Houses passes bill to fight import of goods from Uyghur labor camps by CNA Daily News/The Catholic World Report
Let's talk about the dementia challenge by Bryan Allen Independent Catholic News Link to Dementia
Cologne cardinal warns German church’s Synodal Path could cause schism by Catholic News Service/Crux
Relics of Augustinian saints come to Philippines. Laoag Diocese says revered items should remind churchgoers of their Augustinian roots and mission by Joseph Peter Calleja UCA News
Normally a refuge on campus, college Muslim groups fight students’ isolation in a pandemic by Hira Qureshi Religion News Service
Philippine parish rejoices at return of stolen Child Jesus image by Joseph Peter Calleja UCA News
Chinese Catholics angry over book claiming Jesus killed sinner .Catholics want the church hierarchy in China to speak up and seek an apology for an offensive school textbook by UCA News reporter UCA News
Why extend Pandemic EBT? When schools are closed, many fewer eligible children receive meals by Lauren Bauer andJana Parsons Brookings
‘Compass women’ seek to make world a better place by Inés San Martín Crux
America’s China Class Launches a New War Against Trump. The corporate, tech, and media elites will not allow the president to come between them and Chinese money by Lee Smith Tablet
The Nuremberg Race Laws were two in a series of key decrees, legislative acts, and case law in the gradual process by which the Nazi leadership moved Germany from a democracy to a dictatorship. by United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Link to Antisemitism
British Brexit strategy “no way to do business,” Taoiseach says.The British Government introduced the Internal Market Bill which could have ramifications for the Good Friday Agreement. by Shane O'Brien Irish Central Link to United Kingdom Politics
Planned English monument to tell story of million answered prayers by Charles Collin Crux
Pope seeks to liberate Virgin Mary from mafia. The mafia has hijacked images of the Virgin Mary in an attempt to convince people that they are doing God's work. by Shane O'Brien IrishCentral Link to Immoral Political Practices
Biden says Good Friday Agreement cannot become a "casualty of Brexit",Joe Biden warns the British that a US-UK trade deal after Brexit is dependent on respect for the Good Friday Agreement by Kerry O'Shea Irish Central
How Donald Trump Is Killing Politics ,Peaceful coexistence requires a system of compromise. Targeting that system is a recipe for violence. by Franklin Foer The Atlantic
Trump refuses to commit to peaceful transfer of power after election by Irish Times
Trump's ambassador to the Netherlands tweets photo of Nazi cemetery, calling it a 'terrible reminder' of the cost of war by John Haltiwanger Business Insider Link to Immoral Political Practices
Survey says COVID-19 putting stress on families, and motivating Biden supporters by Charles Collins Crux
Do You have a Plan for After Trump Ends Social Security? by Rebecca Hamilton Patheos
Now more than ever, America needs a leader who cares for all of us by Mark Kennedy Shriver National Catholic Reporter
Webinar tackles decision process facing Catholic voters in Nov. 3 election by Tom Tracy Catholic News Agency
US Judge Blocks Postal Service Changes That Slowed Mail by The Skanner News
Nuns on the Bus hits the virtual road ahead of US presidential election. This year, we can all ride along by Dan Stockman Global Sisters Report
Los Angeles police officers shot in 'ambush' by BBC News Link to Police Protection and Challenges
In Place of Police: The Oregon Experiment by Krithika Varagur NYR Daily Link to Police Brutality and Misconduct
The U.S. political system is broken. How can we fix it? by Thomas Levergood America Link to United States Politics
UK has given £1 billion in aid to Yemen, but licensed £6.5 billion in arms to bomb it by Independent Catholics News
Murdered by her own father for not being a boy; Catholic groups are trying to change the culture of Thailand's hilltribe communities where females are less valued by UCA News reporter UCA News Link to Murdered Children
