A Message from the Editor
I am blessed to be a cancer survivor. After 12 years of treatment for sarcoma, I am now completely healed. This is due to being treated by one of the leading oncologists - Alan David Gilman, MD FACP and his dedicated staff, and my devotion to St. Peregrine. For this reason, the subtext of this issue is Cancer.
We are also blessed to have the opportunity to review the book Jesus the Healer: St. Peregrine, OSM, the Helper and an interview with the author Father Christopher Krymski, O.S.M. plus an interview with Father John Kumar who cares for the largest cancer population of India. We pray that you will be generous in your contributions to Father John Kumar.
Special Prayers
Cancer Payer
Whom Holy Mother Church has declared Patron of those suffering from Cancer, I confidently turn to you for help in my present sickness. I beg your kind intercession. Ask God to relieve me of this sickness, if it is his Holy Will. Plead with the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Sorrows, whom you loved so tenderly and in union with whom you have suffered the pains of Cancer, that she may help me with her powerful prayers and loving consolation.
But if it should be God’s Holy Will that I bear this sickness, obtain for me courage and strength to accept these trials from the loving hand of God with patience and resignation, because he knows what is best for the salvation of my soul. St. Peregrine, be my friend and patron. Help me to imitate you in accepting suffering, and to unite myself with Jesus
Prayer for Those Murdered at a Wedding
God our Father and Lord, we come to you mourning senseless violence. We ask you to soothe the ailing heart of our world suffering from an abundance of hatred and terror. We ask that those who mourn may sense the comfort of your loving embrace. Please wrap the sorrowful in your arms and strengthen them to see the courage that results in life with You. For those fearing that they will never see happiness again, strengthen them as they encounter terror after terror in their community and country. May faith guide them through to see the love and hope of Your divine presence. by Ryan Brady
A Quote to Remember “Cancer can take away all of my physical abilities. It cannot touch my mind, it cannot touch my heart, and it cannot touch my soul.” by Jim Valvano
General Articles/Commentaries
First Pediatric Cancer Hospital in Peru and South America Blessed ‘Vidawasi’ Project Supported by Holy See by Zenit Staff Zenit
Cuban Catholics pray for Cardinal Ortega battling terminal cancer by Rhina Guidos Catholic News Service 6.25.2019
Drinking Bleach Won’t Cure Cancer or Anything Else, F.D.A. Says Posted by Bioethics Pundit Bioethics.com
Industry Cites 3M Research on Cancer Patients Exposed to PFOA to Claim the Chemical Isn’t So Bad by Sharon Lerner The Intercept
Gaffigan: If tumor was a test of faith, I passed … but not with flying colors by Charles C. Camosy Crux
Five-timecancer survivor converts to Catholicism, says nothing can shake his faithin God by Grace Turber Detroit Catholic Link to Cancer
Pope’s homily on hypocrisy confronts a practice-what-you-preach moment by CathNews
'Both sides' is a lie that enables white nationalism, threatens Latinos by Tom Roberts National Catholic Reporter Link to White Supremacy
Seattle Has Figured Out How to End the War on Drugs by Nicholas Kristof, New York Times /Real Clear Politics Link to Substance Use/Addiction
Editorial: 'The 1619 Project' is landmark truth telling by NCR Editorial Staff
Brazilian Jesuit sees burning Amazon as ‘apocalyptic, Dantesque’ by Inés San Martín Crux Link to Environment Challenges
Gone: Pastor says half of his parishioners were seized in ICE raid by Deacon Greg Kandra Patheos
Calling Out Racism, White Supremacy and White Nationalism is More Vital Than Ever by Stacy M. Brown The Skanner Link to White Supremacy,and Racial Challenges and Alt-Right
St. Maximilian Kolbe, the Atomic Bomb, and a Strange Connection by Jack Hartjes Patheos Link to Nuclear Challenges
St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pray for Me, a Sinner, and a White Man. by Jonathan Ryan Patheos
Auschwitz Memorial chronicles the sacrifice of St. Maximilian Kolbe by, Angelus/Catholic News Agency Link to The Holocaust and Prison Challenges
Former Vatican ambassador to UK calls for women to be ordained priests by Inés San Martín Crux Link to Women’s Challenges
French cannabis debate ignores race, religion and mass incarceration of Muslims by David A. Guba Religion News Service Link to Substance Use/Addiction, Prison Challenges and Catholic/Muslim Challenges
In praise of today’s seminarians, A great deal has in fact been accomplished in the last 15 years, and it’s important that the people of the Church know it. by George Weigel The Dispatch Link to Vocations
One mother’s story of love and loss, and the impact of a child’s short life by Charles C. Camosy Crux Link to End of Life
What will the Jesuits do next? by Father Myron Pereira SJ, UCNews.com Link to The Society of Jesus
Mexican bishops: No matter how life is conceived, abortion is wrong by David Agren Angelus Link to Abortion
Q & A with Sr. Maria Cecilia Tuble on her depression and advocacy for mental health awareness by Ma. Ceres P. Doyo Global Sisters Report Link to Mental Health/Illness’
I am a recovering Racist by Bob Bossie, SCJ Thy Kingdom Come Link to Racial Challenges
Racialdivide worsens in Ferguson by Judith Best Global Sister Report
Lanka terror victims are martyrs, say Cardinal Sart by UCANews. Reporter com UCANews com Link to Murder
Monarch butterflies were already in danger—Trump’s new rules could make things worse for them by Ellen Knickmeyer America/ Associated Press Link to Environment Challenges
A rabbi pleads with AG William Barr: Don’t bring the death penalty to Pittsburgh by Yonat Shimron Religion News Service Link to Death Penalty
Churches are arming and training congregants in the wake of mass shootings by America/Associated Press
If Germany Atoned for the Holocaust, the U.S. Can Pay Reparations for Slavery by The Conversation Patheos
The Teen Center at St. Peter's -- an oasis for Dorchester youth by Debie Ramdo The Pilot Link to Youth Outreach/Protection
Ex-NFL player calls on Church leaders to speak up on gun violence by Christopher White Crux Link to Gun Violence
Misunderstanding About Anti-Semitism/ Not a disease, but a human reaction to an anomaly by Edward N. Luttwak Tablet Link to Antisemitism
In case you didn’t know, the Vatican Library has been digitized and is online by Aleteia
Archbishop Lori on Social Media and Overcoming Division Online by Busted Halo Link to Social Media
Adapting to a ‘World Church’.A New International Commentary on Vatican II by Massimo Faggiol Commonwealth
Q&A: Anthony Fauci Describes an Experimental Ebola Treatment'’ The monoclonal antibody, known as mAb114, is likely to be used in the current Ebola outbreak in DRC. by Shawna William The Scientist Link to Ebola
A family therapist reveals the worst effects of adult content on children by Mathilde De Robien Aleteia Link to Pornography Challenges
Illinois bishop decries ‘crisis of gun violence,’ asks for solutions by Crux/Catholic News Service
Why more U.S. Catholics should know about St. Alberto Hurtado, S.J. by David J. Inczauskis, S.J., America
The woman ideally placed to lead the fight against HIV/AIDS Oxfam International’s Director, Winifred Karagwa Byanyima, is the new head of the United Nations agency fighting the pandemic by Hugo Simon La Crtoix International Link to HIV/AIDS’
A Nun, a Doctor and a Lawyer — and Deep Regret Over the Nation’s Handling of Opioids In an Appalachian town, an unlikely group of activists recognized the early stages of the deadly drug epidemic, and fought in vain to stem its rise. by Barry Meier The New York Times Link to Substance Use/Addiction’
Health Care funds disabled dad’s assisted suicide by CathNews
Hiroshima and Transfiguration by Andrew Hamilton La Croix International Link to Nuclear Challenges
The science is in: Faith can be effective against adolescent depression by Jane Cooley Fruehwirth America
Addiction,Mental Illness and Trauma: How I Became an Addict by Guest Contributor America
States to Move Forward With Antitrust Probe of Big Tech Firms by John D. McKinnon and Brent Kendall The Wall Street Journal
Priest murdered in Mexico border town, becoming 27th to die in violence by Jose Martin Guzman Vega Aleteia
Puerto Rico: Police investigate death of Polish missionary by Independent Catholic News Link to Murdered Priests
Penalizing Poverty. The Anti-Catholic Roots of Trump’s Immigration Rules by Paul Moses Commonweal Link to Poverty
Level of trust after Christchurch mosque massacre by CathNews New Zealand
Mexican bishop says criminal groups ‘seeking an exit,’ urges dialogue by David Agren Crux Link to Gang Violence
Catholic Bishops Speak Out Against Racism and Hatred in Wake of El Paso Shooting by Ignatian Spirituality Network
In first-ever event, UN commemorates religious victims of violence by Angelus/ Catholic News Agency
No back to school fun for child laborers by Tony Magliano Catholic Sentinel
Lighting The Way: Lessons from the Puerto Rico Protests by Ángel Flores, SJ The Jesuit Post
My daughter’s alcoholism and recovery changed how I see the parable of the prodigal son by Valerie Schultz America
Is it time for the U.S. church to hold a regional synod to address the abuse crisis? by Russell Shaw— America/Catholic News Service Link to Clerical Sexual Violence Against Minors
Mass of Hope and Healing
As a survivor of childhood abuse by clergy, I want to share the attached letter from Bishop Ronald Hicks, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Chicago. I call this letter: Seeds of Hope. In the letter, Bishop Hicks reaches out to all priests within the Archdiocese of Chicago to invite them to participate in a Mass of Hope and Healing. This Liturgy is public outreach to all who have “suffered and continue to suffer from the evil and heartbreaking issue of sexual abuse.”
This past year, I have participated in local parish and school listening sessions. Perhaps many of you have as well. I consider these to be grace-filled moments where all attending can express the pain and on-going anguish so many feels surrounding the clergy abuse crisis. Many priests, staff, church leaders, abuse survivors, and so many concerned Catholics have attended. Personally, the listening sessions I have attended have filled me with hope for our future because there is so much energy, solidarity with victims of abuse and desire for a better church for all.