Top HHS official takes leave of absence after Facebook rant on CDC conspiracies. The move came days after top HHS spokesman Michael Caputo warned of a CDC plot against the president and urged Trump supporters to "buy ammunition." by Dareh Gregorian NBC News
Biden leads Trump among Catholic voters, according to new poll. Joe Biden holds a "substantial 12-point lead" over Donald Trump among Catholics, according to a new EWTN News/RealClear Opinion Research poll by Irish Central Staff Irish Central
Nobel laureate: pandemic could undo progress in children’s rights.Kailash Satyarthi, India’s leading crusader against child slavery and child trafficking, fears that progress made against the scourges could roll back because of the Covid-19 pandemic. by Robin Gomes Vatican News Link to Children Challenges/ Outreach/Protection
COVID-19, Ebola, and conflict are triple-threat for humanitarian efforts in Congo by Crux Staff Crux Link to Ebola, Coronavirus. and African Challenges
Conference takes stock of progress in AIDS fight during COVID-19 pandemic by Paul Jeffrey CNA/Crux Link to HIV/AIDS
Cardinal Tobin: A 'person in good conscience' could vote for Biden by Christopher White National Catholic Reporter
Attorney General Barr suggests charging protesters with sedition in call to federal prosecutors by Kristine Phillips and Kevin Johnson USA Today
"A Silent Pandemic": Nurse at Ice Facility Blows the Whistle on Coronavirus Gangers. Irwin Detention Center, run by LaSalle Corrections, has refused to test detainees and underreported Covid-19 cases, the nurse says. by José Olivares and John Washington The Intercept Link to Immoral Political Practices
HHS Official Michael Caputo Admits Warning Of 'Sedition' At CDC, Riots If Trump Wins by Brian Naylor NPR Link to Political Idiots
Survey finds correlation between Catholic Mass attendance, political views by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Amy Barrett and the relationship between religion and politics by Brian Jones The Catholic World Report
I helped write the bishops’ first document on Catholics and voting. Here’s why I’m voting Biden, not Trump. by John Carr America
Firefighters Union, a Key Biden Ally, Confronts a Barr Investigation and Trump’s Pardon Power by Rachel M. Cohen The Intercept
Ask the Editor: Matt Malone, S.J., responds to your questions about ‘America’ and the 2020 election by Matt Malone, S.J. America
Donald Trump Is Attacking American Democracy at Its Core by John Cassidy The New Yorker
COVID-19’s summer surge into red America sets the stage for November’s election by William H. Frey Brookings
Irish donations to Navajo helped to raise nationwide awareness in America/Irish man Jason Ryan, who now lives in Arizona, explains the impact that Irish donations and support have had on the Navajo Nation through COVID by Shane O'Brien Irish Central
Child death toll mounting in Myanmar's Rakhine conflict. umanitarian groups express concern over the surge in civilian casualties and displacement by John ZawJohn UCA News Link to War/Acts of War /Terrorism/Genocide
Bishop Julius Jia Zhiguo Kidnapped for over a Month by overnment in China by Jesus Caritas Est The Catholic World Report Link to Catholicism and China
Catholic nun known for work with immigrants makes Time 100 list by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Buffalo Catholic peace activist Martin Gugino back on his feet, determined to protest by Yonat Shimron Religion News Service Link to Catholic Activism
'Fratelli tutti' does not include women, and neither does 'fraternity' by Phyllis Zagano National Catholic Reporter Link to Women Challenges/ Outreach/Protection and to Catholicism
Debt cancellation ‘a question of justice and survival, not mercy or forgiveness’ by Crux Staff/Crux Link to International Debt Crises
Wearing a Mask is an Act of Love and Justice by Patrick Saint-Jean, S.J. The Jesuit Post Link to Coronavirus
Early research from 23andMe strengthens link between blood types and Covid-19 by Kate Sheridan Stat
The Buddha Was Not an Atheist by Dr. Jay N. Forrest Patheos Link to Atheism
Mix of science and politics' leading to people's uncertainty about Covid-19 vaccine, NIH director says by Madeline Holcombe, Holly Yan and Theresa Waldrop, CNN
John MacArthur’s COVID-disbelieving church loses round 1 by Mark Silk Religion News Service
New Orleans health director works to prevent second wave of pandemic Catholic faith helps Dr. Jennifer Avegno support patients in their time of crisis by Jason Berry National Catholic Reporter
Xavier University of Louisiana’s Institute for Black Catholic Studies Appoints Dr. C. Vanessa White as Associate Director by Xavier University of Louisiana Link to Dr. C. Vanessa White
The fate of women’s rights in Afghanistan by John R. Allen and Vanda Felbab-Brown Brookings Link to Women Challenges/ Outreach/Protection
3 Holocaust Monuments Vandalized With Swastikas in Ukraine and Russia by Cnaan Liphshiz JTA/Jewish Journal Link to Antisemitism
Suspended Irish priest Tony Flannery calls Vatican inquiry ‘unjust’ by Gerard O’Connell America
Church setback over confession in Western Australia by Marilyn Rodrigues Catholic Weekly
Vatican envoy's removal from India brings relief for some Catholics by Jose Kavi National catholic Reporter
US government executes killer obsessed with witchcraft by Michael Tarm Associated Press
Hawley Condemns Disney for Whitewashing Genocide in Production of Mulan, Asks Whether They Will Pull Film by Senator Josh Hawley HawleySenator,com Link to War/Acts of War /Terrorism/Genocide
The Tablet Ten. Jews running for Congress this fall who are worth keeping an eye on, whether or not you’re Jewish by Armin Rosen The Tablet
Poll: Biden bests Trump with Jewish voters on every issue but may have lost ground overall by Jack Jenkins Religion News Service
There were 5 priests in Aleppo, Syria: 2 died of COVID-19 by Inés San Martín Crux
Alzheimers Q&A: Is Alzheimer’s disease becoming a public health crisis? by The Advocate Link to Alzheimer’s disease
Catholic Priest Discovered Dead in his Room from Gunshot Wounds - RIP Fr. Nomer at Age 32 by Jesus Caritas Est Catholic News World Link to Murdered Priests and Seminarians
Greece: Thousands homeless after fire destroys refugee camp by Independent Catholic News Link to Homeless
US bishops commend HUD plan to allow homeless shelters to serve on basis of sex by CNA Daily News/The Catholic World Report
Abraham a sign of unity, source of understanding among peoples by Father Jeffrey F. Kirby Crux
The Gospel of Matthew reminds us that just wages are a pro-life issue by Jaime L. Waters America Link to Other ProLife Challenges
Bioethics must ‘break out’ of ivory tower and engage society, academic says by Charles C. Camosy Crux Link to Bioethics
Activists to hold protest rally after reports of ICE officials forcing Muslim detainees to eat pork by Alejandra Molina Religion News Service Link to United States Immigration Challenges and Immoral Political Practices and to Islam
Muslim woman sues Los Angeles Police Department for forcibly removing her hijab by Alejandra Molina Religion News Service
AP Exclusive: More migrant women say they didn’t OK surgery by Normal Merchant Associated Press Link to United States Immigration Challenges and to Immoral Political Practices
The complicated reality of Catholic bishops on Twitter by Daniel P. Horan National Catholic Reporter Link to Social Media
Church builds houses for India flood victims by Nirmala Carvalho Crux
How to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month during the Covid-19 pandemic by J.D. Long-García America
SWFL boy with Down syndrome inspires thousands with his smile and perseverance by Sydney Persing and Briana Harvath WINK Link to Down Syndrome
Missouri GOP Candidate Rejects “Demonic Ritual” of Wearing Masks During Pandemic by Hemont Menta Patheos Link to Political Idiots
Korean bishops back anti-discrimination law, with caveats by CNA Daily News/The Catholic World Report
How Catholic chaplains are serving the Latino community during Covid-19 by J.D. Long-García America
Despite pandemic, Brazilians mark annual Cry of the Excluded by Lise Alves Catholic News Service/Crux
Claim of unwanted hysterectomies at ICE detention center by Father Pahlo Migone Patheos Link to United States Immigration Challenges
International efforts to counter violent extremism under President Trump: A case study in dysfunction by Eric Rosand Brookings Link to General Violence Challenges
Clergy abuse survivors face a lifetime of PTSD recurrence by Dennis Sadowski Catholic News Service via UCA News Link to PTSD
Ahead of regional elections, Cameroonian bishop warns of ‘vertigo of chaos by Crux Staff Crux Link to African Challenges
In Oregon, churches and anti-fascists unite to provide mutual aid to fire evacuees and others in need by Alejandra Molina Religion News Service
British prime minister’s son baptized a Catholic by Catholic News Agency/Angelus
Lebanon's disaster donation dilemma. A drone picture shows the scene of an explosion that hit the seaport of Beirut, Lebanon, . A massive explosion rocked Beirut on Tuesday, flattening much of the city's port, damaging buildings across the capital and sending a giant mushroom cloud into the sky. by Nada Moumtaz Religion News Service
Roman Notebook: A homily that brought home what it is to forgive by John L. Allen Jr. Crux Link to Forgiveness
Pope Francis urges government leaders to listen to protestors by Gerard O’Connell America
When protest becomes prayer by Renée Darline Roden America
Two Canadian bishops disavow priest’s prophecies by Francois Gloutnas Catholic News Service/Crux
Catholic journalism in the Church and World today by CWR Staff The Catholic World Report
How one Catholic ministry is helping families deal with the devastating aftermath of suicide by Ashley McKinless America Link to Suicide/Assisted Suicide/Euthanasia
Spanish bishops call for palliative care instead of euthanasia and assisted suicide by CNA Daily News/The Catholic World Report Link to End of Life Challenges
How Narcissistic Leaders Destroy from Within. When the person at the top is malignant and self-serving, unethical behavior cascades through the organization and becomes legitimized. by Lee Simmons Stanford Business
Idaho farmer-turned-missionary now serves the state’s poor by CNA Daily News/The Catholic World Report Link to Poverty
Uncertain future faces Catholics in conflict-torn Belarus by Jonathan Luxmoore National Catholic Reporter Link to War/Acts of War /Terrorism/Genocide
Mark Galli, former Christianity Today editor and Trump critic, to be confirmed a Catholic by Yonat Shimron Religion News Service
An introduction to the brave, joyful, and prolific work of Brian Doyle by Jefrey Munroes Patheos
Standing up for human rights on the French-UK borders by Independent Catholic News Link to Human Rights
Philippines: Diocese plants 60,000 trees in one day by Independent Catholic News Link to Environment and Climate Challenges
Can conservation measures save sea turtles from climate change? by Gail DeGeorge EarthBeat
Record wildfires, hurricanes, droughts – we need the ‘Season of Creation’ by Tony Magliano Acting Franciscan
Pope to UN: Respect for each human life is essential for peace, equality by Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service/Angelus
The Trump Team Has a Plan to Not Fight Climate Change. It may take decades to see the worst effects of global warming. Yet Jim Reilly, the director of the US Geological Survey, is committed to short-term thinking by Adam Federman Wired/typeinvestigations
The role of climate education in the COVID-19 recovery by Christina Kwauk Brookings
African Catholic climate activists warn against proposed pipeline by Fredrick Nzwili CNS/Crux
Honduras: One year on environmental defenders still in jail without trial by Independent Catholic News Link to Prison Challenges, Honduras Politics, and Immoral Political Practices
Navy commander reverses decision to cancel priests' contracts for services by CNS/The Pilot
Calls grow to canonize LGBT hero Father Mychal Judge, the "Saint of 9/11" by Cahir O'Doherty Irish Central
A Safe Haven for Abandoned Babies. Nick Silverio’s ‘A Safe Haven for Newborns’ apostolate has been a lifeline to those in crisis. by Robert Klesko National Catholic Register Link to Other ProLife Challenges
Catholics Should Use Science to Evangelize Says Chemist by K. Albert Little Patheos Link to Evangelization and to Faith and Science
China’s foreign ministry: Vatican deal has been ‘implemented successfully’ by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report Link to Catholicism and China
No easy solutions: a response to Weigel's critique of the Vatican-China deal by Massimo Faggioli National Catholic Reporter
The Vatican is ready to renew its deal with China. Privately, officials admit they’re walking a tightrope. by Gerard O’Connell America
The Little Catholic School That Could Aids the Napa Community by Joan Frawley Desmond National Catholic Register Link to Catholic Schools
Mourning in Place by Edwidge Danticat NYR Daily Link to End of life
Marian feast becomes a political football in Cuba by Inés San Martín Crux
Navy’s Cutting of Contract Priests: Part of ‘Longer Arc’? Though ultimately overturned, the decision raises ongoing questions about religious liberty in the armed forces. by Father Lt. Mark Bristol National Catholic Register Link to US Military and Veterans and to Religious Freedom
Trying to Make a Living. A Rosh Hashanah Story by Sholem Aleichem Tablet
New Zealand’s euthanasia bill called ‘dangerous and flawed’ ahead of vote by Charles Collins Crux Link to Euthanasia
Bioethicists welcome Vatican document on euthanasia: ‘No life is unworthy of life’ by Charles Collins Crux
Vatican reaffirms euthanasia is ‘intrinsically evil act,’ calls Catholics to accompany the dying by CNA Daily News/The Catholic World Report
Proposed assisted suicide law in Ireland has few safeguards, critics say by Charles Collins Crux Link to Suicide/Assisted Suicide/Euthanasia
Theologians, activists, former bishops staff urge Catholic voters to oppose Trump by Jack Jenkins Religion News Service Link to Catholicism
Jesuits in Space by Russell E. Saltman Patheos Link to The Jesuits
How to Respond to an Overdose by Granite Recovery Centers
Clinically Reviewed by Cheryl Smith MS,MLADC Link to Substance Use/Addiction
Catholic social teaching has values the world needs, Dominican says by Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service/. Catholic San Francisco Link to Catholic Social Teaching
Safeguard Temporary Protected Status (TPS) by Jesuit Refugee Service_ Link to United States Immigration Challenges
Nigerian Christians more resilient than terrorists, advocate says by Crux Staff Crux Link to African Challenges
Report: The death penalty is a ‘descendant of slavery’ by Erika Rasmussen America Link to Death Penalty
Is Kamala Harris anti-Catholic? by Thomas Reese, Religion News Service/National Catholic Reporter Link to United States Politics
Environment, other issues beyond abortion are critical in voting, bishop says by Brian Roewe EarthBeat
Biden and Trump Vie for Catholic Votes, Disagree on What Issues Take Priority ;Patrick Carolan, Catholic outreach director for the group Vote Common Good, said Catholics should heed the advice of Bishop Robert McElroy of San Diego, that “a person’s character is what’s as important as any of these issues when considering who to vote for.” by Matt Hadro CNA/National Catholic Register
Astronomy in Art & Architecture: Look Down and see the Sky by Christopher M. Graney Sacred Space Astronomy
For Australia, child protection outweighs religious freedom, ambassador says by Elise Ann Allen Crux Link to Children Challenges/ Outreach/Protection and to Catholic Sexual Violence Against Minors
Man who went on vandalism spree at Louisiana Catholic church arrested by CNA /The Catholic World Report
Our priests are there for us, let's be there for them by Sharon McNally The Pilot
China’s system of oppression in Xinjiang: How it developed and how to curb it|| by James Millward and Dahlia Peterson Brookings
How Will We Remember the Holocaust after those who Lived it are Gone? by Angry Staff Officer Patheos
Germany is well placed to lead a tougher EU response to Russia by Constanze Stelzenmüller The Financial Times/Brookings Link to Germany Politics
Opening the Gates of Jewish Study in the Soviet Union by David Rozenson Tablet
Spanish court convicts ex-Salvadoran colonel of 1989 murders of 5 Jesuits by David Agren Catholic News Service/National Catholic Reporter
Trump Said He's "Entitled" to a Third Term During Nevada Campaign Push, and Defied COVID-19 Restrictions by Lucy Diavalo Teen Vogue Link to Political Idiots
Texas missionary priest named winner of 2020-2021 Lumen Christi Award by Crux Contributor Crux
The Mystery of the Universe – Exploring Pope Francis’ Spiritual Vision of Creation in Laudato Si’ by Fr. James Kurzynski Sacred Space Astronomy Link to Faith and Science
Life on Venus? Proof God is bigger than we think, Vatican astronomer says by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Sisters Program South welcomes women on the streets of Milwaukee by Celia Struck Global Sisters Report Link to Human Trafficking
Queens Holocaust Survivor Continues Fighting for Family Property in Poland by Erin DeGregorio The Tablet Link to The Holocaust
Pope’s words on peaceful protests have special significance in Latin America by Inés San Martín Crux
Pope, Spanish bishops voice alarm over euthanasia debate by Inés San Martín Crux Link to Euthanasia
Pope Francis thanks elderly and sick priests for their faithful witness by Vatican News Link to Elder Challenges/ Outreach/Protection
Perpetrator Shooting. Deputies Dying. Activists Cheering. : Where is God? by Jeff Hood Patheos Link to Police Protection
In Buddhist Thailand, Christians help needy and share Gospel. As the economic fallout from Covid-19 hits hard, Catholics join efforts to ease people's hardship by UCA News reporter UCA News Link to Economic Challenges
Pope Francis makes surprise donation to struggling poultry workers by CNA Daily News/The Catholic World Report
Door-Busting Drug Raids Leave a Trail of Blood. Using SWAT officers to storm into homes to execute search warrants has led time and again to avoidable deaths, gruesome injuries and costly legal settlements. by Kevin Sack The New York Times
Vatican cardinal defends issuing fidelity oaths to Irish priest Tony Flannery by Joshua J. McElwee National Catholic Reporter
Global faith leaders urge end to 'broken state of European migration' by Independent Catholic News Link to Europe Challenges
Philippines: Shipping company urged to resume search for 40 seafarers lost at sea by Independent Catholic News
3,000 Hasidic Cossacks Congregate on Ukrainian Border Is Rebbe Nachman playing a practical joke from beyond the grave, or is this Eastern Europe’s version of normal during a pandemic? by Vladislav Davidzon Tablet
Exclusive: Facebook used extensively to spread neo-Nazi music. An Al Jazeera investigation identified some 120 pages belonging to bands with openly white supremacist and racist views. by Yarno Ritzen Al Jazeera Link to White Supremacy
U.S. bishops urge immediate halt to federal executions by Kevin Clarke America Link to Death Penalty
In-person classes boosts enrollment for some Catholic schools, but that won’t save them all. by Michael J. O’Loughlin America Link to Catholic Schools
Who is a terrorist, actually? by Daniel Byman Brookings
Statue of Jesus in El Paso cathedral beheaded by vandal by Crux Staff Crux Link to Fear, Hate, Prejudice, and Discrimination against Others
‘Darknet’ opioid takedown nabs 179 suspects worldwide and $6.5M seized, DOJ announces 'Criminals selling fentanyl on the Darknet should pay attention,' officials warned by Stephanie Pagones Fox News
Ruth Graham on the Healing Power of Forgiveness by Busted Halo Link to Forgiveness
A Church That Is Poor? Money, Sectarianism, & Catholic Tradition by Massimo Faggioli Commonweal Link to Catholicism
Crowd jeers as Trump pays respects at court to Ginsburg by Associated Press/KBJR6
Hundreds attend first Catholic ethical investment webinar by Independent Catholic News Link to Catholicism and Economics
The Unmercenary Physicians by James Breen, M.D The Catholic Thing
Please send a donation to help save the life of my close friend Alwin Rex in India. Please read the article How do we love our neighbor as ourselves? and send a donation of $10.00 or more to help cover his healthcare costs to PayPal link: https://www.paypal.me/AlwinRex Thank you Gordon Nary Editor, Profiles in Catholicism
Please help Francis Otieno care for children affected by HIV/AIDS in Africa who are also starving. He desperately needs your donations. Thank you Gordon Nary Editor, Profiles in Catholicism
Donation request for mentally retarded children in India When Children are Set Free by Father Shay Cullen Preda Foundation Father Shay Cullen established The Preda Foundation in Olongapo City in 1974 and has been rescuing enslaved children and women from sex slavery and children from jails. He has been nominated four times for the Nobel Peace Prize and received other human rights awards.
Saikou Kambi, a 7-year-old boy in The Gambia who fell from a mango tree, was seriously injured and later died. We hope that some of our readers will make a donation to cover his medical expense. I have paid for his burial expenses and you can trust the information we have provided to send donations. Subsequently, I learned that his family’s house has burned down Donations should be sent to Heidi Troyer via PayPal to her email address-heiditroyercrossclub16@gmail.com. She will foreword it on it on to Saikou’s pastor, and funds donated that exceed his medical expenses will go to help support his family
Book Reviews/Commentaries
Will He Go?: Trump and the Looming Election Meltdown in 2020 by Lawrence Douglas Commentary by Pamela Karlan The New York Reviews of Books
The Words of My Father by Mark Nemetz Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Catholicism & Culture by Massimo Faggioli Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Our Mother Earth: A Christian Reading of the Challenge of the Environment by Pope Francis with a preface by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
A Shimmer of Something: Lean Stories of Spiritual Substance by Brian Doyle Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Papal Policies on Clerical Sexual Abuse: God Weeps by Jo Renee Formicola Reviewed by Father Mark White Profiles in Catholicism
Passage to Modernity: An Essay in the Hermeneutics of Nature and Culture by Louis Dupré Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
The Father's Son by Jim Sano Reviewed by Edmond Adamus Profiles in Catholicism
White Too Long: The Legacy of White Supremacy in American Christianity by Robert P. Jones Commentary by Madeleine Davison National Catholic Reporter
My Own Words by Ruth Bader Ginsberg Reviewed by Richard Wolf USA TODAY
TerraFutura (Future Earth) by Carlo Petriniand and Pope Francis Commentary by Junno Arocho Esteves Crux
Lens on Creation: The dark sky of Creation by Paul Jeffrey EarthBeat Link to Faith and Science
Man’s Search for Meaning Commentary by David Mikics The Tablet
The Greatest Fraud Never Told: False Accusations, Phony Grand Jury Reports, and the Assault on the Catholic Church by David Pierre Commentary by Fr. Peter M. J. Stravinskas The Catholic Thing
Voices From Catholic Worker by Rosalie Troester Reviewed by Elian Crim Patheos
Chronicle of a Dream by Jose Luis Olaizola’s Bartolomé de las Casas: Reviewed by James Baresel The Catholic World Report
State of War MS-13 and El Salvador’s World of Violence by William Wheeler Reviewed by César J. Baldelomar Commonweal
Theater Reviews/Commentaries
Godspell Commentary by Lindsay Chessare America
Film Reviews/Commentaries
Television Reviews/Commentaries
The Boys Reviewed by Jason McCreery, SJ The Jesuit Post
The Devil All the Time Commentary by John Anderson America
Cuties Commentary by CNA Staff CNA
Unpregnant YouTube Commentary by EWTN
The Social Dilemma Commentary by Randall Smith The Catholic Thing
Videogame Reviews/Commentaries
Wanderlight Reviewed by William Lee National Catholic Reporter
Feasting with the Saints
Remembering Those Who Have Passed
The symbols of systemic racism — and how to take away their power
What are structural, institutional and systemic racism?
America Protests Police Brutality and Systemic Racism
The Race Gap: How U.S. systemic racism plays out in Black lives
Bryan Massingale: How the church can combat racism and white privilege | Behind the Story
Holocaust Survivors' Message to New American Citizens
Covid-19: Building a healthier future
Hear the Call
Remembering Ruth Bader Ginsburg | NYT News
Cardinal Pietro Parolin at the Commemoration for the UN's 75th Anniversary, Sept 21, 2020
EarthBeat: Climate-conscious young Christian voters and the 2020 election
An Islamic Eschatological View of Corona Virus 5 months ago
President Donald Trump: Won't agree to accept 2020 election results because it's 'fake'
Why Ukraine Matters to the U.S. and Deterring Russia | The Day After
Coronavirus Update
Alleluia (Exsultate, jubilate - Mozart) | boy soprano Aksel Rykkvin (13y) & KORK