It is my belief, this 8th annual Mass of Hope and Healing, is a great opportunity to continue that solidarity and support for victims and our church overall. I appreciate the leadership within the Archdiocese of Chicago for 8 years of this sacred Liturgy, all planned and coordinated by victims/survivors of clergy abuse and their families. All are welcome.
On Saturday, October 19, 2019, the Archdiocese will celebrate our 8th Annual Mass for Hope and Healing. Since 2011, this Mass has brought together people from around our Archdiocese to pray for all who have suffered and continue to suffer from the evil and heartbreaking issue of sexual abuse. I encourage you to attend the Mass for Hope and Healing and/or to invite at least two parishioners from your parish to join you in the pews. It is a great witness to solidarity and our common priesthood through Baptism for clergy and laity to sit and worship together. In doing so, you show your support for your parishioners and all who will be present, including victims, survivors and their family members, others who have been victimized by a trusted adult, and the people of God in pain over the sins of the Church. The Mass for Hope and Healing takes place at 11 a.m. at Holy Family Church, 1080 West Roosevelt Road, Chicago, IL. Our main celebrant will be Father Larry Dowling, pastor of St. Agatha Catholic Church. If you have any questions regarding the Mass, please contact Thomas P. Tharayil, Director Office of Assistance Ministry, at 312.534.8267 or ttharayil@archchicago.org. I pray that you and members of your parish will make every effort to attend. Peace, Bishop Hick
Thank you – Mike Hoffman
Clergy abuse survivor
Author: Acts of Recovery.
Chair: Hope and Healing Committee
Board President, Prevent Child Abuse – Illinois.
Please support one of our organizations and people who need help
Please send a donation to help save the life of my close friend Alwin Rex in India. Please read the article How do we love our neighbor as ourselves? and send a donation of $10.00 or more to help cover his healthcare costs to Father Thomas Ayyaneth, Syro Malankara Catholic Eparchial Chancery,1500 DePaul Street, Elmont, New York 11003, the USA with a notation that the donation is for Alwin Rex. Father Thomas will process donations and send them to his pastor. Thank you Gordon Nary Editor, Profiles in Catholicism
When Children are Set Free by Father Shay Cullen Preda Foundation
Book Reviews/Commentaries
Jesus the Healer: St. Peregrine. OSM, the Helper by Father Christopher Krymski, O.S.M. Reviewed by Gordon Nary
Become What You Receive by John H. McKenna CM Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D.
The Voice of the Church at Prayer by Uwe Michael Lang Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D.
Investigating Vatican II: Its Theologians, Ecumenical Turn and Biblical Commitment by Fr. Jared Wicks. S.J. Reviewed by Michael Sean Winters National Catholic Review
African Catholic by Elizabeth A Foster, Reviewed by Fr John Buckley Independent Catholic News
Prayers of the Eucharist: Early and Reformed by R.C.D. Jasper and G.J Cuming Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Film Reviews/Commentaries
Salò Reviewed by Eve Tushnet America
TV Reviews/Commentaries
Perpetual Grace, Ltd Reviewed by Kate O'Hare Patheos
The Righteous Gemstone Reviewed by by Kate O'Hare Patheos
Music Reviews/Commentaries
Chance the Rapper’s “We Go High” Reviewed by David J. Inczauskis, S.J.The Jesuit Post
Feasting with the Saints
A Prayer for Those Who Have Suffered Abuse by the Clergy
God, in your providential love you comfort those who are wounded and afflicted.
Hear our prayers for those who have suffered abuse by those in their families or by those entrusted with their care.
In a special way, we pray for those who suffered abuse by clergy who betrayed a sacred trust and who were meant to stand for your loving presence in their lives.
May those who have been hurt find support and encouragement in communities of faith, hope, and love.
May they discover healing in genuinely loving and caring relationships.
May they reclaim hope for themselves.
May they be strengthened and confirmed in their resolve to set things aright.
May they rest in you who make all things work for the good. Amen
by Father Louis Cameli Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer to begin the school year
Good and Gracious God,
As we begin our school year we place ourselves in your presence in a special way
We are giving respect to our teachers
We are giving respect to each other
We are using our books to know about the world in which we live
We are using our Ipads to look at data with a different lens
We are using our time together to learn what others in the class know
we are using our imagination to create a world that is a little bit better, happier and holier
We are using our ability to be kind so that others may learn to be kind
We are using our ability to be generous in sharing our ability to assist others
We are making sure our world stays clean by straightening up our space
We are making sure our world stays safe by following rules laid out for us
We are asking you to keep all violence away from all parts of our school
We are praying for all those working in this school so that they will love you more
We are making sure we eat well so we can grow up strong and healthy
We are praying for our parents who pray with us at home and help us with our work
We are encouraging each other to do the best work we can
We are encouraging the teachers to teach us with energy and enthusiasm
We pray for those who are not having a good day or have friends who are sick
We pray for the good work of our principal and all who help that person
We ask you to keep all of us in your loving embrace, dear Lord
Submitted by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism